Life of Youth: Series 1

By WPSeries

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[LGBTQ+ Teen Drama] CL Valmont moves to Miami in the middle of his junior year of high school. With the help... More

1.1 - Life of Youth (Part 1)
1.2 - Life of Youth (Part 2)
1.3 - The Chatroom Days Are Over
1.4 - I'm a Loner, a Rebel
1.5 - Fish Sticks Kind of Day
1.6 - Trick or Treat
1.7 - Official Official
1.8 - Spying Remorse
1.9 - Feast on This
1.10 - The Scare
1.11 - Christmas
1.12 - When Life Goes BANG
1.13 - Aftermath
1.14 - No Place Like Home
1.15 - Prom Night
1.17 - Up On Melancholy Hills
1.18 - School's Out for Summer!

1.16 - Poor Little Rich Boy

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By WPSeries

"You can't keep missing gigs," Elis's mother Angela said to him sternly as they walked down the hall of their home. Elis kept walking, not bothering to stop to talk to his mom. It had been a long day at school and all he wanted was to lie in his bed and sleep.

"I told you I couldn't miss school today," Elis groaned.

"But this gig was paying over 10 grand!" Angela exclaimed. "School could have waited!"

"No, it couldn't," Elis finally stopped by his bedroom's door and turned to face his mom. "School is ending in two weeks and I really need to do well in these classes."

"I thought you were doing fine," Angela frowned. "Elis you need to keep your grades up!"

"Uh, duh!" Elis shook his head. "It's why I need to hold off on these modeling jobs and focus on passing so I'm not held back."

Angela looked down to check her phone, "With the demand as it is to book you I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even need a high school diploma. Soon enough you'll be famous enough you'll be able to buy that dumb piece of paper."


"Oh, I'm just kidding!" Angela shrugged and suddenly became serious again. "But seriously, miss another gig and we're going to have a serious talk young man."

"Oh like this isn't one already?" Elis said dryly. "Can I disappear into my room now? I'm beat."

"I'm serious," Angela said again, "Get one of your smart friends to help you with your schoolwork if you need the help but no more missing these jobs. Your agent is this close to dropping you."

"One of my smart friends," Elis nodded, offended, "Because I'm so stupid, huh, mom?"

"That's not what I meant," Angela scoffed but Elis shook his head and went into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Elis walked over to his bed and fell into it, exhausted.

"I'm so over all of this," he whispered as he hugged a pillow close to his chest.

* * * * * *

{1x16. Poor Little Rich Boy}

Written by Sean

* * * * * *

CL & Darcy sat in a booth at Special Tea having lunch. CL had tried with all his might to keep his special night with Riven to himself but found himself desperate to tell someone. So he told Darcy.

"I was wondering where you two had disappeared to," Darcy grinned. CL blushed and took a sip of his ice tea.

"Darcy it was so romantic," CL grinned.

Just then Elis appeared; his long blond hair loose and hanging all over his denim jacket. He pushed his sunglasses up to his head as he took a seat.

"Sorry I'm late, shoot ran over," Elis said out of breath.

"Clearly," Darcy giggled.

"God I'm starving," Elis pulled a menu from the middle of the table and opened it. "What'd I miss?"

"CL was just telling me how he and Riven had sex for the first time," Darcy's grin grew wider. CL kicked Darcy. "Ow! What? He should know!"

Elis looked up at CL from his menu, his blue eyes wide. "Seriously?"

"Sex sounds so ... un-special," CL said with a small smile. "It was more like ... we made love."

Darcy rolled her eyes.

"When did this happen?" Elis asked sitting back in his chair with a smile.

"Prom night," CL bit his lower lip and proceeded to tell the story all over again, this time for Elis.

When he was finished Elis felt guilty, for he was actually jealous of CL. Would he ever have something that meaningful with a guy? It seemed to Elis that all guys ever noticed about him was his looks. He had much more to offer than just a charming smile. CL was lucky to have a guy like Riven who loved him for who he was.

"You ok?" CL asked him. Elis blinked.

"Just tired, I guess."

"Ugh tell me about it," Darcy sighed, "Is it me or do classes get a lot more tough when the school year is about to end?"

"Oh, they're definitely a lot harder lately," CL chuckled. Elis went back to looking at the menu when he remembered a number he received earlier in the day at the photo shoot he was at. During a break one of the models he was in the photo shoot with had asked him out on a date. At first Elis turned him down, claiming he was busy but then agreed to take his number anyway in case his calendar "suddenly cleared up".

Truth was Elis didn't feel comfortable going on any dates since the whole fiasco with Henry. But now looking at CL and Riven's relationship and listening to how in love CL was kind of made Elis want that too. He pulled out his phone and texted Dirk – the model – to see if he still wanted to go on that date. He set his phone down and returned his focus to the menu.

* * *

Olivia kicked a soccer ball. The girl that was a goalie jumped to her left and missed blocking it. With a triumphant grin Olivia threw a fist in the air.

"That's how you kick ass," she grinned. The goalie girl stuck her tongue out and grabbed the soccer ball. Olivia laughed, "See you Monday!"

Olivia ran towards the bench and grabbed a bottle of water, taking a long drink from it.

"My, my, you only get better and better," a voice said from the side. Olivia turned to find a girl with long auburn hair and cold grey eyes staring at her seductively. Olivia's eyes widened.

"Lisa?" Olivia gasped, "Oh my gosh what are you doing in Miami?"

Lisa laughed and the girls hugged. "School ended for me already. My family came down to Miami for a few days before we go to Greece for the rest of the summer."

"Totally awesome," Olivia nodded and suddenly her heart sank. She remembered Darcy and knew she wouldn't be happy to know about Lisa.

About two summers ago Olivia and Lisa had spent the summer making out at soccer camp. Up until now Darcy had always thought that she had been Olivia's first "gay experience" – little did she know Lisa had already beaten her to it.

"We should go get some ice cream or something," Lisa smiled at her. "I forgot how hot Miami can get."

"Lisa," Olivia winced, "I think you should know that I have a girlfriend now."

The girl kept her smile but just stared at Olivia for a second before she giggled. "Oh that's marvelous, really."

"I'm in love with her," Olivia added. "I think she wouldn't like it if we went out for ice cream."

"Oh come on!" Lisa grinned, "We're just going as friends. I want to catch up, silly. Besides ... I don't know anybody else in Miami. Please?"

Olivia looked away, not sure. "I don't know ..."

"It'll be harmless fun," Lisa raised her hands, "Come on ... it'll be my treat, too! Now how can you say no to that?"

Olivia laughed, nodding. "Fine, let's go get some ice cream."

Lisa clapped her hands and hugged Olivia. She stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether it was right to hug her back so she simply patted Lisa's back.

* * *

"Can't believe the day is almost here," Darren grinned as he threw a basketball into the hoop he installed in the Valmont's driveway. Riven stopped to catch his breath.

"Lucky S.O.B, what I'd give to fast forward to next year so I could be the one graduating," he grinned and then waved his hand. "I'm done with basketball."

Darren laughed, "Don't be such a pansy."

"You've kicked my butt five times already!" Riven exhaled. "Let's just hang."

"Fine," Darren let the ball roll to the side of the driveway. Both guys slumped down against Darren's car to drink out of their water bottles. After a beat Darren turned to Riven. "You been ok? I've noticed you've been kinda quiet lately."

"You mean quieter than usual?" Riven asked dryly.

"You know what I mean," Darren said to him. "Everything cool with CL?"

Riven nodded, "Yeah, everything is great with CL."

"Then what's up?"

Riven shrugged, "I just been kind of down lately. No big deal."

"Feeling depressed?"

"A little," Riven answered, shifting in his position. He wasn't used to talking about his depression with someone new. Sure, he and Darren had become great friends in the past few months since he started to date CL, but it still felt like unfamiliar territory. Sometimes he didn't even feel comfortable talking about his MDD with CL – mainly because he didn't want to burden him with worry. "I'll be fine, though."

"You know if you ever need someone to talk to you can always come to me if CL is annoying you, right?" Darren grinned. Riven nodded and laughed a little.

"Thanks man."

"Course," Darren nodded and fist bumped him.

* * *

Lisa laughed, "And then when I got infected with poison ivy and you took care of me for like, two days? That was by far the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

Both girls were sitting across from each other inside a bright ice cream shop.

"Oh my gosh I forgot about that," Olivia nodded taking a lick from her ice cream cone.

"It's a shame we live so far apart," Lisa said to her with a warm smile.

"There's my favorite girl," said Darcy, suddenly appearing. She leaned down and kissed Olivia before sitting next to her. Lisa was taken aback but kept a smile on her face as Darcy reached a hand over.

"Hope you don't mind, Lisa, but I texted my girlfriend and asked her to join us when we were on our way here," Olivia said. Lisa laughed and shrugged.

"Mind? The more the merrier," Lisa grinned and shook Darcy's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you ... Daria?"

"Darcy," Olivia corrected her. Darcy giggled awkwardly and wrapped her arms around Olivia's left arm. Olivia could tell Darcy was feeling a little jealous, so she reached over and kissed her on the cheek. "Glad you're here sweetie."

"Awe, I'm glad you invited me," Darcy smiled and kissed her back while Lisa watched, feeling disappointed but determined not to show it.

* * *

Later that night Elis sat across Dirk, the male model he exchanged numbers with earlier. They'd been having dinner for only thirty minutes and already Elis wanted to go home. Since they'd sat down to eat, Dirk had not stopped talking about himself. Elis found it hard to get any word in and had finally given up and decided to sit back and enjoy his dinner while pretending to listen.

"So they fired that poor guy and had me take his place," Dirk said proudly. "No offense to that shrimp, who by the way was only five foot eight, but I did a damn good job with that gig. There should be some law where it's illegal to try getting into the modeling business if they're less than six feet."

"I'm five-ten," Elis told him with a tight smile. Dirk stared at him briefly, as if trying to decipher what he'd just said to him.

Yes, I actually speak - you idiot, Elis thought irritably.

"Anyway, after that I booked tons more gigs," Dirk continued before taking a bite of his chicken salad.


"Mm," Dirk chewed his food and swallowed before grinning, "You want to come over to my place after?"

Elis looked at him wondering if he was serious.

"Your place?"

Dirk nodded.

"What, you want to show me all the magazine covers you've been on?" Elis asked with false sweetness. Of course Dirk was too dense to notice the sarcasm.

"Ah, how did you know I keep all the covers I've been in?" Dirk smiled but then the excitement turned to a lustful look as he leaned forward and took Elis's hand. "Aside from that, which by the way sounds like an awesome idea, I want to ... you know ..."

Elis gave him a stern look and yanked his hand away. "No, I don't know."

Dirk chuckled, "We were both obviously attracted to each other earlier today."

"Were we?"

"You can't fool me, sexy boy," Dirk grinned, "you were practically begging me to bone you right there."

"And the date is over," Elis rolled his eyes. Dirk looke surprised when Elis stood up and walked away from the table.

"Whoa, whoa!" Dirk exclaimed and followed Elis. "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Elis whirled around, his eyes burning with anger. "You're a shallow prick, that's what's the matter. I just wanted to go out to dinner and get to know you better. Well, I definitely got to know you, and now I know I want nothing else to do with you. You're a real turn off, dude. You should work on that personality of yours – it sucks."

"Oh yeah? And you're a fucking tease," Dirk retorted, his face red from embarrassment. "You led me on and now you want to bail on me?"

"Thanks for dinner," Elis smirked and left Dirk standing by himself.

As he walked to his car, the smile on Elis's face quickly vanished and soon he was in tears. The moment he got into his car Elis really let go and started to sob. Why couldn't there be a guy out there that was actually interested in conversation and getting to know him first? Why did it seem so easy for other people to find someone who felt something pure and honest for them? It seemed near to impossible for Elis to find that.

Elis was sick and tired of how his life was going. He felt so confused and empty. It was odd. A few months ago Elis would have ignored all of Dirk's flaws and put up with his vanity and gone to bed with him. Now ever since his HIV scare with Henry, Elis wanted nothing to do with sex. He was scared of the idea and the risk. Elis began to think about CL and his wonderful relationship with Riven. CL had a wonderful guy who was devoted to him and that loved him. They'd been together for months before they actually had sex and Riven had been ok with that. Would there be any guy like that out there for Elis? CL was so lucky ...

Then Elis started to think about his modeling career and how tired he was of that too. Everyone was so fake and superficial ... just like him. Elis shook his head.

No, he thought, I don't want to be like them. I'm not like them. Not anymore ...

Elis wiped away his tears and turned on his car.

* * *

Days passed and Lisa was in her hotel room combing her long auburn hair. Her mother appeared from the kitchen and smiled at her daughter.

"You look beautiful," her mother said to her. "You're going to go see her?"

"Yes," Lisa sighed and turned around to face her mother. "School should be letting out in about hour. I know Olivia has practice afterwards so I'm going to go watch her."

"Do you think the girlfriend will be there?"

"Of course she will," Lisa replied frowning. "If Darcy isn't doing her theater stuff after school, chances are she's with Olivia. You have no idea how frustrating it is mom, she's always with Olivia. She's been there every time."

Lisa's mom stared at her before taking her to the living room and sitting her down.

"Listen honey," she said to her soothingly, "I know how much you love that girl. She should know that too. It's why we came down here."

"She has a girlfriend now," Lisa said to her. "Olivia is happy with Darcy. She's ignored all the looks and the subtle flirting I've been giving her."

"Well then I think it's time to be blunt, don't you think?" Lisa's mom said with a mischievous smile. "Look sweetie, what Olivia and Darcy has right now will probably be over in a few months. It's young love."

"Oh yeah?" Lisa said dryly, "And what do you call what I feel for her? I'm young too."

"Yes but what you feel is different. You've known Olivia a lot longer. You have more history with her."

"That doesn't matter," Lisa answered, "Olivia is in love with Darcy."

"Then it is up to you, if you're serious and you really want Olivia, to make Olivia notice you ... then forget all about that Darcy girl."

Lisa looked away from her mother, thinking it might just be a good idea not to give up on Olivia that quickly.

* * *

At school, Elis quickly walked into his last period classroom just as the dismissal bell rang. As all the students were leaving the class Elis's teacher signaled him to come over to her desk.

"I'm sorry for being late Mrs. Lee but I was at this photo shoot and..."

"A photo shoot ... I see," Mrs. Lee eyed him with disapproval. "Mr. Dawson you were not "late" to my class today. You were absent."

"Huh?" Elis shook his head, "You just saw me come in, though. I made it before the bell rang."

"Showing up to class two minutes before the dismissal bell does not make you present for class. You were marked absent and it's staying that way."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I really couldn't cancel this gig."

"Well, I hope your mother understands that when she finds out you failed this class."

Elis's jaw dropped.

"Wait, what? I-I-I cannot fail this class," Elis stammered, "School doesn't end for another week!"

"You've had several absents this school year not to mention your grades at the beginning of the year were pretty bad. Sure, they've improved a little but they're still not good enough to help you pass the class. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to repeat this class in the summer."

Mrs. Lee started to leave but Elis grabbed her arm, desperate.

"Please Mrs. Lee isn't there anything I can do for extra credit? I can't fail!" Elis said to her, hating the thought of having to be at school in the summer. Mrs. Lee shook her head.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Dawson, now if you'll excuse me."

Mrs. Lee yanked her arm free and left the classroom. Elis sat back against the teacher's desk, tears forming in his eyes.

* * *

Out in the soccer field Lisa watched Olivia walk up to her after calling for a break. Lisa grinned and handed Olivia a towel and a water bottle.

"Looking great out there sport!" Lisa laughed.

Olivia grinned and took a sip of water, "Thanks!"

"Darcy not coming?"

Olivia looked around, dabbing the towel against her forehead. "Guess she's still in drama club."

Lisa nodded, figuring it was now or never. "Olivia ... I really need to tell you something."

"Oh? What's up?"

"I didn't just come down to Miami out of coincidence."

"You didn't?"

Lisa shook her head, looking down at her hands. "I convinced my mom and my dad to bring me down here so I can see you."

Olivia just stared at her, afraid this was coming.

"I've been thinking about you a lot lately and decided to come down here once school was over so I can try and reconnect with you," Lisa confessed and looked up at Olivia from the bleachers.

"Lisa ... I ... I don't know what to say," Olivia muttered, taken aback. She was sure that once Lisa saw her with Darcy she would hold off on any advances. Clearly this wasn't happening. "Lisa ... I'm with Darcy now."

"I know, I know," Lisa made a face, "And you have no idea how awkward this is for me as I'm sure it is for you too."

"Very," Olivia nodded.

Lisa's face suddenly grew serious, "But ... I'm not going to give up on you, Olivia. On us ... on what we shared that summer."

Olivia's heart sank.

"Lisa, all we did was make out all summer long."

"I love you, Olivia," Lisa said to her. "I really think I'm in love with you ... and I'm not going to let your relationship with Darcy get in the way of my trying to win your affection back."

"Lisa, I really don't think that's a good idea ... or healthy, for that matter."

Lisa smiled, shaking her head, "I know it sounds crazy, and I'm sorry if this kind of creeps you out. I promise it's nothing to be scared of. I'm going to fight this fair and square. I'm not here to play villain and hurt anybody's feelings."

"Lisa you're only here for a few days," Olivia shook her head, "Let's not get carried away."

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon," Lisa finally revealed to her. "I'm staying in Miami for the entire summer."

Olivia was speechless.

"You're giving up a wonderful vacation in Greece ... to stay in Miami?" Olivia said, "You really must be crazy."

"Surprise," Lisa grinned.

"Hey you two," Darcy suddenly appeared, smiling. She walked over to Olivia and kissed her. "Sorry babe I got caught up picking the summer plays. Somehow I've let them convince me to direct two plays. Boy, am I going to love that! Hi Lisa."

"Hi Darcy," Lisa gave her a friendly smile as she stood from the bleachers and went down to them. "Just came to cheer for my good friend but I better get going. Got stuff to do, stuff to plan," she said shifting her eyes to Olivia.

"Oh well, good seeing you," Darcy nodded. Lisa leaned in and hugged Darcy and Olivia.

"See you two around!"

Olivia watched Lisa turn and walk away just as Darcy wrapped her arms around her and began to snuggle her face.

* * *

At home, Elis sat in front of his mirror brushing his blonde hair, his eyes puffy and tired from crying.

"Elis darling," his mother called out as she entered his bedroom. "Heard wonderful things about today's photo shoot."

Elis didn't answer and only kept brushing his hair. Angela noticed Elis's puffy face and looked horrified.

"Oh Elis, you look awful!" she exclaimed. "What on earth is the matter with you?"

Elis placed the brush down and his eyes moved up to look at his mother through the mirror's reflection. "What do you want?"

"Elis is there something wrong?" Angela asked and then became irritated. "I swear to God, you are never satisfied! You've had a wonderful day at the photo shoot today and look at you. You look as if you're suffering from an illness."

"Is that all you care about?" Elis asked, turning around on his seat to look her directly in the eye. "Is the way I look all you care about?"

"Stop being a drama queen," Angela said sternly. "If it wasn't for me and the way I bust my ass to put you ahead in this business you wouldn't be as successful as you are young man. Thanks to today's photo shoot – that I practically had to force your agent to get – you're being sought out for dozens of future projects. The first one being this weekend and then the rest will be set so they don't conflict with your final exams. But boy ... prepare yourself for one busy summer because you are going to be in one gig after another. Oh, just wait until..."

"Forget it," Elis cut her off and stood, going over to his closet.

"Excuse me?"

"I said forget it," Elis snapped, turning to face his mother. His heart was beginning to race and he was starting to feel that fiery feeling inside his chest he got whenever he was extremely pissed off and nervous. "I won't be available this summer for anything because I'm going to be in summer school."

"I beg your pardon?" Angela scoffed, "Why on earth would you attend summer school? You hate the thought of it. Always have."

"Why else do you think I'm going?! Because I like it? I failed a class, mother," Elis yelled at her. "I was already doing a horrible job in that class, but missing it today to be at the photo shoot you made me go to was the icing on the cake. I failed. I need to go to summer school in order to move forward and graduate with the rest of my class next year."

Angela shook her head and began to leave, "I'm going to call the school and they're going to hear me out."

Elis went and stopped her.

"Stop it, JUST STOP IT!" he shouted at her angrily. "If I failed it was my fault, not theirs. What are you going to do, call the school and yell at them because I've been slacking off? I brought this upon myself and now I'm going to have to deal with it. Call the modeling gigs off."

"I will do no such thing," Angela snapped. "You will find a way to prioritize and manage your responsibilities a lot better, Elis Dawson. You have not come this far in this hard business to throw it all away."

"It's my choice, mother," Elis bit his lip. God he wanted to push her so hard right about now. He wanted to grab his mother and shake her by the shoulders until some sense fell into her head. How could she not think school was more important for him than posing for pictures?

"You're giving me a migraine," Angela shook her head. "I think I have to lie down."

"Sure, just walk away whenever you see me upset or I need to vent," Elis nodded, "It's what you always do!"

"Elis I'm trying to be the best mother I can be by helping you advance in a career that's near to impossible to make it in! You're throwing it all in my face! Do you realize how lucky you are? Do you know how many boys your age would kill to be paid thousands of dollars to pose in front of cameras? Do you realize how many boys your age would die to look as good as you do?"

"Look good," Elis nodded, snickering bitterly. "It's all about the materialistic things with you. First thing you do when you come in here and realize I've been crying my eyes out is show concern because I look horrible ... not because I've been crying. It's all about how the looks, twenty-four seven."

"Don't be ridiculous," Angela said to him.

"Do you know that because of my good looks that all men ever want from me is sex?" Elis suddenly began to break. His voice was shaky, and his hands were trembling so hard he had to shove them inside his pockets. "Do you know these men are sometimes old enough to be my father?"

"Elis what are you getting on?" Angela asked, suddenly growing nervous.

"Do you know that I had an HIV scare at the end of last year because of some photographer I had an affair with?" Elis cried, "Do you?!"

"Elis ... oh honey," Angela's eyes filled with tears as she went to hug her son but Elis pushed her away.

"Don't worry, it was just a scare," Elis tried to control his shaky voice. He wiped away at his tears and turned away from his mother. "Anyway, he's out of my life for good."

"I'm going to schedule you an appointment with your doctor," Angela pulled her cell phone out.

"Don't bother I've already gone in numerous times," Elis said to her. "I don't have it. I'm healthy. Just ... had a mild case of gonorrhea; but I finished the treatment a few weeks ago. I went back for more checkups and tests and there are no more traces of it in me."

Angela began to weep and apologize for not having been there for him. Elis let her hug him tightly this time. Elis finally broke down in his mother's arms and they cried together for a while.

"I'm sorry honey," Angela whispered to him. "I guess I really need to pay more attention to you. I can't believe I didn't notice anything wrong with you all this time."

Elis shook his head. "I want to leave that in my past, mom. I've learned my lesson ... no more sleeping around. I don't ever want to go through another scare like that again in my life. If it wasn't for CL being there for me I think I would have gone insane. All those days where I had to wait for the blood results to come back ... it was the most difficult thing I've ever had to deal with."

"So you weren't dealing with this completely on your own?" Angela asked with relief, "Oh thank goodness. Sounds like you got a good friend in him."

Elis smiled, "I definitely do. He's like the brother I never had."

Angela kissed her son's forehead and held him tightly.

* * *

Later that evening Elis was surprised to see CL knocking on his bedroom door.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Elis smiled, "Come on in!"

"Thanks," CL walked inside and hugged his friend before sitting on Elis's bed. "Well, you can imagine how surprised I was when I received a call from your mother. She invited me over and wanted to thank me for being there for you when you were dealing with the HIV scare."

"Oh yeah," Elis nodded, "I told her about it today. We had a pretty big fight and it sort of just came out."

Elis told CL the story about his failing the class and having to go to summer school. CL shook his head.

"Well, I hope you know now that you have to buckle down and focus on passing that class this summer. The gang will never forgive you if you don't graduate with us next year."

"It's only one class, I can handle it," Elis smirked but then looked away. "CL, I've been so depressed lately."

"Well of course you have, you've been overworking yourself," CL said to him. Elis shook his head.

"Not just because of that ... it's just that this whole experience with Henry and the HIV thing and being infected with gonorrhea has really messed with me."

"How so?"

"Well," Elis took a deep breath, "I've just felt so ... alone. I can't picture myself ever being with a guy again without feeling this sheer terror in the pit of my stomach. I guess I'm afraid of being infected with something again. I also feel ... dirty. I've felt so dirty ever since the doctor told me I had contracted that STD. Then I feel used; like with that guy I went on a date with that all he did was talk about himself and when he started to focus on me it was just so he can get me into bed."

"What a jerk," CL frowned, "And you're not dirty. You finished the treatment and now you know better. There's no need to be scared if the person you're going to have sex with is someone you love and care about."

"I can't begin to tell you how jealous I've been of you," Elis snickered, feeling his cheeks burn.

"You're jealous of me? Why?" CL asked, finding it hard to believe that someone like Elis would ever feel such a thing for someone like him.

"You've only lived in Miami for a few months, and you've managed to snag a wonderful guy like Riven with whom you have such a beautiful relationship with. I've been here my entire life and I've yet to find someone like that," Elis said with sadness. "I want to have something like that."

"And you will," CL smiled at him, "Just wait and see. You're going to find a guy that is going to sweep you off your feet in no time."

A small smile crossed Elis's face, "I hope so." 

* * * * * *


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