The Scars of a Loyal Traitor

By Roozle

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Sequel to Sauron's Daughter. Things have changed in Middle Earth since Elinor left 60 years ago. She didn't t... More

The Govennath
Departure From Valinor
The Hobbits
Faramir's Story
The Rising Dead
A Price to Pay
Guilt, Greif, and Loneliness
The Long Night
Turning the Tables
Council Of War
Rivendell Again
The Rivers Edge
Legolas's Return
Eomwill And Willem
The Other Me
Black Steel
Return of the Sheild Maiden
Family Feud
Four Occupied Cells
The Interrogation.
Valinor (Again)
Protector of Middle Earth
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
The Queen of Gondor
Before The Battle
The Battle Pt 1
The Battle Part Two
The Battle Part 3.

Tao Again

21 1 1
By Roozle

Hello! If you follow this story then your Inbox is probably blowing up right now. I had been writing ahead and now all I have to do is edit and publish. If you notice mistakes please comment, they're really embarrassing. (we won't mention my other books) Have a good morning, midday, afternoon, evening, and night and stay safe.

Also, I know that Tolkien never included a horse-drawn carriage in his works so I'm kinda bummed to have one in there but it's kinda essential to the story, and considering all the other made-up crap I've added this is kinda nothing. Still, Tolkien was a very original man and probably would have hated fan fiction, particularly all the Legolas romance and drama but here we stand. Different times= Different stories.

"Father! I need all the information on mind manipulation." Different me yelled.

"Why on Middle Earth Elinor?" Elrond said surprised. "Besides, you leave back to Mirkwood tomorrow. A queen should never stay far away from her people."Please! I need it!"
"There are some books in the library," Elrond told me, still confused.
"Thank you, Father!" I said running back cradling my baby in my stomach.
"That is dark magic, Elinor!' Elrond called.
" I've seen worse," I muttered softly under my breath.

 I found the books bound in old leather and the pages were thick and old. I read over the first page. It was covered in warnings and Illustrations of people hurting their friends. I swallowed a lump in my throat. Khamul was throwing me into a different world to keep me sad and malleable before I presented to my father. Or at least that was where I thought I was going. If I could find out how to break the connection then I could get away. I began reading the next page. 'Mind Manipulation has had few appearances in history but is very rare. The hallucinations are fueled by the poisonous fungus,
Dirteye, and have been altered with dark magic to create full manipulation in the brain. Little is known about how the hallucinations are controlled but once the manipulator is in control of the victim the only thing that can stop it is death.' A single tear trickled down my face. I needed to kill an immortal. I began to sob hysterically. I wanted to go home back to Valinor."
"Elinor! What's wrong?" A familiar voice said behind me. I spun around. Legolas was standing behind me. He was wearing royal robes and his hair wasn't even braided. "Why are you reading that?" He said picking up the book."Mind Manipulation! Elinor, what's going on?"
"Nothing you would understand." He grabbed my shoulders and my wound stung as he looked me in the eye."Tell me what's going on!"
"No!" I snapped pushing his arms away in easy self-defense.
"Where did you learn that?" He asked. "You're under mind Manipulation!" He realized.
"NO! Well, yes! Leave me alone!"
"I'm taking you to Lord Elrond. He can fix you." He said taking my arm
"NO!" I screamed. "He can't do anything about it!" Legolas pulled me away and I clung to the bookshelf. I summoned my gifts and to my surprise, they worked. I knocked Legolas over in a shock wave and he landed on his back red blood pooling from his scalp. I ran over to him and felt his pulse. His heart had stopped. I had killed him. I began to run but I was swallowed back up by shadows. In my shock, I grabbed onto a book in the swallowing mist.

I landed in a carriage that was black. The seats were black, the roof, and even the chains that strapped me to it were black. On the chair opposite me, my sword lay in its holster. I was on my own but the feeling of the ground moving beneath frightened me. I immediately knew I wasn't dreaming and I wondered if I had been when I spoke to Khamul in that dungeon. I was clutching something in my hand and I realized it was a book that I had grabbed before I left the world where I had killed Legolas. Restricted by my chains and my sore shoulder I opened it up and read the title: THE GREAT PROPHECIES OF OLD. I flicked through the pages. It was written thousands of years ago when elves first began to live in Middle Earth. The first prophecy I recognized. The Fall of Neumanor. I flicked to the back of the book. There was a prophecy that Eowyn would kill the Witch-King with the aid of his turn cloak bride. The last Prophecy was longer than the others and I read it slowly drinking in every word.

The Prophecy of the Scars of the Loyal Traitor.
When dawn doesn't come and all hope has faded, the -iel of Marion will lay down her weapon and will fall to the past. Her Otorno or seller will bring the dawn but only they can bring peace or chaos with them. Then the -iel will take her rightful place of her birthright.

I swallowed. Oronto and  Sellar. It was Quenya for brother and sister. Elladen. Elrohir. They had died, but Khamul had been there both times. Maybe they weren't dead. Maybe they were believed to be dead when they were actually captured so they couldn't partake in the war and the prophecy predicted. And I the -iel (Daughter) I was supposed to fall to the past. I already had. But then, I would take the rightful place of my birthright. I had little doubt that my birthright was with my mother but the prophecy seemed so twisted I felt a twinge of horror to think I could join Khamul. The carriage pulled to stop and the door was opened by an orc. He undid the chains tying me to the inside of the carriage but kept my hands and feet bound. I got up and went outside. I guessed that we were nearing the river to get to the Black Gate.
"Almost there." Khamul mused. "Another day. Sleep well?" I didn't answer but turned around to pat the horse pulling the carriage. Shock hit me.
"Tao?" I murmured stroking his mane his disbelief. Tao nickered to hear his name.
"How is he alive?"
"The Dark Lord has risen all the dark things," Khamul replied cooly.
"He's just a horse. He isn't evil!" I retaliated.
"Your father enchanted him to live longer than he should."
"And Melkor rose him," I murmured.
" If you ever rid me of this burden. Please, let me have my horse back." I told him. Khamul smiled and tossed me some bread. I examined it carefully before eating. To my surprise, it wasn't stale."This is fresh?" I asked him.
"Stole it from the King's Larder himself," Khamul replied.
"They're all dead aren't they," I said.
"Oh! Well, that is a tale to tell." Khamul said with genuine happiness. "They really made the mistake themselves. They let you in and cleaned your wounds. Without success, may I add. When you were sleeping I used your body to unlock the gates from the inside and kill the guards. After that, it was a matter of massacre really. Kill everyone in sleep, you should have seen the king's face when I woke him up to watch his son die." Khamul laughed fondly as I sat numbly on the ground."After that, you walked yourself through Edoras as a traitor, and killed your friend." I began sobbing uncontrollably and Khamul seemed to enjoy it.
"When joined them, you didn't realize the effect that it would have on you. All it took was a few words of that Elvish Scum and now you have a lifetime to pay for it. Enjoy."

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