I only love you

By wannasuckmydick

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Third part to "loving you" and "learning to love you again" More

Main charecters


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By wannasuckmydick

Beyonce pov:

I woke up to my alarm going off and huffed.

I laid in the bed for a few seconds then the door opened "Hey baby"

I smacked my lips hearing his voice. I just wanted to sleep for a little while longer.

He walked over getting in the bed and smiled at me "I made you some breakfast" he said pecking my lips.

"Thank you" I smiled. "I got another way you can thank me" he smiled laying me back on the bed.

He opened my legs and came down kissing on my neck. He started sucking on what he thinks is my spot and I let out a fake moan.

He kissed all the way down to my private then started 'eating me out'.

I rolled my eyes in frustration not feeling anything. After he was done with that he lifted up and stuck it in.

I did a fake moan while he moved in and out of me groaning in pleasure.

"I'm about to cum" he groaned. "Unt un ! Not inside of me" I scrunched my face pushing him back.

He huffed "You fucked up my nut"

"Too bad" I said rolling  out the bed. I heard him calling for me but I just ignored him walking out.

I sighed looking around the upstairs living room that use to be filled with kids running around and writing on my walls.

And now.. It's just dry.

I walked down to the double doors that lead to me and nika room.

I never let usher come in here, and I never will.

I opened the door walking in smiling at the instant memories that filled my mind.

I miss her so much.

Onika pov:

"Poppa put your stuff on" I said opening his door.

"Can I go see mommy and blue ?" he asked looking up at me. "After practice baby boy i'll tell mercedes to take you, finish getting ready" I said.

"But you let fatmama skip dance to go with mommy last time" he said mugging me.

"She didn't have practice that day, now get ready and stop mugging me before we fight nigga" I said closing his door.

"Mommy !" I heard anastasia yell. I sighed walking to her room.

I opened the door to see her teary eyed "What's wrong mama ?" I asked walking up to her.

She pouted laying her head on my chest and I rubbed her back "what's wrong ?" I asked softly.

She pointed to her foot and I looked down to see her toe nail bleeding. "How did you do that ?" I asked picking her up.

She sniffed putting her face in my neck. A big ass baby.

"Dagga how did you hurt your foot ?" I asked walking to my room. "I don't knoww, I was walking and I felt it start hurting really bad I think I hit it" she said

I took her into my restroom and put some peroxide on her toe and a band-aid. When I was done she reached for me.

"Girl yo ass betta walk" I scrunched my face at her. "I can't mommy it hurts, you have to carry me" she said.

"Mmcht mannn" I huffed picking her up. "I ain't carrying around no big ass eight year old all day" I said.

"i'm not big" she mumbled laying her head on my shoulder. "You got dance today, you need to get ready" I said.

"mommyyyyy my foot hurtssss" she whined. "Well then you're staying with me and coming to all my boring meetings" I said.

"and i can get whatever i want" she mumbled "No muthafucka" I said putting her down on my bed.

"Yes muthafucka" she said.

"Alright girl imma whoop yo ass" I warned pointing at her. She giggled laying back on the bed.

"I miss chocolate" I heard her say while I started to get ready. "Call your uncle then, you wanna go with them ?" I asked.

"No I wanna stay with you all day but I want chocolate to come too" she said and I scoffed.


"But mommy-"No is my final answer" I cut her off.

"But you said I could get what I wanted since I got all A's" she said. "You can but if chocolate come then imma have to split it and you won't be able to get what all you want" I said.

That's a lie. I just ain't finna watch two kids.

"Mommy !" xion said busting in my room. I seen he had all his pads on and smacked my lips.

"Take them shoulder pads off until we get there" I said putting my attention back on finding some clothes.

"But mommy look" I heard him say and before I could turn around I was tackled to the ground hard.

I groaned in pain while xion laughed. "Shut yo ass up !" I said hitting him in the back of his head.

"Ouch !" he said holding his head. "Get out" I gritted pointing to the door.

"You know mommy sensitive xion" I heard anastasia say. "I'm not sensitive ! You know what both y'all get the hell out" I said pointing to the door.

"But-"I don't wanna hear it get y'all ass out before I put y'all up for adoption !" I cut anastasia off.

"I'm telling mommy you said that to us" xion said making me scoff.

"Fuck ya momma" I said flicking them off.

"I'm about to call her and tell her you said that" xion said walking out.

"Do it and you getting yo ass whooped !!"

Beyonce pov:

"Come on baba" I said looking back at blue.

She walked over here with her binky in her mouth and her bottle in her hand. She suddenly stopped and I watched her eyes change.

"Come on baby" I cooed waving her over.

She threw her bottle at me then ran off making me groan. I ran off chasing her all the way outside.

"Ivy you bet not go in that damn pool !" I said but she ignored me still running towards it.

I sped up catching her right as she was about to jump in. She looked up at me smiling from behind her binky.

"Give me this" I said taking her binky.

I walked back in the house and heard blue whimper. I looked down seeing her eyes changed darker and she reached up grabbing my face.

She leaned up starting to suck on my lip while I continued to walk. "Bye babe !" I heard usher say.

I couldn't say nothing back due to baby blue sucking on my lip so I just walked out knowing if I was to move her she would start crying.

I walked out to my car and put blue in her car seat. I put her binky in her mouth so she don't cry them went around to the front getting in.

While I was driving my phone started ringing. I looked down seeing my assistant aka mercedes was calling and answered.


"I hope you on the way to this meeting with all the labels"

"I am"

"Good.. But I need to tell you something about it"

"What ?"

"You know cash money label is coming too right ?"

"Yea I talked to wayne"

"And you know-

Blue started crying cutting her off. I looked back and sighed.

"Hold on lil baby" I said reaching back grabbing blue binky that she spit out.

"Here baby" I said trying to put it in her mouth. She kept crying not latching on making me huff.

I glanced at the road then looked back at her. "What's wrong baba ? You want milk ?" I asked grabbing her bottle.

I held it in front of her and she just cried louder "Mercedes imma call you back !" I said over blue loud cries.

"Girl this is important !" I heard her say but I was too focused on trying to get blue to calm down.

"I'll see you at the meeting !" I said hanging up.

I turned back to blue and reached fully back there unbuckling her glancing at the road to make sure I don't wreck.

When I got her fully unbuckled I grabbed her and her bottle bringing her up here in my lap. I cradled her in my lap putting the bottle in her mouth.

She finally started to calm down making me sigh in relief.

I drove to the building where the meeting at and got out. "Bey !" I heard and looked over to see mercedes running over.

"Hey lil baby" I smiled pecking her lips. "Hi" she smiled back.

"Is everybody here ?" I asked "Yup, you're late come on" she grabbed my hand.

We walked inside and she took me all the way to the meeting room. "Gone head" she said waving me in.

I walked in looking around. My face landed on a familiar face and my breath got caught in my throat.



Welcome, to the third part of this damn book

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