Hydro In The Mitchells Vs The...

بواسطة HydroDoesWhackyStuff

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Imagine Everything you wanted, but the realization of having done so only happens once you are brought back t... المزيد

Prologue: Intro
Chapter 1: I Got Sucked Onto A Portal
Chapter 2: A Journey Begins
Chapter 4: A Car Followed By Hydro
Chapter 5: Hydro Meets The Mitchells
Chapter 6: The family road trip
Chapter 6: Before The Invasion
Chapter 7: Dinoco Gas Station Raid/Robots
Chapter 8: Mall Rampants
Chapter 9: The Grave Digger's Eerie Night
Chapter 10: Hydro's Mind
Chapter 11: It's Getting Hotter Than Volcano
Chapter 12: Pal Labs Citadel Factory
Chapter 14: The Endgame Bash
Chapter 15: Take The Foes Down
Chapter 16: Face Them
Chapter 17: It's Gonna Blow!
Chapter 18: The Showdown
Chapter 19: The SFOTH
Chapter 20: The Harvesting Season
Chapter 20.1: D≡VASTATIØN
Chapter 20.2: muder_drones_unfound.avi
Chapter 20.3: Inside The Internet
Chapter 20.4: Oblivia
Chapter 21: The Final Battle

Epilogue: Goodbye Nostalgia

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بواسطة HydroDoesWhackyStuff

"I'm okay to have enemies, as long as it didn't make enemies intentionally but rather by just being myself. It's good for me to make some enemies, in fact, because having enemies teaches me that I can be happy and whole without needing everyone to like me...."

After saving the world, hydro reaches for his hand, his rival shows his eyes, he falls into the citadel and passes out, the conjoiners arrest Wallace for threatening Hydro, and the Family watches Hydro falls on the building. "Hey! Let me Go!" Wallace said. "Sorry sir but you are Arrested, you are the one who is using that phone," Combine 1 said. "NO NO NO, NO PLEASE DON'T" Wallace was in the car, and he is arrested.

The Mitchells ran over Hydro and Aaron once said "Are you, alright mate?", Aaron said. "No buddy, I don't think I am, looking like a kiddo," Hydro said, "Hydro can you believe that?! this is crazy! Fallen King, PAL Maxes, whatever that stuff is!" electroman shouts like a wild exciting animal. Marco was confused and said, "I am so confused, is this even real?" Marco said. "As always Marco, come on...we saved the world" Katie said. "Oh, I uh...hi" Marco was nervous. 

electro's feet was gone, they saw it.


Yeah, me too, weird

Even me

Me Also Dude

Welp, Here it goes

I think...

We're going home?

Yeah, me too.

Linda wants to talk Hydro something, even the entire family.

So...going home?

(everyone's right foot disappears) Yeah...Maybe it's time, Well I uhh, thanks for...teaming with me, It is great. We saved the world.

(everyone's right hand disappears)I think My mother will be dead about this, WE ARE LIKE, GONE FOR 1 DAY DUDE, THEY DIDN'T EVEN FOUND US

Jesus Lord I forgot...well, guess we'll get slapped by a belt then

So...The Multiverse...is real? everyone starts to disappear their parts of the body.

Yeah...except us, we just...live here.

Well, it is perfect of us that we just fought an enemy, but Hydro(everyone's left hand disappears), I didn't even expect he's good at swordfighting, even he's a kid, man I wish I will be like you some day.

Yep, I hope so...

Guys...Uh...I wanna tell you something


Well...thanks for helping me stopping that Furby, that's kinda large, I didn't see him how large he was.


(everyone's torso is gone, head left) Yep...I think this will be our last body to disappear, well, thanks, you made us help you.

You're welcome...

Welp, see you in the other day guys

Hydro waves his hand, it was everyone's last farewell, even everyone in the portal, their head is gone, and head back home. Is it the end?


CNET Reporter: -- ficial pet right for your family? But first, our top story: Senator Armstrong, who is controlled by Nanomachines, fighting with a 12 years old, swordfighter, seeing an Apocalypse Vs Apocalypse, Intense and Great. Thanks to the Red-Haired Guy, Hydro, The Mitchells, and their friends, when Senator Armstrong isn't fully controlled by Nanomachines, I agree, and thanks to them. This is amidst growing tensions within war between the country's civil and military leadership, with many in the government calling on the ISI military intelligence agency to be. This is reporting Live, and stay safe. Have a Nice Day.


A FEW MONTHS LATER. The same photo is on the cover of People Magazine in Katie's hands. "THE FAMILY THAT SAVED THE WORLD." and Hydro's picture was even there, yep, it says "Robot Survivalist". eh, what am I gonna say? "This is the photo you picked? Mom, we look horrible," Katie said, Linda is finally comfortable with this. She smiles.

"I like it. It looks like us...I Miss that Red-Haired guy..." Linda replied. A sweeping shot of her college campus. Kids are moving into the dorms. Carrying boxes, mattresses, lamps, etc. A huge smile crosses Katie's face. She's here.

Outside The College- Later

Katie's bags hit the ground. Cut wide to show Katie on one side of her bag and her family on the other side. An awkward gulf between them. Is this really the end?

"Well... I guess this is it..." Katie said, "Uh, yup..." Rick slowly replied. Katie's phone DINGS. She looks at it. "Hey, Dad. (LAUGHS) Did you subscribe to my YouTube channel? Thanks, I'm surprised you even figured out how. And...Is Hydro subscribing to my channel? because his name was HydroDoesWhackyStuff" Katie said. Everyone was gathering up and looking at Katie's phone.

"Hm, Interesting..." Rick was his it's interested, "Katie, please, after all that, I'ma computer expert." Rick replied, Flashbacks. A scene shot like a horror movie with Requiem For a Dreamlike score BLARING of Rick JUST trying to use the internet.

RICK: Am I doing this right?! Should I update my software?!

LINDA: Just hit enter! HIT ENTER!

Rick freaking out /sobbing on the floor/ Ricksmashing the keyboard as keys fly everywhere / Rick SCREAMS. Back outside the college. Rick looks TOTALLY calm.

"Y'know... no problem at all," Rick answered. "Thanks, it means a lot to me," Katie replied. Katie turns her attention to Aaron.

"Hey, don't let the world make you normal while I'm gone, ok?" Katie said In- Front of Aaron. Aaron reveals a shirt he's wearing with his own and a Robotic Dinosaur photoshopped Aaron rides.

"I never will!" Aaron replied. Katie's gonna remind Aaron and said "(LAUGHING) I'll call you every week." And they made a Deal. Raptor Bash. Rah!

Katie picks him up and spins him around. Aaron laughs. "(LAUGHING) Put me down." Aaron was happy. Katie kneels down in front of Monchi. "Goodbye, you king of kings," Katie said. She scratches Monchi behind the ears. POP! A Katie-Visioncrown appears on Monchi's head. Katie looks at Linda, who is silently crying. Katie wraps her arms around her.

"Thanks for being the best Mom in the world." Katie hugged Linda and wrapped her. Linda kisses Katie on the head. "We love you, honey! Oh, and here. To remember us- every horrible picture we've ever taken. Even Hydro was in there remember? We pictured to the Mall, Dino Stop, that Evening, well, Kinda worked out" Linda replied. Linda hands her an ENCYCLOPEDIA-SIZED pink homemade scrapbook. Katie almost buckles under its weight.

"(LAUGHS) Thanks. It's- it's heavy." Katie said Linda says "...I know."

Rick clears his throat. He doesn't know what to say. Rick looked back as he remembered That Kind of Furby was very destructive. Maybe he even said goodbye to Hydro. "Dad, what's wrong?" Katie responded. "Well, I uh...Wish we didn't have to go, but...uh, good luck... finding your people." Rick replied slowly. "Dad, c'mon- you guys are my people. So, you know... when I'm sad to be alone-- (PRESENTS MOOSE) I'll always have... my favorite thing." Katie said as she shows her Moose.

Rick sniffles as a single tear run down his face. He tries to wipe it away quickly- not used to these kinds of emotions. "Do you remember how a moose says I love you? (CRAZY MOOSE SOUNDS)UnnnnHHghhHHhhhHughhhhhh!!!!!" Katie makes a Moose sound. Rick laughs. The rest of the family joins in

"Don't laugh, you're supposed to be sad! Come here." Katie rushes up to HUG Rick. We see a close-up of Rick and Katie, eyes closed- fully content. Linda and Aaron look at each other with GLEE. Then join in the hug.

Someone is hugging. "Rick, who's hugging us?" Linda said. Whenever they are done hugging, there is just that one guy...who really came back.

"Hydro...?" Rick said. "W-W-Why did you come back here?" Linda stuttered. "Nah...I just came here for a Vacation, just wanna take a little break from my world, well. I don't think I can graduate because we're almost at the 4th quarter..." Hydro...deeply sighed. Rick looked at Hydro, he approached and puts his hands on his shoulders.

"Kid...look. You should avoid grade problems ahead of time if you become ill and have to miss class, or if you have a serious situation in your life that might impact your grades. You can sometimes avoid bad grades by simply communicating with your teacher. Like that." Rick said as he gave Hydro what to do.

"I don't know man..." Hydro looked back and covers up his mouth. "Kid...if you have low grades...well uh, just-j-j...just Don't panic. The first thing you must-do if you don't get the grades you need is to stay calm, which is of course much easier said than done. Consider appealing. Don't clam up. Consider a Plan B. Consider another route into work. Come on...you are visiting us right?" Rick said

"Yeah...Just wanna know that Katie almost died by entering the Furby's core" Hydro smiled. "Oh uh, that Furby was kinda big. We almost died but glad Rick woke us up." Katie replied. "I just wanna say, it's a good Adventure with you guys, and uh, sorry for leaving you in the Rhombus, I just kinda thought something from my dad when I did wrong. That's all" Hydro apologized In-front of the Mitchells.

"Hey, hey it's okay, you saved us back there hm? We flew in the sky, we crushed those enemies. But why Wallace would do this?" Linda asked and said. "Oh that guy in Half-Life, not a big deal, he's probably arrested" Hydro chuckled. Linda pats Hydro's head. "You just helped the entire Family...well, wanna come with us?" Linda asked Hydro.

"Shoot! I'm gonna be late!" Katie said. Katie puts the moose in her pocket. Rick smiles warmly. This is all he ever wanted. Rick takes one last look from the car- takes a deep breath and drives away. They smile at each other one last time. Aaron makes a face in the rearview. 

"Also...Hydro..." Katie answered. "Hm? what is it?" Hydro responded. "So...fist bump?" Katie said as he wanted Hydro to make a fist bump. Hydro looked at the fist. "Yeah...fist bump" Hydro puts his first in. "You are now officially my friend kid!" Rick approached Hydro and hugged him when they are already friends. Hydro and the others went into the car and got home.

Katie laughs at this watching her family go- she's not sad they're gone- she's happy they got to this point. Katie takes a deep breath. She walks into her school.


Katie stands outside her room talking to Jade and Hanna. "We're setting up the Slip n' Slide tomorrow. You in?" Jade said. "Aw yeah, definitely!" Katie replied, "So, about my story Uhm, it blew up and goes Viral, because that guy I recorded, he's kinda like Cowboy, he has frost Gun, Mask, Shades, and a Hat, yeah I kinda drew him," Jade said when her Instagram story blew up.

"That's pretty cool! I like your drawing" Katie said. "Hold on guys, I'm getting a call." Katie's laptop starts ringing. DIRK passes by. "Thanks for saving the world again, K-BONEZ!" Dirk said. "No problem, Dirk!" Katie replied back. Katie enters her dorm room. We see Linda's smiling face on the laptop.

"That's my Katie! Are you eating enough? How are classes? Are you and Jade official and will you be bringing her home with you for Thanksgiving?" Linda was fast as she talks. "(LAUGHS) Easy Mom, it's only been a few weeks. Also- do I look ok? I've been (pained) sick lately...." Katie's head appears to EXPLODE OFF her HEAD! Leaving a Sizzling NECK. It's insane! "OHMYGOSH! SHE'S DEAD! CALL 911!" Linda shouted. The head grows back. Katie laughs hard.

Hydro and electro covered their mouth as Linda's laptop and Hydro was at the back. Hydro slowly laughed, Hydro started laughing and either electro. "HAHAHAHAHA! D-DID YOU SEE THAT?" Hydro said when it's a Reference when Lightning McQueen said from Cars 2. Katie and Linda laughed too. "I've been taking a class about filters," Katie explains. "(Laughs) Oh, YOU. That is so creative. You know, speaking of which- you inspired your Dad..." Linda replied.

"I got on that YouTube. I sent you a friend request. Why didn't you accept it?" Rick said. "Wait YouTube has friend request GUIs or Updates?" Hydro said. "Cool I'm gonna Add Friend PewDiePie" electroman replied. "Maybe Pewds won't accept you just because you will talk too much on your message" Hydro laughed. "Okay okay you got me XD" electroman laughed. Every family laughed at Hydro's joke. Katie is confused, then she holds up a piece of actual email that says in scrawled-crazed handwriting: "BE MY FRIEND ONTHE INTERNET!!!"

"(LAUGHS) Oh THAT'S what this is. I thought a psychopath wrote this. Sure, I'll accept your friend request, Dad." Katie said. "Don't tell me Freddy Krueger wrote that" Hydro said, he knows all about Slasher movies like Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Freaky, Halloween. "Wait you know about Slasher movies?" Katie questioned. "Yeah, I know about them" Hydro replied. "Hey, where's Aaron?" Katie asked.

Linda gives a sly look. "Ah, let me just show you... " Linda carries the laptop into Aaron's room. Aaron is talking to Abbey under the bed. "Ok, Stegosaurus or Diplodocus?" Aaron asked, "Hey Aaron, wanna show your sister who you're talking to?" Linda appeared "What?! NO! I'm not doing anything! AHHHH!" Aaron runs and FULLY jumps THROUGH A closed window SHATTERING IT! He appears in the window. "Sorry, the force of habit," Aaron said.

Linda turns the laptop back to herself and Rick. The Dumb Robots are now in the frame. "Hello, slovenly girl!" Eric and Deborah said at the same time. "(LAUGHS) Hey, guys," Katie said. Eric holds up a box. "We received your care package for Aaron," Eric said. Rick takes the box and opens it. It's a tiny tuxedo and top hat! "Looks like we got some clothes here for little gentlemen..." Rick chuckled, Hydro even saw it coming. Aaron is OVERJOYED! He holds Monchi up in frame GLORIOUSLY!

"(GASPS) The prophecy has been filled!" Aaron said as he was Overjoyed, Katie makes a chef kiss. "Okay we'll add some glass to Monchi" Hydro puts the One Shaded glasses to Monchi as he was looking like a real gentleman. Katie laughs at this. Linda returns to the frame. "So guys, I guess we're receiving some sort of Congressional Medal of Honor or something. We have to go to Washington, DC. (Sly) Do you guys want to fly, or..." Linda said. "MAN I LIKE WASHINGTON DC! I DIDN'T GO THERE FOR YEARS!" electroman said. "Whoa calm down buddy Jesus" Hydro nods his head and chuckled. Katie smiles and shrugs like "you tell me."

The Mitchell car is back on the road! The family is finally together again- just where they should be... on the road together. Joyous music explodes as they drive off into their next adventure...Hydro smiled at the Window. "Hey, buddy? Wanna do Raptor Bash? Rah!" Katie said as she wanted Raptor bash. Aaron joins in.

"Come on now..." Katie was waiting and smiling. "Come on Hydro, do it!" electroman whispered. "Yep...Raptor Bash. Rah!" Hydro said as he made a Raptor bash together, it says. Friend.

The End. 




Oh my god...


That-- that's it?




Can you do another story?


About what?


Me being a cyborg :)


Sorry I can't bruh, my arm is injured


O h


Well that sucks.

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