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🐕┊MOTORCYCLES, epilogue.

🐕┊MOTORCYCLES, epilogue

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"DADDY, you said mama's coming back soon." shinichiro sighed, putting down the pan in his hand and lifting up the small girl on the floor. "she's coming soon, don't worry, baby," he kissed her cheek, patting her back simultaneously.

"where's your sister?" shinichiro asked the girl, walking into the living room and switching the television on. "upstairs, crying," val answered, wiping her eyes.

shinichiro sighed, switching the television off and making his way upstairs, val still in his hands. "hey, ky," he opened the door to the girls' shared room, where another girl was sat on the bed with a teddy in her other hand and her thumb in her mouth.

shinichiro sighed, sitting down on the bed. he beckoned for them to occupy one of his thighs each. "why're you crying?" shinichiro asked the younger girl, taking her hand away from her face.

red, smaller eyes stared back in despair. shinichiro dug for a packet of tissues, wiping the snot away from her nose. "i miss mama," the shaky voice told him.

"me too," val squeaked, a pout forming on her lips. shinichiro sighed, hugging his children closer. it seemed that every missed you. the children missed you, but no-one missed you the same way shinichiro missed you.

yeah, you'd video call in the morning, but as time progressed, your schedule grew tighter and tighter and you were unable to make time for your family. god, no-one missed you the same way shinichiro missed you. he felt selfish missing you, but he was okay with being selfish, for you.

he needed your presence. he craved you.

"mommy says she's gonna be here soon, okay? you don't need to cry," shinichiro smiled, wiping their tears away. ironic, huh. shinichiro's cried. he couldn't stand being away from you, and for a whole three months? jesus christ, he didn't know how he's still alive right now.

"promise? promise mama's gonna come back?" kyra sniffed. shinichiro held his two pinky fingers up, a smile plastered across his countenance. "promise." and their pinkies all connected.

"also promise not to tell mum about the broken vase?" shinichiro added, making them all laugh. "promise, daddy!" the twins beamed in harmony. their smiles was almost enough to make shinichiro forget that you were gone, almost.

shinichiro couldn't help but feel blessed with the two beautiful baby girls you had given him, cherishing them everyday. "do you wanna wear the dresses mommy gave you to surprise her?" shinichiro suggested. the girls nodded eagerly, jumping to their closet to get the matching floral dresses you had shipped there.

independently, the girls got changed, helping each other with their zips. shinichiro's heart swelled. these were his, his children.

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