One and Only (Continuation)

By ko331520

1.1K 56 71

Alright. A lot of you know my fanfic One and Only. Something happened to my phone so this is my new account... More

•Part 31•
•The Wedding•
•Part 33•
•Part 35•
•Part 37•
•Uchiha Life•
•New Power•
•Final Chapter•


59 4 4
By ko331520

"Again. A random song. Me and my mom was listing to it and it's been stuck in my head all day😩. If you didn't grow up listing to this i'm sorry, so let me bless your life right now. And i lied. You won't find out next weekend. You'll find out what happens now hehe >;)*

And btw i might put random songs here for you guys. I'm gonna get you hooked🗿


Sasuke quickly searched downstairs. He didn't sense any other chakra though. He quietly sat everything down.

"PAPA" Daisuke yelled for Sasuke loudly.

"SASUKE-KUN" Hinata yelled too.

Sasuke teleported to Hinata. He seen four men. One was choking Hinata, the other kicked Daisuke in the stomach, the other guy was by Souta while holding Haruka's mouth shut.

Sasuke quickly grabbed Daisuke and Hinata then sat them away from the men. He grabbed Haruka and Souta. The men looked scared because of how fast he was.

"Who the hell are you?" Sasuke asked pissed off.

"Your family is a threat to us. We're here to kill you all" one of the men said.

"Daisuke, Haruka, take Souta and run to uncle Itachi alright? Hinata, go with them" Sasuke commanded them.

"No, i'm fighting too. Kids, listen to your father, run to uncle Itachi" Hinata helped them up.

Daisuke nodded and carried Souta. Haruka quickly ran away so did Daisuke.

One of the men tried to run after them but was stopped by an angry Hinata. She grabbed his arm. Hinata and Sasuke both activated their bloodline traits.

Hinata dug her nails into his arm to keep her grip, then used gentle fist to knock him down.

Sasuke taught her how to use katanas so she grabbed one that was hidden and sliced his arm off.

He screamed in pain.

Sasuke was beating them until one of the guys kicked Hinata in the stomach.

She coughed blood out.

"H-Hinata. Are you ok?" Sasuke stopped what he was doing.

She fell to the ground, limp.

She was still, it looked like she was dead. Sasuke was hoping she wasn't. That's his life right there. He can't live without her.

He just stared at her, frozen, and just unable to move.

The same guy ended up punching her.

Sasuke's eyes turned a weird color.

The guys kept punching her and another guy was running at Sasuke.

He thought Sasuke was in shock so he ran right at him head on.

But then, Sasuke looked up.

The intruder running at him froze. One of Sasuke's eyes was purple with some back circle things.

Sasuke uncontrollably transported them all to this other realm type of thing.

Everyone was in shock.

He ran right to Hinata. The man punching her had his throat slit by Sasuke.

He picked up Hinata to see if she was breathing.

"Hinata. Hinata please wake up. Hinataaa" Sasuke had tears running down his face. He quickly looked at the other men.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to kill us?" Sasuke bursted out into laughter.

The walked toward the men.

In that place he sent them all, it was pretty dark, so they seen a tall figure with one glowing red eye and one glowing purple eye.

They were so scared. They just stopped what they were doing then took a huge gulp.

Sasuke loved the fear on their faces.

He laughed again, harder this time.

He grabbed them both by the throats.

He stared into their eyes.

One man peed hisself.

He just squeezed and squeezed. One mans eye came out of his socket. The other mans eyes were bleeding.

He heard cracks them dropped them. He heard their limp bodies hit the ground.

Sasuke had no type of emotion on his face but anger.

He walked to Hinata again cradling her body close to him.

They both had lots of blood on them.

Sasuke didn't even know where they were. He then realized something happened at home. He felt something change.

He took a kunai and looked at his reflection. He saw his sharingan activated then the purple eye.

He didn't know what it was at all. He didn't have time to sit here. She needs to take sure Hinata is ok and that she'll survive. He tried to activate the eye.

He successfully did so then went home.

"PAPAAA" Daisuke ran up to Sasuke hugging his legs.

He looked up at Sasuke and seen Hinata in his arms not moving.

Itachi was holding Souta and Haruka was on his shoulders.

"Sasuke...?" Itachi was shocked. He seen Sasuke and Hinata covered in blood, that's not the main thing that caught his attention though, what did was Sasuke's new eye.

"Hospital" Sasuke said quietly then teleported off.

"U-Uncle Itachi. That wasn't papa.." Daisuke looked horrified.

"It's okay. Your father is ok. Let's take Souta and Haruka to aunt Hanabi and uncle Neji alright?" Itachi started walking. Daisuke grabbed Itachi's shirt.

When they got to the Hyuga compound Neji came out.

"W-What happened to my nephew??" Neji quickly asked rushing to them.

"An intruder. I'm taking Daisuke to the hospital. Take Haruka and Souta" Itachi demanded.

"Where's Hinata-sama?" Neji panicked.

"Hospital. We'll be leaving now" Itachi said walking off with Daisuke.

Neji was so worried but he had to take care of his nephews.

"Hanabi! Haiashi!" Neji called for them.

"What's-" Haiashi stopped then rushed to Neji quickly.

"What happened?" Hanabi quickly asked.

"An intruder. Itachi came by and dropped these two off. Him and Daisuke are going to the hospital. Hinata's there right now. I don't know what happened and i'm assuming Itachi don't know either" Neji gave Souta to Haiashi.

"W-Wait. Is Hinata alright??" Hanabi quickly asked.

"Take Haruka i'm going to the hospital. I'm gonna see if Hinata-sama is alright. Take care of these two" Neji said running off.

Hanabi and Haiashi were worried.

"Doctor. Now" Sasuke commanded the lady at the desk.

"You'll have to wait a minute sir-" the woman was looking at the computer still.


She looked up at Sasuke.
She was scared.
"U-Uchiha-san" she stammered.

He activated his eyes.

"D-Doctor! I need a doctor fast!" the woman yelled.

"Here put her on this" a medic ninja came rushing towards them.

They all hurried to the room.

"Is she ok?" Sasuke quickly asked.

"S-She was badly beat. Uhm, we d-don't really know if she'll l-live or not" the doctor looked at Sasuke full of fear.

"You better save her. If you don't i'm killing you all" Sasuke wasn't playing either.

They all gulped.

"S-Sir. Wait out in the waiting room please" the doctor said scared for his life.

"Fine." Sasuke took a last look at Hinata then walked out.

"Sasuke!" Itachi exclaimed.

Daisuke ran to Sasuke.

Sasuke picked him up and hugged him.

Sasuke fell to his knees. He started crying softly.

"Sasuke. What happened?" Itachi was scared what Sasuke was about to say.

Sasuke just stayed quiet still hugging Daisuke.

"Hey. Don't tell me.." Itachi started crying.

He sat down next to Sasuke and hugged him tightly.

"The doctors said h-he don't know if she'll live" Sasuke cried a little harder.

"Mommy's not ok?" Daisuke said looking up at Sasuke. "Is mommy gonna live?" he asked.

"Y-Yes. Mommy's gonna live" Sasuke stared at his sons face.

"Your eye is purple" Daisuke put both of his hands on Sasuke's face.

"Mhm yes. It happened when I was trying to protect mommy" Sasuke smiled a little.

Daisuke hugged Sasuke and didn't let go.

"Come on Sasuke, lets go sit" Itachi said helping Sasuke up.
They sat down

"You know, that new eye, it's called rinnegan" Itachi said.

"Yeah. Pain had it. It was hard to go against him but we did it anyways" Sasuke said holding Daisuke still.

"Yeah. But yours is different from the other ones i seen before" Itachi looked at Sasuke. "Rinne sharingan" he continued.

"Rinne sharingan?" Sasuke questioned.

"Yeah. It's a little different then regular rinnegan" Itachi smiled.

"Sasuke!" Neji yelled.

"Oh. It's Neji" Sasuke said.

"Where's Hinata-sama??"

"We can't go back yet. Some people broke into our house. We made the kids go to Itachi. Next thing you know one guy was beating Hinata. I was getting pissed off then next thing you know i was in a different type of world looking thing, and my eye is this now. And I killed the guys" Sasuke let out a deep sigh.

"Now they don't know if Hinata will be ok" Itachi said looking down.

Neji's eyes went wide. Hsat down next to Itachi.

-Two hours later-
Itachi, Sasuke, Neji, and Daisuke we're all asleep. Neji and Sasuke rested their heads on Itachi's shoulder and Daisuke was asleep on Sasuke.

A few doctors came out and woke them up.

"Uchiha-san, Hyuga-san" the man said.

Sasuke automatically woke up.

"Where's Hinata. Is she ok?" Sasuke asked.

"Y-Yes. She's ok. She's just sleeping right now"

Sasuke let out a deep sigh of relief.

"I would like to see her" Sasuke commanded.

"Uhm. Only 1"

"He's me and my wife's child. He's coming with me" Sasuke said walking to Hinata's room.

When he got there he seen her hooked up to all typed of machines.

"Mommyyy" Daisuke ran to the side of the hospital bed. He held her hand then started kissing it.

"Hi Hina" Sasuke said softly.

"S-Sasuke-kun, Daisuke" Hinata lifted her hand to Daisuke's face, she rubbed his cheek.

Sasuke had a few tears running down his face.

"I thought we lost you, Hinata" he came to where Daisuke was. He held her hand.

"No. Of course not. I'm Hinata Uchiha after all" Hinata smiled. "Don't cry Sasuke-kun"

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I missed you so much" he kissed her hand.

"Sasuke-kun, your eye!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Hm? Oh yeah. It happened when he was beating you. I slit his throat and squeezed the other two men's throats. I barely remember it happening actually" Sasuke shrugged.

"You didn't have to tell me you know"

"I'm sorry. I'm just glad your ok" Sasuke smiled holding her hand up to his face. "Do you not like my eye?" he asked.

"Of course I do! I love everything about you Sasu! Don't ever thing I don't love it" she scolded him.

"Hinata-sama!" Neji came barging in.

"Neji-nii!" Hinata smiled widely.

"Oh my god. They got you hooked to many machines. Are you ok??" he ran up to her.

"Yes Neji-nii, i'm okay"

"Oh thank god. You're okay" Itachi came in.

"Mhmm" Hinata smiled.

*Ahhhhh man this was a lot. I'm sorry. I finished this pretty quickly, i'm surprised" Anyways. I might update tomorrow again but i'm not sure yet. It just depends. Thanks for reading 🖤🦋 And enjoy the pic below. These tomato's were amazing😩*

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