Take Your Pitch (LOONA AU)

By ambee8899

50.6K 2.5K 1.5K

Twelve girls learn how to come together and form a team. Without even knowing each other, they decided to cre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47

Chapter 46

866 39 28
By ambee8899

By the next morning, the girls were already at the hospital. Haseul and Sooyoung picked them up as usual but decided to get breakfast before.

Heejin called Hunjoon to ask him what he wanted to eat and he said anything was fine. Sooyoung suggested they drive to McDonald's for breakfast.

Hunjoon sent Haseul some money saying that he'll pay for breakfast. They tried denying it but he said it was fine.

They went through the drive thru to take less time. Haseul pulled up first as Vivi, Heejin, Chaewon and Yerim were in the car.

Rolling down the window, someone speaks through the microphone "Hi how can I help you today?" Says a somewhat cheerful voice.

Heejin and Yerim were still looking at menu "Hi can we get nine sausage mcgriddles please?" Haseul asks the lady.

It was quiet for a few seconds "Uh okay, would you want the combo or not?" The lady asks sounding a little confused.

Haseul looks back at Vivi who nods "Yea please" She tells the lady.

"Alright your total will be $45.03 at the window" The lady tells the senior.

"Thank you!" Haseul says and moves up her car for Sooyoung to order. Jiwoo and Jungeun wanted some yogurt as well so the senior went into the drive thru.

Sooyoung pulls up and rolls down her window "You two want the yogurt parfait right?" She asks the two juniors.

They nod their heads and a voice comes out the microphone "Hi what can I get you for today?" The same lady asks sounding tired now.

The senior turns in her seat "Hi can I get two yogurt parfaits please?" She asks then turns around in her seat when Hyejoo taps her shoulder.

"Okay is that it?"

Hyejoo whispers to her what she wants "Uh no, can I get five bags of apple slices and five apple juice boxes?" Sooyoung asks jumping in her seat along with Hyejoo.

Jiwoo and Jungeun look at her in confusion. They were wondering why they ordered from the kids menu but decided not to ask.

The line went quiet "Uh okay sure. Would that be it?" The lady asks confusedly.

Sooyoung nods "Yup!"

"Alright your total is $15.72 at the window" The lady tells her.

"Thanks!" Sooyoung pulls up behind Haseul. Jungeun decides to ask the senior why she ordered kids food.

"Uh Sooyoung unnie, why did you order apple slices and apple juices?"

The senior turns to look at her "We always order that whenever we come by with Jinsoul, Yeojin and Hyunjin. We're bringing them some in case they're awake" She tells the blonde with a smile.

The juniors nod in acknowledgement and couldn't help but shake their heads at how child-like those girls are. They saw Haseul move away from the window as it was their turn to pay.

Sooyoung finishes paying and gets their food before driving off. The drive to the hospital took about five minutes since the McDonald's was close by.


Arriving to the hospital, Heejin texts Hunjoon that they just got here. They enter carrying the bags of food and head to the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Sooyoung turns to the girls with a smile that spells trouble.

"Hey, before the elevator stops everyone jump so it can feel like you're flying!" She says excitedly.

Jungeun sighs as Vivi groans and Chaewon laughs. They couldn't believe that the second oldest is an actual child inside of an eighteen year old girl.

"Bet!" Haseul yells with a wide smile.

Vivi and Jungeun look at her with furrowed eyebrows. Chaewon just shakes her head at them.

"Let's do it!"



"Okay Sooyoungie!"

Jiwoo, Hyejoo, Heejin and Yerim yelled in unison. They were all looking at the floor numbers as their floor was coming up.

"Ready?" Sooyoung asks them and they nod.

"No Sooyoung don't please!" Jungeun begs as she was holding onto the railing afraid that the elevator will get stuck.

Vivi sighs "Sooyoung I swear to fucking god if you break this elevator!" She yells at the senior and also holds onto the railing.

Ignoring the two, Sooyoung counts down as the girls get prepared to jump. Chaewon takes out her phone to record them and the two holding onto dear life.

"Ready....Go!" Sooyoung yells out to them.

The girls jump into the air and stay there for a few seconds as the elevator comes to a stop. Jungeun and Vivi screamed when they felt the elevator stop and they thought it broke down.

"Mother fuckers! Get me out of here!" Jungeun screams as she repeatedly presses the 'open doors' button.

The girls were laughing really hard as it felt cool to fly for a few seconds before gravity pulls them back. The elevator doors open up and Jungeun and Vivi bolt out of there.

"You guys are scaredy cats!" Sooyoung yells at from down the hall because the two ran out from the elevator to the rooms.

They laughed and arrived to Yeojin's room. Entering her room, they were met with a woke up Yeojin smiling at them.

"Hey unnies! Why does Vivi and Jungeun unnie look traumatized?" Yeojin asks the girls with a curious look.

Jiwoo snorts "We jumped before the elevator stopped and it shook but they're just a bunch of scaredy cats!" She sticks her tongue out at them as they do it as well.

Yeojin laughs "Aw, I wanted to do that too" She whines and Yerim smiles before going to sit beside her.

"Don't worry Jinie, you'll be able to walk in no time!" Yerim tells her and presses a small kiss on her forehead.

The youngest smiles brightly and sees Sooyoung scoot up "I got you apple slices and a juice box!" She told her as she pulled out the bag of apple slices and the juice box from the McDonald's bag.

Yeojin lights up and makes grabby hands towards them "Oooh give me please!" She says and grabs the items from Sooyoung.

Mr. and Mrs. Im had to go into work early so they weren't here. They had told Hunjoon to keep and eye on Yeojin while they're away.

As they talked to Yeojin, Hyejoo got an idea "Oh hold on" She says and walks out the room.

The girls were confused at her sudden departure. A few seconds later, Hyejoo reenters with a wheelchair and pushes it towards her.

She smiles and gestures to the wheelchair "I asked the nurse if we can move you around and she said yes but you have to sit in this" The freshman tells the youngest.

Yeojin stares at her for a second before smiling again "Thanks Joo unnie!" She says.

Hyejoo rolls her eyes "Yea yea now come on and let's go see the others. I'm hungry" She says and the youngest nods.

Yerim and Hyejoo help Yeojin out of the bed and onto the wheelchair carefully since she recently had surgery. The rest of the girls let Yerim wheel her out first then they follow them into the next room.

They enter and see Hunjoon sitting on a chair in between the two beds. Hyunjin and Jinsoul were still sound asleep. He looks up from his phone when hears the door open.

"Good morning girls. How's it going?" He greets them as they walk up to the beds.

They greet him and hand him his breakfast as he thanks them. Jungeun heads to Jinsoul's side while Heejin goes to Hyunjin's.

Everyone finds a seat in the room as they began eating their breakfast. Yeojin sat in her wheelchair and ate her apple slices happily as they socialized.

Groaning was heard as they turn to look at Hyunjin waking up. Her eyes squinted as the lights were brightly shining on her. They all got up and surrounded her bed with smiles.

"Hyunjin? Are you feeling alright?" Hunjoon questions his daughter.

The sophomore opens her eyes better and looks at everyone "Yea I'm good but where's Jinsoul unnie?" She asks with a frown not seeing the blue haired girl.

They move from her view to show Jinsoul asleep in the bed next to her. She looks at her and sighs feeling bad.

"What happened to her?" She asks and looks specifically at Jungeun.

The junior smiles sadly "Her jaw is broken but they fixed it. She does have a concussion like you but you'll both be okay. We're glad you woke up and now we wait for Soulie to wake up" She tells the younger.

Hyunjin smiles at her before turning around to look at Heejin "How long was I out?" She smiles at the older.

"Just since yesterday night, don't worry" Heejin tells her and holds her hand.

The sophomore sees Yeojin in her wheelchair and smiles "I see you can move around now" She chuckles a bit.

"Yup! Now I can't wait to get out of this place. There's nothing to do here but stay in bed" Yeojin complains and they laugh at her.

As Hunjoon was about to say something, mumbling can be heard from beside them. Turning around, they're met with Jinsoul lifting her head and looking at them.

"Jinsoul!" They all yell and surrounded her bed as well but kept a space in between them so Hyunjin can look over.

Jinsoul smiles slightly showing her dimples and looks up at Jungeun. The junior smiles at her and holds her hand.

"You feeling good buddy?" Sooyoung asks her same age friend.

The senior nods her head and tries to open her mouth slowly "Y-yea....I'm f-fine....s-sorry" She apologizes as it hurts to move her jaw to speak.

They shake their heads saying they understand and for her not to talk yet. Hyejoo comes up and hands Hyunjin her apple slices and juice box before giving Jinsoul hers.

"Wait, how is she going to eat?" Haseul asks them as they remember she can't move her jaw that much.

Hunjoon chuckles "I'll go get the doctor to check up on them and see if Jinsoul can eat" He tells the girls and heads out the room.

Hyunjin begins eating before asking "Wait, how'd you guys find us yesterday?" Her face wore a confused expression.

They step up and explain to her and Jinsoul about what they were going to do about Jinhyuk taking responsibility for his actions. They told them about Choi's nephew being a detective and helping them out.

Both Hyunjin and Jinsoul understand and were thankful for someone being able to help them against Jinhyuk. Hunjoon comes back in with Dr. Lee behind him.

Dr. Lee examined them and told them their injuries and how long they need to stay. He excused himself after and the girls were glad no one else ended up here and hope that nobody else has to.

The doctor had told Jinsoul to eat at a slower pace and to not talk for right now. Jungeun fed her the apple slices as Heejin did to Hyunjin also.

Finishing up, Jinsoul pulls out her phone to type a message since she can't speak yet. She shows the note to Jungeun before getting the other girls' attention.

They read the note and broke out into a bunch of protests. The girls tried reassuring her that its not her fault that they ended up here.

"Jinsoul its not your fault. We knew it was bound to happen whenever you ran away from Sooyoung" Haseul states.

Sooyoung rolls her eyes "I know I told you how you would probably end up getting in trouble but you didn't so its fine. We're just glad nothing too severe happened to you or Hyunjin. Or us two" She says and motions to her and Hyejoo.

Jinsoul nods and looks at Yeojin when she speaks up "It is no ones fault except for Jinhyuk's. I appreciate what you guys did for me but please don't blame yourself. I already feel bad that you guys are also here in the hospital with bruises and cuts all over your bodies. Yesterday, I blamed myself when I heard that you and Hyunjin unnie were in the emergency room. And when I saw Sooyoung and Hyejoo unnie's faces painted with bruises and cuts, I ultimately felt at fault because y'all fought Jinhyuk for what he did to me. But my mom told me that I shouldn't blame myself and she told me why. She said that this shows just how much we will do if one of us ever get hurt. She told me that's how a family works and that nothing can ever break us up" She finishes and looks up.

Yeojin was shocked to see the girls shedding tears. The girls were feeling ultimately touched by Yeojin's speech about them being a family.

"I'm sorry unnies, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Yeojin says as she felt herself panicking.

Haseul waved her off and sniffs a little "Its fine Yeo. We just feel touched from your speech. And your mom is right, we're a family" As she finished more tears came out and everyone started crying again.

Hunjoon also felt touched about how right Mrs. Im is. They are a family and he will make sure nothing will ever separate them in the future.

He looks at Hyunjin and smiles fondly. He's so proud of his daughter for everything she has done even if its something small. Hunjoon is just glad that Hyunjin has a family that will take care of her whenever he's gone and is grateful for them.

If only her mother was here to see how happy she is and that she found someone who can stay by her side forever. He is also grateful for Heejin and hopes they will hold onto each other.

The girls managed to stop crying a few minutes later once they hugged each other. They were grateful for each other and hoped it stayed that way.


The girls stayed there in the hospital with each other as Hyunjin told her dad that he can go back home to get some rest before coming back later with the guys.

Hunjoon left around noon and the girls were feeling hungry again. Jiwoo suggested that some of them go and get food for them to-go.

Sooyoung volunteers to go get food with Hyejoo and Jiwoo tagging along. They head out to get some pizza from a family pizzeria in the city.

Hyejoo had almost dropped the two boxes of pizza in her arms when tripped over her untied shoe laces. Sooyoung had busted out laughing so hard that she didn't even see a parked car in front of her and fell over the hood.

Hyejoo started laughing at her saying something about 'karma' as Jiwoo shook her head the both of them but also laughed a little. The drive back to the hospital was traumatizing for Hyejoo and Jiwoo as Sooyoung zoomed passed cars.

It was like she was racing again but no one wanted to race her. The senior drifted around corners and flew over the railroad tracks again as Jiwoo's head hit the roof of the car.

Hyejoo was strangling Sooyoung from behind the the seat. The senior tried to pry off her hands but Jiwoo screamed at to put both of her hands on the steering wheel.

Anyways, they arrived back at the hospital in no time. The girls questions them as to why Jiwoo and Hyejoo look traumatized and angry. They just yelled at Sooyoung to never race again but Jinsoul wrote down saying they'll race later on.

The girls just couldn't understand if the two seniors had any braincells at all from the crazy ideas they have and how dumb and childish they act. But they couldn't hate them either because they were all like that: A chaotic family.


It was around three in the afternoon when Hunjoon and the guys stopped by. Yeojin's parents weren't here yet due to them at work.

They entered the room with gifts as well for Hyunjin and Jinsoul. Hunjoon told them that they had a big announcement to make.

Gathering around, Hyunjin was confused with what the announcement was. She looks at her dad and raised an eyebrow.

"What's the big announcement about dad? You never mentioned anything today or yesterday at all" She asks him.

Hunjoon chuckles "Well I had forgotten about it because of everything that happened but Son reminded me if I had told you girls this" He says.

The girls wait in anticipation as they see their coaches have big smiles on their faces.

"Well on Sunday I got a call from the commissioner of the minor league of Korea. He told me that he watched you girls compete against Jinhyuk at baseball and was ultimately wowed by your girls' skills. He said that he was currently working on a project to start a women's minor league and asked me if you girls were interested in becoming the first team of the women's minor league" Hunjoon tells them with a proud smile.

The girls' jaw slacked as they heard what he said. They couldn't believe that someone from the big leagues were astonished of their skills.

They had doubted their baseball skills the day of the game because of how quick they needed to learn. But it was shocking to hear someone else comment on how well their skills are.

The girls looked around at each other trying to see if this was a whole prank. They looked towards the coaches and saw that they were smiling brightly at them.

"You're kidding right dad? Its not possible for the commissioner of the minors to call you and want us to play as a team!" Hyunjin was shocked as she questioned her dad.

Hunjoon nods "Yup he did and it is possible. He said that if you were interested to play that we would still be your coaches but we'll need more players and other staff. I explained partly on the situation we have going on and he said it was fine to take as much time we need to accept his proposal. If you girls do want to then we'll have to wait till the three of you heal" He says and points to the three injured girls.

They nod and try to use their braincells to actually understand what he said. Jinsoul even had to hold onto her head to make sure he heard him right.

"Its a great opportunity for you Hyunjin. You've always wanted to play in the big leagues since you were in little league and who knows, maybe the commissioner might make a women's major league" Jung tells the sophomore.

Hyunjin is still stunned that she couldn't even processed what he said. Heejin had to repeat it to her and her eyes widen even more.

After the girls had about five minutes to process everything Hunjoon had said, they make their decision and look at their coaches.

"So what do you say girls, are you interested in doing this after your situation is over?" Choi asks them one last time seeing that they have their answer in mind.

The girls let Hyunjin tell them their answer. The sophomore clears her throat and looks at Hunjoon in the eyes.

"Well dad, our answer is......."


A/N: oof the girls are awake! Damn Hunjoon dropped a bomb on them! A good one but let's see what they say :)

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