
By heavenzdust09

49.5K 2.8K 368

Gulf is a passionate adult who got admission in the top university of Thailand with his hard work. on the fir... More

why do you hate me?
I can't hate you
In laws
A day together
A day together part 2
hierarchy of university
Meet the king
back home
meeting again
new roommate
roommate 2
night stay
an year later
a new beginning


972 66 6
By heavenzdust09

Mew's pov
I waited for this break to end to get myself together.  Mom was angry, at first but she forgave me when I told her I will apologize but I think I ruined my relationship with my dad.  He kind of hates me now. I tired talking to him but he would just give me a cold treatment.
Today we are going back to our university. And tomorrow I can apologize to him. And I will ask for his forgiveness even if that takes me years to get one. I packed up my stuff and took my car to the university.
Gulf's pov
Last month was....  How do i put it in words? Maybe...  Weird,  everyone dotted me with their love and affection. But it was more of guilt. They were all repenting for their ignorance. They weren't very happy when I told them I want to go back to my university. I want to stay at my dorm. Everyone thought I still haven't forgiven them yet. But trust me I did.. The moment I saw tears in my brothers eyes.
After a long discussion and promise to meet them every weekend ,I am allowed to go back. I don't know what happened with Mew. He never texted or called to apologize. Maybe he is still angry. I will go back tomorrow.
I am excited to meet Kong Arhit. P'Arhit called me daily but I wanna see him.
I packed my bags.
Next day
P'max decided to drop me. When we reached university he told me to go ahead and he will bring my bags. When I reached I saw mew standing outside. I freaked out not because I am scared of him because I don't want this man to be murdered. Max is still very angry. So I ran to him when I saw max  climbing stair. I opened my dorm door, pushed him in closed the door..
What the hell are you doing here??
Listen gulf I just wanted to apologize. I know i did a huge mistake. Plea-
OK forgiven just get out of this place.
What ??NO I -
shut up you dumbass , you need to leave now. 
Before he could leave. I heard my brother knocking.
Gulf open the door.
Coming P' .
I pushed mew into my cupboard and closed it.
Don't make any noise. I warned him.
I let my brother in he kept my bags on floor. He started looking around my dorm.
Engineering dorms are better. He said
We all have same dorms huh I replied
They just feel better.
I looked at with look that said what are you saying ?"
He went near my cupboard and was about to open it when I screamed
P' let's go out for lunch!  I am so hungry.
He nodded and we left. I wanted leave my door unlocked so that mew could leave later but Pmax noticed I didn't lock so he told me to lock and lectured me for being careless. But now mew is locked inside. P'max so excited to be back to his university he took me everywhere he used to go when he was in university. He left in evening and it's been 8 hours since mew is trapped in my dorm. I am such an idiot I should have sent him somewhere else than pulling him into my dorm. 
I took some snacks and went back to my dorm. No one wanted to be my roommate so I was alone for last 2 years. Thankfully I don't have to worry about someone finding Mew in my cupboard.
I opened my door. I saw mew sitting on bench reading my old books.
Listen I am so sorry Mew for leaving you in this situation. It's just P'max came to drop me I can't deal with one more fight.
Mew??  I am older than you!!  It's P'Mew .
Shut up I am not in mood to fight with you. Can you leave now?
I am sorry. I was just joking you can call me whatever you want.
You should leave before P'Arhit comes over. Seriously I don't want any fight on my first day back.
But I just came over to apologize. Listen gulf I am.-
Before he could complete his sentence. I heard a knock on door, I freaked out again and asked him to hide.
I opened the door and it was some stranger. I haven't seen him here before.
Hi,umm this room 743 ?
I am luke I am your new roommate.

Thanks you so much for reading
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Love you all. (●´з')♡

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