The Owl House: Immortal

By NightAlpha_1

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Art by me :) ____________ This is a tale of two souls, bound together by the ties of fate but forbidden to lo... More

CHAPTER 1: Hunters and Prey
CHAPTER 2: Weird Feeling
CHAPTER 3: The City
CHAPTER 4: Who's she?
CHAPTER 5: Encounter
CHAPTER 6: I'm Definitely Gonna Kill Her
CHAPTER 7: Troublesome Day
CHAPTER 9: Flowers
CHAPTER 10: Expect the Unexpected
CHAPTER 11: A Worried Friend
CHAPTER 12: Understanding You
CHAPTER 13: Comfort of a Big Sister
CHAPTER 14: Trusting a Vampire
CHAPTER 15: To Reunite
CHAPTER 16: Wolf Dork
CHAPTER 17: Painful Reunion
CHAPTER 18: The Curse of Two Lovers
CHAPTER 19: Hiding Within the Shadows
CHAPTER 20: Old Mission, New Goal
CHAPTER 21: Finding Answers
CHAPTER 22: Having Fun
CHAPTER 23: Two Devils with a Pair of Simps
CHAPTER 24: She agrees with me?!
CHAPTER 25: Joining Forces
CHAPTER 26: When Stars Align

CHAPTER 8: Finding Something

672 31 8
By NightAlpha_1

Amitys Perspective

Boscha didn't show up today, she told me that her parents wanted her to do something 'important'. I was still in my bed even though its morning, thinking about that stupid wolf girl who humiliated me yesterday

Aughh!! Just thinking about her makes me irritated

I growled, clenching my fist as I hit the wall beside me, creating a huge crack. I heard a loud thud that came from the room next to me as footsteps came after.

I heard a creak came from my door, catching my attention as I look over "Mittens! Are you alright? Man! that earthquake seems strong" Edric frantically looked over to my side, looking a little startled "You should be careful mittens, there might be an aftershock"

Edric left, leaving me in confusion of what he just said. Emira then came into my view, looking towards where Edric went as she makes a grin. She peeked her head at my door and looked at me "Hey mittens, are you alright?"

I raised a brow "Why are you asking me that question?"

"Mittens, I'm not stupid like Ed" She grinned, making her way towards me and sat down beside my bed "There's no earthquake that could create a crack like that, it's obvious that you punched the wall" She pointed her finger at the cracked wall I punched earlier.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little irritated" I answered with my brows furrowed. I leaned my back against the wall beside me, slightly turning my head at my right.

"I saw you and Boscha went to the woods last night, does that has something to do with your irritation?" She asked, making me give an annoyed sigh as I look away "Okay, I won't force you to tell me anything but if you have something troubling you, you can tell me alright?"

I nodded in response, earning me a smile from her which I found a little reassuring. She made her way out of my room, closing the door shut, leaving me alone again.

I laid at my bed, looking at the ceiling above me. I made an exasperate sigh as I rose from my bed, looking over to the wooden shelf beside me as I saw my book. I stretched my hand, reaching the book from my position. I felt the rough texture of the cover, feeling it getting a little heavy as I grabbed it. I opened the book from the middle, where a green bookmark can be seen pinned between the pages.

I continued to read it as silence engulf my surroundings, making it more peaceful for me. I was immersed with the silence, making me feel like Im in my own world where no one would bother me. As I read my book, I started to feel sleepy with my arms getting all weak as my eyes slowly closing shut. My book fell on my body as my arms hit my bed, feeling myself drifting into sleep.

[Tell me Amity, what do you like about the moon?]

My body shot up, gasping for air as I opened my eyes, tears flowing down my face. My hands were shaking as my eyes were widened, feeling my whole body tense up. I looked over to the window beside me, only for me to find out that it was already night.

I placed my hand at my head covering half of my face while I scrunch my other hand to my chest "Who are you??" I irritably asked myself

I tried to steady my breathing as I inhale and exhaled repeatedly. My body started to relax along with my chest. I quickly snapped my head outside then back in front of me, with my eyes furrowed as I make my way out of my room then to the woods.

I walked through the woods to clear my mind for a bit, leading me to a wide space which I can see the moon shining brightly above me.

"It's pretty nice seeing you once in a while" My lips curled up, making me a little relaxed. As I looked up to the moon, I felt a strong breeze of wind passed, making me look over to my left then to my right. I looked back to the moon above me, giving a curious look "Are you trying to take me somewhere?"

Another strong wind blew passed me, confirming my question. I stood up, following where the strong breeze takes me using my vampire speed. I stopped after reaching a tree house built in a huge tree.

I raised a brow, circling around the huge tree as I touched it. I looked up seeing slightly mold wood stepping, attached to the tree. I didn't bother using them since I have my vampire abilities. I jumped and landed to some thick branch on the side until I reached the floor board of the tree house. My hands and reached to its open side, moving myself up, until I got in.

The inside was kind of dusty and has a lot of cob webs on all sides. It seems like it was built a long time ago, having some of its hand-made wooden furniture grow fungus. There's a lot of stuff in the tree house, almost looking like its an actual house

"Who would build a tree house like this?" I questioned, making my way towards a certain space while I look around. As I started to wonder around, my eyes caught a piece of paper slipped under a chair. It was pretty dirty and kind of dusty, its sides looking like its been torn

Something was written in it, it read

The moon will be my guide to you.

My eyes widened as I read what was written. The cursive writing was similar to mine but I don't remember writing something like this. I was always immersed in studying so I didn't have time playing or writing silly stuffs like this.

But why?

Why does my heart feel like shattering after I read it?

Why do I feel hurt for something I don't even remember having?

I clicked my tongue as my eyebrows furrowed "What am I even feeling?" I contemplated, slightly crumpling the paper I'm holding.

My ear twitched as my head quickly snapped behind me after I heard a cracking sound. I quickly hid from a nearby branch, concealing my presence as I tried to see who it was.

I spotted a figure of a person coming from outside, I can't really see the person's face but I can clearly see that they are also looking around the place. I took this chance to appear from behind them.

"Who are you?" I asked as my eyes changed to crimson red, with my teeth changing into fangs as look at the person in front of me. They slowly turned around, as the bright ray of light hit the whole house from the window behind me. My eyes widened then turned into a furious expression as I see them "You!!" I growled

It's the wolf girl

"H-hey, minty, you're here too?" She stuttered. The nickname she gave me was just irritating, it made me furious

"You have no right to call me that!!" I hissed, clenching my fist as I tried to hit her. She immediately noticed what I was gonna do so she took a nearby furniture, quickly placing it in front of her as I hit the furniture instead.

I quickly positioned myself, I stretched my right leg, putting much force into it as I kicked her. She managed to dodge it by bending herself before flipping backwards.

"You humiliated me!! And I'm gonna make you pay!!" I hissed, sending an uppercut but got dodged "By killing you!!"

"Woah! Wait-" I cut her off by sending multiple heavy punches continuously "I'm sorry! Okay! you told me to fight back and I did!" She apologized, making me more irritated "I didn't expect that you would feel this way! There weren't even any people there so you didn't really get humiliated!"

"Why you-!!!!" I growled, kicking her from the side, sending her out of the tree house and hit the ground

She winced in pain, slowly standing from the ground before rubbing her head. I quickly jumped down, landing in front of her as I created a crack on the ground where I landed "After you humiliated me." I trailed off, slowly walking towards her with my brows furrowed ". you just dug up your own funeral"

She flinched a little, making a nervous chuckle as she stands up "Youre kidding right?" She asked, hoping for the answer to be 'yes'. I didnt respond, still making a deadpan look. Her chuckle went down as she look at me in nervousness "You're not kidding, are you?"

"I don't do jokes" I replied, making a deadpan look as I prepared my stance "Now, are you prepared to die wolf girl?"

She chuckled nervously "Sorry but I still have some things I want to do in my life so I won't let you kill me yet" She replied, making me smirk

"Is that so? well, I'm sorry to tell you but I'm gonna have to kill you" I smirked

"Thought you would say that" She said

I punched the wolf girl, multiple times, but she delivers a huge boulder, sending the me spinning to the ground.

She fell to the ground and charged at me. I jumped up into the sky, away from her. She jumped onto a tree, leaping her way towards me, trying but failed to grab hold of my leg as she topples to the ground, smashing herself to a boulder. She winced, staying down on the ground as if she already lost.

I seized an opportunity to fall down towards her, dropping down with a great force to end this. My legs were about to hit her but my eyes widened in shock as I felt something wrong. When I was already near her, she quickly dodged, grabbing my leg as she threw me.

I was thrown over a tree, sending a large impact to the tree, creating a crack.

I fell on the ground, kneeling down on my knees as I felt pain from all over my body. I heard a loud cracking, making me snap my look behind me. My eyes went wide as I saw the tree behind me starting to fall towards my direction.

My body didn't move, it was like Im paralyzed in my position. I closed my eyes, waiting for something to hit me but after a few minutes of waiting nothing happened. My body felt warm, like something or someone is carrying me. I slowly opened my eyes, and gazed over to whos carrying me. My eyes went wide in shock as I saw her, the one who saved me "You?"

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