Bertholdt x Reader x Reiner

By Enchanted_Squishy

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Chapter 1 - The First Move.
Chapter 2 - Apologize.
chapter 3 - second chance.
Chapter 4 - Count downs.
Chapter 5- sabotage.
chapter 6 - The wall.
chapter 7 - Catching up.
Chapter 8 - Female Titan.
Bertholdt x Reader x Reiner
chapter 10 - reveal

chapter 9 - Safe but Gone.

65 2 2
By Enchanted_Squishy

As I was walking towards the cafeteria I saw most of the guys around Bertholdt's room door. I walk towards it. His sleeping positions. They are laughing and making jokes.

"I bet it's going to be sunny out today" says Connie

"Maybe very dark at night" says Marco

"Quit it out" I say

Bertholdt wakes up. He looks at the foor in shock he quickly gets up embarrassed.

"Wh-what are you guys doing here?" Bertholdt asks

He looks embarrassed he can't do anything about his sleeping positions. Hes to tall. His bed is to small.

Everyone walks away in laughter. Reiner shows up.

"What's going on?" He asks

"They are making fun of his sleeping positions." I say "predicting the weather"

Reiner looked upset, honestly so am I. They should just leave him alone.

"well you guys can go on, I'll be there soon" Bertholdt says

"Alright then see you soon" I say

I walk to the cafeteria with Reiner.

"Why do you think he sleeps like that?" I ask

"Who knows" Reiner says "Why do you think Eren and the others are going to the inner wall?"

"I have a feeling it's about Annie." I say

"let's hope its not." he says.

Soon we made it to the cafeteria and sat down. We talked for a while then Bertholdt appeared. We ate together and finished. We all got moved to a diffrent building. Reiner and Bertholdt played chest and I rest my head down.

"I'll be back" Reiner says "I need a moment" He gets up and walks out

Bertholdt nods. I lift my head up a bit to see Bertholdt. He looks consecrated in thr game. I get closer he doesnt notice it. I look to the side facing him. I get my hand close to his.

I put my hand over his. He notices it. He looks down at me blushing. I look up at him and smile. He looks away flustered. I laugh a bit.

I move back and he looks at me. Reiner walks back in.

"Alright, who's turn is it?" Reienr asks

"Oh, its it's your turn" Bertholdt replies

A few minutes has passed by.

"I hear a sound" says sasha "like titans!"

"come on sasha, quit fooling around" Says Connie

"No I'm serious!" Sasha says

Nanaba landed by the window "We have to 9 titans heading this way" She says " We have to go now"

Everyone looks worried

"You have no time to put on your ODM gear. You must get on a horse now" Nanaba says

We all go outside and run to the horses. We got told what to do and Split up in groups. I went with Bertholdt and Reiner. We made it to Connie's home town. What happend here.

Is this Zekes work. Is Zeke here. did he turn these people into titans. Perhaps.

"Come on (y/n) we are heading out now" Says Bertholdt

I nod and Follow

It was getting dark quick so we turn on our torches. It got really dark quick. No stars or Moon. The clouds are covering them up. who knows how many titan could be around us.

We saw three lights ahead of us. It was Krista, Ymir and Nanaba. They where chatting about something. I wasnt really paying much attention. The clouds clear up theres light now.

"Is that an old castle?" Connie asks

"It is" Reiner responds

We all head to the castle to get rest so we go in and do. I head up stairs. I just want to rest this day has been crazy enough.

"Where did (y/n) go?" Asks Bertholdt

"Up stairs with Reiner" Says Krista

Bertholdt speed walks up stairs "okay thanks." He says

"Thanks Reiner, I'm glad I didnt get lost" I say "I'll be good on my own now."

"Alright then if you need someone or something call me over" Reiner says.

Bertholdt listens from outside the door.

Reiner walks out "Oh," He says as he shuts the door

"I just wanted to rest- so I came to the nearest room-" Bertholdt says

"Oh well..(y/n) is in the room." Reiner says "but the other rooms are taken by the other so. I guess we can share a room with (y/n) just dont be so loud"

Bertholdt nods and walks in

Reiner walks away  and Bertholdt shuts the door. Hes trying to be quiet but hes a giant hes loud but I dont mind I'm not asleep yet.

I sit up "Bertholdt?"

"oh (y/n)-  did I wake you?" He says ina panicking tone

"oh no, I didnt really sleep yet" I say

"oh i see" he says "I'll try not to disturb you"

"its alright, I'm not really tired anymore" I say

Bertholdt sits next to me "I heard theres no crack s or holes in the wall. so who knows how they got in the wall. I know I didnt do anything"

"I think Zeke is here" I say straight forward "I think Zeke turned connie village into titans"

"Zeke?" Bertholdt says "you think hes here?"

"did you not see see his beast titan with the other 9 titans?"  I ask

"No I didnt actually" says Bertholdt

"I think Reiner saw it I'm not sure" I say

-  t h e r e   w a s   a   l o n g   p a u s e  -

"Well if Zeke is here, now what do we do. They dont really have a pure titan here in the walls." I say "and if we go home with out s pure we're dead."

Bertholdt looks worried. I hug his arm. "we will find one," I say "I know it."

He looks like he calmed doen.

"Can we." he says "Can i..Kiss you again..?" He closes his first tight.

I think this took a lot out of him. That's adorable.I look at him and smile. "Of course we can"

his face lit up, It was adorable. He still is to tall I face to stand I front of him as hes sitting. I put one knee on the bed and my arms on his face.

We kiss. Hes smiling I look back at him smiling too. I kiss him again. After that second kiss I start to laugh. He looks confused.

"Aw man you're adorable." I say

"Huh!? Dont say things like that!" He was even more red.

I'm smiling so much my face hurts  "I don't think I can fall asleep now"

"Oh I'm sorry" He says

I move out his way but he pulls me back on him.

"Bertholdt?" I say blushing hard.

"I love you (y/n)" He says.

I look down at him. Hes serious. I dont know what to say. Why am I thinking about Reiner now.

He looks away and let's me go. Hes embarrassed "Im..sorry(y/n)
I dont know what came to me."

"No it's alright. I think we should..head down now." I say

I'm a bad person now. We had our moment and I killed it. I'm just not ready. We go down stairs.

"Oh hey I thought you two where resting" Says Krista

Bertholdt was quiet. All of a sudden a scout yells "Everyone up now!"

We all go up stairs quick to the very top outside. Titans. Why, why are they moving. Its night time. Is the moon that bright!?

The scouts go down to attack the titans. One of them tell us the door has been broken so Reiner and Bertholdt go down. I stayed up. A few minutes has passed by everyone is back inside I'm still outside. I wanna help the scouts. No. I don't actually. I'm not a scout. I head back inside. It looks like Reinr is hurt.

"What happend?" I ask

"A titan bit his arm," Responds Ymir "I helped out."

Krista is bandaging his arm. Reiner is looking at her in a soft way.

"Uh hey. Krista I also got hurt." Ymir says

Connie makes fun of her.

I stare at Krista. why am I so upset.

"Are you okay (y/n)? Bertholdt asks

I look up at Bertholdt  "oh. Yeah, I'm alright."

"that's good" he says.

We all head back up soon. I hate these people. They're changing Reiner. More titans appear The scouts go down again. But they all end up dying.

We are all in a panic

"What's that thing!?" Connie shouts

We all look over to the side. I knew it. The beast titan. Bertholdt and Reiner look in shock. The others are just confused.

Titans starts surrounding us quick. Bertholdt is about to gite his arm. I grab it. I look at him and shake my head.

"Ymir wait! no!" Yells Krista

Ymir jumps down and a flash of yellow. Shes a Jaw titan. The same one that she Ymir the goodest..? no she died a long time ago. What's her real name. She goes on a rampage killing titans.

Hange squad goes in helping Ymir the castel falls. titans everywhere. so may things are happening right how. But Ymir is a jaw titan. the jaw titan that ate him.

soon titans are gone ymir is asleep. Krista's real name is Historia. Scouts are gone. Zeke is also gone. They tell us to go back to grab our ODM gear.

we all head back inside the wall.


I'm in my room thinking about what happend..Ymir a titan. Bertholdt..Krista's name is Historia.. What she did to Reiner.

I hear a knock on the door I bed its Bertholdt. I walk towards the door and open it. "Reiner?" I say

"are you thinking about it too?" He says

"About Ymir?" I say

"Yeah." he says "Bertholdt.,told me about what happend."

"he..did..?" I say

he nods "I'm okay with it."

"to be honest. I was thinking about you.. I dont know why."

"You where?" He says

I nod. Reiner pulls me in "(y/n) you mean a lot to me I dont care if you like Bertholdt. As long as I'm your special someone.

"Reiner." I look up at him. From the corner of my eye I see Bertholdt looking down and walking towards us. I push away and Reiner looks confused.

"Anywyas it was nice talking to you " I say

"(y/n), Reiner" Bertholdt says "I have something important to say."

Hes serious about it. Is it about the relationship?

"Its about..Annie." He says "She got caught. Shes crystalized. Marco told me."

"Annie.." I say "We have to get her soon and make the 2nd move."

Marco was behind Bertholdt

"So what's the plan?" He says smiling

" Marco- you cant be with us. You just have to keep our secret that's it." I say "I dont want you to get hurt.."


Armin was listening the whole time. We didnt know about this.

We all stop talking about it and agree to just go back with the others. Armin runs away.

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