It's Just A Creepy Looking House

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It's fall, and that means there is only one holiday that really matter during this season. Yep, it Halloween! Who cares about Thanksgiving? When you can dress up and get free candy, the month before. And the best part is, trick-or-treating with your best friends!

Hearing a knock at the door, brought me out of my Halloween thoughts. "(Name), can you get that?" My mother said from the kitchen. I made my way to the front door, opening up to see if my friends, Chowder.

"Rawww!" He roar, with a Halloween mask on, holding up one hand, while he holds a basketball under his other arm. "Hey, Chowder." I said, unfazed by the mask. "Aw come on, (Name). You can at least act a little scared." I laugh, crossing my arms confidently. "I never get scared."

I them looked at the ball under his arm. "Hey, is that a new basketball?" I asked. "Yep! I just bought it for 28 dollars." He said proudly, trying to show off by spinning the ball on one finger. But he quickly messed up, causing to fall towards me, which I caught.

"How did you save up that kind of cash?" I asked, now dribbling the ball. "Hard work pays the bills." He said, looking at his finger nails as he goes to lean on my house. "I told you, I can be reliable." He said, probably smirking under that stupid mask of his.

"Yeah, in your dreams." I said, toss the ball back to him. Chowder let out an oof as the ball hits him in the stomach. "Mom, me and Chowder are going to DJ's house." I said, looking back inside my house. "Okay, sweetie. Come home when the street lights come on."

Chowder and I then made our ways to our other friend's house, DJ. "How about, I save up and buy a the new gaming console? Will you date me then?" Chowder asked, as we walked on the sidewalk. "Chowder, you could save up enough money to buy a roller coaster and I still wouldn't date you."

"Why not? We've known each other since we were practically in diapers!" He said. "That's just it. Dating your best friend that you've known, since like... forever. It's just weird." I told him, Chowder let's out a sigh. "Yeah, I guess your right."

We reach DJ's house where Choweder ran on ahead yelling, only to bump right into Mr. Walter's car as it was backing out. "You okay, Dude?" I asked, staying out of the car's way. Chowder, puts his hand on the rear window. "I'm okay!"

Chowder gets up and we walk around to the driver's side window. "I'm fine." He said, right before Mr. Walters rolls down his window. "Sorry. It's hard to see with the mask on."

Mr. Walters, reaches out and pulls the mask off of Chowder's head. "Then why don't you keep it off, Chowder?" He then throws the mask aside and rolls up his window, and begins arguing with his wife.

"Chowder, (Name)." DJ said, to us. "Hi, DJ." Chowder said, as we greet our friend. "How's spying on creepy neighbor been going?" I asked him. "He took another tricycle." He told me. "Oooh spooky." I said. "I keep telling you, there's something wrong with that house!"

"And I keep telling you. It's just a creepy looking house." I said, flickering my finger at his forehead. "Ah!" DJ, frowns as he rubs his forehead. "I'm serious." He told me. "Yeah, yeah."

"Bye-bye, baby." Mrs. Walters said to DJ, before she looks at her husband. "Tell him you love him, dear." She told him, sparking another argument. "He knows that." He said. "Tell your son you love him." She told him. "I don't wanna tell him." He replied. "Just say I love you son." She said back. "He knows l love him." He argued. "He's your son."

Geez. How long will it be before they finally split up? Mrs. Walters rolls down the driver side window, upsetting her husband. "Why do I have to roll down the window? We're gonna be late!" He told her. "We both love you. That includes your Dad." Mr. Walters rolls the window back up, and drive over Chowder's mask as he back out of the driveway. "That's right."

Monster House: Happy Halloween (Female Reader Inserted)Where stories live. Discover now