By justarockstarbaby

32.5K 473 309

Sometimes some people aren't worth saving, wether it be someone you love dearly or someone in serious need, s... More

cast call
chapter one • the night we met
chapter two • summertime sadness
chapter three • are you bored yet?
chapter five • the less i know the better
chapter six • summer
chapter seven • meet me at our spot
chapter eight • fantasy
chapter nine • washing machine heart
chapter ten • hurts so good
chapter eleven • the heart wants what it wants
chapter twelve • can i call you tonight?

chapter four • My Kind Of Woman

2.5K 41 29
By justarockstarbaby

"So what's he like?" April queried whilst flicking through the clothing racks in their favourite thrift store, collecting as many oversized shirts and jumpers for the homeless they desired to provide for.

Scarlets stomach turned; she had only told her best friend about Rafe just now and for some reason felt nervous when doing so, there was so much she could tell the blonde about him but found very little words to use. "Well, he's really tall and dresses nicely"

An cold sweat was instantly at the brew within the brunettes body, beginning to feel her heart triple in pace as she did so little as just think about her new male friend. There was no explanation to why he evoked this certain effect upon Scarlet, he just simply did, and had since the moment they traded their first words.

But those few last moments they shared in the sand dunes replayed mercilessly in her mind over and over since that night, both laying down with their faces aligned, lips dangerously close as they enjoyed the gratifying silence- soaking in the euphoria of their high with one another.

That portentous moment was just as euphoric itself, in fact the high she felt by just feeling safe and content in his presence put up absolutely no competition with the cocaine, it excelled by a mile.

April stopped dead in her tracks and narrowed her eyes down on Scarlet with impatience, huffing out an irritate breath. "I asked what he was like, not what he looks like!"

She raked her mind for a sensible description, picking out the main highlights that stood out to her and censoring them slightly in awareness of their current surroundings. "He's quite cheeky but still has a way with his words, he feels dangerous but still radiates a safe energy at the same time. In a sense he reminds me of myself, like we get along insanely well that it's concerning but also extremely exciting. Do you know what I mean?"

"So he's basically Jekyll and Hyde?"

"He's not a murderer April, well, what I know of anyways" she chucked, wrapping the heap of clothing around her arm for its security before trailing towards the cashier.

Within a second the blonde was at her side and doing the same, dumping the mountain of thrifted clothes and blankets onto the counter in a messy pile of material. Scarlet eyed the items sceptically and began speculating wether or not she was purchasing enough, finding a homeless was near impossible on figure eight but the cut was scattered with them on every corner. Her thought process was interrupted by her best friends voice, pulling her out the trance her eyes had fallen captive to.

"So who is he anyway, does mystery man have a name?"

"Rafe Cameron" she answered simply, digging into the pile to catch a more in-depth glimpse of the items she were about to purchase.

The teen gasped, slightly frightening Scarlet from where she stood directly next to her. "Wait, what! Ward Cameron's son?" The pitch of April's voice had heightened with surprise, earning a confused glance from the brunette as she attempted to grasp how the blonde apparently knew his farther.

"Who the fuck is Ward Cameron?" As soon as the dumbfounded words passed her plump lips she was met with an expression of disbelief from April, making Scarlet feel slightly insecure with her lack of basic knowledge about whom lives in the same area as she did.

"They live in Tannyhill! I swear your farther has done like a millions business deals with him Scar, how do you not know who he is?"

The words had washed completely over Scarlets head, not one syllable ringing a bell within her mind to give any instinct that she knew who the apparent well known family were. "I just don't and how do you know who Rafe is?"

"They do like a dramatic entrance at midsummers like every year, they all walk in together as a family like some form of fucking kook royalty. I still don't know why you don't go anymore, it's always so fun"

A streak of pain surged through the brunettes chest at the memories of when she used to attend, her mother still living and breathing, clothed in the finest dress and jewels that looked almost dull in contrast to her wide, comforting smile. Her farther couldn't take his eyes off her all night, thriving off her vibrancy as she walked around and greeted whom ever they knew- yet those were just memories now, pointless yet treasurable memories.

"You know we don't go because it was my moms favourite, it just wouldn't be the same without her" she mumbled quietly, casting her eyes down to the ground and attempted to absorb all of her wilding emotions she were letting leak.

But she didn't want sympathy, no, that made the grief a whole lot worse on Scarlet's behalf. It had been eight years since her mother's passing and she found that it never got easier, she just learned to live with it- such like midsummers for example, Scarlet learned to live without that event because it was so influential to her deceased guardians life.

Yet April stood their with empathy withered into her expression, feeling the down cast in mood as the conversation converted with a rather jaundiced manner. "Well you could always attend with me to the next one, you know like my date"

Instantly her head was shaking to refer her response being a solid no, gaze still lingering on the caps of her converse with her arms crossed firmly across her chest. A stance she often fell into habit of when feeling discomfort in a situation she'd obliviously stumble head first into. "I couldn't leave my dad alone on that night April, we always spend it together and it wouldn't be right if I didn't. I'd feel guilty for attending"

It wasn't that she hated taking about her mother as such, because that was one of Scarlets many favourite things to do, for hours and hours she'd ramble on about what she was like, what she loved, her hobbies and interests, the relationship she and her farther had which Scarlet longed to have one day. But because it was only just now the female was coming to terms with the solemn fact she'd never see that comforting smile ever again, although sometimes she would in her dreams.

Her mother would be standing in front of her with that infamous beam she'd often sport, soon enough the brunette would try and reach out to her and feel her skin once more, to be crushed in one last final embrace, only for her whole being to vanish and disintegrate in mid air before the teens fingers could even graze the silhouette, leaving nothing but the ghost of her presence behind, as well as the tears that would soak up Scarlets pillow in memory.

April released an understanding sigh, nodding silently along with the sorrow words her best friend spoke, instead taking control of the conversation and guided it in a more light hearted direction. "Last year there was this huge scene because this handsome blonde kid from the cut broke in disguised as a waiter and caused a shit load of commotion. Then Ward's daughter got caught out for cheating on her boyfriend with the blonde dudes friend and ran away with him- it was like something out of a movie. I was loving it!"

The atmosphere had been lifted slightly by the information of events from the last party, Scarlet chuckling to herself as she viewed April getting passionate about the whole rumble that had taken place. A certain part of the story about Rafe's sister had caught her undivided attention, he'd spoken about her briefly on the night they had met but never spoke a word about such thing what April had waffled out.

Although she supposed she didn't blame him, why would you tell someone about your sisters love affair on the first time meeting them? It would have been quite the conversation starter for a self induction.

"Was it Wheezie? He told me about her"

The blonde hummed, plunging into deep thought as she began to trace her memory for the name Scarlet had given- concluding that she hadn't got the slightest clue. "No idea, she was like a golden blonde, maybe borderline dirty blonde with highlights. She was super hot though"

"And what was Rafe like? You know at midsummers?" She couldn't help but to be curious; wondering if he had taken a date or had a past lover which he hadn't chose to speak about.

"Well I didn't see him much but him and his friends were selling coke in the men's cubicles, Kenzie bought some off of him and said he had been high as a fucking kite himself"

That sounded about right, Scarlet thought, coming the sudden realisation that she had never spent time with Rafe without him inhaling the substance- it had became an occurring theme in which she hadn't clocked onto, yet she wasn't much better as she too participated.

"That will be forty seven dollars and fifty cents please" a sudden voice spoke out, the two females turning to finally acknowledge the awkward looking cashier whom sucked in both lips and drummed the counter impatiently with his fingertips- looking as if he had been waiting for the right moment to chip but instead stood unwillingly listening to the heart to heart they were having.

"Oh shit yeah, sorry" Scarlet muttered, grabbing a fifty dollar bill from her back pocket of her Jean shorts and placing it down on the counter. All she grasped in return was a curt nod of the head in thanks from the male, whom scurried quickly around in the register for their change. Holding a hand up to halt his actions, she smiled weakly and grasped the bags from the counter. "Don't worry about that, keep it or put it into the charity box"

As the two made their way out of the fairly large shop with multiple bags weighing down their stances and eye balling the other small business shops, Scarlet came to recognition that today was one of the best days to go out and find the homeless. Considering the weather was pleasant and the sun rays were out, eager to be absorbed in everyone's skin, that meant many of them would also be around and about and not scrambling to find shelter.

"Today would be the perfect day" the brunette grinned with glee, feeling a sense of happiness rush throughout the whole of her as she thought about the upcoming smiles she will eventually receive.

April went on as if she was about to speak, quickly sucking in her words as well as her cheeks as her eyes focused on something distinct in the distance. "Talk of the devil, huh"

Following her eye line to towards a small alley located onto the end of the street, Scarlet just about caught the flash of dirty blonde hair that bobbed behind a crowd, trying her hardest not to drop the bags that were quickly loosening on her now sweat lined fingertips. Turning in the opposite direction she immediately recognised the all too familiar Range Rover parked just behind them, the vehicle ignorantly trapping the two with no easy way out of the situation.

"Shit" she whispered, Inhaling a composing breath as she readied herself for the unexpected meeting that was bound to take place.

Turning back around with newly bread confidence, their eyes instantly locked within a second, even through the sea of people that walked ahead of Rafe that magnetic force that drew them together was too strong- blue and hazel melting together, creating a muddy green colour which ironically conveyed their recently unclear relationship.

Muddy, obscure, vague.

As his lanky form approached the two females, a devious grin that Scarlet had become accustomed to had twisted upon his pink lips- feeling herself flush with a surge of unexpected heat to the cheeks. Decorating them a dark crimson just in time for them to come face to face.

In a moment of pure panic, she quickly brushed through her untamed natural curls with the available fingers which were not gripping the bags, coughing awkwardly to clear her throat in rehearsal to maintain her self- assured facade.

She definitely hadn't dreamed of such event to take place today else she would have made an effort, looking down at her half assed outfit she worn solemnly to hunt the homeless. Barefaced and rosy cheeked, a messy, ferocious mane that blew in all directions with the humid breeze that contrasted the scotching hot sun.

"You know, when I asked if you were stalking me last time I meant it as a joke. But now? I'm slightly starting to believe my bluff Cameron"

The male allowed his throaty chuckle to escape through his parted lips, looking Scarlets form up and down to acknowledge her effortless yet alluring attire. His ocean hues paused for a second at her cleavage, quickly rebounding by connecting their gazes- he was raised better than that.

"Come on Angel, I would do no such thing. I had no idea we'd bump into each other it's just a mere coincidence"

April's brow cocked promptly at the pet name, looking between the two with scepticism and feeling slightly out of place. So she hummed to address herself, acknowledging the way his stare didn't budge away from her best friend in the slightest.

But the brunette caught it, turning quickly to disburse the tension which was quickly rising between them and motioned with a direct hand towards April's presence. "Rafe this is April, April this is Rafe"

Just then he turned to acknowledge the blonde, smiling with all too much enthusiasm in which made April feel slightly weary. "Nice to meet you" His hand stretched out in an attempt greeting, tilting his head slightly on the side with furrowed brows. "So are you the one who sole her away from me at the party with the phone call?"

"Yeah, I'm the friend who saves Scarlet when she gets stuck in situations with creepy men and can't riddle her way out of it" she shook his hand with a toying grin, mirroring his slanted tilt with her own.

"Ouch" he forged an infraction, eyes flickering back over to his new infatuation. "Do you seriously think I'm that creepy Scar?"

Scar, it startled the female hearing the nickname slip off his tongue like liquid silk. She liked it coming from him, disguised in his sensual voice as it took her aback slightly- but kept her unfazed mask stuck firmly in place.

Not only did it surprise Scarlet but April too, unaware that the two had become that close in the short amount of time they had known one another. There were a lot of things she was not in knowledge of it seems.

"Creepy, peculiar, same difference" she shrugged, taking her bottom lip between her teeth to smother the smirk that threatened to slip, watching the way Rafe traced her movement with a lustful glance that quickly made Scarlet quickly retreat her action.

A ringtone cut through the atmosphere and occurred from April's pocket, the blonde turning to take the call as the two left alone looked towards one another sceptically.

"Those look like some heavy bags" Rafe stated curtly, pointing to the overflowing bags that occupied both of Scarlets hands with thick curiosity. "What's inside, something for me?" He added quickly with a cheeky wink, earning Scarlets eyes to glide anti clockwise.

"Yes because if I was going to buy you a gift, I'd definitely purchase it from the thrift store" she smiled sarcastically, noticing the way his face scornfully screwed up in distaste at the mention of the shop.

It wasn't that Scarlet held anything particular against them because she also could find cute items in there when picking up the blankets and three dollar shirts, but because Rafe didn't look the type to browse in one hisself and figured it wasn't to his preference. She also found his reaction comical, confirming her suspicion on him never stepping foot inside a thrift store.

"Want me to grab one of those? They look like they're weighing you down a couple of feet, you're like borderline five ft now"

"I hate you" she cackled, a wide inevitable beam stretching over her features as she tried to shake it away whilst looking anywhere other than his shit eating grin. "But no thanks, I can carry my own bags. I am an independent woman you see Mr Cameron"

"I wouldn't doubt that you are, Ms Meadows" he sucked in his cheeks as he dwelled on the kicking feeling inside his mind, Rafe needed to find a way into asking her out again but they were loosing time by the minute- the clock was ticking but April was buying them considerate time by being on the phone.

"Sorry to interrupt what ever is happening over here but I need to go home, Kenzie wants me to babysit Jack because my dads home and she's getting ready to go out with her friends on a yacht. Said it's non negotiable" April air quoted with a strong roll of the eyes, huffing out an irritate breath. "We'll have to do it tomorrow or something Scar, I'm sorry"


"Do what exactly?" Rafe budged into the conversation, using this as a pawn in his newly developed plan.

"We were meant to go find the homeless today, hence the bags" Scarlet responded, holding up the bags and giving her friend a fabricated, understanding smile. She never really liked Kenzie, that same feeling reciprocated by April's sister towards herself. "It's okay, we can do it tomorrow"

"Why don't I just come with you? I have no plans and I'd love to rid that 'greedy' impression you have of me. Might do me some good to be nice for once" the male proposed, figuring this was his best bet to steal Scarlet and put his greed into better use by selfishly taking her and having her all to himself for the rest of the day.

Even if that included walking around the cut and feeding some hobos, it was worth it by having the pleasure of her presence.

"You sure that's gonna be your cup of tea sunshine? I don't want you hate-criming the lowest class as I try to help them"

"I can assure you I'll be extra pleasant, Scar"

Scar, there it goes again, still bearing those same butterfly's that appeared the first time he had said it- it sounded so effortless, comfortable, like they had knew one another for eternity as it sounded so perfect being sounded by his voice. Scarlet shuddered, just then being struck with realisation to what she was currently thinking, what the fuck was happening to her?

"Fine! But we have to go and sort out individual bags for each one we find. I can't lug these around all day" she looked down at the flimsy, plastic bags that were desperate to break any second, clothes already bulging out the tops and small holes that have been created from the weight.

All day, that sounded perfect to Rafe, sex to his ears, although they would be wasting that precious time by doing something that wasn't to his personal liking, he figured it was better than fucking nothing. They could do what he initially wanted some time else and hopefully very soon, he had a knack for getting what he wanted and he certainly had game when it came to Scarlet.

"Well I think I'll let y'all go then" April interrupted, again feeling out of place and like she was being a waste of awkward space between the two. "Call me later and let me know how it goes yeah?"

Watching her best friend trail away and past Rafe with an elongated nod, alert to the way the blonde shot him a pointed look before she had fully passed him by and disappeared into the distance amongst the congregation of people. Scarlet dramatically sighed, herself turning and beginning to pick up a pace in her walk towards his parked Range.

"You're lucky April drove and not me, else I would have never of agreed for you to accompany me"

Rafe drew a brusque brow, unlocking it sleekly and hands becoming pocketed in his trousers as he followed the brunette towards his vehicle. "I'm starting to believe you really do loathe me angel and it's hurting my feelings"

"You'll get over it sunshine" she tutted, motioning towards the passenger door in favour for the dirty blonde to open it for her. And he did, using his hand to gesture for the female to take a seat before he shut it carefully due to the bags she stuffed down into the footwell.

Scarlet took the few moments alone in the car to compose herself, screwing her eyes closed discretely and taking a few steadying breaths. She just hoped he would be kind to the homeless, or more so they be kind to him- seeing a well dressed, uptight rich boy may not tick them off in the right direction and things may get sour quite quickly. It was evident that Rafe wasn't one to hold his tongue, something she secretly liked about him although she'd never let him gain the knowledge of. Ever.

What was it with her having a thing for arrogant boys? Because they were exciting and dangerous probably, it was fine living in the moment but never ended up well in Scarlets favour. She just wished upon every star that this wouldn't follow in the path her later relationships had, but it was hard to tell in the present what kind of person he truly was and she hoped his soul was as pure as he portrayed it to be.

She earnestly didn't believe she had the energy left inside to deal with some other self righteous pricks bullshit, they'd have to be pretty special. And Scarlet often wondered if Rafe was just that.

The car door slammed shut, signalling that he was now also inside the car as she felt his presence and cologne fog up the car's aroma. It was sweet and masculine, vanilla with a hint of spice- definitely something she'd never had the pleasure of inhaling before but it quickly took place as her favourite fragrance she had ever smelled on a male. Something else she'd never dare tell him.

Scarlet had more self respect than that.

"So where are we off to princess? My house or yours?"

"Mine. My farther left for a business call last night and should be home later on tonight, until then my house is free"

Rafe kissed his teeth, head shaking from side to side with hoaxed disappointment as he buckled himself in. "Your house had been empty and you never cared to invite me over? I feel betrayed"

"Maybe if you made the move to ask for my number i would've, unless it hadn't crossed your mind that neither of us have each other's digits and bumping into one another was, as you quote, a coincidence"

"You're a hard headed lady I must say Meadows"

"Hard headed, becoming impatient, you choose" she focused her gaze upon him and found him looking straight back at her with astonishment, large tan hands cupping his jaw and bringing it slowly down to expose his smirk, she hoped that Rafe had taken to hint she was informing to get across with no subtlety.

But then again, it was hard to tell with men- she could pull up her cami and flash her breasts with the words 'ask me out' written all over them in red sharpie and they'd still only focus on the colour tone of her nipples or crease of her cleavage.

Yet something about the way his eyebrows raised with astound to her confidence told Scarlet otherwise about Rafe, like a thought inside his head had grew bigger to the mere comment she had made just now. Maybe the brunette should give him slightly more credit, something about him implied larger intelligence than most males she had ever acquainted her self with.

Rafe chewed on the inside of his cheeks as he thought about how to ask her what he had longed to do for awhile, now Scarlet had dropped the hint his ego had slightly increased in size and gave him all the assurance in which he needed.

Never did he ever feel nervous but the girl whom sat in the passenger seat of his car seemed to withdraw that effect from the deep depths of his soul, and he hated it, but also relished in the feeling of something new, something thrilling.

Usually only the cocaine would provide that adrenaline, yet Scarlet alone doubled the intoxication he would experience from a singular bump of the white substance. And she had since the first moment they interacted.

They'd be bad for each other, Rafe knew that clear as day, the kind of person he was would soon be exploited and be destined to destroy her purity- the voices he became too familiar with would remind him every single second on the day. He should do something about it before it became too late, but staying away from Scarlet was too complicated, impossible even.

Instead of acting on the truths that he quickly pushed back into the furthest corner of his mind, he lent over and instinctively turned on the radio in consideration of her previous request, taking one final look in the direction of her angelic side profile with hesitance.

He would ruin her but he wanted her, and that outweighed any doubt he held within.

Because Scarlet Meadows wasn't one to loose or push away, she was the type that drew you in and intoxicated you until you can't even remember your own name. She was exhilarating in all the best ways, her touch alone would send you into a state of pure ecstasy and Rafe would rather kill another person before they dare attempt to take her away from him.

He'd do it all again if it meant he could have Scarlet's presence for eternity. The bloodshed, the relentless thoughts he just barely battled everyday, everything he would repeat within a heart beat.

No other male would ever have the opportunity to be with her again, she was plainly just too good for anyone within this world, even himself but Rafe didn't lack the common sense to not let this opportunity slip through his fingers like butter. No, cause each torturing day that would drag on by he had become obsessed with every single thing about her.

And if another man believe's they could do so much as touch her, he'd kill them without a second thought.

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