High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

By LittleRed11204

78.6K 4K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Six

2.3K 137 218
By LittleRed11204

It's been two days since I've burned my hand and lashed out on Rosé. In my defense, I just had a better argument than her, so she should've expected it. My hand still hurts, but not as much and I think I can climb trees and finally build my roof. The morning was dewy and I wasn't too fond of it as everything has some morning mist on it. And this would be horrible for sticky air (a/n: humidity if you were wondering) and I really don't want to deal with it. I'll be baked alive before Lisa will get her ass over on this stupid island.

But one thing that I know happens when sticky air occurs is that a storm will be coming in the upcoming days. So I definitely need to do this roof so I can have some cover from the storm that will be coming soon.

I ate a fish before I got to work. I wrapped my bandanna overtop of the bandages so I could apply more pressure onto it. I grabbed some palm leaves and dried grass. I slowly climbed up the tree and laid them down on the stick grid I had already made before. Once the small section was good, I went down and got a bowl I had carved out of a big tree funk and filled it up with mud. I got back up to the roof and made sure to seal the thing so no water would be able to get through. I then had to just repeat this process over and over until the whole thing was done. It ended up taking about 3 hours to do the whole thing.

I had leftover mud and decided to build up my walls some more. They were now about a meter tall and had around half a meter between the bottom of the roof. But that meant I am going to be pretty well protected from the looming storm. I wiped away the sweat that had formed on my forehead and sat down in my shelter that I was very proud of. Since the walls didn't go all the way up to the roof, I can move my fire pit inside because there is ventilation.

I went outside my little shelter and moved my little fire pit inside, putting it right in the middle because I wanted to. I have my bed next to it against a wall and then miscellaneous things from the debris of the shipwreck I still have. I realized that I also need a door on this place and went back out to go into the jungle and cut some plants down to make a door. It will just be made out of some stronger plant stems, so nothing too crazy.

I was humming softly to myself as I was chopping some plants down when I heard some foliage moving around to my right. I turned and pointed my knife towards the sound. I'm currently regretting not taking my sword because I didn't think I would need it. I'm barely in the jungle, so I wasn't expecting a threat. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I waited in anticipation for whatever it was.

A bird flew right at me and then away.

I huffed out as it was just a damn bird being annoying. I recollected myself and continued getting plant stems for the door. After about 30 minutes, I had a decent amount and made my way back to my shelter. I just sat down outside and started weaving the stems kind of like a basket, except it will turn into a door.

A few bugs flew around me, making me slightly pissed off. I swatted them away and focused on the door. Then a sound caught my attention. It sounded like... music.

I looked up in the direction it was coming from and saw Rosé playing some sort of instrument she had made. I squinted to see what it was and it looked like a pan flute. I don't know how she made it because it honestly sounded really good. I also didn't know that she liked music a lot.

I've always loved music, especially violin. My favorite composer that I've heard before is Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber. I remember seeing a flyer saying that his compositions were going to be played at a nearby theater. I obviously didn't have money to buy a ticket, so I snuck in backstage and listened from up in the rafters. It sounded beautifully and I always catch myself humming that familiar song I heard that day.

I just smiled lightly to myself as I let the music being produced by Rosé's instrument glide over to me. It was a beautiful song and even though I didn't recognize it, I could still figure out the tune of it and what would most likely be played next. Time flew by and my door was finished. I attached it to the wall from the inside and tested it a few times to make sure that is was secure. It was and my little shelter was all done. I smiled proudly at my little... home.

It's my first ever home.

I never really expected to ever have a home of my own, but I just built myself one on a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

I figured that since I have my own home now, I should get a decent amount of food stashed away because you never know how long tropical storms are going to last. I grabbed my fishing rod and walked into the jungle to the fresh water river. No jaguars were around thankfully, so I fished in peace. I was able to catch 3 fish and I killed them, placing them in my pouch. I made my way back and put them on the fire so they would cook while I'm out getting a few more mangos and some more raspberries.

When I came back, the fish was cooked perfectly and I now had a lot of food stocked up for the upcoming storm. My guess is that it'll probably arrive late at night tomorrow, so I might be woken up by it. I was actually quite hungry since I barely ate today and had all of the three fish I had just cooked. I didn't really care because I can just go out tomorrow and catch some more before the storm.

I felt a little creative and wanted to carve another little something to put next to my tiny ship. I went outside to get a decent sized stick and glanced over to see what Rosé has been doing to prepare for the storm. And I was surprised she has done absolutely nothing. Her shelter still looked the same as before and it definitely cannot withstand a storm. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I found the perfect piece of wood. I snatched it up and happily walked back to my home and sat down, grabbing my knife and getting to carving.

I guess I was at it for awhile because I soon heard the crickets chirping and the moonlight shining through the little space I had between the wall and roof. My eyelids grew heavier and I placed my things to the side, laying down on my bed. My fire was just hot coals at this point, so I let it go and soon fell asleep in my first home.


This morning I woke up pretty late and I think I have my home to thank for that. No obnoxious sunlight and barely any bugs because of the fire from the previous night. I stretched a little and walked outside, happy that my door was working great.

I saw that Rosé was on her back passed out under the shade of a few trees. I laughed a little because a seagull was slowly approaching her seemingly lifeless body. The bird hopped up onto her stomach and she screamed out of fear, sitting right up and flailing her arms around. She didn't comprehend what had happened and just got up and ran towards the ocean for safety I guess.

She then looked over her shoulder and stopped running when she saw a seagull wandering around her shelter. I averted my eyes as she looked over to me and busied myself with grabbing my sword and fishing rod. I quickly then walked into the jungle to the river in order to get more food since I literally ate all the food I gathered yesterday.

The walk there was nice for once and I didn't hear anything around me. Now that I think about it, that may have been a bad thing, but whatever. I sat down on the rocks and cast my fishing line into the rushing river. I kept my attention on it and waited for a fish to pull on it. A few minutes passed by before a fish bit the bait and I quickly pulled it onto shore. I smiled as it was a good sized fish. I'd be able to preserve it by salting it and I nodded my head in satisfaction before putting the now dead fish aside, casting my line once more.

I was able to get three fish in total and I was more than happy with that. Since I ate a lot yesterday, I'm not hungry now and I now I can pace myself so I don't run out of food while the storm is in full force later. I then looked around and noticed some bananas that I apparently missed before. I got a few and put them in my pouch and headed back to my home. I saw a few small birds along the way that were singing beautiful songs, so I stopped and listened to them for a few minutes.

When I arrived back at my home, I went inside and put everything I gathered in a small barrel that I had from the debris. I then grabbed a pot I had made out of clay and walked down to the ocean to get salt water. I ran out of salt last night, so I need to boil the water to get more in order to preserve the fish. I was walking back with the pot on hand when a coconut was thrown my way. I stopped my advancement to my home and looked in the direction it came from.

There standing a few meters away was Rosé with a stoic expression. I was a little confused and then she just turned around and walked back to her shelter. I was debating about following her and asking what's wrong, but decided against it because we still haven't talked since the argument. So, I think it'll be best if I kept to myself and not talk to her for the rest of the time on this island.

I walked inside my home and got a fire going pretty quickly, placing the pot of salt water on top and waiting for it to boil. I went back to my tiny carving and realized that it was honestly almost done. I needed to add some more detail though, then it would be done. My little ship I made before was modeled off of my ship, and this one is modeled off another ship. I needed to finish up the bow and then it would be done.

I noticed that the water was boiling and I mixed it around and kept it on the flame in order for the water to disappear and leave the salt behind. I don't know why that happens, but I don't really care. I bet apple boy knows. I put the finishing touches on the little wooden ship and smiled proudly at my creation.

I peaked out of my home and saw that Rosé was not at her shelter. I quickly got up and went outside, surveying the area and making my way over to her shelter with the tiny wooden replica of her ship. I've seen it countless times in the open sea and at docks, so it was easy to recreate. I placed it on there tree stump that she uses a lot and then ran back to my home, closing the door behind me and stirring the water around again.

Time passed and all the water was gone from the pot and I took the pot and put it outside of my home for it to cool down a little faster. I mean, the sun was setting, so it was starting to get cooler. When I walked out with the pot and placed it on the sand next to my home, I felt a presence near me. I snapped my head around and saw a tearful Rosé holding the little wooden ship that I had made for her. My guess is she doesn't like it because she's literally cryi–

"Thank you." Time felt like it had stopped when those two simple words had fallen from her lips. I stared back at her and honestly didn't know what to do because in the what, 7 years we've known each other, I've never heard her say 'thank you' to me. To cover up the now awkward silence, I spoke up,

"Uh, yeah no problem Rosé." I gave her a small nod and then turned around to walk back into my home. That interaction was replaying in my mind until I heard the winds picking up and waves become more violent.

The storm was quickly approaching the island.

I brought everything that I had outside inside my home and then made a little thing with a stick, some rope, and a pot. I'd secure it to my home and have it sticking out a little to catch some fresh rain water. I double checked everything and then secured my door shut so winds wouldn't blow it off. I felt the air grow colder and then heard the faint sound of raindrops hitting my roof. I glanced outside and saw the rain coming down at a slower pace. I knew as the night went on though, it would pick up drastically.

I climbed onto my bed and took of my hat and boots, setting them next to my bed by my feet. I also took my coat off and used it as my blanket as I felt my eyelids flutter close and my body succumb to sleep.

"Y/n/n!" I smiled at the voice that called out to me and turned around to see her jogging towards me with a bright smile.

"Jisoo!" She came up and pecked my lips and booped my nose.

"How has your day been?" I kissed her cheek before responding,

"It's better now that you're here." She rolled her eyes at my cheesy line, but still blushed nonetheless.

"You and your words. When are you going to be off on the sea again?" She asked me as motioned to my ship. I thought to myself for a few moments,

"In a couple of days and I'll be gone for about a month." Jisoo's eyes grew sad and I frowned because I have to leave her for a month. I hugged her close to me and she tucked her head into my chest, sniffling slightly.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay Sooya. It'll go by so fast you won't even know I've been gone." I said as I held the back of her head. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes,

"Okay, promise you'll come back?" I smiled at her,

"When have I not come back?" That got a smile out of her,

"Your right, let's make the most out of these few days." She said with a devilish smirk as she caught my wrist and we ran down the alley to her home like nothing else in the world mattered.


This month on the open seas has flown by faster than I would've expected. My crew and I have successfully raided 4 ships and we are all ecstatic to sell everything for sole gold coins. I was looking at the map when a knock was heard on my captain's quarter door. I told them to come in and in walked Lisa,

"Hey y/n, we are scheduled to actually get back home 4 days earlier than originally expected. The waves have calmed down tremendously and the winds have been in favor with us." I nodded my head, happy to hear that information,

"That's great! We'll both get home to our girls." Lisa blushed a little and I smirked at her. She's been seeing a girl named Irene for a few months. They've been doing good together and I'm happy for them.

"Shut up." I laughed as she mumbled and walked out of my room. I smiled to myself because it'll be a surprise to Jisoo that I'm coming home early. I know we are both only 20, but I really do love her. We have been together for over two years and I wish we could get married. But we are obviously not the wealthy, so the most I can get her is a cheaper ring. Luck for her though is I found this ring on the last ship we raided and I think it'll be perfect for her.

I got a little seasick on the way back home, but was able to be back to normal within a reasonable amount of time. The crew was ready to get off the ship and back on some land. Hell, I was too.

I was out walking on the deck and I thought I saw the town over the horizon, but I'm not entirely sure. I grabbed my telescope and climbed up to the crows nest to see if I was correct. I looked through it and smiled as I was indeed right. I shouted down to the crew and they all cheered, but the sails down and going full speed ahead.

It still took about three hours to get to the docks, but we made it and quickly unloaded everything, dividing it up how we always did. My crew said their goodbyes as they went home and Lisa and I walked to her house. She has a home and I just crash there sometimes, so I don't actually have my own home.

We both crashed in her home for the night and then in the morning I went and traded in some goods I got from raiding into money. With some of that money, I bought a bouquet of flowers for Jisoo and I also had the ring in my pocket. I was a little nervous because I still wasn't sure if she would want to spend the rest of her life with me, but I think since she's put up with me for two years, she can do some more.

The walk over to her place was actually peaceful as I said hello to a few merchants and workers. I arrived at her home and walked in since it was just me. I was humming to myself and walked up the stairs, getting all giddy to see my girlfriend. I heard someone say her name and I guess it didn't occur to me that I could be interrupting her hanging out with a friend. Still, I walked into her room since the door was open,

"Jisoo!" I said happily as I entered the room, but that happiness quickly faded as I saw another woman in between her legs. I froze and our eyes met; tears already pooling in mine from so many emotions. My hands weakened and I dropped the flowers as I ran out the door, hot tears streaming down my face.

I heard her shouting after me and rushed footsteps from behind, but I ran out the door and quickly went down a side alley. Once I thought I lost her, I collapsed to the ground and cried, curling up into a ball. But of course, a pair of arms wrapped around me and when I opened my eyes to see who it was, Jisoo was holding me. I pushed her away from me and she looked heartbroken.

"Y/n/n," she whispered to me.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped back at her as I furiously wiped tears off of my face.

"It was a mistake–"

"How long?" I said, cutting her off. She averted her eyes from mine and I scoffed. I waited for the answer and after a little it came,

"6 months." My whole body didn't know how to function as I heard that answer. I looked her in the eyes, stood up, and turned on my heels, walking away from who I thought was my true love.

"I hope to never see you again!" I shouted behind me as I rounded the corner, leaving my past behind me now.

My eyes snapped open as I remembered that very day, that very moment. It was pitch black outside and the rain was coming down hard. I was half asleep, but my mind froze as I felt something on my stomach. I prayed to myself that it wasn't some stupid Wandering Spider or like a baby jaguar. I blinked my eyes a few times for them to adjust to the low light and I looked down, whispering as I realized what it was,


so that's why we don't wanna be called y/n/n. damn u jisoo! anyway, hope u liked this chapter and i'll see u in the next <3 YALL I GOT A B- ON MY AP CALC TEST AND IM HAPPY ABOUT THAT, ALSO GOT AN A+ ON AP PSYC SO HERES UR CHAPTER

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