In The Belly Of The Beast

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DJ, Chowder, Jenny, and I stand at the front door, whimpering and shaking, as we turn around to see the pieces of wood that make up the throat close and the carpet return to its original position. "We're dead. You've killed us, and now we're dead!" Chowder said, to DJ.

"Shh! I don't think the house knows that we're in here. I bet it thinks we're still in the car." DJ told him. "Listen. Sounds like it's sleeping." Jenny said, pointing her water gun upward. "Probably a bad time to ask this now but... Houses sleep?" I asked. "I guess so." Jenny replied.

DJ walks forward, a few steps. "The only way that we're gonna get out of here alive is if we find the heart, we put out the fire." He told us. "Maybe we should examine our other options?" Chowder suggested. DJ turning around, shining his flashlight in Chowder's face. "Sure. Other option, we wait here, and do nothing until it wakes up and eats us."

Chowder shield his eyes from the light. "Find the heart, put out the fire. Got it." We began searching the hall, where Chowder finds dynamite on a nearby table. "Explosives. That's so cool." DJ find binoculars that are pointed right at his house. "He was watching me."

I walked up to a wall, that had a number of picture frames hanging. Most notably, most of the photo were of a young Nebbercracker and a plus size woman. "DJ." I called, getting him to cover over to see what I found. "Did you ever see a wife?" I asked him. "People used to say he had one, but he fattened her up... and he ate her." He answered, making me sick to my stomach. "Ew." DJ looks closely at a photo of young Nebbercracker in the army. "Demolition squad."

We then hear something making us both jump, turning around only to see it's Chowder Messing with the dynamite. "Sorry." He said, we glared back at him. "Come on." DJ said, leading the way, and all four of us begin walking towards a door in the back of the hall. "Be quiet." Jenny told Chowder, who sprinted to catch up to us. "Don't worry, I have a very light step." Chowder then aims his light up at a chandelier. "There. Right there. Shoot it!"

We all squirt the chandelier filled with glowing orbs. As they did, the house groaned. The door flew open and a puddle of water spew up out of the hole-throat and out the door. Almost like the house just threw up. A light then shines down from the upstairs window, making us coward against the wall to stay out of it's line of sight.

Jenny and I glared at Chowder. "What? I thought if I shot the heart, that..." He try to explain. "That's not the heart." Jenny told him. "Does that look like a chimney to you?!" I asked, gesturing to the chandelier. "Then what is it?"

"Well, if those are the teeth and that's the tongue..... then that must be the uvula." Jenny explained, looking at the door, carpet, and chandelier in that order. "Oh. So it's a girl house." Chowder said, causing Jenny and I to snap our heads in his direction. "What? No. It stimulates the gag reflex. Everyone has a uvula." Jenny told him. "Not me."

"How about you open your mouth and I yank it out! Then you can say you don't have one." I said, causing DJ to grab my shoulder to calm me down. "(Name), stop!" The light shines back over towards us, making me freeze.

The house slowly returns to normal as the hole closed, eyes slipped it's shades down, and the carpet tongue goes back on the floor. We begin walking again, with DJ leading the way. "Okay. Let's move. We need to move quickly and quietly. Don't touch anything. And stay together.... Aah!" DJ fell down a hole. "DJ!" Jenny and I yelled. "DJ. I'll save you!" Chowder bump into us, knocking all of us down the hole.

We fell down to the basement that was fill wall to wall with toys, Nebbercracker stole from kids over the years. I stood up dusting myself off, before I help Jenny up. At that moment, Chowder scream and starts shooting us with his water gun. "Chowder, knock it off." Jenny said, trying to wipe the water off her shirt. "What's your problem, doofus?" I asked him, getting angry.

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