in love with pizza

By sunvlowr

235K 15.6K 1.2K

"I'll only ever come to love one thing, and thats pizza." "Give me twenty eight days to prove otherwise." #65... More

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7.3K 505 55
By sunvlowr


"Uh..sir, may I help you?"

"Fuck, sorry. Is Alex there?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Do you know her phone number?"

"She told me not to let you contact her."

"Damn that girl."

"It's Josh, isn't it?"


"What the hell you do want now?"


"Hi, can I take your order or do I have to hang up on another hopeless call?"

"On second thought, why not bring the girl with the sweet voice back?"

"You've wounded me Josh, really."

"Well good day to you too Mrs. Crabby pants."

"I'd better go, my boyfriend is waiting for me."

"Boyfriend? What? Since when?"

"Since forever."

"Fuck your pizza."


"Not in the slightest."

"How can you be this interested in me if you've never even met me?"

"Who says I haven't?"

"How the-"

"We've met."

"But I've never talked to a boy named Josh."

"You're talking to a Josh right now, duh."

"Is this a joke?"

"Why would it be a joke?"

"I would remember a dumbass like you coming in here."

"My feelings have been hurt."

"What do you even look like?"

"What'd be the fun in telling you? I like to keep you guessing."

"That's not fair, you know what I look like."

"I thought girls found mysterious guys sexy."

"Only when they know what the guy looks like."

"Well I could be hideous and you'd never even know."

"You're not hideous, Josh."

"Woah there pizza chick, I though I was supposed to be the one charming you."



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