By hanmanation

4.5K 185 30

in which shinichiro and you eventually bond, all because of motorcycles. More



266 13 4
By hanmanation

🐕┊MOTORCYCLES, chapter five.


"[NAME], you're failing biology."

your biology teacher had dragged you out of the classroom whilst shinichiro was talking about his dream motorcycle, and even though you weren't actually listening, you were just focusing on his voice because he was boring you, you'd rather be back in your seat beside that boy.

obviously, you weren't surprised; your biology grades were embarrassing, and your relied on shinichiro for notes. you knew you were smart, your grades everywhere else were above average, but biology was the one subject where you failed to maintain that perfection.

fuck biology, honestly.

"now, seeing as you missed our last lesson that was about the content on your upcoming test, you can either come in everyday during lunchtime and i'll help you study, or you can study in your own time. if you manage to get over 70% on your test next week, then you pass. any less with no proof of studying will be a detention," your teacher explained to you.

you nodded silently, letting your teacher hand you a revision guide of what you were expected to study. looking at the sheet, you began planning which country you would run away to.

"thank you, ma'am," you nodded, walking back into the classroom. without a word, you sat back down next to shinichiro, who was talking to another student with his back to you.

"yeah, that's why i'd rather have no balls and a dick than no dick and just- oh, [name], you're back," shinichiro smiled, stopping his previous conversation about dick and balls and turning around to face you. "what was that about?" he asked, taking the sheet of paper in your hands.

"i need 70% to pass the biology test, or i'm fucked," you explained shortly. "i don't fucking know how i'm gonna get more than 50%, biology's kicking my ass right now," you sighed, covering your forehead with your palm.

"it's okay, i'll help you study," shinichiro volunteered. "there you go again, doing me favours-"
"come on, don't say that, it's okay, i'm not busy or anything," shinichiro dismissed your comment. "if you come home with me today, i'll make some notes for you, and i'll help you with the stuff you don't understand."

what did you do to deserve shinichiro, you couldn't help but think as he explained how he would help you. you didn't really hear what he was saying, you found yourself drawn in by his facial features: the slight smile on his face that was infested his pink lips; the small bed of blush that slept on his cheeks and nose; and you only just realised the small bags that hung under his eyes, only making him more attractive.

shinichiro stopped talking and smiled at you, that cute smile he does where his eyes disappear, under the impression that you followed every word. you nodded your head, "yeah, thanks, shinichiro." he nodded his head, "no problem. i'll make sure you get 80% on the test," he promised you.

biology class ended after a while so you and shinichiro were headed to the cafeteria after you claimed that you were hungry. shinichiro lectured you on why breakfast is the most important meal of the day and why you should never skip it whilst you nodded and 'mhm'-ed every now and then.

"are you even listening to me?" shinichiro asked as you picked out what snack you wanted. you shook your head, "nope." shinichiro huffed in exasperation and folded his arms like an angry mother as he waited for you to pay for your sandwich.

"shin!" as you stood by shinichiro, ready to leave, haru, shinichiro's friend, approached, putting an arm around shinichiro's neck. "you're [name], ain't ya? so, you two," haru grinned, now putting an arm around you and walking away, "what's up?"

shinichiro and you made eye contact for while, before shinichiro cleared his throat, laughing. "what do you mean? we're good," shinichiro responded. you silently ate your sandwich, expecting shinichiro to do all the speaking. you didn't really know haru, though he occasionally gave you high-fives in the hallways.

you didn't bother struggling out of his grasp, you saw the way he played with shinichiro. "oh, silly, silly shinny," haru sighed, making shinichiro roll his eyes at the childish nickname that was quite funny to you.

"i mean you two. you guys are dating, right?" haru asked, making you choke on your sandwich slightly. shinichiro chuckled awkwardly, "we aren't really like that," he explained slowly.

"what? no way!" haru frowned, now letting go of the two of you. "well, yes way, we're just friends," shinichiro nodded at you. "right, [name]?" you nodded your head in agreement. "right."

"everyone thinks there's something going on between you two, we all just assumed you were together. everyone's gonna be disappointed, now," haru sighed. "you're positive there's nothing going on? because i'm sensing a connection," haru claimed, obnoxiously waving his hands around you two.

shinichiro slapped haru's hand down, spoiling his fun. "drop it, haru, we're just friends, okay? you're being weird now," shinichiro rolled his eyes, now taking your wrist and walking on without the third-wheeler.

it wasn't really necessary, taking your wrist, you were capable of walking yourself, yet you didn't complain or even mention it. it felt right. "god, he can be such a child sometimes," shinichiro kissed his teeth. you guys reached the courtyard when shinichiro noticed his mistake of grabbing your wrist, only when other people began noticing and whispering.


one girl ran up to you, holding your hand and smiling. she was extremely beautiful, her curly short hair sitting on her shoulders, and her dark eyes gleaming at you. "you're [name], shinichiro's girlfriend, aren't you? you two are so cute together!"

she had a cute, floaty, almost sing song voice that would usually piss you off, but she actually seemed sweet to you.

"yes, but i'm not actually-"

"i knew it! you two are so perfect for each other! everyone's been waiting for the day shinichiro doesn't get rejected by a girl, and the day has finally come," she smiled.

"chikako, you really didn't need to add that part," shinichiro shook his head. chikako took no notice of shinichiro. "shinichiro and i used to be close when we were young, you know, and any friend of shinichiro's is a friend of mine, especially a girlfriend!" she beamed, now shaking your hand.

"i'm not-"

"okay, thanks, chika, we're going now," shinichiro nodded, steering you away from her. "bye, [name]!" chikako waved, and shinichiro waved for you.

shinichiro sighed heavily, "i'm sorry about them, haru and chika. they're really weird, huh? crazy how everyone thinks we're dating, right?" shinichiro chuckled uncomfortably.

you nodded your head, "yeah, real weird."


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