Lunar: End of Magic (IMPORTAN...

By LemonMilkJUICY

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l i n k - 1 7

1 0 0
By LemonMilkJUICY

Where did they go? Home. After a good nights rest of nothingness, having no dream of prophecy this time, Sirius decided to use his two free days of mental break from school to chat with his friend. Sirius knocked on the door but was suddenly teleported inside where magic overflowed the living room. The aura was lifting everything up including Sirius. Sirius swam up to the ceiling fan and grasped the wood there. He could see his friend on the ground seemingly having another magic surge to happen to them. Sirius would just have to wait until the breakdown had lessened to properly talk. Sirius had studied the important books from Yuki about actual Advances. Magic surges happen when a person is ready for their next magical stage development.

'Magic is referring to Advances. When magic surges happen, one is ready for their next magical training. Typically, they would need to find heir new limits and rules upon their new magic. Having one advance from birth separates and other minor Advances are derived. This is how many civilians are able to use spells from other Advances, usually they are subordinates or similar elements from their original birth Advance.'

Sirius was still trying to depict of what part of magic surges he needed out to calm this down. But magic surges when someone is ready, then they restart and train that Advance. Sirius floated down miraculously and stood like he was in water. He slowly dodged a few bypassing objects like books or chairs. Unfortunately, a table was able to hit his head and down came the boy. He felt that excruciating pain on his forehead, he groaned. The surge looked like it had only begun as it become more powerful.

'Z-Z.....' Sirius stammered as he tried to get back up with a headache. The world felt dizzy and blurred. Sirius had enough patience because he needed answers now. He sent out a large shock wave of electricity and it zapped all of the aura away. His fellow fell to the carpet with a thud, along with a crack. Sirius wanted to hear a different crack and not bones. He walked over and checked the pulse of his laying friend. Friend is in good condition, he flipped their body around onto their back. Their mask crumbled down and revealed the face of his hidden friend. Sirius stepped away in shock, his eyes widened.

Sirius didn't quite care about their privacy right now, he just needed answers. Sirius steadied his breathing and gained composure.

Foggy moonstone blue eyes opened up. Sirius held a hand out reluctantly. They took the hand. Feeling blood trickling along the frame of their jaw, they touched it with a hand. They had their mouth slightly agape and eyes widened. Looking down where they had risen, they began to panic. 'Dude...It's fine now.....You were having a surge just now....Probably knocked you out...' Sirius tried to speak with a shaky or cracking voice.

That seemed to calm them down. They circled their wand and cleaned up the messy room. Sirius felt the wind gush past him hurrying to make the place look pleasant. 'I guess the mission is done.' Sirius perked a brow. Until he realized what that meant. Sirius took out a small dagger that he borrowed from Clara and had the person against all wall. 'I'm giving you a warning. Were you just sucking information I told you to C.E.O.? Answer honestly, I will know.' Sirius activated his aura, the volts threatened to paralyze his friend.


'Are you Zinto?'

'Yes. Zinto Rokuta.'

'What position do you hold in C.E.O.?'

'Superior student.'

'Student? Like you're learning from one of the Superiors?'

'Yes, though, I cannot tell you.'

'You can speak English perfectly. Were you lying to me?'

'Yes. Estimation from our organization narrowed down to you being our possible Lunar. You will aid us in defeating the Master of Ceres. I was chosen to leech off you to make sure public conversations were not spied on.'

Sirius stumbled back in astonishment. His eyes were glaring but wide. His gritted his teeth and hid the blade. 'Sorry for doing this. You should know this is for the greater good.' Zinto looked down at the around sighing. The yellow highlights in his hair looked natural but also dyed. His messy hair tied back into a high messy ponytail. Sirius should've seen it all. The description that the Superiors gave him foreshadowed that they had planned this through deeply. 'Greater good? What good lasts until the next generation and Lunars commence? It's just a goddamned cycle of magic and tragic.' Sirius angrily spewed. Zinto kept a blank face on, his personality very much matched that of the icy Tsutomu.

Sirius charged at Zinto by instinct and anger. Zinto skillfully managed to block his attack. Sirius pushed Clara's dagger before stumbling away to try again. Sirius knew that his first attack sent his frenemy off-guard. During their short quarrel, Zinto only ever blocked even if he was pressed up against the wall. Sirius blindly attacked by anger. Sirius knew he wasn't himself since he usually was strategic and only attacked mindlessly if driven to.

'Do it.'

'Get rid of your enemies, traitors, the Superiors.'

Sirius was listening to this newfound voice. He restarted the use of his aura and it blared menacingly with more volts and he pulled out his fragile wand. The wand was already cracking from the overuse of magic flowing through the mini core. Zinto saw this clearly that Sirius was going to use a large attack indoors. One of the most dangerous moves to do.

Sirius didn't know who was controlling his body any more. The voice seemed to be stronger than his current will. The voice sounded awfully close to when Emiko changed hers insanely. That's when Sirius realized how evil he was being for a main protagonist. Sirius clutched his head in pain when the pounding headache returned. His magic flickered to nothing and he was trying to find a way to sooth the pain. He stumbled around before he fell into the arms of Zinto. He tried to push himself but the iron grip was tough yet gentle.

'We're both bleeding heads. Cleaning up before I explain further. Rest.' Zinto broke down his sentences. Sirius looked like he was about to pass out so he cut down his words. Sirius wobbled his way to the couch and sat down. He could feel blood gushing down his head. He didn't realize that the table hit him that hard. He opened his watch, he realized how there was an option that seemed like has been updated. He pressed it and it revealed a new mission. This mission was sent from C.E.O. and it specifically had all of the contents readied. Like who would be on the mission, location coordinates, date to leave and return, targets, and back ground information. All the missions he gained from school were: make team, nearby location, eradicate Ceres, and emergency. He realized how realistic C.E.O. really was to missions. This was a life or death situation.

Zinto swiftly made his way back with bandages in hand. He had a few cleaning supplies and cleaned up Sirius and himself carefully. They both had identical bandages around their heads, like the twins, but Zinto had a few down but his jaw line. 'Magic has such little information, we like to think that we know so much when we don't.' Zinto suddenly spoke, breaking the tension and silence. Sirius didn't know whether if he should listen or not. He decided to listen as he couldn't do much sitting in the couch to not suffer pain.

'Sorry that that damned Ceres took your spotlight since they are spying. You should understand they are rebelling.' Zinto sighed while he tried to relax. He was using his magic messily to clean up to remnants of the messy living room. 'I know you got the same mission as me.' Sirius looked at Zinto confused. 'I don't even go to the same school as you.' Sirius looked pale. 'I am also a spy.' That explained why he was secretly gaining info off the Lunar and his problems. Sirius looked down solemnly. Zinto saw this and panicked. 'S-Sorry, I didn't tell anyone about your personal stuff.' Zinto stuttered out hurriedly. Sirius huffed as he slouched down more.

'Maybe you could tell something about yourself like I did to you.' Sirius made a quick glare glance at Zinto who had no reaction. Sirius could tell Zinto was being cautious now that he has been caught red handed. Zinto seemed to have his guard up now that Sirius was grumpy. 'Do you know Yuki? Yuki Rokuta, probably went into the same woods as you?' Sirius nodded and sat up straight, not bothering with the bandages. 'He's my brother.' Sirius coughed on his spit. It did make sense in a way. Similar eyes, personality, hair, last name. 'We have an older brother, his name is Sire.' Sirius was wheezing at this point. 'I-I thought h-his last n-name was C-Cloen?' Sirius coughed out, barely managing to control his words.

'No, that's the name the Cloen's gave him. They took him from us before I was born. He thinks he is blood family with them.' Zinto bluntly said looking down at the ground. The cups of water set on the table untouched. 'So many Ceresious problems. The woods, C.E.O., theatre, now Cloens?' Sirius said while leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Sirius began to connect the dots when he said so.

'I think a Ceres has raw power and is controlling them.' Zinto and Sirius said at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise. Furrowing brows and narrowed eyes. 'This Ceres has to be Emiko. Tsuchikuro was last seen at the Cloen's place. Emiko was the last person seen with him, now Emiko looked like she was dismembered there too.' Zinto shook his head. Sirius raised a brow. Zinto found the hole in his talk. 'Emiko had a clone there. They are fighting for absorbance.' Sirius looked utterly confused.

'Ceres with low power absorb others. More raw Advances from the similar clone doubles their strength.' Zinto pointed a finger up, Sirius realized how dumb he has been his whole life. He knows nothing about Ceres compared to a guy younger than him. Sighing, Sirius listened closely about the details containing Ceres dresses as clones.

'Emiko, the real one, is still alive, healthy, since their forms weren't messed up right?' Sirius nodded, recalling how crazy Emiko had on her face. Sirius realized then again, 'Memories, we can locate her and her family by memories!' Sirius cried. Zinto thought for a moment before standing up with a nod. 'We can look at the Ceres memories since that's what they use to seem normal! We can also look in her friends minds!' Sirius said while rushing out the door. He needed to be hasty since that was what she was sending him through the prophecy dreams.

Emiko has been sending protocols for help the entire time. Her body must be unconscious if she sent dreams, her core is still alive and conscious. Emiko was smart, though it wasn't as direct or obvious. But she tried to keep it secret since the Ceres was linking themselves to her memories.

'Ceres link memories with the original person. Using those memories allows them to learn how the person behaves throughout the day and during situations. But this link also allows the original person to seek memories from the Ceres as well. Only if their Moons have resonated and appeared.'

Sirius dashed down towards Dillian's home. Zinto tailing closely, he has no idea what Sirius really had in mind since he really is his only friend. Once they reached their destination, Sirius and Zinto rested for a bit to compose themselves. After catching their breaths, Sirius was about to knock on the door until his watch vibrated. He'd forgotten about the mission sent from C.E.O.

He opened the log and saw the same contents but he was about to be late for the meet-up. Zinto looked at it and sighed. 'We can do this when we come back.' Sirius hesitated, he needed to get his durable artifact otherwise, he would be totally useless. Zinto noticed and teleported a bag into his hand.

'Take it. I apologize for giving stuff from before that didn't really save you.' Zinto looked away bashfully. Sirius took the bag and opened it. Inside was a normal looking wand. Sirius was confused. 'Is this going to be useful?' Zinto nodded. 'Also, don't saw that the stuff you gave me from before was bad. I mean, they were, but they still saved me and I'm here now.' Sirius uttered while he took out the wand.

The wand was fresh as glowing initials had just engraved themselves into the flat of the wand. S.Q.G.

'I made sure to make it much more useful and cooler than the sword. I know the sword couldn't handle shock absorbance, so I tried to make this as resistant and strong as I could.' Zinto bowed, the red fabric tied his hair back into a high ponytail, though is was frizzy and spiky. Too short for it to be a longer one.

'We gotta go, ditch your uniform, I've got something better.' They rushed back to Zinto's home. Sirius was hoping for the red fabric, maybe tying it around the wand and his forehead too. But Zinto came out with his weapon; a wand. 'Uniform?' Sirius wondered. Zinto shook his head. 'Sorry, not the uniform, I'll show you if we land on the same battle field.' Zinto took his board which hung on the wall near the front door.

The two got their boards ready, at maximum flight, the zoomed to the location meet-up. Sirius and Zinto took in all of the information they literally had just told each other. Zinto's family line, Sirius spewing ramble about Emiko's call.

They saw their location from bird's eye view and swooped down. The people gathered was surprising. Sirius wasn't expecting to see them here, Zinto looked quite used to it. Sirius was wondering how they would perform in battle now that they were all set up on this mission.

New Character Unlocked

Zinto Rokuta

Young man on the right.

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