Monster House: Happy Hallowee...

By SlinkyDogg

32.7K 889 374

A small town neighborhood is home, to a living creature that means to harm anyone that comes onto itself lawn... More

It's Just A Creepy Looking House
Doorbell Ditch Mr. Nebbercracker's House
The New Girl
The Source Of Life
Under Arrest
In The Belly Of The Beast
The House Is Her
We're Free


2.7K 84 20
By SlinkyDogg

3rd Person P.O.V
Nebbercracker looks from his house to DJ. "She attacks anyone who comes near." Calmly he pats DJ on the shoulder. "Go. I-I'm coming, dear!" He walks toward his house slowly before turning toward DJ and speaks more firmly. "Go!"

"No, no, no! Wait!" DJ runs up to him. "I can't let you do this, Mr. Nebbercracker! I know you've been protecting us all these years! But now it's our turn to protect you! Let her go!" Nebbercracker turns around to look at his house, which is looking at him sadly before glaring at DJ.

"But if I let her go, I'll have no one." The old man said, sadly. "That's not true." DJ holds out his hand, and Nebbercracker takes it, causing Constance to get really angry. The tree to the house's left breaks free from the lawn and bends upwards like a hand. The tree on the right does the same. The house slams her 'hands' on the ground and roars furiously as DJ and Nebbercracker run away.

"Constance, NO!" Nebbercracker picks up the box of explosives, as he is pulled along by DJ. Constance struggles and pulls herself out of the ground and gives chase. "Come on!" Jenny said, as Nebbercracker throw the box of explosives aside.

"THE HOUSE IS ALIVE!" Chowder screamed, as the kids and old man run away from the monster house. Constance knocks down a streetlight, Nebbercracker yelps as they run. The house then knocks down two power lines, trapping the five of them.

DJ notices a gate just a few feet away. "This way, this way! Come on!" He runs to the gate and opens it. "You guys, come on!" He runs down the newly opened route as the house gets closer. (Name), Jenny, and Nebbercracker follow DJ as quickly as they can.

Chowder, on the other hand, tries to lock the gate as the house reaches it. Nebbercracker runs back to get Chowder. "What are you doing?!" He asked. "Trying to slow the house down!" The old man pushes Chowder along. "Move it, pork chop!"

The house continues her furious pursuit, destroying everything in her path. (Name), Chowder, and Jenny yelp and scream as the house keeps coming towards them. As (Name), Chowder, Jenny, and Nebbercracker run past a dumpster, DJ pushes it into the house's path, hoping that will stop her. Unfortunately, the house rips the dumpster to shreds..

DJ notices Nebbercracker is getting tired from running. "Come on, Mr. Nebbercracker! Come on!" Nebbercracker out of breath and obviously still very weak from his recent visit to the hospital, walks to a trash can to rest. "I can't." The house is just feet from them now. "Mr. Nebbercracker, hurry!" Nebbercracker pushes DJ's hand aside. "Go on! I'll be all right."

Understanding Nebbercracker needs to rest, DJ runs down the street as the house goes past Nebbercracker. The kids run down the street in the direction of the construction site as the house is right behind them.

Reaching the gate, DJ and (Name) jumps right over it, Chowder climbs over the right side, while Jenny turns around, lifts herself up onto the wall, and carefully spins herself around.

DJ turns around as Chowder rolls to the ground over the wall and the girls land safely on the sidewalk. "What are you waiting for? Come on!" The kids run across the street to the Mayville Towers sign as the house gets closer.

DJ and Chowder raise the planks that make up the fence, allowing (Name) and Jenny to crawl under it. Constance knocks down a tree and is just inches away as DJ crawls under the fence, and roars at Chowder as he turns to crawl under as well.

All of a sudden, a brick is thrown at the house, hits the roof, bounces off, and to the ground. The house, feeling the attack from behind, turns around to face Nebbercracker, who had just thrown the brick at her. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM THOSE CHILDREN, CONSTANCE!"

Enraged, Constance charges toward Nebbercracker and roars in his face. As he cowers, she calms down and holds back. "Constance." DJ watches from the safety of the fence. "Mr. Nebbercracker..."

Nebbercracker approaches the house. "Whoa, now. There, there, girl." He extends his hand to stroke the front steps. "Oh, my sweet. You've been a bad girl, haven't you? You've hurt people." Constance starts to feel ashamed of herself. "Oh, Constance. Oh, we've always known this day would come. Haven't we?" The house looks at him full of remorse.

"I-I have to make things right. I have to make things right." He reaches into his sling, and pulls out a dynamite along with two matches. The house, seeing the dynamite, growls and backs away from him. "Constance... I-I've always done what's best for you, haven't I? Haven't I, girl?" The house gives an affirmative growl. DJ turns to kid friends as he starts to sneak off. "Come on, let's move." Chowder yelps as they pull him away from the fence.

Nebbercracker holding a match in his hand, extends it to the front steps. "Oh, Constance." He lights the match on the front steps. The house gasps, realizing what he is about to do, as he holds the lit match inches away from the dynamite's fuse. "Let this be the right thing to do." Constance furiously grabs Nebbercracker, causing him to drop the match as he cowers.

Suddenly the excavator's horn blares, and its lights come on. The kids, behind the controls of the excavator, come crashing through the fence, knocking down the sign. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" DJ yelled. "YEAH! GET YOUR GRUBBY BRANCHES OFF THE OLD MAN!"

Chowder yells as he pulls the machine's lever, raising the backhoe and smashing it into the house. "TAKE THAT!" With another roar, he pushes the lever, destroying the left side of the porch with the backhoe. "AND THAT!" The house roars in pain and angrily throws Nebbercracker to the ground then turns her attention to the excavator.

DJ jumps out of the excavator to help him. "Mr. Nebbercracker!" Behind DJ, Chowder continues attacking the house with the excavator. DJ kneels down in front of Nebbercracker. "Oh, kid. Come here." He picks up the dynamite and two matches and holds them out to DJ. "Take this." DJ stands up, evidently shocked that Nebbercracker is giving him something extremely dangerous like dynamite. "What?"

"You have to help me, please. I know you can do it!" DJ, understanding that Nebbercracker is asking this of him because he's younger and much stronger, takes the dynamite and matches. "Go on! Go. Hurry!" DJ runs to the front of the house.

"How do you know to drive this thing?" Jenny asked, seemingly impressed by Chowder. "I don't." Chowder said, smashes the house with the backhoe once more. DJ looks up at the chimney. "The chimney. The chimney leads to the heart." He strikes one of the matches along the dynamite.

The aggravated house grabs the excavator and tilts it, causing (Name) to lose her balance and fall out. "(NAME)!" Chowder and Jenny screamed. (Name) shrieks as she falls into the empty lake and out of sight. Meanwhile, DJ has just lit the match. However, before he has a chance to light the dynamite, the house slams the ground right where he's standing, sending him flying.

DJ rolls and tumbles into the lake as well, right towards (Name) as she lays on her front. DJ lands right in the lakebed, though his legs land on (Name). "Ow." (Name) groans and coughs.

DJ realizing he's landed right on (Name), he gets his legs off her butt and gets to his feet. "(Name), are you all right?" He asked, helping her up. "This is the worse Halloween ever." She said, seeming tired.

"Oh." DJ grabs the dynamite and walkie-talkie, both of which he dropped upon landing in the lakebed, while (Name) continues coughing. (Name) sees the dynamite in DJ's hands as he glances from the dynamite to the nearby crane. "DJ! Are you nuts? You need to get rid of that thing!"

"I'm working on it." DJ glances up at the excavator, still dealing with the house, and points at the crane. "Chowder, I need you to get the house down under that crane!" Chowder looks over his shoulder at the crane. "You think you can do that?" DJ asked.

"Piece of cake." Chowder screams in fury and operates the levers, clamping onto the house's 'mouth' with the backhoe. "Come on!" Together, DJ and (Name) run for the crane. On the edge of the cliff, Chowder and Constance are still locked in battle.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST MESS WITH MY FRIENDS?!" The excavator starts to go over the edge, down the slope. Jenny looks over her shoulder, to see they are about to go down the slope. "Chowder!" She yelp, grabbing onto his arm.

(Name), hearing Chowder and Jenny scream, glances back at the house and excavator as she and DJ are running. "DJ, look." The excavator, still holding tightly on the house, which is gripping the slope firmly, goes over the edge, onto the slope. Suddenly, the excavator loses its hold on the house and goes rolling down the slope, with a screaming

The house follows, but begins to lose her balance. The excavator flies over the mounds of dirt and comes to a complete stop, as the house begins to fall apart. "Mommy!" Chowder whimpers. The house crumbles as it reaches the lakebed. "Chowder! Jenny! Come in, guys! Chowder, buddy?" DJ called on the walkin-talkie.

Chowder and Jenny emerge from the excavator, looking at the destroyed house. Chowder looks towards the crane. "Hey, guys. Look who just won. It's me, the screwup! Look at me. Look at Chowder. Oh, yeah. Whoo!"

"Way to go, Chowder, you did it!" DJ cheered as he and (Name) suddenly hugged each other. They then realized what they're doing and pulled and turn away, awkwardly. "Sorry." DJ told her.

"Guys, come on. Yay! Yes. Look at me." Chowder said, as all of a sudden, the broken wood starts to rebuild. "Uh... Chowder." Jenny said, getting him to stop celebrating, to see what's happening.

It no longer looks like a house, it looks like a giant gnarled and ragged version of the house made of broken wood, fractured glass, and twisted steel. The chimney is all that remains. "You can't do that. That's not fair!"

Chowder starts luring the house to the crane, as he caught with Constance with the excavator. "That's it, Chowder. Keep her coming." DJ said on the walkie-talkie as he and (Name) climb up the ladder of the crane. "YOU AIN'T NOTHING! YOU'RE A SHACK! YOU'RE AN OUTHOUSE!"

The mouth of the house, clamps down on the backhoe of the excavator, turning it over, before ripping it off, tossing its side. Constance then bites down on the excavator lifting it up into he air, causing Chowder and Jenny to fall out.

Chowder and Jenny stand up watch Constance eat the excavator. "Go!" Chowder told Jenny. "What?!" She asked. "Go! I got this! Just go!" Jenny ran away to find safety, while Chowder waves his arms in the air, getting Constance to follow him, once she was done with her snack. Chowder screams as he runs away from the monster.

At the top of the crane, DJ sees how high up they are, and how far out the crane arm is. He loses what courage he had left in him. "I can't." He said, turning to (Name), frighten. (Name) puts her hands on DJ's shoulders. "Yes, you can." She closes her eyes and kisses DJ, then smiles at him as he turns towards the crane arm again. "Go." DJ is stunned but delighted as he climbs onto the crane arm with (Name) right behind him. "I kissed a girl. I kissed a girl on the lips."

"GUYS! ANYTIME NOW!" Chowder yelled, before he stops to intimidate Constance by blowing a raspberry at her. He screams as Constance nearly chomps down on him. "Sorry." He told her as he continues to run. Chowder and Constance are getting closer to the crane.

"DJ, hurry." (Name) told him, as they climb further and further out on the crane arm. Chowder screams as the house snaps its teeth at the hem of his cape, eventually grabbing it and lifting Chowder off the ground. "I'M FLYING!"

On the top of the crane, DJ hands the dynamite and matched to (Name). "On the count of three, I want you to light the dynamite." He then climbs down onto the crane hook. "Okay, I got it." Down below, the house still has Chowder. Desperately, he unties his cape, falling to the ground. The house, not interested in the cape, gets rid of it and rounds on Chowder.

Chowder turns around and fearfully backs away from the house on his hands. "One!" (Name) frantically striking the match along the crane arm in order to light it. "Come on, come on, come on!" She is then able to get the match to light. "Two!"

"Yes!" She puts the lit match up to the dynamite's fuse, lighting it. "Thr..." DJ accidentally pushes a lever on the crane, causing it to lower quickly as he screams. "DJ!" As DJ swings on the crane, (Name) stands up, still holding the lit dynamite.

DJ swings upwards, lining himself up with (Name). "THREE!" (Name) throws the dynamite to him. DJ grabs it, and swings on the crane, narrowly avoiding the house's teeth, and grabs onto the crane's tower. Lining himself up with the house, he pushes off from the tower.

Constance tries to grab him, but misses. Swinging right above the chimney, DJ throws the dynamite into it. The dynamite falls down the chimney, into the flames of the furnace. Chowder quickly gets to his feet while turning around, and runs as fast as he can to get away from the house.

DJ swings down and grabs Chowder by the back, carrying him to safety. The house's mouth trembles weakly, then opens it wide. The dynamite explodes, producing a massive fireball, and sending bricks and pieces of wood flying in all directions.

Still swinging on the crane, DJ drops Chowder into a pit and jumps in after him. The boys simultaneously land in the pit and cover their heads as pieces of wood fly over them. Jenny ducks behind a shipping container to avoid the shockwave.

Watching from the crane arm high above, (Name) shields her eyes. The fireball produced by the dynamite's explosion illuminates the entire neighborhood, eventually becoming just a massive cloud of smoke.

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