One Shots w/ Bey

By zkc444

631K 22K 16.8K

Title says it all. Early chapters are cringy, my apologies. But it gets better, depending on you. More

Love The Way You Lie
You, Me, and Richie
Make You Feel My Love
I'd Rather Go Blind
Mrs. Carter
Teacher Knowles
Love At First Bite
Mistakes (Part 2)
Babysitter (Part 2)
Love At First Bite (Part 2)
B.B. Homemaker
Happiest Years
Body Swap
Friends With Benefits
Happiest Years (Part 2)
B.B Homemaker (Part 2)
Hitwomen (Part 2)
Police Partners
Another Realm
Youth (Part 2)
Love At First Bite (Part 3)
Studio Session
Killing Me Softly
Kids (Part 2)
They Both Die At The End
Mrs. and Mrs. Y/L/N
Little Witch
Make Love On A Million
Working Hard
B.B Homemaker (Part 3)
Broken Promises
Save Me
Save Me (Part 2)
Meet Up
Kids (Part 3)
Happiest Years (Part 3)
Listen (Part 2)
Listen (Part 3)
Listen (Part 4)
Experiments (Part 2)
Oh Boy
Listen (Part 5)
Listen (Part 6)
Girl Next Door
Girl Next Door (Part 2)
Girl Next Door (Part 3)
Kids (Part 4)
Most Wanted
Kids (Part 5)
Guilty Pleasure
Girl Next Door (Part 4)
Surprise Guest
Contract (Part 2)
Killing Me Softly (Part 2)
Voice (Part 2)
Make Love On A Million (Part 2)
Voice (Part 3)
Girl Next Door (Part 5)
Prison (Part 2)
Girl Next Door (Part 6)
Reputation (Part 2)
Prison (Part 3)
Prison (Part 4)
Prison (Part 5)
Prison (Part 6)
Love On The Brain
Memories (Part 2)
Squid Game
Newly Weds
Crazy In Love
I Miss You
Memories (Part 3)
Secret Admirer
Drunk In Love
Pretty Hurts
Visit At Work
Guilty Pleasure (Part 2)
Don't Hurt Yourself
Memories (Part 4)
False Alarm
Kids (Part 6)
Love On The Brain (Part 2)
Bad Romance

Mystery of Love

3.4K 126 44
By zkc444

"You're back."

"I know," Y/n answered sitting down right beside her underneath the biggest tree in the field. The tree was so large that it endowed them with the most shade there could be on the field.

The soft breeze in the air wiggled the greenest grass and the flowers that stood just as sturdy. It was a flower fest with so many different types and the bright bold colors that bedazzled the area. The sight was purely delightful to witness with one's eyes.

"You like it here don't you?" She asked questions she already knew the answer to but wanting more emphasis on them and just to hear their voice as much as she could.

"Of course I do, it's beautiful. It's calming, peaceful, and I don't mean to sound corny but it makes my heart happy."

Beyoncé smiled at the description given, feeling the same about the person that sat by her.

She lived in a small town with her grandparents who had been there for her every milestone. Every step of the way in her becoming the young woman she was now at the age of 19. Shaped and molded into the most kind and genuine person one would wish to have around them.

Initially her focus was simple, being highly ambitious wanting to further out her education and venture out but all of that went to a sudden halt when someone appeared in her life who happened to be none other than Y/n Y/l/n.

During summer breaks Y/n came to visit the town her uncle lived in. They had been best buddies since childhood but once her uncle moved away when she was 13, it was harder to see other in person since he lived on the other side of the country. But now that she was an adult and could travel on her own, Summer seemed to be the best time to come and visit him.

The town had very few population which allowed her to get to know people who would immediately recognize her if she were to walk down the street or really anywhere. The people in the town were like family.

The last Summer, being the first time she had came to visit her uncle, she had met another girl her age, Beyoncé. A mild southern accent with so many beauty marks on the side of her face and neck that she could never help but be drawn to them immediately trying to memorize the position each of them were in. Her hazel eyes that seemed to change colors at times were so enticing when the sun would be reflected upon them. Oh and don't get started on her skin that also turned golden during the golden hours. Everything about her was really produced to perfection.

During the moment, they were now once again saying goodbye having to continue on their lives without each other. Their relationship was merely a friendship though what occurs at times could be questionable to others. Their friendship was extremely valued which held them both from confessing to each other. They both knew the other liked them and yet were too scared to confess in fear that they had only been overthinking on their assumptions.

Now they sit together, in their favorite spot itching to just get it all over with and yet the neither of them could build up the courage. They were adults, and yet when it came to facing their feelings, a more childlike attitude took over.

"When are you leaving since well, I thought you would be long gone but yet here you are."

"I wanted to just soak it all up as much as I could and I couldn't help but come back. I'll leave shortly after. I've already said goodbye to my uncle and the neighbors. All that is left is one person."


"Who else."

"Am I suppose to guess?"

"It's you Bey, you."

"Oh... but I thought we already said goodbye."

"I felt as if it was incomplete."


Y/n shrugged, even she too wondered what was missing. Or maybe she did know and it was right there at the very top of her head but did she want to outright say it? No. She wanted to avoid it as long as she could.

"Hey Y/n," Beyoncé spoke up after what felt like forever. "Do you ever have that feeling of just wanting to finally set yourself free?"

"In what way?"

"In any way."

"Yeah." She answered honestly. She felt as if she was restrained whenever she wanted to confess. As if every time she wanted to just blurt the truth out, she was put on mute.

"It can be very frustrating can't it? Feeling all shackled up."

"Mhm, except sometimes the person itself are the ones who put the shackles on themselves."

Beyoncé glanced over at the side of Y/n's face who still stared ahead as if lost in deep thoughts. She wanted to know if her cover had been blown but by the looks of Y/n, judging the way she was still calm as ever, she couldn't tell. Maybe it was intentional, maybe it wasn't, but it sure as hell applied to her.

"... Right." Beyoncé murmured while nodding her head as well.

As they sat comfortably, eventually the sun would start to set in for the moon to appear more prominently noting that it was getting late.

Y/n got up dusting herself off as Beyoncé imitated her actions right after.

"It's getting late. I should head out now."

"Be safe."

Y/n nodded her head, a half smile forced upon her face to show gratitude before starting to walk away.

Before she could really even get any further, in came Beyoncé who ran towards her at full speed tackling her down as she fell against the soft cushion of the meadow face first but her fast reflex of putting her arms out helped lessen any major injuries. She was immediately shocked and confused with what had just happened but not too much either since Beyoncé was always known to be wild and putting herself in situations not caring whether she were to get hurt as long as she knew she was enjoying life for a good time and not a long time.

The next feeling was the comfort of arms around the neck nuzzling her head into the space between Y/n's head and shoulder.

"Promise you'll be back next Summer?"

When Y/n took just a second longer to answer her arms positioned themselves into a choke hold, tightening the space up until the uncomfortableness of her carotid artery being compressed made her tap Beyoncé's arm at a fast pace for a sign of surrender.

"Shit shit shhsh...." Once Beyoncé had released the choke hold, she regained her breath catching up on the intake of fresh air before turning her body over and locking her hands with Beyoncé to prevent the same thing or anything similar to it happening again.

"I promise..." Y/n breathed out.

It could've been done at just that but instead they stayed in that position as if it was made specifically just for the two of them with their bodies compressed together. But once it carried on for too long, they removed themselves from the embrace getting up with a bit of awkwardness lingering in the air around them.

This was it, this was the final goodbye, the both of them thought as Y/n took the steps she needed to once again, heading off to her car.

As she got in, and whatever else she did after that to prepare to leave, Beyoncé gazed at her every movement for a memorization of a close to being perfect image of Y/n to use in her head for the scenarios she would make up later on.

The car was now back on the dirt road driving at a steady pace as Y/n clenched the steering wheel thinking of the missed opportunity she had casted upon herself. Better luck next time.

For Beyoncé, once she saw the car a good distance away, somehow her courage was now flowing heavily throughout her body. Feeling ecstatic from the high energy of bravery, she ran after the car but seeing that the car was too far gone to stop, she stopped running catching her breath and yelling out whatever was in her chest, her heart.

"I LOVE YOU! SO MUCH! AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF WHAT I EVEN FEEL FOR YOU Y/N Y/L/N! WHAT I FEEN FOR WHEN YOU'RE AROUND ME! THE WAY MY HEART SWELLS UP IN ECSTASY EVEN WHEN YOU'RE DOING NOTHING BUT JUST SITTING IN SILENCE..." Her chest heaved up and down as the car made its final turn with it nowhere to be seen anymore. "Why does the person I dearly want have to be so far away..."

The stinging of the back of her eyes now came in, with the salty tears seeping through them and dripping out excessively unable to keep them in.

"Don't cry don't cry don't cry," She chanted to herself but the hot ball of tears still pushed themselves out. "Fuck!"

She kicked a nearby rock making it skip some distance away from the impact.


Beyoncé hugged herself as the breezes of the wind were now getting colder. She walked herself back home unable to keep that one person out of her mind no matter how hard she tried. Love really made you act stupid.

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22.7K 1.1K 21
Another beynika, I suck at descriptions
771K 18K 200
title says it all, fams :) hey guys! i've been rereading this and my grammar is appalling so i'm going to edit it! thanks for reading :)
65K 1.3K 26
This are going to be full of stories idk why I do request btw I'm going to put the warnings in the chapter ❤️✌🏾