Dark Passions

By merderland13

49.7K 1.5K 496

❀️‍πŸ”₯πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”žβ€οΈβ€πŸ”₯ This is an AU Mer/Der fic, in the style of historical bodice ripper romances. It's the very... More

70. Epilogue


524 16 4
By merderland13

The evening of the Spring Fete had finally arrived.

It was a beautiful spring evening, as the guests arrived at the luxurious townhouse of the Dowager Duchess of Gracewood. Carriage after carriage pulled up along the sweeping drive, the passengers emerging to gaze at the massive displays of roses lining the walkway, and along the stone steps leading to the front door. The warm evening air was redolent with the scent of the flowers, and everyone was abuzz with excitement as they walked inside. Even more swags of white roses and orchids were strung along banisters and doorways, delicate pink velvet ribbons accenting among the greenery.

As the butler announced each group of guests, they headed towards where Eleanor was holding court, flanked by Derek and Meredith on one side, and Kate and Alex on the other. The rest of the family had been unable to attend, but all sent their best wishes for the party.

Meredith felt as if she had stumbled into a fairy tale ball, it was all so wonderful. Footmen circulated with trays of wine and champagne, and delicacies if anyone was hungry. The glow of dozens of candles, and the massive chandelier overhead, shone warmly. Soft music, played by a string quartet, served as a background to all the chattering, laughing people that were there to see, and be seen by, the toast of current society.

There was going to be dancing later on, in the grand ballroom, and Eleanor had planned to announce before then that her daughter was getting married, and that her new daughter-in-law was indeed the Duke of Roxburghe's child. She smiled to herself, imagining the talk that little announcement would bring. She glanced approvingly at Meredith, who looked radiant that evening in her gown of lavender watered silk, which caught the light as she moved, and clung to her slender body perfectly. The corset beneath it helped her breasts to rise in warm curves at the low neckline, and emphasize the narrow waist. Her honey hair was piled high, except for one lone curl which trailed enticingly over her shoulder, and she wore the choker of amethysts that Eleanor had given her. It was clear to everyone that she was indeed fit to be a Duchess, and that Derek adored her - his eyes never strayed far from her, even as other guests drew him into conversations. He looked rakishly handsome that evening as well, in his dark jacket and trousers, with a charcoal waistcoat perfectly tailored to his lean torso. His dark hair was tousled just enough to give the impression of sinful temptations, and women cast envious glances at Meredith that she was the lucky one he had chosen as his bride.

Meredith's Dress:

Meredith's necklace:

Kate looked just as radiant, in a rich red gown, which set off her white skin, and dark hair. Her eyes sparkled happily, as she and Alex greeted guests, and chatted with friends, many of whom already knew of their betrothal.

Katie's dress:

There was a break in the arrival of guests, and Meredith took a moment to wonder if her father was arriving soon. Her father, she mused, how strange to think of that term now. He had been to visit with her two days ago, letting her know that he was more than willing to announce that she was his daughter.

"You look so very much like Ella..." he murmured, taking her hands in his strong grasp. "It is like going back in time. I regret so many things about that..."

"So, may I ask why you couldn't come forth and say anything sooner?" Meredith asked, still unsure of what to say, what to think.

"I was foolish, my dear," he sighed, shaking his head. "Ella was so sweet, and I loved her so, but I let my father pressure me into marriage with another. I didn't possess the fortitude that your husband has by marrying you, despite what anyone else may have thought of the match. And that includes his mother, from what I hear. And Eleanor is a formidable woman..."

"Indeed, she is," Meredith agreed, smiling a little, glancing at Derek seated beside her.

"I am old man now, and I have no patience any longer for those not willing to accept the truth. I want you to have your rightful place in the world. I know it is likely too late to make amends, but I do hope that you are willing to let me be part of your life," Lord John stated.

Meredith felt the quick sting of tears at his words. "I wish my mother was alive to hear you say that. She always led me to believe you were dead..."

"I suppose to her, I was," Lord John said sadly. "But my wife is now deceased as well, and my two other daughters...well...one is in the nunnery, and the other is determined to remain a spinster. Leaving me no heirs to my title, and lands. I would like to make sure that you and your son inherit what should be yours. I will be in touch with my barrister to make the arrangements. I just wanted to let you know beforehand..."

Meredith shook her head to bring her back to the present. He was a kind man, and she wanted to believe he was willing to make things right now. She just didn't know if she needed anything from him; so long as she had Derek's love, she was happy.

Derek caught her eye again, seeing the pensive look there, and he took her hand. "Are you all right, my love?" His voice was soft, as he leaned in closer to her, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Yes, of course, just thinking of my father..."

"He won't miss the festivities, I'm sure," Derek assured her, pulling her close and stealing a quick kiss on her lips. "Now, have I told you how ravishing you look this evening in that dress...?"

"Several times, and you did your best to get me out of it before we left the house...and on the way here..." she teased him, reaching up to adjust the cravat at his throat. Her hand strayed to his cheek, caught up in the love in his eyes, as always.

"You won't last long in it once we leave here, sweetheart," he murmured hotly. "In fact, I may have to spirit you outside later, and..."

"Derek...stop flirting with your own wife..." Marcus said, laughingly interrupting, as he and Izzie came up behind them. "Pay attention to the guests for awhile."

Derek's hand dropped to Meredith's waist, as they turned around guiltily. "But she's so much prettier than you, Marcus..." Derek laughed. "And much better company..." He raised his eyebrows suggestively, letting his hand stray down Meredith's hip before she swatted his arm playfully.

"Izzie!" Meredith exclaimed, turning to Izzie, and hugging her happily. "You look lovely - that gown is perfect." The coppery color gown set off her blond hair, and her warm brown eyes, and she wore a necklace of topaz stones set in gold. "Isn't this a wonderful evening - I am so glad that you and Marcus are here..."

Izzie's dress:

Izzie's necklace:

"It's simply amazing..." Izzie agreed. "And to think we're both here, like this, looking so fine, when last year at this time we were struggling to get by."

"I know. I still pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming," Meredith giggled. Kate came over to join them, and the three of them chatted happily for awhile. Then there was a commotion at the door, before the butler announced the arrival of Lady Addison Montgomery. Meredith groaned inwardly, somehow she had hoped that Addison might decide not to attend, but that would have been too much to ask for. She was dressed in emerald green again, having discarded the widow's clothing already, and her hair was up in its usual twist, emphasizing the feral look of her face, the sly green eyes sweeping the room. She was unescorted, her widowhood giving her the freedom to do as she pleased.

Addison's dress:

Satisfied that she had made her arrival noticed, she started to walk towards Eleanor. However, she was barely two steps into the room, when the arrival of the Lord John Seymour, Duke of Roxburghe, was announced, taking away any attention she may have had.

Lord John headed towards Meredith, Derek and Eleanor immediately, and swept by Addison without a glance, greeting the group of them before Addison could take another step. As it should be, Meredith thought with a small smile of satisfaction. Lord John bowed over Eleanor's hand, and kissed Meredith on the cheek, causing several observers to whisper amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, Addison stood silently, fuming to herself at the slight, before grabbing a glass of wine from a passing footman. She glared at Meredith, still annoyed over the scene at the dressmaker's shop, and annoyed at the obvious devotion that Derek still had for his wife. Addison shook her head, turning the other direction. Her heart felt constricted, as the jealousy gnawed at her yet again. It was useless, she couldn't let go of her desire for Derek. She wanted him, all of him - there had to be some way to get rid of Meredith...

Derek groaned inwardly, as Meredith's delectable body brushed against him, in the crush of the crowded room. They were circulating now, chatting with acquaintances, as they made their way around the room. He could see the lustful looks the other men were giving her, even though she seemed blissfully unaware of it. The spark of jealousy flared in his veins, along with the sharp desire of his own. His hand managed to stray lower on her hip again, and across her rump. She gave him a quick, startled look, her lips parted softly at his intimate touch.
"Meredith, we need to get out of here for a few minutes," he whispered hotly in her ear, as they moved away from the group of people they had been chatting with.

"Derek..." she murmured quietly, seeing the open desire in his eyes. "I do not think Eleanor would appreciate it if we disappeared..."

"She would appreciate it even less if I kissed you as I want to in front of everyone, either, vixen..." he told her, his voice rough.

Meredith sucked in her breath, letting him steer her out of the crowd, and towards the library. "There will be gossip..." she managed to say, as he shut the door behind them, enclosing them in the quiet dim room.

"I don't care." Then his arms were around her, and his mouth descended, claiming her lips possessively. She met his kiss eagerly, suddenly just as aroused as he obviously was - his cock pressing against her through the thin silk of her gown. His tongue danced with hers, as he pushed her back against the door. Then he trailed hot kisses down her throat, his hands moving along the bodice of her dress, letting his palm cover the exposed cleavage. "Damnation, darling, this dress is driving me to distraction....and obviously every other man in the place, judging by the way they were looking at you."

"Derek..." she began, but lost her train of thought when he dragged his mouth over curve of her exposed skin. "Ohhh...you are so bad..." she whispered, quivering at the onslaught of his tongue between her breasts.

"I can't help it with you..." he told her, giving her a devilish smile, before he kissed her hard again, his mouth tasting of brandy.

"We should stop.." she protested weakly, caught up in the rush of erotic desire that hummed between them.

"Do you really want to stop...?" he asked, catching her skirts in his hands and pulling them up carefully. He kissed the corner of her lip, his tongue teasing and light. "Do you...Meredith...?"

Meredith gave a soft sigh of surrender, as his fingers slid between her thighs, searching and fondling her soft skin until she writhed desperately. "No...never with you..." she confessed breathlessly, as she felt the wetness along her thighs, his fingers already slick with it along her pussy. Derek's breath was hot along her cheek, as he continued to caress her with one hand, while his other managed to undo his trousers quickly. It felt wickedly thrilling, as he parted her thighs with his leg, lifting her against him. His cock bumped against her, the throbbing head seeking entry, all hot hardness. Then he was inside of her in one quick glide, supporting her leg, as his hips flexed against her.

Their eyes met, in a look of lust and love, as she clung to him, their bodies locked together, sliding in a smooth rhythm. "This is so bad, Derek..." Meredith whispered, as he thrust a little harder, her body shuddering with each upward drive, as he possessed her completely. He gave her that sensual smile again, enjoying the look on her face, as she lost herself in the primal enjoyment of their joining.

"I could watch you like this all evening, vixen..." he muttered, before burying his face against her neck again, lips and teeth on her tender skin. "But we don't have that long, unfortunately..." And he thrust into her a little faster, a little more forcefully, feeling her start to climax around him. He smothered her soft cries of release with his mouth, as he gave way to his own. His body shook with the intensity of his climax, his groan mingling with her cries against her mouth.

For a long moment, they didn't move, their breathing suddenly loud in the quiet library. Derek kissed her more gently, supporting her tiny body, keeping her from falling to the floor. "Oh sweet lord, Meredith..."

Meredith rested her head against his chest, listening to the frantic beat of his heart, smiling to herself. "You rogue...you have likely crushed my gown into a mass of wrinkles..." she whispered

"Forgive me, my little love..." Derek said, letting her down slowly, his gaze sweeping over her. Seeing the flushed skin, her lips swollen, a telltale little bruise on the side of her throat, he couldn't help but want her all over again.

"I will need to slip upstairs and freshen up before your mother spots me," Meredith said ruefully, smoothing her skirt, hoping the gown would not be too hopelessly mussed.

"You do have that adorable look of being completely and utterly satisfied," Derek laughed, pulling her close again, his masculine pride evident in his voice that he had made her so thoroughly sated. He kissed her softly, lingering in the embrace.

"I am sure," she said dryly. "But that is not the look I want to project at the moment, my husband."

"Forgive me," he said again contritely. He took her hand and kissed her palm.

"It was just as much my fault," Meredith conceded, with a little smile. "Now, I have to go. I will meet you in the ballroom shortly." She reached up and straightened his cravat again, and made sure that the rest of his clothing was in place, finally smoothing his hair back from his forehead. "I love you..."

"I love you..." he replied, before she opened the door and peeked out. Then she slipped out quickly, and he followed, mingling back into the crowd.

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