Out of His League: Book Two (...

Galing kay jsteph0214

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"It's always been you, Phoenix. You are the one who makes me the happiest. Just being in the same room as you... Higit pa

Character Introduction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five

Chapter Sixty-Six

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Galing kay jsteph0214


"Almost..have it," I slowly squatted down in the kitchen of our apartment to pick up a piece of pepperoni that fell on the ground. "Shit," My breathing grew heavier, failing miserably at snatching my fallen snack.

"What are you doing?" Vee walked in with an amused expression. "Here, let me get that."

I nodded gratefully. "Yeah, that's probably best because I was contemplating leaving it on the ground for one of the guys to find eventually."

She let out a laugh. "We should really get you one of those claw grabber toys."

"That would have been a good gift for Christmas," A small smile appeared on my face. "Only four months too late, though."

"Man, it's crazy how much your belly has grown. I remember how excited you were when your bump just started showing and now.."

My brow arched as I placed a hand at my hip. "Now it's so big that I haven't seen my own feet in weeks, and bending down is like a whole damn Olympic sport."

"True..true, butttttt it's so cute," Vee told me with a puffed out bottom lip, looking down at my ginormous belly.

"Vee, I'm like a helpless turtle that got stuck on its back and can't do anything," I explained while spreading hot sauce on a graham cracker, placing pepperoni on top.

Her face twisted in disgust. "And your cravings are the same as a raccoon...trash."

"Hey," I pointed my finger at her. "This shit is heavenly, and I will not let you slander it."

"Do these trash cravings suddenly go away after the baby is born, or will you be eating this weird abomination for life?" A hint of a smirk formed on her lips.

I took a big bite of my graham cracker, shrugging. "I don't know, but we will see in about a week."

"I can't believe you and Nix are going to be parents in a week. Holy shit."

"You can say that again. It still hasn't even sunk in all the way, but my OB said that for most, it kicks in the second you lay eyes on your baby," The corners of my lips curved up. "When I think about that moment, all the other fears that flood my head seem to vanish."

Vee tilted her head to the side. "It sounds fucking magical, honestly."

Tomorrow will be the start of week 37 in my pregnancy which is exactly one week from our scheduled c-section. When my OB first mentioned a surgical birth, it scared me, but she reminded me that I had gone through brain surgery, struggled through horrible seizures, and come out even stronger from all of that, so this would be a piece of cake. Due to my epilepsy, she urged us to stay on the more cautious route and decided on a c-section. It will be less stress on my body and will cut down the chance of triggering a seizure.

Nix and I talked for hours about it, ultimately agreeing with the advice of our doctor. The health of our little love is far more important than anything else, and we wanted to make sure we did what we could to bring the baby safely into this world. Aunt Ava had Mia and Lily through a c-section, so it was nice to hear her encouragement and support when I told our family the news. On April 23rd, we will be welcoming our first child together. Now that we have had it planned for a while, it's been nice knowing the exact date because we can be more prepared, counting down the days, minutes, and seconds until the best day of our lives.

In only a few days, our whole family is flying out to Florida to be there when he or she arrives. We decided not to find out the gender and keep it a surprise. It's been torture not knowing, but it's been a lot of fun trying to guess. Phoenix says he wants a boy so he could be the protector of the other several kids that he told me we were having. I don't know who is going to be popping out all those babies, but it for sure is not going to be me. There isn't one I want more than the other, to be honest. However, something about imagining Nixie holding a sweet baby girl in his arms makes my heart melt. But boy or girl, our baby is going to have him wrapped around their fingers. That man may act tough, yet he's got the most gentle soul. There isn't another person I would ever want to experience this time in my life with than Phoenix.

"Aw, come on, man!" Ryder shouted from down the hall.

"Now we have to start all over again," Nix's voice followed his in frustration.

Vee and I gave each other curious looks before making our way towards Phoenix and my bedroom. We stood at the doorway to find Sam sulking on the end of the bed as Ryder, Kole, and Nix were taking apart the new crib that just came in the mail today.

"How's it going in here?" I asked curiously.

Vee crossed her arms. "Did you guys have so much fun building it that you wanted to do it all over again?" She spoke with a chuckle.

Kole turned back, giving us an annoyed look. "No, we were halfway through until we realized someone was giving us shitty directions and forgot to mention we were supposed to drill the base in before anything else because there was no way to do it later on."

"It was in tiny ass fucking writing. How the hell is anyone supposed to read that?" Sam spoke up defensively.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted that he knew anything about cribs," Nix shook his head, searching for a part he needed.

Sam's forehead creased. "All I said was that I helped my cousin put together theirs a few years back!"

"Yeah, but when you told us you acted like you were Bob the fucking Builder," Ryder said.

Vee and I tried our hardest not to laugh, but with the drama kings in the room, it was impossible.

"Can we fix it?" Vee sang.

I grinned. "Yes, we can!"

The guys looked over at us like they had enough of our shenanigans for the day. Too bad they are stuck with us forever.

"You two are real funny," Sam flashed a sarcastic smile.

"Aw, don't let these dummies bully you," Vee walked over to him. "You'll be my Bob the Builder no matter what they say."

His mouth slowly curved into a smile. "What benefits are offered with that title?"

She let out a sweet laugh. "We can talk details later on."

"Oh yeah?" Sam put his arms around Vee's waist as she leaned down, kissing him softly.

"Yes, sir."

After we got home from fall break, Sam and Vee started acting weird around each other. I was worried for the longest time that maybe they had a falling out. Vee swore that nothing was wrong, but I knew something happened. Nix didn't think anything of it like a usual guy until I found them with their tongues down each other's throats in my own bathroom. I told her where to find the curling iron she wanted to borrow, Sam persisted on helping her find it, and then my curious ass went in search of them only to find the truth of why those two wanted nothing to do with each other a whole two months later. They didn't want to admit the fact that they actually wanted EVERYTHING to do with each other. I don't know why we find out who's dating who by walking in on their secret hook-ups, but I'm hoping that that was the last one I had to witness. My eyes can't take much more honestly.

"What do you think, Shortcake?" Nix's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Well, once we get it put together again. Do you think that's a good spot for it?"

I looked up at him with a soft smile. "Mhm, it will be a perfect fit right beside the changing table."

"It was meant to be," He gently kissed the top of my head, rubbing my back.

We moved our desks into the living area for the time being to make room for the baby's things. Phoenix and I went back and forth about moving into a house but decided to stay in the apartment at least until the end of the lease. That way, Ryder can move out at the same time. He planned to rent a house with Kole and Sam next year. For now, our apartment was the best place to be when the baby came. It will be a snug fit, but I know we will make some amazing memories as a family. I think Ryder is more excited about it than us. He even went and bought a bunch of outfits for both girls and boys just to cover all the bases. It will be nice having him around. Damn, I never thought I would say that.

"Hey, quit slacking on the job," Ryder yelled over at Nix. "Come over and build my nephew's bed."

I raise a brow. "Or niece."

"We'll see," My brother grinned.

By the time they were finished with the crib, it was nighttime. As a huge thank you, Vee helped me make dinner for everyone, relaxing the rest of the evening while watching a movie.

It was nearly midnight when everyone left for the night. I happily stripped down into nothing but a comfy pair of panties. This baby has me feeling like a furnace, so the less clothing, the better I feel.

"Mm, I have been thinking about you all day," I sprawled out under the sheets of our bed.

Nix smirked, throwing off his shirt. "Oh yeah?"

"I was talking to the bed," A guilty smile crossed my lips.

He let out a loud laugh, hopping in beside me. "Ah yes, my competition these days."

I rolled over, laying my head down on his chest as his heart beat against my ear. "Thank you for putting together everything. It turned out exactly how I imagined."

"You're welcome, baby," His arm snuggled me closer. "Almost a week now."

"Can't wait," I spoke softly.

Phoenix sat up a little more before reaching over to his bedstand, grabbing a book. "So, should we pick up where we left last night?"

I gave him a warm smile, nodding my head. "Yes."

He helped me prop up in a comfortable position with several pillows behind my back for support. Nix opened the book, resting his free hand on my belly. "Oh, this is a good one," He said with excitement, talking to our baby like he did every single night. "Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter."



A bright light shined in my face, waking me up. I slowly blinked as my eyes tried to adjust, and I saw Scarlett standing just outside the bathroom. "Babe?"

She held her stomach with a pained look on her face. "Nix...Oh god," She grabbed the doorway with both hands.

I flew out of bed riddled in worry. "What's wrong?"

"I think it's happening," She spoke through gritted teeth, letting out a long breath.

My brows furrowed. "What is?"

Scarlett gave me a death glare. "I'm about to have your fucking baby, Phoenix Zeller!"

"Y-y-you're having the baby? Right now?" I stumbled over my words in shock.

"Well, something is making my stomach feel like an alien is about to burst out of it at any moment, and I don't have many other ideas than that one," She said, sounding panicked.

I nodded several times, trying to get myself together. "Okay, alright, okay.."

"Nixie," Her voice was soft, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "I'm scared."

It was right then that I realized I had to step up and be there for Scar and our baby. They needed me now more than ever. "I'm right here, baby. You got this. Call the doctor, and I'll get everything together."

"Tell Ryder," She let out a painful yell. "Fuckkkk, and hurry!"

I flew out of the room and across the hall into Ryder's. "Ryder, man, wake the hell up!" He was knocked out cold before I took his shoulders and shook him. "Ryder," I shouted.

"What the" Ryder shot up out of bed. "What are you doing?"

"Scar is in labor," My words were filled with fear and anxiousness. "We have to get to the hospital."

His face turned into confusion. "But I thought the baby was coming on the 23rd?"

"I guess the baby had other plans in mind. Now would you get your ass out of bed? You're about to be a damn uncle."

His eyes widened as the realization finally sunk in his sleepy brain. "You're about to be a fucking dad!"

"And a dead one if I don't get Scar to the hospital," I told him in a panic.

"Right, right, what do you need me to do?"

Ryder sat with Scar, trying to give her support through contractions as I shoved anything we might need into a bag. I think he got on her nerves more than anything, but he was doing his best.

Within minutes we rushed to the car and sped as safely as I could to the hospital. Scar was put in a wheelchair before a nurse took us back, and Ryder stayed behind to call our families.

"Good morning, Scarlett. How are we doing?" Doctor Connor, Scar's OB, came into the room.

Scar shook her head, grimacing. "I've been better," She managed to get out.

"How often have your contractions been?"

"I don't know," She took a deep breath. "Like every 10 or 15 minutes," Her eyes found mine as I nodded.

"Yeah, about 10 minutes, but I stopped counting when we got here, so I'm not sure," My hand rubbed Scar's lower back as she sat on the bed.

Dr. Connor nodded in understanding. "Okay, that's fine. You did good, Phoenix. Now, Scar, dear, why don't you lay back so I can check your cervix."

I helped Scar gently lay back as I brushed the hair out her face, leaning down to kiss her. "Everything is going to be okay."

"I love you," She whispered with a shaky voice.

"I love you too, baby."

The doctor pulled away with a surprised face. "Well, it seems the little one couldn't wait much longer to meet mom and dad," She softly smiled. "You're about 5 cm dilated."

Scar swallowed nervously as a bead of sweat fell from her forehead. "Is the baby going to be okay? I wasn't supposed to go into labor. We had the c-section planned," Her voice cracked.

"Scarlett, sometimes things don't go as planned, and we just jump into plan b," Dr. Connor calmly spoke to her. "Nothing seems wrong or out of the norm, but we will be going ahead with an emergency c-section. That's for yours and baby's safety."

"Emergency?" I repeated in a worried tone.

"Just what we call an unplanned c-section," She explained. "Right now, our number one goal is to get you ready for surgery and to the delivery room as soon as we can, Scar."

Scarlett's nails dug into the hospital bed as she began to have another strong contraction.

The doctor looked at me. "Someone will be in shortly to give her an epidural, and I'll have a nurse bring you some scrubs to put on."

"Okay, thank you," I gave her an appreciative smile.

"Get ready to meet your baby," She stood up with a sweet expression. "I will see you soon, Scarlett. You got this, honey," Her words were a comfort to us both.

Dr. Connor left the room when Scar turned to me with misty eyes. "We're about to be parents."

I ran my thumb along her cheek, gently pulling her chin up to kiss her. "We're about to be parents."

It felt like hours until I walked beside Scar as nurses wheeled her bed into the operating room that was extremely bright with surgical tools organized on trays. I could see the fear in Scarlett's eyes as she took in everything. She was overwhelmed, laying there, unable to feel anything below her armpits. "Hey, Shortcake."

The second our eyes locked, her face relaxed. "Ryder told everyone, right? They know?"

"Yes, baby," I assured her, stroking her head. "Your parents and mine are trying to get the first flight over here. Vee, Sam, and Kole should already be in the waiting room with Ryder, I think too."

"They're here?" She asked with a little smile.

I slightly tilted my head. "Of course. There is nowhere else they would want to be other than here for you, Scar."

"For us...the three of us."

The corners of my lips curved up. "Yes."

Two nurses hung up a privacy sheet above Scar's chest as they kindly talked to her, trying to make her feel as comfortable as she could be up on the table. My heart nearly pounded right out of my chest with every passing minute. There was the love of my life about to have our child that we made together pulled out of her body. My god, this woman is the strongest person I have ever known, and I get to be here, witnessing the miracle of our baby being born.

Suddenly hot tears fell down my cheeks, coming to the realization that I get to start a family with my dream come true. Scarlett is the only thing I ever needed to be happy, but now she has added to my happiness...now, all I need is them.

"You ready, mama?" Dr. Connor placed a hand on Scar's arm.

Scarlett gave her a sweet smile. "I'm ready."

I stood beside Scar, holding her hand the entire time so she could see and feel me there with her. The next forty minutes was the most indescribable and nerve-wracking moment in my life. By the end, I was in absolute awe of Scarlett, falling even more in love with her than I thought possible.

"Come on, little one," Dr. Connor spoke softly. "There we go."

"Is the baby here? Why don't I hear crying?" Scar's voice trembled.

Then the sound only a parent would ever call beautiful echoed the room...our babies first cry.

Tears began to stream down my face as I listened, looking down at Scar, who could barely keep it together. She sobbed in relief and happiness just before I placed kisses on her face. "You did so good, baby. I'm so proud of you."

"Congratulations," Dr. Connor stood up, holding our baby in her arms. "It's a girl."

"Oh my god," Scar's lip quivered. "We have a little girl."

The doctor carefully walked over and placed her on Scarlett's chest. "She's beautiful."

"Just like her mom," I reached out my finger, touching the tiniest little hand. "Hi, baby," My voice was gentle. "I'm your dad."

Scar placed a soft kiss on top of her head. "And I'm your mama. Welcome to the world, my little love."

Love at first sight seemed more of a thing that happened in movies until the moment I saw our daughter. It was then that I believed that you could love something so damn much with only knowing them a few minutes.

"Are you happy, Nixie?" The most precious smile formed on her lips.

Just then, my baby girl grasped my finger. "Now and forever, Shortcake."

A nurse let us have a little longer before taking the baby's weight and measurements. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 17 1/2 inches. After they were done, they wrapped her in a small blanket and placed a little hat on her, letting me hold my baby for the first time.

Dr. Connor was making sure everything was good with Scarlett while closing the incision. She insisted that I go announce the good news to everyone waiting to hear from us in the waiting room. I didn't want to leave Scarlett's side, but she was anxious to let everyone know they were okay and our baby girl was here.

Reluctantly I left, leaving Scar with a kiss and my arms protectively holding the baby. One of the nurses walked with me down the hall, opening the door to the waiting room, where I saw our friends gathered around.

"Hey, guys," I said, choking up a little. They all stood up with smiles that reached ear to ear. Ryder was on a video call with everyone back at home, waiting to board a flight. "I'd like you to meet the newest member of the pack. Our baby girl, Angel Marie Zeller."


Thank you guys for being so patient and understanding as I have been working on finishing Out of His League. I ended up taking longer due to lengthy chapters so tomorrow I will be posting the Epilogue which will be the very last chapter of this book. Tomorrow Scar & Nix's story will come to and end but I'm so thankful you guys have been along for the ride.

Much love,
Jenna S. ❤️

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