Steal My Heart (WAYHAUGHT)

By wrenlo

3.6K 231 6

Nicole moves into the apartment next door. Will her desire to possess beautiful things extend to Waverly? It... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

177 12 0
By wrenlo

Waverly had been ready since 10am. She had eaten breakfast, showered, touched up her nails, did her hair again. It was 10.30am. She settled down in front of the TV to watch another episode of her new favourite TV show on Netflix. Half way through an episode, the doorbell rang.

"Ready. Need to get to the Tate before lunchtime."

Nicole seemed in quite a hurry. They made their way to the station. Standing on the platform, Nicole seemed lost in thought. She was running through something in her head. Waverly felt like a spare part.

"Sorry, do you want me here?"

Nicole looked confused. "Oh God. Sorry. I get lost in my own world sometimes. Too many things to think about. Of course. Back in the room."

Her eyes scanned Waverly for the first time. The look told Waverly she had Nicole's full attention. The very 'loose' term for what Nicole did as a job was a distributor of beautiful things. Her real passion was collecting beautiful things and Waverly most definitely fell into that category. She knew not to get too involved with anyone in case they sniffed something was off with the work she did. One night stands, perfect. Casual flings, perfect. Anything longer, more intimate, not perfect.

She desperately wanted something more. A place to lay her hat. Trusting someone with her life, her less-than legitimate occupation would take a huge leap of faith on Nicole's part. And, the person she entrusted her life to. That line you say to someone: Hi, will you marry me...Oh, by the way, I'm a thief wanted on several continents.

Why did she steal? Simplest answer. Like father, like daughter. Her dad was in prison for almost getting away with the perfect jewel heist in Belgium. Nicole had learnt everything from him, but when he was arrested and sent to prison she had had to make a decision as to which way she wanted her life to go. She chose the way of her father.

She was bright. Had attended the best school and college her father's dubious money could buy, had excelled, but the thrill of getting away with something had seeped into her veins. That, and the glamour of stealing something there's only one of. When there's only one of something, it becomes priceless.

They entered the museum. Busy as ever with tourists looking at London. They made their way through the exhibitions. Nicole was more relaxed, but seemed to be scanning her environment at the same time.

She made small talk with Waverly, but her mind was working overtime:

Who is on the front desk?

Look who is serving you as you buy your entry ticket. This person could recognise you again.

How many visitors at lunchtime?

There are less visitors in the rooms as they go for lunch.

How many security guards?

The number doesn't matter. It's where they are and what they are doing. Having worked as a guard in a museum for one season, Nicole knew most guards weren't interested in the artwork. Their focus was on the visitors to the gallery. An item could go missing right under their nose and it could be several days before a guard noticed.

Are they sitting or patrolling?

Movement is critical. If sitting, they needed to be distracted. If patrolling, it would give Nicole time to do what she needed to do.

Are they on rotation for lunch?

Guards often change shifts around lunchtime. There's a 'golden' window when one guard shift ends and another is about to begin. Really useful if you wanted to steal something.

What are the floors made of?

Wood preferable. Concrete or marble second. Carpets a definite no. Nicole needed to hear anyone approaching. Carpets made footsteps silent. She needed noise.

Where are the security cameras positioned?

Security cameras didn't bother Nicole. Most museums had sub-standard security systems, despite the huge wealth that hung on their walls. Often the security system limped along, with fake cameras positioned over multi-million dollar works of art.

They walked through the exhibitions. Waverly was awestruck by Picasso. She had never seen his work in real life. When confronted, she spent ages gazing at his contribution to the world and it blew her mind. Nicole noted her reaction. This girl might just get me, she mused.

They made their way to Level 9, where the restaurant was located. Waverly ordered wine and a vegan salad. Nicole ordered the same.

"The man at your apartment. Is he your boyfriend?"

Nicole shot Waverly a look to say, don't ask me too much about my private life. Nicole put down her fork, pausing for a moment, deciding what she wanted Waverly to know.

"No. He's my business partner. He sources clients for the pieces I sell. He's pretty intense. I would have invited you in, but he likes to talk business and nothing else."

Waverly understood, but she still had no idea what relationship they had. Friend, friend with a lot of benefits, boyfriend, partner. Why should it matter to her? For some reason it did. She didn't need to 'work out' her next door neighbour. Except, she did. And, it unnerved her.

Waverly looked at the time. It was 2.45pm.

"Crap, I'm supposed to be meeting my sister at 3pm. She works near here. Do you want to join us?"

Nicole looked unsure for a moment. She liked Waverly's company. She could relax with her. Adding someone else into the mix. She was about to say no, but for some reason changed her mind.

"Sure. Can't stay long though. Got a few calls to make."

They waited outside The Swan, next to Shakespeare's Globe theatre. A rather flustered Wynonna approached, talking on her phone. She kissed Waverly on the cheek, smiling at Nicole who was standing behind. She finished her call.

"God, nearly had to cancel. Complete fuck up on one segment in the show."

"Wynonna, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is my sister Wynonna."

Wynonna held out her hand for Nicole to shake.

"You both have American names. That's really cute."

Wynonna looked at Nicole, not sure what she meant by cute.

"Oh, I can be very cute when I want to be!" winking at Nicole. "Our parents had a thing about America. Think they wanted to live there, but we three came along and stopped that idea. From your accent, looks like Waverly has a thing for America too," winking once more at Nicole.

Nicole didn't know how to take Wynonna. She was older, attractive, not her type. Too much raw energy for her taste. She liked her, but was wary. She sensed this woman would be too inquisitive, too demanding. Unlike Waverly, who seemed to go with the flow of life. And, who was the third child?

Nicole stayed for one drink, making her excuses as she finished her glass of wine. Waverly and Wynonna stayed for a few more. They hadn't seen each other for a few weeks and always had plenty to say when they caught up with each other.

Waverly entered her apartment shortly after 7pm, slightly tipsy. Throwing off her shoes, she changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Opening the door to the balcony, she could hear Nicole's voice talking to someone. Someone was on the balcony with her. She had her arms around Nicole's waist, laughing, looking into her eyes. She saw her move her head towards Nicole's. She saw the kiss. It was slow, sensuous, sexy. Waverly didn't want to look, but couldn't take her eyes off the pair. Nicole had her eyes closed, clearly enjoying the moment. When she opened them, she spotted Waverly standing in the doorway, staring. It didn't seem to bother her that she had been seen. She took the woman's hand leading her off the balcony, her eyes still on Waverly.

A look that suggested, you're my next conquest.

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