Life of Youth: Series 1

By WPSeries

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[LGBTQ+ Teen Drama] CL Valmont moves to Miami in the middle of his junior year of high school. With the help... More

1.1 - Life of Youth (Part 1)
1.2 - Life of Youth (Part 2)
1.3 - The Chatroom Days Are Over
1.4 - I'm a Loner, a Rebel
1.5 - Fish Sticks Kind of Day
1.6 - Trick or Treat
1.7 - Official Official
1.8 - Spying Remorse
1.10 - The Scare
1.11 - Christmas
1.12 - When Life Goes BANG
1.13 - Aftermath
1.14 - No Place Like Home
1.15 - Prom Night
1.16 - Poor Little Rich Boy
1.17 - Up On Melancholy Hills
1.18 - School's Out for Summer!

1.9 - Feast on This

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By WPSeries

"So you're coming over, right?" CL asked Darren as they walked into the lunch room with Riven.

"You know I wouldn't miss your mother's cooking for the world," Darren said. Thinking about the upcoming festivities helped Darren forget about all the crazy stuff that had gone on with Erik. Knowing they were officially in the holiday seasons really put him in a good mood.

"And you're finally coming too?" CL turned to Riven.

"If you don't, you'll never hear the end of it," Darren warned Riven and they both laughed. Riven nodded his head.

"I bet. Sure, I'll come."

"And remember to bring your mom, she's invited too," CL smiled and playfully hit Darren.

"Ow!" Darren laughed and his eyes fell on Clair, who was by herself at a table working on her laptop. He suddenly remembered the text she sent him two days ago. She had officially broken up with him and hadn't bothered answering his phone calls or text messages. This was going to be the last time he went up to her to try and talk. After this, whatever the result was, he was going to move on and enjoy the upcoming holidays and what was left of the year. He said goodbye to CL and Riven and walked over to her. He sat down next to her. She looked up at him and hurt immediately filled her eyes.

"Hey, we need to talk," Darren said to her. "I don't want this to end like this."

"You made sure that it did," Clair replied coldly.

"I know you're hurt because of that note," Darren said softly. Clair's eyes filled with tears. She shook her head in disbelief.

"I can't even look at you right now," she said to him, "How can you sit there and talk to me like I'm an idiot?"


"Darren I'm not an idiot!"

He looked at her confusedly, "I didn't say you were."

"You're treating me like I'm some clueless airhead," Clair gritted her teeth. "Stop acting like nothing happened after what you emailed me. How do you expect me to react after you chose to come out the way you did?"

Darren's heart sank. What had she just said?

"Clair ... what are you talking about?" Darren asked, beginning to feel his hands shake. "I didn't email you anything."

"You didn't?" Clair looked at him with anger and hurt. She turned to her laptop and typed for a few seconds before turning the laptop to him. "Then how do you explain this?"

Darren looked at the screen and saw an email from him opened with a link. She clicked on the link and suddenly he was watching himself about to have sex with Erik. He immediately slammed the laptop shut and turned to Clair, who was staring at him with so much hate he frightened him.

"So, he's an old friend, isn't he?" she asked quietly. "That's who you've been cheating on me with. You've been sleeping with another guy."

"Clair ... it's not ... I mean, I'm sorry," Darren said shamefully. She clenched her jaw and slapped him hard. A few students turned and laughed.

"I hope you're happy with your little boyfriend, you closet case," She whispered to him before grabbing her stuff and leaving. Darren closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands. What was his life coming to? Why couldn't he have just been honest from the beginning?

Why did he ever agree to meet Erik?

"Happy holidays," Darren mumbled to himself bitterly.

* * * * * *

{1x09. Feast on This}

Written by Sean

* * * * * *

Darren stood at the end of the pier, looking out into the sea. The late afternoon sky was painted with gold and pink hues signaling the upcoming setting of the sun. The air was chilly. Darren closed his eyes to take in the salty air. Knowing that a video of him having sex was circulating the internet disturbed him. He called Erik but, of course, now is when he decided not to answer the phone. Darren had left school immediately following his encounter with Clair to go over to Erik's dorm but didn't find him there either. Finally Darren had to get out and catch some fresh air.

"Hey," a voice behind him said. He turned and smiled when he saw it was Olivia. She hugged him and they both leaned against the rails, facing the ocean.

"Thanks for meeting me," Darren said. "I just had to talk with someone."

"What's going on?"

Darren explained to her everything that had happened. By the time he was finished Olivia looked worried.

"Darren, this guy sounds pretty unbalanced," she said to him. "You need to press charges."

Darren shook his head, "I want to see if he'll take it down first. The last thing I need is everyone finding out."

"Who cares if everyone finds out? Everyone is still going to be your friend," Olivia told him.

"I know that I'm just ... embarrassed," Darren replied with a frown, "I'm embarrassed about people finding out about the video."

"You need to talk with Erik then and fast," Olivia said worriedly. "If this video is on the web who knows how long before some other creep copies it and uploads it to other websites."

The very thought of that happening irked Darren even more.

"You're right, I need to go back to his dorm," He nodded, "If he's not there I'll just wait until he does get back."

"I'll go with you," Olivia offered but Darren shook his head.

"No, he doesn't need to know any more of my friends," Darren said. "Who knows what he'll try to do or say to you guys. He's already hurt Clair enough as it is. Well... I have too."

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Olivia put her arm around him. "Besides ... with all the spying and stalking he's done I'm pretty sure he already knows who we all are."

"The creepy part is that you may be right," Darren agreed. "Are you going to Thanksgiving dinner at CL's house tomorrow night?"

"No," Olivia answered, "Darcy and I are volunteering to feed the homeless."

"That's nice."

"Mhmm," Olivia nodded and nudged him. "Go and make Erik remove that video from the web."

Darren sighed, "Yes. Operation neutralize psychotic Erik is in effect."

* * *

This time when Darren went back to the college he found Erik back in his dorm. Erik looked ecstatic the second he saw Darren at his doorstep. He wrapped his arms around Darren and went in for a kiss but Darren shoved him off of him hard.

"Ouch," Erik winced, clutching his chest.

"Take that damn video off the internet," Darren told him threateningly. Erik's pained expression suddenly turned into a malevolent smile.

"I see Clair has already received your email."

"What's with you, huh? You stalk me, you cause problems between Clair and I, you video tape us having sex and post it for the world to see and then you hack into my email to send it to my girlfriend!"

"Ex-girlfriend," Erik corrected him. "She's not your girlfriend anymore."

"No thanks to you," Darren retorted.

"Excuse me but I didn't force you to stick your dick in me," Erik snapped right back.

"You're right, it's my fault too," Darren nodded, hating that he was right. "But that doesn't make you any less crazy. Who does this? Take that damn video down."

"You're a star now, baby," Erik teased him and laughed. Darren grabbed him by the shirt, extended his fist back and punched him in the face. Erik's head plopped back and Darren let him fall down to the floor.

"Take the video down now or I'll call the cops and press charges," Darren demanded.

Erik took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He nodded and stood up. "Fine ..."

Darren watched Erik go to his computer and log onto the website. He went to his account and deleted the video.

"Delete it from your computer too," Darren instructed. Erik sighed and reluctantly located the file on his computer and deleted it. When Erik turned around Darren was surprised to see a small smile across his face.

"I guess you'll be back when they tell you they've seen it too," he said to Darren.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?"

Erik sat back against his desk and shrugged. "I may have sent an email with the video as an attachment to the rest of the people in your address book before you showed up here. The video may be deleted but the damage is already done."

Darren stared at him in horror. So now everyone knew. He didn't even get to come out on his own. Erik had done that for him already. At this time everyone had probably already seen it: CL, Riven, Elis, Darcy, his other acquaintances, and the people that work with him at the school paper. He goes to punch Erik again but this one suddenly grabbed the sharp letter opener that was sitting on his desk and held it up between him and Darren.

"I won't let you punch me again," Erik said calmly. "Try it and I'll be forced to defend myself. I'll love to see the cops try and have your back when I tell them I was acting in self-defense when you came over to my dorm."

Darren stared at him with burning rage. "You little bitch."

"I love you," Erik whispered sadly. Darren turned away from him and stormed out of the dorm.

When Darren arrived home he took a quick shower and immediately went to bed. His phone started ringing and he saw it was CL. His first reaction being to ignore the call, Darren instead thought he might as well face this as soon as possible. Darren grabbed his phone and answered it.

"What the heck is going on?" CL said with worry. "I just got an email from you with a video of ... of ..."

"Of me having sex with Erik," Darren closed his eyes, wishing this was all just a nightmare. "I'm sorry, I didn't send it. Erik did. He recorded us having sex without my knowledge and hacked into my email. He sent it to everyone. Even Clair."

"Darren I ... I don't know what to say," CL shook his head. "I mean... I didn't even know you were... gay?"

"Bi-sexual," Darren corrected him quietly. He couldn't believe this was happening this way. Darren knew he would eventually come out to everyone but never in a million years did he think Erik would be the one to force him out of the closet. "I'm sorry you found out this way."

"I can't believe he would do that," CL said, now sounding angry. "Darren we have to do something. There was a whole bunch of other people in that email!"

"I know that," Darren bit his lower lip. "I don't know what I'm going to do, CL. I didn't want to come out yet."

"How long have you known?" CL asked.

"A while now," Darren answered, "maybe a few months before you moved to Miami. I don't know. I started to find myself attracted to men. I'm still attracted to women ... but now I'm attracted to men, too. How is that even possible?"

"It's possible," CL said soothingly. "Some people realize this early in life, like I did, and some realize it a little later. It's okay."

"Yeah, I remember you said that a few months ago when I asked you."

CL smiled, "Everything is going to be fine. Sure, the way this all came about is pretty bad but ... you've got my support."

"I just hope the rest feel the same way," Darren muttered.

"I'll tell you what," CL suddenly said. Darren could hear a smile in his voice. "Meet me tomorrow at Special Tea at noon."


"Just come," CL snickered. "Now get some sleep and forget about this crazy day."

"Let's hope I can," Darren sighed, "Thanks, cuzzo."

"That's what family's for," CL replied. "Good night."

"Night," Darren said and hung up. Before he could even move away, his phone was ringing again.

It was Erik.

Darren ignored the call and sat back in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. A new text message alert suddenly chimed. Darren grabbed his phone and saw that it was Erik again.

Please answer your phone. Let's talk...xo

Darren groaned and turned off his cell phone. He sat back in bed and shut his eyes, desperate to erase the events of the day from his mind – even if it was for at least eight hours.

* * *

The next day Darren woke up and was extremely annoyed to find 30 text messages from Erik begging him to call him back, that he needed him and that he was the greatest love of his life. Darren deleted them all and made a mental note to go and change his number after his meet up with CL at Special Tea. When he got there, he was surprised to see the gang there with CL: Riven, Elis, Darcy, and Olivia. They were all sitting by the sofas that surrounded a coffee table.

"There he is," CL stood and hugged his cousin.

"Hi guys," Darren said with embarrassment. Just knowing that they had all seen bits and pieces of the video completely horrified him. He didn't even know how he'd managed to show his face here. It was probably for the best if he didn't think about it.

"Hi," Olivia smiled sweetly. "Come sit."

Darren nodded and sat down by Elis and Darcy. CL walked back to Riven and sat on his lap. "Darren, after we spoke on the phone last night I called everyone to ask about the video. Everyone here started watching it but didn't finish it when they realized what was going on."

"Oh ...?" Darren's mind was a total blank in regards as to what he should say. He felt humiliated and all he wanted was to run out of there and never show his face again.

"We all know already, obviously," CL continued. "But we all support you. Nobody cares if you're straight or bi-sexual."

"Yeah, you're a really cool guy, Darren," Elis said to him, "You shouldn't hide who you really are."

"Well, I didn't intend on hiding forever," Darren mumbled.

"We have your back," Riven assured him.

"Besides, you're bi-sexual, so what?" Darcy shrugged. "You're still an awesome guy with a promising career in journalism."

Darren smiled with appreciation. "Thanks guys, that means a lot to me." He felt extremely lucky to have the friends that he had. Unfortunately, Clair was still hurt because of him and it would probably be a real long time before she would ever speak to him again. It was one thing for her to think he had been cheating on her with another girl, but something else to learn that the person he cheated on her with was actually a guy. That must have hurt her self-esteem pretty badly.

"Um, Darren?" Elis suddenly said looking towards the door. "Isn't that the looney-tune-lover-boy that leaked the video?"

Darren turned his head and saw Erik by the doorway looking right at him. Darren stood up as Erik made his way to him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Darren asked furiously.

"You keep ignoring me," Erik said with hurt. The rest of the gang got up and stood behind Darren. CL walked up and stood next to his cousin.

"You need to leave him alone," CL said to him sternly. Erik's eyes move to CL.

"Fuck off."

"No, you fuck off!" Darren shouted at him. "Leave me the hell alone. You're insane. You're pathetic. Keep acting this way and you're going to end up all alone in life because nobody will ever want to be with you."

"Darren, don't say those things to me," Erik started to cry, "We love each other."

"WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" Darren screamed in his face.

"Honey please, everyone's looking," Erik said with embarrassment.

"Good! Let them see!" Darren shouted louder. "I don't ever want to see you, ok? Leave once and for all before I call the cops and have a restraining order placed on you. You are borderline psychotic!"

Erik winced when he heard those words. Suddenly the sadness was replaced by an eerie calmness.

"I'll show you psychotic," Erik answered breathlessly and left Special Tea. Darren turned to look at his friends.

"Maybe you should get a restraining order anyway," Elis suggested.

"Elis is right," CL said with worry. "That look on his face just now gave me the creeps."

Darren sighed, going back to his sit in his chair.

* * *

"So you knew all this time?" Darcy asked Olivia that night as they took out trays of food. They were at the local homeless shelter and were two minutes away from opening the doors.

"I did," Olivia nodded her head. "It all started before you and I got together. I hit on him in hopes of forgetting about my feelings for you. I followed him one day and caught him meeting up with Erik for the first time at the boardwalk. We both have been fighting our real feelings for such a while now that we immediately bonded."

"I'm still surprised," Darcy smiled, making sure everything was in order just as the rest of the staff came out from the back rooms with other trays of food. "Darren is going to have a wide options of dates from here on out. He's a great catch; well, if you don't count his cheating on Clair."

"Something tells me Darren is going to steer away from any new relationships for a while after meeting Erik," Olivia snickered. "And he feels terrible for cheating on Clair."

"I can't even begin to imagine what she must be going through, poor thing," Darcy frowned. Olivia suddenly turned to her and grabbed her hand.

"I'm happy you're doing this with me," she said to her. "I don't think I could have asked for a better Thanksgiving than to be doing a good deed with the girl I love."

Darcy looked like she was going to burst into tears. "Olivia, that's the sweetest thing you've said yet!"

Olivia laughed and Darcy hugged her. Both girls shared a quick kiss before one of the staff members finally opened the door. Within seconds, countless of homeless people appeared in ragged clothes. Darcy and Olivia were stunned to see the amount of children there were.

"One really takes for granted what they have, don't they?" Olivia said softly to Darcy, "I mean ... look at these kids that don't have any roof over their heads. I can't begin to count how many times I've complained about the silliest of things."

Darcy looked at Olivia and saw the sincerity in her eyes, heard it in her voice, and suddenly realized how lucky she was to have her as a girlfriend. "Olivia you're amazing, you know that? You really care for these causes."

"I just love taking care of people," Olivia smiled at a young woman as she put food on her tray.

"You have wonderful maternal instincts with people. You'll make a great mother someday," Darcy told her, knowing about Olivia's ultimate wish of having a family one day in the future. "I'm glad you suggested we do this. I never thought in a million years I'd like doing this sort of thing until now."

Olivia smiled at her. "Thanks for agreeing to spend Thanksgiving here."

* * *

Over at the Valmont house, Patty and Charles looked on as everyone ate. It felt good to have a house full of friends and family and even more so, it being CL's friends. When they had first moved to Miami they were nervous CL would have trouble fitting in. Thankfully everything seemed to be falling into place for him. Now here they all were, enjoying Thanksgiving dinner. Darren sat near his parents, Riven sat between CL and his own mother, Rosie (who had immediately agreed to join in the festivities so she could finally meet CL), and Elis sat by CL's parents. CL thought it best to invite him over for dinner since his mother was out of town on business.

"I'm not going to book another modeling gig anytime soon," Elis snickered as he grabbed more of the mashed potatoes, "the food is delicious Mrs. Valmont."

"Eat up, there's plenty," Patty answered with a warm smile, squeezing Elis's hand.

"If only mommy dearest could see me now," Elis grinned and took a bite imagining how scandalized his mother would be to see him eating all this food.

After dinner everyone gathered around the living room to listen to music and talk. Darren stood in a corner when Elis walked up to him.

"Hey," he smiled. "Everything ok?"

Darren snapped out of his thoughts, "Aside from not being able to look at my parents after Erik also sent them the video, I'm perfectly fine."

Ellis winced, "Oh no, talk about awkward."

"Tell me about it."

"Listen, if you ever need a friend to talk to," Elis said, "You can come to me. I know you probably have others but, the more the merrier, don't you think?"

Darren smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, most definitely. Thanks, Elle."

Elis returned the smile and kissed him on the cheek before going over to CL's parents. Seconds later Darren's parents appear, looking over at Elis. Darren immediately blushed.

"It's not what you think," he quickly told them in embarrassment. They both laughed.

"Who cares what we think?" his mom said, "Oh honey, I just want you to be happy. It's fine if you're gay."

"Bi-sexual," Darren muttered awkwardly. To say this word to his parents of all people was a real eye-opener.

"Gay, bi-sexual, whatever," Darren's dad said. "You're still our son."

"Thanks guys," Darren said with relief, even though he already knew they had nothing against the gay community. "It means a lot to me."

"Although we do have one thing to say," His mom suddenly said with a hint of disapproval in her voice. "Please, please don't ever get involved with someone as off the hinges as that kid that sent that video to us. No one who does that can be right in the head."

"Mom, Dad," Darren sighed, "Believe me when I say that for the rest of the school year all I'm going to focus on is getting my butt to that graduation stage. I think I've had enough with relationships for a bit."

"You can have some fun kiddo," his dad told him, "Just make sure you know who they are first."

Darren nodded, "That's something that can be worked out - deal."

* * *

CL and Riven sat by the window talking with his mother, who wouldn't stop trying to embarrass Riven. CL couldn't stop laughing while Riven sat with his cheeks looking like they were about to explode.

"And then he just went all over the floor in the middle of the store," Rosie spoke cheerfully.

"Mum!" he groaned. "Stop talking about me!"

"Oh but I think it's highly entertaining," CL said to him with a grin. Rosie laughed and put her arm over CL's shoulder.

"I really like you," she said to CL and then turned to Riven. "Sweetheart, I really like him."

"Clearly," Riven smiled sarcastically and looked at CL. "You know she likes you when she starts telling embarrassing stories about me."

Rosie laughed again and then turned to CL, looking a little more serious. "You know ... I just want to thank you for everything you've done. Riven told me he already told you about his depression."

CL glanced at Riven and then back at her, "He did?"

"Well, I've never seen my boy this up and happy for a really long time," she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh come on mum, please don't start with the melodrama," Riven muttered, embarrassed and turning to stare out the window. His eye was suddenly caught by a medium sized red gasoline tank sitting by the tree on the front lawn.

"Hush you," Rosie waved a hand to him before continuing. "You've been a real blessing, CL. My son is lucky to have you for a boyfriend."

CL couldn't help it and hugged Rosie. "Your son means a lot to me."

"I know," Rosie nodded when they parted. "I can tell, and because of that, you mean a lot to me."

Suddenly a loud shatter of glass is heard from the kitchen that made everyone stop what they were doing.

"What was that?" Patty asked. Charles went over to the stereo and shut off the music.

"Sounds like it came from the kitchen," he said.

And then another glass shattered, making them all jump.

"Do you think someone's breaking in?" CL asked nervously.

"Who knows?" Charles answered stepping out of the living room.

"Be careful!" Patty said with worry as they all followed him. The moment they stepped into the kitchen they saw the windows of the back door and kitchen sink were completely shattered. On the floor sat two bricks with the words "Darren" scribbled with permanent marker on it.

"Oh my God," CL said nervously, looking over at Darren who seemed like he'd just been slapped on the face.

Another glass shattered.

"Living room," Riven said. They all made their way out of the kitchen and back to the living room. Sure enough, the window had a hole right through it. In the middle of the living room sat another brick with "Darren" written on it. Darren cautiously walked up to the window and looked outside.

There was Erik.

"It's him," CL said with a mixture of fear and annoyance. Everyone walked up to the window and saw Erik pacing around the front lawn aimlessly holding a brick. He looked like he was muttering to himself. Next to him sat a duffle bag and the gasoline container Riven had seen. Erik stopped, dropping the brick onto the grass. He turned and picked up the container.

"Is that gasoline?" Darren's mother asked with panic.

"I'm calling the police," Charles said and quickly went over to the phone.

Erik started pouring gasoline all over the grass and the rose bushes on the front lawn.

"I gotta stop him," Darren said and ran out of the living room.

"Darren, wait! He's dangerous!" CL cried and went after him. Riven looked at CL worriedly and followed him.

"Be careful!" Rosie called after them. Darren's parents huddle close to her and Patty. Darren's mom held on to her sister-in-law.

"Patty, I'm scared."

"Let's hope for the best," Patty answered, trying to sound as calm as she possibly could.

"Help is on the way," Charles told them as he came back into the room.

Outside Erik threw the empty gas tank to the side after pouring all the gasoline. Darren, CL, and Riven appeared.

"Erik," Darren said and stopped when Erik shot him a crazed look. "Calm down."

Erik shook his head as he took out a tiny box of matches from his back pocket. "You have some nerve telling me to calm down. After the way you humiliated me over and over! I'll never forget the way you yelled at me at Special Tea."

"I'm sorry," Darren said to him, raising his hands. "Put the matches away. Let's talk it out."

"I love you," Erik said and started to cry. "All I wanted was for you to be free and happy. That's why I did everything I did."

"I know that," Darren frowned, "I realize now that you had good intentions ... but it's the way you went about it that was a problem."

Erik looked away from them, "I always ruin everything."

"You don't have to ruin your life," Darren said to him. "You can go to jail for arson if you light that fire. Don't get yourself into deeper trouble."

"Now I'll never be a part of your life," Erik sobbed, "After what I did to you ... you and your friends will never really accept me into your lives."

"Erik," Darren said softly and walked closer to him, "You need help."

Erik looked at Darren sadly. "I deserve the worst in life."

"Don't say that."

"I do!" Erik screamed and took out a match from the tiny box. CL started to go to Darren but Riven held him back.

"We need to do something!" CL whispered to him anxiously.

Riven shook his head, "Darren has to be the one to talk to him. Otherwise he'll probably feel like he's being attacked."

"Put that away, come on," Darren said softly to him as he got closer. "Let's go inside and talk."

"I don't want to talk!" Erik screamed and backed away, "Stop walking to me!"

"I just want to help you."

"It's too late for that," Erik shouted, "I'm already in trouble for vandalizing... what it is going to hurt if I'm also charged with arson?"

"Erik, wait!"

But it was too late; Erik stroked the match and threw it onto the gasoline soaked grass. Immediately fire erupted all over CL's front lawn. Darren, CL, and Riven jumped back and looked in horror as the fire blazed on. Everyone inside quickly ran out to make sure the three were ok. Erik continued to cry and dropped to the floor, looking out into the fire in a daze.

"Are you boys ok?" Patty asked with fear.

"We're fine," Darren looked at the fire apologetically. "This is my entire fault."

"No it's not, Darren," CL said to him.

"What are we going to do with him?" Riven asked just as they heard the approaching sound of sirens.

"The cops will worry about that," Darren answered sadly as he looked at Erik cradling himself on the grass near a tree.

* * *

Later that night Darren, CL, and Riven sat in the living room as their parents cleaned up the kitchen. Darren stared at the broken window in front of them.

"I'll pay for it," he told CL. "Your parents don't have to worry about it."

"Darren, stop," CL shook his head. "It's not your fault. Just be glad this is all over."

"I am," Darren nodded. He still wished things had ended differently with Erik. After the police arrived they arrested him and took him away. The firefighters showed up and put the flames out. The front lawn looked absolutely hideous. A few moments after Erik was placed under police custody, his mother showed up. She told everyone that she hadn't heard from her son in months and was worried he was off his medication. Turns out Erik had a severe case of bi-polar disorder and hated having to take his meds. Learning all this made Darren feel even worse. "I just feel like I could have done more to soften the blow of breaking up with him."

"How were you supposed to know, though?" CL asked him.

"I just wish he would have told me he was bi-polar," Darren said sadly.

"He must have been embarrassed about it," Riven said quietly. CL looked at him and gently squeezed his hand, knowing Riven probably sympathized and understood Erik.

"He's going to get all the help he needs from now on," CL reminded Darren. After being arrested, Erik's mother told them she was going to do her best to get some sort of legal power over him so he wouldn't be a danger to himself or anyone else anymore. She expressed her humiliation with the family but the Valmonts assured her to focus on her son and forget that any of this happened. "This has been quite the Thanksgiving, huh?"

"It'll definitely go down in the books of things to remember," Riven nodded. This made Darren smile.

"Thanks for the support, guys," he told them. "I'm very lucky."

CL smiled and hugged his cousin.

* * * * * *


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