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🐕┊MOTORCYCLES, chapter three.

🐕┊MOTORCYCLES, chapter three

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warning !!
- racism


"GOOD morning, [name]!" shinichiro showed off his teeth, beaming at you as you jumped off your motorcycle. you pretended not to see him, taking your helmet off and replacing it with a cowprint bucket hat.

"how long have you been here?" you asked him with a slight glare that shinichiro either ignored or didn't notice. instead of answering your question, he started counting on his fingers. "seven words! that's the most you've spoken in to me in one go," shinichiro joked, making you turn around on your heel and walk away from him. "it's six," you murmured.

shinichiro caught up with you, chuckling an apology. "it's not like i was waiting for you, by the way, i realised that you arrived this time yesterday, so i just guessed that- oh, that vending machine doesn't work," shinichiro told you apologetically.

you sighed in exasperation. "did you not have breakfast? i have a breakfast bar if you want it." you were going to decline his offer, but he had already opened his backpack, scurrying through the container, murmuring "ah-hah" when he had found what he was looking for.

he handed it over to you with a smile, and with a slight nod, you accepted it, immediately opening it.
"thanks," you uttered quietly. shinichiro beamed, shaking his hand dismissively. "it's no worries, but skipping breakfast isn't healthy, you know."

"yeah, i know," you snapped. "i was running late."

"we're having an actual conversation, this is so nice. we should do it more often," he grinned, putting his hands in his jean pockets. "maybe not," you whispered under your breath. shinichiro either didn't hear or ignored you.

"hey, so i was wondering, where'd you get your motorcycle from? i haven't seen it before," shinichiro asked suddenly, still watching you eat. you shrugged your shoulders. "my dad gave it to me," you lied. well, it was a half-lie. it used to belong to your dad.

"oh? that's cool, very cool," shinichiro nodded. "when did you get it?"

"why are you trying to have a conversation with me?" you asked him, a little confused. "well, i figured we both like motorcycles, so-"

"i don't like motorcycles, i ride motorcycles," you interrupted bluntly. "do you want to see mine?" shinichiro grinned, ignoring your rudeness. "we have classes," you deadpanned. "oh, that's true. what class you got? i have english," shinichiro told you.


"oh, i'll walk you there!" shinichiro offered with a smile. "you'll be late for english," you shook your head. "psh, it's okay, i'm always late," shinichiro assured you, beginning to walk alongside you.

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