•|Their Joy|•


451K 12.2K 1.6K

|Complete| Allegra is a lively and joyful girl. Even after all the dreadful past, she doesn't forget to live... Еще



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"What the heck you did to my wall?" Aunt Kathy yelled.

When I entered the house, the first thing I saw was the time.

It was 6:27 in the evening. "Painted it," I muttered and walked past her, and my brothers, who were perched on the couches.

"I know that. But you can't do that without my permission." Grandpa was sitting on the couch adjacent to the TV with grandma beside him.

"Good evening, Nonno and Nonna." I greeted them.

"I'm talking to you!" Aunt Kathy started again. But this time grandpa, spoke up," Kathy, it's okay. She didn't know about it." He tried to calm the situation down.

"It's not okay! It looks like a rotten egg wall." She retorted.

I picked up my shoes which I discarded on the floor and decided to walk back upstairs.

From where Antonio and Leo, were already descending.

"Allegra, just because your brothers live here doesn't mean you can ruin my house. Be within your limits. I can kick you out of here anytime." She continued.

"Aunt Kathy," I started throwing my shoes on the side table beside one of the couches.

"Pick up-" she tried to speak but I shushed her out. "Let's get this straight, alright? I came here without my consent, so I wasn't told about on whom's property I'll be living in."

She kept muted. "Trust me, if I had known, I wouldn't even try to come in your house."

"But now that I'm already here, you can't kick me out of here without my consent."

I said; calmly. "You think you can talk all That shit in front of my family members." She pointed to all of my brothers, cousins, and elders. Excluding; Leo and Antonio who; stopped at the stairs, listening to us.

"And they would stay quiet? Watch you disrespect me?" She chuckled.

"Sweety, that's where you are wrong."

"Kathy, I think that's enough!" Grandma yelled.

"Wait, Grandma," I smirked.

"Aunt Kathy, I'll say this one last time, stop butting your nose in my relations or matters. I came here because I thought it was my brother's house. And the thing about being disrespectful to you, then honey;" I stepped closer to her.

"You don't have respect, to begin with," I said, and that was when I heard Antonio's booming voice.

"Allegra, apologize now." His voice held anger and coldness.

One that I've never heard or experienced before.

"Antonio, like I said, Stop interfering in my relations. It goes for you and everyone present here. If I think she is not worthy of my respect or anyone's, I won't be respecting her. Just because you are elder to me, doesn't mean you could build up certain criteria of someone's respect for me." My voice was soft yet stern.

"Have a good evening!" With a small smile, I walked past them and into the kitchen.

"Mia," I exclaimed happily; once I saw her.

"Alle, how are you, my child?" She smiled at me.

"Of course I'm good, 'cause you are there for me. By the way, can you remind me to drink milk every morning and night? I tend to forget it." I rambled off to her.

And that's how my evening went till it was time for dinner.


Mia and I talked about every thing that had happened in our lives till now.

I told her about all of my pranks at my house and school back then.

She asked me to set up the table while we talk.

"All set. Can you go and ask everyone to come for dinner?" Mia asked while pouring the dish in a bowl.

I nodded and went towards the living room.

I heard few voices from there so I purposely walked loudly.

"Everyone, dinner is ready!" I cheered as I entered.

"What's in dinner?" Rocco asked while draping one of his arms over my shoulder.

"I don't know. It's something soupy." I shrugged.

"Don't tell me, it's chicken noodle soup?" Alexander asked from behind us, while We walked towards the kitchen.

"I guess so." Rocco sighed along with Alexander.

Marco and Alessandro remain quiet for a while but then spoke,"Have you ever eaten chicken noodle soup before?"

I shook my head. "I don't remember particularly. Maybe I had or maybe not."

Well, for a month or so Aunt and I would eat restaurant food.

She used to take full advantage of her clients and would order as much as she can and then ask the restaurant to pack it.

The bill would be on the client, while we would eat all the food at home.

Not gonna lie those were golden days.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Marco clenching his jaws.

"Stop clenching you jaw." I stated.

We all sat down on the dinning table on our usual seats.

Leo served himself and then passed me the bowl. I didn't know what to do, so, I looked over at Leo helplessly.

"Leo, I don't know...this-" Leo sighed and served me as well.

"Oh Leo, you've never served us before. Do it for us too." Matteo muttered from his seat.

Rocco and Alex nodded their head eagerly. Even Marco and Alessandro looked up at Leo.

Antonio shook his head and smiled. "You guys know right, he will never serve you guys?"

Leo didn't even glanced up. He typed something on his phone while eating he muttered. "You guys know what to do with chicken noodle soup. Stop being a baby."

Marco looked up and glared at me. "Then how come she gets to be served my you? It's not really hard to know, how to eat a damn chicken noodle soup."

"Now that you mentioned, it wasn't really hard. It's just I didn't want to spill it all over the table. I just had difficulty in serving myself. No need to get personal okay!" I said while still processing what to do with the soup.

Should I just drink it directly from the bowl or use a spoon for it?

An awkward silence took over the table. It was just us siblings.

Uncle and aunts went for work. My cousins were half at gaming zone and the rest at work.

Grandparents had already ate so they were resting in their room.

"Mia," I called her. "Do you think you could make something spicy tomorrow?" I asked her with twinkling eyes.

She nodded. "ofcourse. You are the first person to ever ask me to cook something specific."

"Ofcourse, I'm awesome you know!" I flipped my hairs.

I finished my dinner and was about to excuse myself when Leo spoke,

"Allegra, meet me in my office in 10. It's about time we talk about you." With that he was out of the kitchen.

"Well, that went well." I sighed.



Shit chapter. Just a filler thou.

Main chapter is on its way.

•|Happy Reading|•

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