
By Cabalmen

86 24 0

Finding purpose in life and meaning for your existence is hard enough, Ossa got the brunt of being an orphan... More

Prologo: "La Formazione"
Prima Parte

Seconda Parte

13 8 0
By Cabalmen

The whole situation was madness incarnate! We were staring down darkness itself, the boogeyman! I only heard stories about him and thought there were monsters who didn't actually exist, but the boogeyman does and I- can't ugghhh breathe!

"Your father stole from me a long time ago and I would love to have it back" the boogeyman stated whilst his head moved in a spiral manner all around the room, completely detached from his body as he sucked more and more of the air into himself, making his body bloat and also, hoarding it for himself which I really doubt he needs!

"I- don't know what you want!" I struggled to say as Angelo and I began to float above the table

"As I said, your father stole from, something I need to stay alive in this world! My bloodstone!" he said with ferocity in his growling, sunken voice "They used it to create you! They did a good job in using it to its fullest potential, but in doing so, they gave me the right to do whatever I need to do to take my bloodstone back even if it means in you bein destroyed for good, skeligirl!" the boogeyman barked with his duck lips stretching towards me as his voice deepened with every word. His lips quickly opened widely as sharp razor-like teeth suddenly formed on them as the boogeyman roared "GIVE ME MY STONE!!!"

"Well even if I know what a bloodstone is or how I give it to you, I really don't know how... ugh! And I need- air" I said softly as my body felt softer as my vision dimmed...

 Angelo held my hand as a blinding light suddenly appeared in the room. I looked to my right and I saw Angelo holding a baton that he used to turn on the lights, "You weren't planning on sleeping this early are you?" I only smiled as I pulled him in and hugged him, and then we suddenly fell down as the boogeyman held his head, shaking it vigorously, trying to regain his senses, it seems like.

"We should get out of here... NOW!" I yelled to Angelo as we slowly stood up then quickly sprinted to the door and out of the room. I looked back and saw the boogeyman in his skinless form, with his blinding white eyes, pulsating in the slowly darkening corridor... then all exploded as the boogeyman's face started to race against us, tailing us! "Angelo, don't look now but the boogeyman's right behind, pick up the pace!"

Angelo, being Angelo, looked back and got spooked... of course "Holy mother of Hesus! AHHHHHHHH" he screamed as he bolted three times as fast!... the heck?!

All of a sudden, two smoke clouds, that reformed themselves into solid hands, bursts out of the rooms in front of Angelo and caught him, I stopped to scream "Angelo!" but it was dumb as the boogeyman bit my torso and dragged me down to the floor as the black clouds began to surround us once more and my vision was yet again being taken from me, this is so- "ANNOYING!" then a sudden blast of energy erupted out of from my chest in neon red colour as the walls and floors around me and Angelo got ripped to pieces and the gravity that held our feet to the ground was yet again gone.

"What was that?!" Angelo asked

"I have no idea! hahaha" I laughed then Angelo fixed me as I was... split in half! "Oh god!"

"Don't worry! Or did you forget that I was the one that always used to fix your loose fingers and hands?" Angelo reminded me, so I stayed still as my spine and ribs reconnected, "... Oh shit!" Angelo shouted as he spots the boogeyman, in his cloud form, charging at us, roaring as he destroys the police station even more!

"Quick, help me up" I said to Angelo and we started our run again... "Oh what?" I uttered as I saw the floor were gone and the boogeyman losing in at us, "Oh what the heck! Angelo, parkour!"

Angelo looked back and without any more hesitation, we both yelled "Devil's hinds, run like hell!" we then quickly stood up, sprinting our way through the broken hallways and jumping from walls to walls that were so dispersed could they even really still be called walls. Doing so as we tried our best to go without getting touched any more by that monster as the scattered debris and people and furniture floated by us and some even got torn to pieces as the boogeyman enveloped their being in his dark mist

"... Angelo! Look!" I yelled as I pointed to the doors, finally!

"Ahhh!" Angelo scream as he fell through the floors, sinking beneath the ground. I have no idea if this no gravity thing has a limit but I really don't wanna find out like this! Without any hesitation, I dove down for him, trying to reach him with my hand as the boogeyman followed, crap!

The boogeyman got me by the stomach, turned me around as he bark out words whilst giving out foul breathe "Where ya goin', skeligirl! We're just starting to have fun!" he grinned widely with his misty mouth, entailed within it was excessively dripping blood, fresh flesh and teeth as raw as a ten-year-old, untended, rotting meat! Ew!

"Let go of me!" I ordered him but it was no use as he started to crush my revealing bones and I began to pass out again, I just really loved the fact I was with Angelo as he came to my rescue again and shoved a gun in the boogeyman's right eye and blasted him! We climbed up slowly and I was right as the gravity turned back to normal and the walls and floors slowly fixed themselves except for the ones the boogeyman destroyed.

I was panting heavily as Angelo said "Ossa, come on! The exit is so close, we can't stop now, especially if he won't stop!" and indeed the boogeyman didn't as he rose from beneath the floor and started wrecking it all once more. Angelo helped me up and we started our run again!

The boogeyman was close to our backs as Angelo and I jumped for the doors... We managed to get out of there and burst out of the police station whilst the boogeyman let out a mighty scream when his shadow hands touched the evening skies's light. He then filled the entire front half of the police station, peeking out from the entrance doors and shouted "You... will... DIE!!!" and the whole building collapsed as a cloak flew out of the boogeyman's mouth and he dispersed in his cloudy form, into his cloak

I stopped to marvel at the crumbling building, completely still as the wind hit my face... so Angelo hit the back of my head "Are you really gonna stand there and wait for him to catch up to us? Come on!" he said as he tossed me a ragged olf piece of cloth and we started running again, trying to find a place to hide. We found ourselves a couple of blocks away, in front of Manlie street as we hid between two dumpsters, waiting for signs that the boogeyman won't see us...

The boogeyman walked in front of the street and tried his best to smell us, so I forced Angelo and myself to the watery ground, yes it was dirty and extremely smelly but it was for our own good. Angelo kept breathing loudly so I closed his mouth with my hand covered in dirty water

"What the fuf- ughh" Angelo sighed heavily, disappointed in what the situation had for him

"Just let it happen, ok? Don't make any noise, you crybaby" I said to Angelo as I peeked out and looked at the boogeyman. Low and behold, he passed by us, angrily stomping and marching his way through the streets, asking civilians if any saw us. Luckily, we used the raggedy cloths while we were heading here, so before we went out, we took them off and switch shirts as Angelo stole a jacket from the nearby window sill. I took a peek outside again, "He's gone, hurry!" I said happily "Let's go get your parents and get out of here!" I suggested as we went out of the dumpster and started to go to Terrace hills where Angelo's father and mother were supposedly making the bread orders of Mr. Jalepo, our best and kindest customer.

As we headed away from Manlie street, I heard an old man yell "Where the fuck is my jacket?!"... ohhh-kay, what's done is done, I guess

Meanwhile, the kind officer, Joey, spots us and he squints his eyes as the boogeyman, in his officer Oltman form, stood behind him, fixed his hat as they both just... stared at us...

I didn't mind them as I focused on the trek we had in store for ourselves, it was gonna far and dangerous especially since the moon of dusk is rising.

When we got to the hills' path to the farm, only blood and dead bodies of Mr. Jalepo and his three sons greeted us as they were scattered all around, "Jesus!" I said, then I looked at Angelo who was mortified by the scene as he suddenly knelt down on the ground and was barely moving, "Hey, keep your hopes up. Now, come on! Let's get your parents" Angelo stood up slowly as he swallowed a gulp and took a deep breath before holding my hand tightly, the last time he held my hand tightly was... nothing... nothing...

We finally set foot on the porch of the farm house as we heard wheezing or some type of murmurings from what it seems like Angelo's father, Petyr Kolman's, voice. Mr. Kolman was kind and very compassionate to others, he was not only that, but he was also very brave and selfless, he would never murmur unless... "Someone's choking him!" I burst through the door and saw a gigantic furry insectoid man holding Mr. Kolman on the neck with one hand and the other, holding a sort of crossbow and... there was another, a girl. She slowly turned around and there! "Oh my god! You're a- you're a cyclops!?" she stared me down as her hair stood up and showed themselves as bright green snakes. The gigantic insect man flared his wings and showed his glistening black insect eyes, "What are you people?" I asked as I breathe heavily, not liking it all one bit that monsters keep appearing, one after the other today

"... Oh, you mean us?" asked the little one-eyed girl "Well, we're no one but the Mann family! The dead servants of Davu, a lot calls us, but nowadays people just calls my father the Mothman, my mother, the Echidna. Me? Well I've been deemed as the elusive one-eyed Gorgon or at least to those I let go freely hahahaha, oh and you already met my brother!" the girl said with a huge grin on her face as the room suddenly dampened in darkness and got harder to breathe is. I turned around and the boogeyman covered the doors in his large, bulky yet chubby figure, forcing Angelo in and making him kneel to the floor

"Hello, there!... Did you forgot me?" the boogeyman asked as he combed Angelo's hair "How sad, skeligirl... handless," he said as he bowed his head for me then Angelo whilst tilting Angelo's head, and disgustingly moving his eyes all over his body, observing Angelo in his tone that had a melancholy-like sound to it, he definitely planned that one... there was a long silence before the Mothman suddenly crushed Mr. Kolman's head!

"Noooo!!!" Angelo screamed, but he was silenced when the boogeyman grabbed his head with his baggy feet and pushed Angelo to the ground

"Scream again, and you're next!" the boogeyman barked at Angelo, teeth showing and saliva dripping and spraying all around. The gorgon girl wasn't at all too pleased by it

"Please, I don't have your bloodstone thing!" I said as I kneeled and begged before the boogeyman, but he just stared me down, squinting his eyes "I don't have it, just let us go and I promise you Angelo and I will help you find it! I swear to my heart and soul"

The boogeyman leaned in closer to my face and stared at me, longingly, "... That's the thing though ain't it" then he suddenly lifted me up with one hand and choked me profusely, "I want- YOUR HEART!!!" then he reached into my chest, burrowing through me and grabbed my heart with his claws that ripped through the cloth that hid them... and there was a white blink of light

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