
By kaylarosewrites

1.5M 42.2K 43.3K

[complete; editing, ROUGH draft] "Say something in Spanish." I snorted, "Like what?" "I don't know... I just... More

||Author's note||
||01|| Praised*
||02|| Clue
||03|| Under your nose
||04|| Numbed
||05|| Bodies drop
||06|| Undercover
||07|| Blindsided
||08|| Capo
||09|| Meaningless, yet purposeful*
||10|| Helpless
||11|| Her Wings
||12|| Partner In Crime
||13|| Over And Under*
||14|| Blown Through*
||15|| Welcome Back
||16|| Self Confessions
||17|| Re-visited pain
||18|| Risks Taken
||19|| Rules Broken*
||20|| Waffle
||21|| Grenade
||22|| Collisions
||23|| Her and I*
||24|| Two-Faced
||25|| Cope
||26|| Expect The Unexpected
||27|| Recuperating
||28|| One bed
||29|| Agosto?
||30|| Volunteer
||31|| Grave
||32|| Euphoric*
||Thank You!||
17 years later: Angela's POV

||33|| Letter

28.7K 752 491
By kaylarosewrites

[A/N]: I never do author's notes first but I think it's needed so I can APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAIT. SO sorry, it took me a month, but the rest of this book is now posted, have fun babes. <3 thank you for sticking around.


Oakley POV

There was a moment in my life when I thought my future was would never come. That the life I pence lived was to be my demise.

But somehow, I found myself in a car with my future father of my child, rich beyond anything I could've wished for, and living the legacy my father built after killing his assassin.

And how the fuck did I manage to do that?

Some will call it luck. But I'd call it being driven by vengeance.

I step off the plane, my heel hitting the concrete ground. The sunbeams bright, considering it's an hour past noon.

In front of me, about a dozen or so men dressed in black attire filed in uniformed lines cause my shoulders to stiffen. I let go of August's hand, my eyebrow rising in question.

From the looks on their faces, I know this isn't just a ''meeting with the boss after her flight' sort of thing.

There's something wrong.

August meets me at my side, putting his tense hand on the small of my back, and I feel him begin to speak but I put a hand up to quiet him. If they're ever going to respect me, I have to play my part as their queen.

I turn to August, "Do you know about any of this?" I whisper.

He shakes his head, "No, I had other plans but they clearly need your attention."

I sigh, turning back to face my men, "What's going on?" I ask sternly.

One of the men that I barely recognize steps out from the left row. He's tall as most of them, broad shoulders with pin-straight posture, "Mathew has gone missing while you were away, boss," He says, causing me to swallow hard as I comprehend his words. "He's taken millions out of his bank account along with him, and left you this."

His hand motions to dig in his pocket and just as he does, Thomas and August simultaneously step in front of me causing him to halt his movement.

I smirk. My own personal bodyguards protect me from my bodyguards. How ironic.

August puts his hand on his gun handle poking out the back of his pants. "I'd be careful with you're movement if I were you," He warns.

The guard slowly pulls a slip of paper out of his pockets, his eyes on August the entire time, with his other hand high and visible.

August takes the paper a bit more aggressively than needed and opens it. I observe his face as his eyes scan down the sheet of paper, a letter, no doubt. But of what is what makes my cold run cold. Mathew is a dangerously powerful man. He has people everywhere and being that he was once head of Salvo, that power doesn't just vanish.

August's body stiffens as he turns to face me.

"What does it say?" I ask.

He hands me the letter, rubbing a hand down his face. I take it from him and turn around as I read it, balling my free hand into a fist to stop it from shaking from nerves.

To my precious niece,

You never fail to amaze me, Oakley. You are, without a doubt, your father's daughter. His leadership, and bravery. But look where that has gotten him. Dead. You have taken everything from me the second you stepped foot in New York. You and that pathetic man at your side who I foolishly trusted. There can only be one person in power, and for now, that person is you. But I'm not gone. No. I'm much closer than you think. With eyes in places, you'd never expect. And when the time is right, maybe one, five, or even eighteen years from now after you've had your little fun in power, you'll see me again. Whether you end up buried beside my brother is solely up to you. I'd watch your back and the people you cherish most if I were you because you'll never know when things just might go... off—


I hear just as strong arms wrap around me and a gunshot goes off. I'm sent flying sideways towards the concrete my head feeling as though it cracked open from impact, a sharp pain zapping through my body all the way to the tips of my fingers.

I manage to lift my head as the arms around me, who I realize are Slashers loosen and I blink through my blurry vision just in time to see August raising his gun and shooting the man, who informed us of the letter, clean through his head. He drops to the floor, Axel and Thomas raising their guns at the dozen other men dressed in black.

My heart pounds so hard against my chest that it hurts, my breathing shallow and uneven.

I nearly died.

I slide my hand onto my stomach.

My baby nearly died.


Slasher stands up from behind me and offers his hand while August and Thomas both bark orders to the men to keep back. I grab it, and he lifts me slowly as if I weigh no more than a feather.

"Scheiße. You alright, brat?" He questions, as the stars that blur my vision clear. "What the hell is going on?"

I swallow the lump that formed in my throat, nodding. "Mathew Slavo."

I bring a hand to the side of my face, feeling wetness run down it, to find blood dressing my fingertips. Wonderful. I rub it on my black dress.

My gaze goes back to Slasher who's getting out his knife from the inside of his jacket "Thank you, for saving me— us," I correct myself.

He shakes his head, "That bullet was far off, Oakley." He points to the small hole in the

plane a few feet behind us where the bullet impaled through the metal. "He wasn't trying to hit you."

Realization falls on my head like a weight. "A warning," I whisper under my breath, not sure if he even heard me or not. I clench the letter still in my hand.

Mathew didn't want to kill me, he just wanted to prove his words. That he can kill me at any time he wants, that he has eyes in places I least expect. That he isn't truly gone.

And he proved it.

I side-step Slasher and walk towards August who turns around and lowers his gun, worry replaces his stern expressions as his hands raise to cup my face.

"You're bleeding," He acknowledges.

"I'm fine, give me your gun."

He shakes his head, "You need the hospital—"

"I said that I'm fine, now give me your gun."

If I can't trust my own men, then I'll new ones.

August clenches his jaw and does as I ask. I take it from him, impatiently walking over the dead body on the floor and towards the line of men who have their hands raised above their heads. Their faces are straight, emotionless. Mafia men at their finest.

"Guns, empty them. Now," I order.    

They listen. Fishing out their handguns, some inside their jackets, others stuffed in the waist of their pants. But they de-mag them, letting the magazine full of bullets fall to the ground. Once the last of the men drops his mag.

There's no way of telling.

No way of knowing who else carries Mathew's extra pairs of eyes.

I raise my gun to the first man and he closes his eyes as if to accept his fate, "You bitch," He hisses right before my bullet impales his head. And I don't stop. I don't stop pulling down on the trigger until there are seven bodies laying on the floor, dead and surrounded by a pool of scarlet-colored blood.

I lower my hand staring at the last man I killed. I wonder if he had a family. I wonder if he was loyal. I wonder if he knew nothing of Mathew. And I wonder if he was truly one of the untrustworthy.

Questions that will go unanswered for the sake of my child's life and the people I love the most in this world.

I did what I had to do. A sacrifice I think that won't be my last.

Turning around I face Thomas and he stares back at me, his hands holding each other in front of him.

"Capo," I say, calling him by his new label. While August has men of his own that have undoubtedly become family to me, Caleb, Slasher, and Axel. I still have to find where mine lay. Starting with Thomas.

He smiles a small smile and nods, "Boss."

"Clean this up," I order.

He nods, "On it."

I walk towards August and he stands knowingly, his hand coming up to wrap around my face.

"That's my girl," He whispers. And just like that, the touch of his hand, the warmth of his breath, and the reassurance cause my throat to loosen from the tight knot it was twisted in. I bring my arms tightly around his neck, burying my face into the crook of his neck as his hands fall to the small of my back, bringing me flush against his front. He's the only reason that I'm reminded of my heart, if not for him I'd be convinced there's a hollow space where my heart should be. But as his hands slide up and cup my head, his head twisting to kiss my temple, my heart makes it its mission to announce its presence, swelling almost painfully with my love for him.

"What do we do?" I say lifting my head from his neck. "Mathew... who knows what he's planning or who's on his side and when —"

"Angel," August brushes his fingers against my temples, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Relax." I inhale a breath, then release before he continues. "I'd burn this world down before I let him touch a hair on your pretty head. There's a reason he ran, and if he's smart he'll stay in hiding. You hear me?"

If anyone, August has the most reasons to want Mathew dead, being my his mother is dead becasue of him. But keepig it together is all he's trying to do right now. For me.

I nod and sigh. His lips come down to kiss my forehead, my stomach turning at the gentle action.

I let go of August, and I glance at Axel, Slasher and Thomas pilingthe bodies on top of each other Axel emties a a bottle of alcohol ontop of them. Pulling out a match, Thomas flicks it onto the bodies and within seconds the bodies burst into flames, scorching the corpses.


"Oh my God, oak! What happened?" Olivia exclaimed as I wwalked into my apartment, August and Thomas following behind as always. Something tells me my sides will always be warm with these two beside it. My lover and my bodyguard.

I pay only a few seconds wondering hwy her and Caleb are in my house, too exhausted to. Stealing my food, is most likely why.

As I walk in August sets our suitcases down and I sigh, turning to face a worried Olivia. Caleb following shortly behind her, walking up to question August after galnceing at the wound on my head I god form hitting the ground.

"I'm alright. Seriously Liv. I had to take care of business."

I'll tell herald that happened later, but right now, I need a fucking drink—

Shit, I'm pregnant.

I look at my stomach and put a hand on it, "It's only been a few weeks and I already want you out, hun," I whisper to myself.

I kick off my heels, "Thomas, you can just leave my stuff here in the living room. If Olivia didn't inhale my fridge you can make yourself at home. August, my dress?" I can't bother attempting to unzipper this thing. It's practically impossible.

I pause as I notice a glace fall on each of them. It was only a split second but it still seemed weird.

Unless im just paranoid and seeing things.

Maybe it's my hormones.

Or the fact that my own uncle just threatened to kill me.

I shake my head and close my eyes, brushing my paranoia away and walk towards my bedroom.

August heavy footsteps follow behind me shortly after as I get to the door and twist the knob. Opening it, my eyes widen.

Definitely paranoia.

The room is light up by string lights pinned to the ceiling, red balloons rubbing against them. Rose pedals dress the floor that I step on, small circle candles lighting up  a path to teh bed. The delisipous scent of flowers and mouthwatering chocolate fill my lung, causing me to inhale deeper, savoring it as if it might disappear any second. But when my eyes trail to the sheets on my bed I realize exactly where the everlasting smell comes from. Bouquet's of flowers and boxes of chocolates sit at the front of the bed along side gift bags, beside the pillows.

Though what truely catches my eyes are the words written in rose petalson my white comforter.

Be mine.

"August." A large grin stretches ear to ear on my face as I turn around to face August.

My gaze drops lower to see him on one knee kneeling, and I gasp.

A hand goes to my mouth as he raises his hand, the other one holding the ring that I have him seconds after he got shot. He holds it between his fingers.

He reaches for my hand and holds it as I feel my eyes swell.

"You are, the best thing to happen to me, Oakley. I know this timing is shit, I seem to have a reputation of shit timing," I laugh-cry at his insult to himself. Because it's true, his timings are never the greatest. "if I knew what this day would've brought, I would've saved this for another time. But I can't be more proud of you, angel. And I can't thank you enough for giving me what I thought I'd never want and a child I'll love to fucking death." He rubs the inside of my palm with the flat of his thumb as he continues, my sniffles filling the room.

"I don't see a point in life if you aren't by my side for every second of it." His eyes are swelled and red, as if he might shed some tears as well. He clears his throat, keeping his gaze glued to mine, "Marry me?"

Not even a second passes before I nod my head yes and drop to where he kneels. He catches me by my hips as I practically melt into his lap, kissing him. I straddle him, my arms resting around his neck as he grips my waist, deepening our kiss by opening his mouth. My hand travels up his neck and cups his face as he pulls back, revealing the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

It's cute. He's cute. He's mine. Forever.

I press my forehead against his and laugh sofly, "I'm a fiancèe," I acknowledge as if saying it out loud might make it seem less unreal.

He nods, and pulls my left hand from around his lap and takes my fingers in his hand. Lifting the encagement ring that I feel like I'm truly seeing for the first time despite the other times, and slides it on my hand. It seems so much brighter than before, the larg diamond in teh center, small her diamonds along side. What I didn't realize before are the wings that hold the large diamond up. Angel wings.

I look up at August and he brings my hand sto his lips and kisses it, "The sexiest fiancèe in the world."



My babiesssss *cries*

Thank you so much for your patients again! Writers block is real, and taking a break from a project was just something I had to do. Love you all.

How mad would you be if Oakley had died? gotta love last-minute drama...

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