The Traveler and The Yaksha

By VirdisDrachen

11.2K 407 666

Ever since Aether heard the story of the Yakshas, he has not been able to get Xiao out of his mind, or out of... More

The Traveler and The Yaksha
The Vigilant Yaksha's Desire
Aether's Lullaby
Mundane Life and Leaves in the Wind
Night Terrors and a Reunion
Spring of Healing
Journey to Forbidden Shores

The Traveler and The Yaksha's Wish

1.7K 56 118
By VirdisDrachen

The day of Lantern Rite finally arrived.

Xiao stood at the top of Wangshu Inn, on the very tip of one of the protrusions that jutted from the inn's roof. The solitary inn was as calm as usual, even for a special occasion such as Lantern Rite. Most people were already in the far-off harbor city.

Xiao didn't pay it much mind, as he was focused on other thoughts. Such as the fact that he kept thinking about Aether's invitation to see the lanterns, and that he never accepted said invitation.

Aether has not brought it up again since the last time Xiao accompanied him on his commissions. But Xiao was sure that the idea was still very present in Aether's mind. And after the eventful week they just had, Aether has had many opportunities to ask Xiao again. Yet, he hasn't. Xiao cared to wonder if Aether had desisted from asking; with Xiao failing to give him a proper answer, or one at all.

When Xiao thought about that a heavy feeling settled in his chest, and it made him frown. A little voice at the back of his head implanted the idea that perhaps Aether finally realised that it was not worth it to be around him. That would explain why Aether has not shown up at the inn in the last few days.

It's for the best. Xiao has told himself many times. But that thought only deepened the heaviness in him. And it led to Xiao being more aware of Aether's absence. Which in turn caused Xiao to worry. Aether has made it a habit to stop by the inn. Especially since Xiao insisted on Aether resting in his little abode after his adventures.

There was a possibility that Aether was already starting to move on from Liyue. With such a long journey ahead there was no question that Aether was going to leave for Inazuma in the near future. And whenever that happened, chances were that he would never see Aether again.

Aether would leave, and Xiao, once more, would drown in the solitude that existed before Aether. Xiao would stay behind, dreaming about not being shackled by his karma, and not having to commit endless slaughter. He would have to once again have to bear maddening fear and seething anger by himself. All of which would threaten to consume him.

In a small way he envied Aether.

The spiraling flow of thoughts was stopped with a single shake of his head and a profound intake of breath.

Adepti don't desire ... I have committed atrocious things ... I cannot be with him ... even if ...

Dare he finish that thought, Xiao wasn't sure he could keep trying to convince himself about having no desire. The mere thought of him letting go of Aether kept pestering him, and regret had a vice grip upon his heart. Xiao was used to fighting and killing his own desires in the name of duty. However, slowly but surely, it was a battle he has been steadily losing since he met the peculiar traveler.

Adepti don't desire ... I am a weapon. I am bound by contract. I do not deserve him.

Xiao sought refuge in that mantra, but the more he repeated it, the more his chest tightened. And the more images about Aether would slip into his mind.

Xiao's closed eyes tightened more and his brows furrowed deeper. He gripped his shirt as he continued to fight his own thoughts and the feelings they caused.

Adepti don't desire. Even if it's with Aether, even if it's just once, I cannot go to Lantern Rite. It has no meaning to me ...

Or at least it shouldn't. This time of year brought awful memories accompanied by dread for Xiao: Yet for the briefest of moments he did entertain the thought that with Aether by his side, perhaps he could see things differently. Even if only a little.

On that same line of thought, he considered if he should have explained to Aether the reason why he was so reluctant: In the past, on this night, demons would become more active, he would have to kill more, his karmic debt and the pain it caused would be more intense ... and the lanterns would remind him of fallen peers.It was hard for him to see the lights because he's so used to penance, has been too close to slaughter, he couldn't imagine himself living a more peaceful life.

It did nothing to stop him from desiring it wholeheartedly.

Xiao scoffed.

And here I call Aether a fool ... yet here I am being a bigger one.

Dealing with emotions was more of a human thing, and it was tiring. Xiao did not want to dwell. The heavy feeling in his chest was getting uncomfortable and he was getting frustrated. But even when Aether was the cause of all the inner turmoil, Xiao told himself that if Aether didn't visit by the end of the day he would go look for him. He needed to make sure Aether was safe.

A sudden strong presence made itself known on the balcony below his perch. Xiao's senses instantly vanquished all thought as they tried to identify it. But there was no concern as the presence was a familiar one. Though, he was surprised by it.

Xiao jumped from where he stood on the roof to the balcony. As it often was, the small balcony was devoid of people. Save for one tall figure that stood by the wooden railings, looking ahead towards the majestic mountains of Liyue. The figure was that of a tall man, his hands were held behind his broad back, giving off a calm, yet powerful presence. His mostly dark hair was adorned with tones of amber, and tied into a long ponytail that swayed in the wind along with his intricately designed tail coat.

Xiao approached him, but he carried himself more humbly than he would when facing any other being.

The man seemed to have sensed Xiao's presence as well. He turned slowly and just enough to spare Xiao a calm and greeting smile.

"Greetings Xiao. I was hoping I'd run into you." The man said.

That smile on the man's face, Xiao has witnessed it times before. But at that moment it sent something through Xiao, something different. It was enough to momentarily stop Xiao in his steps and make him open his eyes wide.

The man continued to stare with that patience Xiao was accustomed to. But Xiao reminded himself in front of whom he was standing and he shook himself out of his little stupor.

Xiao stood next to him keeping his gaze on the horizon, and also crossing his arms as a way to resist the urge to fidget under the man's stare.

"Rex Lapis." Xiao greeted shortly but with utmost respect. It was still strange to stand next to the archaic god, especially after thinking that he was dead. But it was no less relieving to see him alive still.

The man chuckled with a deep, rich tone, then looked at Xiao. "Please Xiao, just refer to me as Zhongli. There's no need for so much formality."

Xiao's expression remained calm but serious, while he crossed his arms and kept a straight posture.

Zhongli chortled and looked towards the horizon once more. "Well, perhaps you might be more comfortable calling me 'Mister Zhongli' then?"

Xiao took a small deep breath while lowering his head and closing his eyes. He took a moment before answering. "I wasn't expecting you. Did something happen?"

Zhongli shook his head, a calm smile still on his face. "No, I simply came here to visit an old friend ... and to hopefully talk, if you are willing?"

For the second time that day, Zhongli surprised Xiao. And he let Zhongli know as much with his look.

Zhongli chuckled again, "I know you are not one for idle chatter. But you have always been a good listener."

Xiao hummed while nodding his head softly. While he often did not partake in conversing, he did enjoy listening to stories and teachings from Zhongli or other older adepti. Regardless, Xiao got the feeling that there was something important Zhongli wanted to tell him. So Xiao relaxed and listened.

Zhongli took that as his cue and proceeded. "It occurred to me that I never apologized for the stir I caused recently. The intent was not to alarm you and the other adepti. But my actions had to remain largely a secret."

Xiao closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He did not want to remember the moment he was told that Rex Lapis, or 'Zhongli', supposedly died. Though he had remained calm, there had been both fear and anger so potent within him. But then after the battle with Osial, and the subsequent salvation of Liyue, Zhongli had revealed himself to Xiao and the other adepti through dreams. Xiao had been unmeasurably relieved.

Xiao opened his eyes to continue staring at the horizon. "Though I cannot comprehend why you did what you did, it is not my place to question you. I trust that you have your reasons."

Zhongli hummed. A small silence stretched between them before Zhongli spoke again. "It is alright if you have questions, or doubts about what I did. Only, I'm afraid I cannot answer all of them as per the contract I made. My apologies."

As uncomfortable as it felt, only to himself did Xiao admit that he did have questions and uncertainties; he could not fathom why Zhongli decided to fake his own death.

"You don't have to apologize. Least of all to me." Xiao replied, murmuring as he lowered his head.

Zhongli sighed. In their long years, Xiao thought that he had never heard Zhongli sound that tired or remorseful. Another small silence paused their conversation, and it was once again Zhongli the one who broke it.

"Well, I believe that I should at least tell you this: I did all of this as part of a contract to end all contracts." Zhongli paused, but Xiao could feel that there was one more thing Zhongli wanted to say. And for some reason Xiao felt like he had to brace himself to hear it. Xiao sensed Zhongli's gaze on him just as Zhongli added, "including yours."

Xiao's eyes shot wide open and he turned his head sharply to look at Zhongli. He almost didn't notice his own mouth hanging a little open. "Wha-what do you mean by that? Ha-have I disappointed you?"

Zhongli gave him a small smile and shook his head. "Far from it. You have far exceeded my expectations."

"Then?" Xiao tried to keep the worry out of his voice. Though he wasn't sure if he was successful.

Zhongli looked ahead and crossed his arms over his chest. "Times are changing Xiao. The people of Liyue don't need beings like us to protect them as much as they used to. There are not as many monsters and demons as there used to be."

It was funny to Xiao that just a few months ago, he thought differently. He had been so detached from the happenings in the mortal realm; so solely focused on his duty, that Xiao overlooked what Zhongli was describing.

That, of course, began to slowly change when Aether arrived in Liyue and Xiao was swept into his world before any chance of realizing it. But the more Xiao thought about it, the more he came to notice that maybe Zhongli was right. Aether's friends, a lot of them were Vision holders, and although human, they were very capable fighters. The first and prime example that came to mind was that particular young exorcist that carried a Cryo vision and wielded a hefty great sword. Xiao himself has fought alongside the young man several times. And even though he still had a long way to go in terms of strength, Xiao did commend his determination and commitment to fighting and destroying evil.

Before Xiao could delve more into his thoughts, Zhongli continued to speak. There was lament in his tone, while he looked at the many mountains on the horizon. "In my long life ... I've had far too many regrets. One of them being my inability to help the other Yakshas from the fate that befell them ..."

Fragments of dark memories flashed through his head: Screams of fear, blood shed in anger, and the pleas of a soul corrupted by darkness ...

Xiao closed his eyes and shook his head softly once. "It ... was their duty. I don't think that they would want us to pity them ..."

"Perhaps. But I cannot stop myself from wondering if there was more I could have done." Zhongli paused and sighed softly again. "However, at the very least ... I can still do something for you."

Xiao frowned up at the leaves falling around them, though it was not anger that gripped his heart.

"Do something ... for me?" Xiao looked up at Zhongli who gave a single nod while keeping his eyes ahead. Xiao took a moment to process the answer, frowning to himself. "If I may be so bold as to ask, with all due respect ... why? Do you have a reason for this?" Although Xiao never questioned the motives of Rex Lapis, he was honestly curious. But most of all he was baffled. And without really meaning to he let his confusion show in his face.

"I have no specific reason ... other than just helping you just as you have helped me. Though we adepti are different from humans in many aspects, I believe that in others, we are not so dissimilar. Though we may abstain from indulging in most, or all of our desires, we're not exempt from them." The way Zhongli ended his sentence gave Xiao the impression that Zhongli was on to something.

"Where ... are you going with this?" Xiao prompted, although he already had a small feeling.

Zhongli turned slightly to look directly into Xiao's eyes. "What does your heart desire, Xiao? What is it that you dream of?"

The feeling Xiao had intensified. He was not sure why, but he anticipated the questions. It didn't mean that he was ready to answer them.

Xiao scoffed, "Dream? I don't allow myself to do so. I am bound by my duty and therefore I cannot allow myself to indulge."

Zhongli smirked and chuckled softly at his response, but it was not in a mocking manner. "Then I suppose that your continuous bonding with Aether has no meaning?"

All of a sudden Xiao felt cornered and he was stunned into a small silence. Zhongli continued to smirk at him as if expecting an actual answer.

One that Xiao didn't really have. Hence why he looked away from Zhongli and frowned at the distance ahead.

Again there was that remorseful air around Zhongli, despite the remnant of his earlier smirk. "I have been walking this world far longer than you have, young Yaksha. The longing in your tired eyes, and the ache in your heart ... I've carried your burden before. l still do." Zhongli paused and then turned to face Xiao, "your heart yearns to be free from the shackles of your past, does it not?"

Although he was being confronted, none of Zhongli's words offended Xiao, neither did they make him feel defensive. They spoke nothing but truth. There was no use in hiding it, much less from a being that was much older, and wiser than him. For that very reason Xiao dared not look Zhongli in the eye, even when Zhongli was looking at him.

The Lord of Geo was not letting him off easily, however. "So, again I ask: what do you desire ... Alatus."

At the sound of his old name, Xiao's heart jumped. Something stirred; something that was buried deep long ago. Something, that was dormant and has been slowly waking by the effort of diligence and unexpected love. That something: the part of Xiao that was once Alatus before he was enslaved; the part of him that used to desire, and want, and need. It woke from the deepest part of him, rose from ashes, spread its wings and took full flight.

His desire. His dream. The wish he carried so deep in his heart because it has been the only place where it could become possible: An endless field full of flowers, a light breeze bringing with it a gentle song. In the middle of it Xiao would see himself dancing with his mask and jade polearm in hand. His steps mixed with acrobacy, both sharp and graceful; a meditative and traditional dance. His polearm used to accentuate the nature of his moves, not to slay demons.

Many times, across two millennia has he had this dream; consistent, never changing.

Until recently.

Someone else has joined him in the dream. This person, a young man, wielded a unique sword: The blade would glimmer with silver that rivaled the glitter of the cosmos. A distinctive design brandished upon half of the blade's body would catch the eye even when being swung. The hilt was as black as the night sky, the hand guard was shaped like a star. Markings of neon blue that constantly glowed cemented the blade's otherworldly origins.

Bare feet would carry the young man in a perfect mirror of Xiao's moves, and long golden tresses would trail behind the young man like ribbons of sunlight.

At the end of the nuo dance they would both meet. The jade spear and the cosmic blade would disappear from their hands. Sweet amber eyes would stare at Xiao while gentle hands would remove the yaksha mask he donned.

Xiao hadn't realized that he had closed his eyes while thinking about the dream. A wave of serenity had washed upon him, even the beating of his own heart was slow and gentle. He inhaled, then exhaled and slowly opened his eyes.

"I ..." Xiao started. Though his mind was clear on what he had to say, hesitation still had a hold on him. The rest of the sentence was filled in only by his thoughts.

I wish for freedom, I wish to see the world I've bled and suffered for ... I wish to be by Aether's side.

Upon getting no answer Zhongli sighed deeply again. "I am no longer the Geo Archon. It would be unjust of me to ask you to fulfill a contract that was made with said entity. Besides, in my eyes, your contract has long been fulfilled."

"But there are still demons about. The wounds left by the Archon War still fester the land. You may be right and it may be less than before, but it is still present. An Adeptus such as myself should not run away from his responsibilities ... and as a yaksha, I should not be worthy of knowing peace."

Zhongli tipped his head upwards just as the wind picked up again. The golden leaves from the tree rustled.

"There will always be some form of evil, and those who rise against it." Zhongli paused for a short moment before he continued. "It is alright Xiao. Go with him. You wouldn't be the first Adeptus to choose a different lifestyle. Even I have chosen a different path. Do not think of it as neglecting your responsibility, merely fulfilling it in a different manner."

"What do you mean? If I did go with Aether, what ... would I do?" Xiao looked down as he mumbled the question. He was uncertain if he was making the question to himself, or looking for guidance from Zhongli. He looked up at him and with a collected tone added, "I've always been a weapon; all I know is how to fight."

"Then use that knowledge to protect him." Zhongli answered without hesitation, but there was a heavy and almost regretful tone in his voice. Then he added, "Instead of purging evil from just Liyue, you may protect all of Teyvat wherever you go; while also going wherever you wish to go, with the one that has become most precious to you ..."

Xiao got an ominous feeling about Zhonlig's wording. He frowned at him in question. Danger was not a feeling Xiao wanted to associate with Aether. And at the same time the mere idea of journeying with Aether sent a rush through him.

"I am not certain where Aether's journey will take him, or how it will end. But it goes without saying that much hardship awaits him. And as strong as he might be, he could use someone besides Paimon to watch his back." Zhongli trailed off as if he wanted Xiao to fill in the blank.

It didn't take long for Xiao to do so.
"And you really think that person ... is me?"

"If you so desire it." Zhongli chuckled and offered Xiao a smirk, "You seem to be doing that already. The devotion between the two of you is very apparent."

Xiao looked away in the most subtle way he could. Zhongli sounded a little too amused for his liking. However, there was no way he could deny the truth in Zhongli's words: Xiao was very fond of Aether, and it seemed that Aether felt the same towards Xiao.

"I understand why you hesitate Xiao ... but I believe that just like you have protected Liyue, you can protect Aether. And, most of all, that you deserve to choose for yourself. Hence, I release you from our contract, Xiao."

The unexpected words made his eyes widened as he looked up at Zhongli. The latter looked at him again and offered a kind smile.

"More officially, I suppose. Just in case you needed to hear it from my own mouth. And don't worry about Liyue and its people. Should a day arrive where a threat would be too great for them and the Qixing to face alone, me and the other adepti are still here to lend our help. And you, of course, can always come back and lend us a hand as well."

Xiao closed his eyes as he took in everything Zhongli told him. It felt strange to entertain even the slightest idea of him being able to be more than just a weapon; to join Aether. He didn't even think Zhongli would encourage him.

As Xiao was taking in all of what he had been told, from the corner of his eye he saw Zhongli slowly look over his shoulder.

Zhongli chuckled, "It seems that we're about to have some company."

Xiao questioned him with his gaze when he suddenly picked up the unique scent of Windheel Aster flowers and berries. Upon putting a name and a face to the scent Xiao's heart jumped.

"Ah, Aether, Paimon. Good to see you both." Zhongli greeted while turning around.

Xiao turned as well to see Aether just coming into view from the inside of the inn. The young traveler stopped in his tracks and looked between Xiao and Zhongli with surprise. But then it quickly turned sheepish. Paimon was floating next to him with a mischievous look.

"Oh, Mr. Zhongli, Xiao. Hello." Aether mumbled while looking like he was resisting the urge to fidget in place.

"Hello there, you two!" Paimon waved at them.

Zhongli acknowledged them each with a nod and a calm smile. Thereupon, with a little too much smugness to not be a tease towards Xiao, Zhongli inquired, "Here to see Xiao?"

If it had been another person, Xiao might have said something. At that same moment he made eye contact with Aether, who gave Xiao a brief small smile before lowering his head while rubbing his neck.

Upon Aether not answering, Paimon took it upon herself to do so for him. She put her hands behind her back and tilted her head as she said, "Yes! There's something Aether wants to ask him. Are we interrupting?"

Zhongli shook his head, "Ah, no. We were just about done chatting. I'll leave all of you alone to chat."

Xiao lifted an eyebrow at him but Zhongli simply gave him a strong pat on the shoulder. Looking straight into Xiao's eyes Zhongli smiled.

"I'll be seeing you around Xiao." Zhongli then walked away, also patting Aether on the shoulder as he passed by him. Then when he was about to exit the balcony, over the shoulder he said, "Have a good time at Lantern Rite."

Although Zhongli made it seem like he was saying it in general, Xiao had the feeling that what he said was for him in particular.

"Oh, uh thanks. You too." Aether responded to Zhongli while waving, although he looked awkward.

"See you around Zhongli!" Paimon shouted while waving enthusiastically.

Without looking at them, Zhongli gave a single wave and then disappeared into the inn and down the staircase. Once he was gone Aether and Paimon turned to Xiao.

"Hey." Aether greeted him again, his voice soft as he approached Xiao. Paimon was unusually silent, but she had a smug look on her face as she hovered next to Aether.

Xiao was more focused on the relief that hit him upon seeing Aether well. He played it off and responded with his usual composed self, crossing his arms as he spoke. "Traveler ... where have you been?"

"Oh? Hehe, did you miss Aether?" Paimon teased while holding her chin and directing her smug look towards Xiao.

Xiao frowned and closed his eyes while turning his head away from her.

Aether on the other hand was quick to shush her. "Paimon!"

Paimon grinned and snickered with mischief written all over her features. Aether sighed and turned his attention to Xiao.

"Sorry I haven't dropped by ... got caught up in a few things ..." Aether sounded meek again as he played with the little pendant that dangled from his scarf.

"Hm. As per usual. You look exhausted." Xiao replied. He was being discrete as he gave Aether a once over.

"Hmph! He is. But he's too stubborn to admit it." Paimon grumbled while giving Aether an unamused look.

Aether kept his eyes on Xiao as he grinned and shrugged, "what else is new?"

Xiao thought he should say something about that. But he desisted. Aether was a seasoned traveler, so Xiao was certain that Aether knew what he was doing.

"So, what matter of trouble brings you here today?" Xiao asked instead.

Aether pouted, "Nothing happened! What, do you think that everytime I come here is because I'm in some sort of trouble?"

Xiao crossed his arms again and gave him a deadpan look. "Do you really wish for me to answer that?"

Indignant, Aether frowned with his mouth open, and crossed his own arms. Paimon giggled.

"You know, he does have a point, Aether. Trouble does follow us wherever we go."

Aether's frown was then aimed at Paimon.
"You're supposed to be helping me, Paimon."

Paimon responded by giggling again.

Aether rolled his eyes and shook his head. Then he answered Xiao. "Anyways, like I said: No, nothing happened. I actually came here to show you something."

Intrigued, Xiao raised an eyebrow. "Show me something? What is it?"

Aether's expression softened but he kept his arms crossed. "You remember Starsnatcher?"

Xiao gave a thought to remember the incident that happened days prior. "The man that posed as an Adeptus? Yes, I remember him. Is he causing trouble again?"

"Actually ... he has stayed true to his word. I wanted to check on him, since he didn't really seem like a bad person..." From one of his pockets, Aether took out a piece of paper that was folded. He made a small hand movement that looked like he was going to hand it over. But he held it just a few inches away from himself. "I found this letter left by him ... I thought you might want to see it ..."

Xiao's eyes fell on the paper. He looked at it for a few moments. Aether's hand did a subtle twitch which was what caused Xiao to reach out for it. As Xiao unfolded the letter he wasn't thinking much of it. He wasn't sure why Aether wanted him to read it. But surely there must be a purpose for Aether showing him.

To read how repentant 'Starsnatcher' expressed himself was a surprise. It was pleasant to see that Starsnatcher was remorseful. It would have invoked Xiao's anger if it turned out that Starsnatcher was impersonating adepti. Especially on the day that was used to commemorate all of the fallen that fought for Liyue. Last time Starsnatcher dealt with Aether's prowess. A second time would have prompted Xiao to deal with the manner more personally. Thus Xiao understood why Aether wanted him to see the letter: It was closure to the little fiasco they had to deal with. And Xiao was glad that the matter was officially resolved.

However, in the letter, there was one single, small paragraph that truly caught Xiao's interest:

'As a fake adeptus, I am one who always wears a mask. A true adeptus only needs to wear it when facing demons. If I wear a mask to hide the evil that has corrupted my heart ... Then the Conqueror of Demons wears it to hide the part of him that is human.'

The part of him that is human.

That one line in particular Xiao frowned at it. It immediately brought him back to his recent conversation with Zhongli.

Xiao handed back the letter to Aether. "It's good to see that he learned from his mistake."

Aether nodded as he took back the letter. "Yea. I hope that his journey goes well."

Xiao hummed and crossed his arms once more. Aether pocketed the letter and silence fell upon them. He kept thinking about both what Starsnatcher wrote about him..

The part of me that's ... human? Do I really possess such a thing? Is that what Zhongli was talking about?

He looked at Aether, seeking more confirmation. But when his eyes fell upon Aether he saw that the latter was fidgeting in place. Before Xiao could question him, Paimon cleared her throat.

"Aether," Paimon drawled before giving Aether an unamused look, "Are you sure that's all you wanted to tell Xiao?"

Aether didn't look at her, instead he kept his gaze on the floor while he rubbed the back of his head.

"Um, well ..."

"Yes?" Xiao's eyebrow arched and he encouraged Aether to speak his mind.

"I ... it's just ... we'd really like you to go to Lantern Rite with us."

There it was again. The question whose answer Xiao has not stopped thinking about. Yet was always caught in between habit and duty, and personal desires. The former option being the one that had the strongest grip.

He was silent for a few seconds. "We've had the talk about crowded places. Do not make me repeat myself. Best if you go without me..."

Aether half smiled and crossed his arms again. "I didn't say you have to go to Liyue Harbor."

Xiao's brows knitted and his eyes squinted. "And ... what is that supposed to mean?"

Aether cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. Once more he sounded a little uncertain when he replied. "Since we really want you to enjoy this event, and you said you're not partial to crowds ... We ... decided to bring the festival to you instead."

"You ... did what now? 'Brought the festival to me'?" Xiao was actually surprised and he lifted an eyebrow at both Aether and Paimon.

Aether didn't reply but there was a hopeful look in his eyes. Paimon once again stepped in for him, but not before giving a little groan.

"Okay so, it's like this: There's a bunch of delicious snacks just laid out below the inn, and a bunch of Xiao lanterns, and there's practically no one else around to worry about!"

Xiao looked at Aether for confirmation which he got in the form of a nod.

"But---" Xiao was immediately cut off by Paimon.

"No 'buts'! We better hurry up or the food will get cold! Come on, come on! If you don't hurry then Paimon will eat everything!" Paimon exclaimed as she floated towards the entrance to the small balcony. There she stopped and with her arm gestured to be followed. Then she darted back inside.

Xiao and Aether watched on. Aether chuckled behind his fist. Xiao sighed and shook his head.

"Lively and loud as ever."

"You know Paimon. She's especially enthusiastic when there's food involved." Aether grinned at him.

Xiao agreed with a hum. "Still ... did you ... really do what she said?"

Aether blinked at him, then lowered his head again. "Not just me of course. Verr and the Huai'an got everything together for it being such a last minute thing." Aether lifted his head to smile shyly at Xiao. "We were hoping you would enjoy it this way, at least ..."

Even after hearing it from Aether, he still could not believe it. Aether was, yet again, going the extra mile for him. Even the thought of declining the new offer felt wrong. "I guess.... There's really no harm in going ... especially after all your efforts ..."

That answer immediately perked Aether up. "You're coming then?!"

The shine in Aether's eyes was endearing, and the brightest Xiao has seen it be thus far. If he stared for too long he couldn't guarantee that he could look away. He focused on the exit of the balcony and nodded in response.

Aether huffed and with excitement replied, "g-great! S-s-so shall we?"

Xiao's answer came in the form of taking one of Aether's arms and slining it over his shoulders. Aether gasped, though he did not fight Xiao's hold. In the blink of an eye they went from being on the balcony, down to the terrace at the bottom of the inn.

When they were on solid ground once more, Aether wobbled a little. Xiao adjusted his hold on both Aether's hand and waist, and he looked at him in concern.

Aether chuckled and with an airy tone he said, "is it me, or do you seem to have a thing against stairs?"

Xiao looked down at him with a little confusion, "what do you mean?"

"You always use your powers to teleport instead of using stairs." Aether half smiled at him.

"Using my powers is faster." Xiao gave a thought and he frowned in concern. "Does it bother you?"

Aether huffed with an amused look. It gave the slight impression that he, once again, must have missed some sort of human humor.

"Oh, no, no. You just catch me a little by surprise sometimes, that's all." Aether said.

Xiao made a little sound of acknowledgement as his eyes locked with Aether's. All the mirth left Aether's face to instead be replaced with awe. And Xiao vaguely reminded himself that he was still holding Aether's arm and waist. He wasn't sure if could, or should admit that he did not want to let go. He liked holding Aether. It made him feel like he was protecting Aether. And the warmth formed by their closeness was so soothing too ...

"Hey, you two!" Paimon's high pitched voice broke the spell that befell them.

Xiao resisted the urge to grunt in slight frustration. Aether blinked a few times and shook his head before looking in Paimon's direction. Xiao did so too.

"Come thi way!!" She urged them from the distance, waving her little hand high in the air.

Aether chuckled under his breath whilst turning to Xiao. He cleared his throat and while lowering his head he mumbled. "We ... we should probably let go ..."

"Yes ..." Although Xiao agreed, both of his hands tightened their grip with subtlety and brevity. When Xiao let go of Aether's wrist his arm slithered off Xiao's shoulders slowly. Xiao's other hand remained on Aether's waist for just a few more seconds before finally moving away.

Aether's lips curved into a half-smile which he tried to hide by keeping his head low and clearing his throat once again. He then walked towards Paimon and Xiao followed suit.

As the two approached her, she giggled while kicking her feet in excitement. When Xiao and Aether were close Paimon used her arm to do a broad gesture.

"Ta-da! Look Xiao! Your very own, miniature Lantern Rite festival! Well if it doesn't look mouth watering!"

Xiao's eyes had remained on Aether's little smile even as they walked. But Paimon successfully drew his attention. His eyes widened and his mouth went a little agape as he took in the sights. It was nothing grand, but there was clearly effort put into the few kiosks and the simple decorations put around the open air terrace. Xiao's eyes widened and he took a few steps forward. As he walked he felt Aether and Paimon's expectant gazes on him.

"So this is what you meant by bringing the festival to me ..." Xiao mumbled. A warm feeling was settling in his chest.

"Yep! Do you like it?" Paimon giggled again.

Xiao took a moment to try and answer the question. He was not completely unfamiliar with the feeling in his chest. It has just been way too long since he felt it in earnest. He turned in a semi circle to look at Aether.

"I must confess myself a bit at a loss. Why would you do this for me? Does ... it serve any grander purpose?"

Aether offered him a sweet smile and walked towards him. "Of course ... for you to take part in Lantern Rite. It is meant to include everyone. And also, think of it as us saying 'thank you'."

Xiao wasn't sure if it was the sentiment, or the honest and soft way Aether spoke to him, but he was stunned into a small silence. It felt as if something was driven through his heart, though it wasn't painful. He didn't even notice the breath he held until he let it go. He hummed and looked from Aether to the decorations ahead.

"Human behavior defies my attempts to fathom them ..." He mumbled. Yet there was a calmness washing over him.

"Let's fathoming, more eating! Come on dig in, before it gets cold!" Paimon grabbed the end of Aether's scarf and tugged it in the direction of a nearby table.

Aether chuckled as he walked, "Okay Paimon, okay. We're coming."

Xiao followed close behind as he admired the small food stands that had been set up. His eyes were drawn to the one that was being used to build the Xiao lanterns. He wondered if Aether was planning on building one himself, given that he was so keen on participating in the festival.

"Hey Xiao, this way!"

Xiao's attention was drawn by Aether's voice. He didn't notice that he had fallen behind and that Aether and Paimon had already picked a table for them. The table wasn't that far away, but it was isolated from all the other tables. Xiao did appreciate the consideration, even if there weren't many people around.

Upon Xiao arriving Paimon giggled, bunched fists under chin and kicked her feet.

"Paimon's gonna concentrate on eating now! Paimon's getting some grilled tiger fish first!" Paimon proclaimed before she darted toward the nearest stand.

"Alright, you do that!" Aether shouted after her. He laughed softly and turned his attention to Xiao. "As for me, I'm going to get something else. I'm not much of a fan of fish ... but we thought it'd be nice to have that dish in Pervases' honor." Aether admitted while looking sheepish and rubbing the back of his head.

Xiao pulled out one of the chairs and took a seat. "Pervases always had weird tastes ... but ... that is thoughtful of you."

Aether's smile was kind and a little sad. But he shook his head after a few seconds. "Well ... would you like some grilled tiger fish? I can bring you some."

Xiao hesitated. While everything did look and smell nice it seemed Aether had forgotten something ...

"You know I cannot stomach mortal food ..." Except when cooked by Aether's hands. Not long after he met Aether, Xiao discovered that, on the occasion, he could actually enjoy certain plates. Other than almond tofu.

Aether chortled, "Ah, you don't seem to complain when I make it though. But alright, I got you. I was going to give it to you as a special treat, but I'll get you your almond tofu." Aether winked before he promised to be back quickly and then walked away.

Xiao cleared his throat and glued his eyes to the table. He ignored the subtle heat suddenly rising to his face, and the jump his heart gave as the image of Aether winking got ingrained into his head.

True to his word, Aether didn't take too long to come back. Other than the plate of almond tofu, Aether also brought a plate full of different foods. One of them being grilled tiger fish.

"I got a few extra things, just in case you still want to try some of them." Aether said while putting the plate with varied food down first. He half smiled as he then put the almond tofu in front of Xiao. "And as promised, one order of sweet almond tofu."

The ceramic plate made a small clink when it touched the wooden table. Xiao examined the plate for a long moment.

"Something wrong Xiao?" Aether asked with concern as he sat on his own chair.

"You ... made this ... right?" Xiao lifted an eyebrow at Aether.

"I ... did. Is there something wrong with it?" Aether looked more worried.

Xiao shook his head and looked at the plate again. "No. I was just hoping that it was. So, I figured."

Aether tilted his head. "You were hoping?"

Xiao nodded, "your almond tofu is the best tasting one."

Aether blinked as a subtle pink dusted his cheeks. "Oh ... but ... aren't ... all almond tofu the same?"

Again, Xiao shook his head. And in a very matter of fact tone he replied. "Yours smells different, it's more sweet. And you always put those edible pearls around the plate, you make them look like the necklace I wear."

Aether's face turned two shades darker as he blinked several times. He adjusted his scarf. "Oh ... uh ... you ... noticed ... that."

Xiao had already taken the first bite. When he looked up at Aether and saw the other's flushed face he squinted his eyes. "Is something the matter?"

"Ye-yea! I'm fine ..." Aether took his own chopsticks, took a big piece of meat and stuffed it in his mouth.

It was Xiao's turn to tilt his head. He was still new to being in touch with human emotions and behaviors. But he knew Aether enough to see that the other was ... bashful. The question was: why?

Xiao didn't understand why Aether would be. He thought that humans liked complements. Confusion aside, Xiao felt a sort of amusement by how Aether suddenly became a little too occupied with eating.

Paimon joined them again eventually, and Xiao did take a few nibbles from the other food Aether brought. But he mostly stuck to his almond tofu, especially since it was done by Aether.

After they ate, Paimon suggested looking at the stand where the lanterns were. Aether looked enthusiastic to make his own lantern, yet he still looked at Xiao as if asking if he wanted to check them out as well. To which Xiao appreciated the consideration, and he agreed to go.

The three went to the stand and Aether was quick to pick the materials to make the lanterns. Paimon had teased Aether several times by asking if Aether had any idea of what he was doing. To which Aether, focused and completely ignoring the tease, replied with claims of having practiced enough times.

It was at that moment that it hit Xiao that he himself has never learned how to make the lanterns. The thought never crossed his mind before; building lanterns was not part of his priorities or responsibilities.

But as he watched Aether he began to get ... curious. At first he tried being discrete, observing over Aether's shoulder in silence. But the more he observed Aether's focused state, the more keen Xiao became. He took a seat next to Aether and carefully observed the meticulous movement of Aether's hands. And the way his fingers would curl and twist to put together the foundations of the lantern. Then Xiao's eyes drifted up towards Aether's face: the soft crease of his brows, and the barely visible tip of his tongue sticking out from his lips. The sight made something in Xiao's chest flutter.

That dedication Aether would put even in the most simple of things, Xiao had to admire it. The serenity of the moment brought endearment to Xiao's heart. As if he wasn't charmed by Aether enough already.

Aether's eyes moved from his work to Xiao's own eyes. Xiao would have looked away to feign discretion. But the light of the setting sun made Aether's eyes even more hauntingly beautiful than they already were.

Aether made Xiao a question that he didn't quite catch. And Xiao could not believe that his senses were so at ease that he, dumbfounded, had to request for the question to be repeated. That did not fly over Aether's head since he pointed out how uncharacteristic it was for Xiao to be distracted.

Xiao sat straight on his chair and cleared his throat. He affirmed that he was merely observing Aether's crafting. Whether Aether believed him or not it wasn't clear. Aether smiled and repeated the question. Xiao was not expecting an offer on how to be shown how to make a lantern. He was so surprised that he didn't know what to answer. And that was when Aether chuckled, scooted closer to Xiao, and started to teach him anyway. Xiao only observed and listened, and he did so with full attention. At least until Aether took his hand and guided Xiao through the process. Some mistakes were made, but ultimately the result produced two beautiful lanterns.

When Xiao questioned why he made two, Aether winked at him and said it was a secret. Xiao was a little disappointed but dismissed it as peculiar human behavior.

Sheepish, and with a subtle red dusting his cheeks, Aether grinned and with care stored the two lanterns in a leather bag.

"Now that the most important part of the celebration is done, it's time to go to Liyue Harbor to see the release of the Mingxiao lantern!" Paimons exclaimed.

As a Yaksha Adeptus, time often was a mere heartbeat for Xiao. He was used to instances passing by him too quickly for most to process. But at that moment, his time with Aether passing by so quickly made his heart sink. He didn't want it to be over. But time stopped for no one, not even for an Adeptus.

Xiao lowered his head, and he tried not to be obvious when he exhaled a long breath. When he replied, he was caught by surprise at how mellow his own voice sounded. "You may take your leave then. You will want to get there in time ..."

"Aw, come on ... and here Paimon was hoping you might change your mind about coming with us ..." Paimon said, sounding disappointed.

Aether on the other hand stayed quiet. And Xiao felt his eyes on him. Xiao met Aether's gaze to question him, but the latter hummed and gave a thought.

"You know ... The road from here to Liyue harbor is full of dangers ..." Aether said with a subtle drawl to his words.

Paimon raised an eyebrow and tilted her head at Aether. With a confused tone she questioned Aether. "Dangers? I'm sure that it's nothing that we haven't encountered before."

"Maybe. But what if we encounter powerful demons, like that Osial remnant we found once? Or what if we get caught by surprise by something else entirely? You can never be too careful." The manner in which Aether spoke sounded a little dramatic. It was clear that Aether was on to something as he winked at Paimon. She made a little gesture of understanding, then smirked with mischief.

Xiao watched him with amusement. It was more amusing still coming from someone as reckless as Aether. Xiao almost smirked, especially when Aether stepped close to Xiao, put his hands together and raised them in front of his face.

"So, that is why I plead: O Vigilant Yaksha, please escort us safely to the city." Aether again spoke with a playful, dramatic tone.

Paimon chimed in, mimicking Aether's posture

"Yea! You might as well keep us company on the way. You know, to make sure that we're not attacked or something. Surely there's no harm in taking a walk with us."

"You can just see us to the outskirts ... you don't need to come with us into the city. Please Xiao?" Aether topped off the plea with a subtle tilt of the head, and a shy little grin.

There was one of those looks again; one of the ones that endeared Xiao to Aether in the first place; the kinds of faces that would have Xiao questioning how could he say no.

Even so, Xiao had to at least pretend that he thought about it. He was an Adeptus and as such, composure was a habit hard to let go of. He looked away and closed his eyes. Although, Xiao was already convinced, even before Aether begged. Since he wasn't going to the rite itself, it was the least he could do for Aether.

He opened his eyes and looked at Aether. "So be it. I shall accept your proposal."

Immediately giving his answer, Aether's eyes got bright, even if he looked calm and casual. And Xiao's heart squeezed tight at the sight.

"There you go! Time to hit the road!" Paimon exclaimed and then they were off.


The walk to Liyue Harbor was far too short for Xiao. He hadn't spoken much, but he had paid full attention to Aether and Paimon's banter and lively chatter. Xiao had actually enjoyed listening to them while basking in the fading warmth of the afternoon sun, and breathing in the breeze that promised a cool night.

It was a nice feeling.

But it came to an end as they reached the cliff top that overlooked the entrance of the harbor city.

Whatever lofty feeling Xiao had was gone, and he felt a weight fall upon his shoulders. He was the first to stop in his tracks. Aether and Paimon continued their trek for just a few more steps. Until Aether looked behind him and noticed Xiao stopped.

"This is as far as I will go." Xiao felt his tongue grow heavy as he said that. He had to force out the rest of his words. "Please see yourselves into the city." Regret came to Xiao almost immediately, when he saw Aether's shoulders slump.

"Ah, I hardly noticed how quickly we got here ..." Aether tried to joke, although his low tone suggested otherwise. Aether tightly held the bag's strap as he looked down for a few moments. When he lifted his gaze he asked, "are you really not going to come with us?"

Xiao opened his mouth to answer the way he was used to. Yet no words came out, a fierce feeling in his chest stopped them. His mind was telling him to do one thing, but his heart was begging for another. But above his desire there was a layer of fear, concern and guilt. All that Zhongli told him hours prior, seemed like things that were so far away from his grasp. Thus he offered no immediate answer. And although Aether smiled at him, Xiao could see the disappointment behind it. Paimon on the other hand was not as subtle as Aether.

"Aww, but Xiao, you're obviously one of the heroes this festival is all about ... why don't you want to get involved?"

Xiao recoiled from how straightforward the question was. He wondered to himself where he would even start to answer. And as Xiao mused he felt Aether's eyes on him.

"Paimon." Aether said after a moment, and Paimon acknowledged him with a hum. "Would ... you excuse us for a moment?"

Xiao was surprised that Aether asked her for privacy, as Xiao didn't mind her being there. But, as he gave it more thought, he considered that perhaps it'd be easier to express his thoughts just to Aether.

For a moment Paimon looked like she was going to protest, but Aether quickly appeased her.

"Chongyun told me that he, Xiangling and Xinqiu are going to meet up. I'm sure Xianling is going to make some of her tasty foods. I'll catch up with you guys soon."

"Weelllllll .... Alright then. But you better hurry up Aether, I won't guarantee that I'll save anything for you!" Paimon proclaimed while nudging Aether on his upper arm.

"For your sake, you better or I won't feed you for a week." Aether jested back.

"Hey! Don't talk about Paimon like Paimon's a pet!" Paimon made a sound of indignation and Aether chuckled. Paimon gave Aether a glare while crossing her arms. She turned to Xiao and said, "Anyways ... it's too bad you won't come ... but Paimon is happy that you came to the festival at Wangshu Inn."

Xiao nodded at her and she grinned at him.

"Well, Paimon's going to get more delicious food! See you around Xiao!" Paimon waved at Xiao and then she hovered off, leaving Aether and Xiao on their own.

But even if Paimon left, her question was still in his mind. Xiao had not been expecting it, and he was certain that Aether too was curious about the answer. So for once he considered that he should be more up front with his reasoning.

"About ... Paimon's question, I ..." Xiao started but wasn't sure how to express the many thoughts that were crossing his mind. He folded his arms and looked at the city ahead in the not so far-off distance, and he tried to rearrange his musings.

"The Lantern Rite festival... It is a celebration by the people of Liyue, they are grateful to the deeds of the Adepti. But we Adepti do our duties regardless of thanks, and we do not pause for festivals. So, I have never taken part in them."

Aether was silent for a few moments, as if taking in what Xiao was telling him.

"And, what about now? Why don't you come now? We can avoid the bigger crowds. I know you are not fond of them." Aether offered softly.

Xiao appreciated the thought, Aether's determination and kindness did not fail to fill Xiao's insides with soothing warmth. But there was that part of him that urged Xiao not to act rashly. He needed another moment to think.

"I ... do not wish to face their gratitude so directly. It is ... a lot. Their appreciation from here is enough; their gratitude to the Adepti who have died is enough. I hold memories of my fellow Adepti on this night as much as they do. It has always been more than enough," he felt his face soften for a moment, recalling old peers.

Aether went silent again and made a small gesture of understanding. "I think I understand. That's what you were talking about with Zhongli. Right?"

Xiao glanced at him, Aether was facing him with a calm and open smile, trying his best to see from his perspective. Xiao glanced away, feeling warm again. "In a sense, I suppose. There has been a lot of changes lately that have prompted me to reconsider my purpose. There is much I must think about. So, go, enjoy your festival, Traveler. I'll need space to think this evening."

"I see ..." Aether trailed off. Then he hummed and offered a kind smile. The likes of which kept Xiao being so adamant on keeping his gaze away. "If I had known that you had so much on your mind at this particular time of year, I wouldn't have insisted so much ... I really just wanted you to have a good time. I'm sorry I dragged you ..."

The guilt in Aether's tone drew Xiao's eyes again, and he didn't feel it was appropriate. Xiao shook his head at him. "You don't have to apologise. Seeing the meaning of this festival from your perspective was ... enlightening. It is merely more to think about tonight."

Aether giggled and rubbed the back of his neck, sounding apologetic as he replied.
"Ah ... seems like I'm giving you much to think about, on top of the other things that are already in your mind."

Xiao hummed and looked at the city again. "Perhaps. But I'll take that over worrying about your recklessness."

Aether laughed softly, the sound painfully charming and sweet to Xiao's ears.

"You better catch up to Paimon now." Xiao urged, even when he wanted Aether to stay. But if Xiao didn't urge Aether to leave, he wasn't sure he could let him go.

Aether nodded. "Right. Thank you for travelling with me Xiao. And thank you for always protecting us, o mighty and illuminated Vigilant Yaksha." Aether was a little playful when he said that, but the little bow he offered was respectful.

Xiao observed him from the corner of his eye. Aether really knew how to make him feel so light.

"You're ... welcome." Xiao responded.

Aether lifted his head looking surprised for a brief moment. Then he grinned while tilting his head. "I'll be going now then. And once again, thank you for joining us. Today was very fun ... I hope you enjoyed it too."

With the sweet smile Aether offered him, Xiao had to force himself not to look at him.

"The almond tofu you made was very good. And everything was ... pleasant."

"I'm ... very glad you think so! Have a good night, Xiao." After the soft farewell, Aether turned on his heel to begin his trudge down the hill.

Xiao was trying hard not to, but watching Aether walking away gave him a sinking feeling. A pesky little voice on the back of his head reminding him that eventually Aether would leave. And that if Xiao hesitated too much he might not see Aether ever again. That led to something urging him to follow Aether.

"Traveler." Xiao called when Aether was a few steps away.

Aether turned, curiosity shining in those amber eyes.

Xiao didn't know what to make of it, so apprehension bound him yet again. "Stay vigilant. Keep your eyes open for any menace. If you find yourself in any trouble ... speak my name."

Aether lifted an eyebrow but a smirk appeared on his face quickly. "Sure you'd make it in time to come to the rescue?"

Xiao was not expecting sassiness, but it was not out of character. He huffed. "Anywhere, anytime. Whether yours or Liyue's, I hear all cries for help, all prayers for peace, and all the wishes carried by the lanterns."

Aether smiled, but it was small. "I'll hold you to that then ... See you around Xiao." Thereupon Aether turned in his heel once more and walked away.

Aether was well beyond earshot when Xiao responded. "See you."

Although in the end Xiao declined going to the festival, regret quickly set in for every step that Aether took towards the city. That same regret was what made Xiao remain on that cliff even hours after Aether left him. He tried forcing himself to return to Guili Plains where he 'belonged.' Yet his feet didn't move, and neither did he call the wind to his command. The many thoughts spiraling inside his head being the other thing keeping Xiao cemented on that spot.

Being released from his contract with Rex Lapis still felt so surreal. It felt like a dream. Eyes closed, retreated deep within his own mind, he thought back on everything Zhongli said, certain that he misinterpreted something. But it was all clear in his mind.

Venturing with Aether ... doing something else other than slaying demons ...

Xiao tried imagining it: He pictured himself walking side-by-side with Aether, the other showing that bright smile that was deeply ingrained within Xiao.

The image's lofty feeling was as good as the one from that dream Xiao always had. While at the same time it was so foreign to even imagine.

What would I do? Being reduced to such idleness, indulging in such simple desires ... it's disrespectful to the way of Adepti ... and unfitting for a Yaksha such as myself. And yet ... Rex Lapis encouraged this behavior.

A weapon without purpose. Xiao could not imagine himself as such. It was an uncomfortable thought.

But then he heard Zhongli's voice in his mind: 'Use that knowledge to protect him.'

Protect him ... protect Aether ... protect him and all of Teyvat from evil ...

Purpose. Different from the one he was so used to. But a purpose nonetheless. One that came with some benefits ...

But then that was just it: Was Xiao worthy of such benefits? Zhongli would have not encouraged him if he wasn't, right?

Xiao's eyes opened slowly. Night had finally descended upon Liyue. Xiao's eyes focused on the ocean ahead.

Would you dare to take the plunge Xiao? Would you dare to face the consequences, good and bad?

Rarely did anything rattle The Vigilant Yaksha. But at that moment his insides were shaken by things he could not describe.

A flash of blue and golden lights on the water's surface caught his eye. Though distorted, the shape reflected was one he knew. His eyes were drawn towards the harbor.

A blue stag elegantly dashed through the night sky: His tail flowed like water, but glowed like fire. His horns lighted the way of thousands of golden specks with the radiance of the sun.

And all of a sudden was like seeing that prideful Adeptus live again.

Skybracer ...

The name drifted softly through Xiao's mind. And the echo of a confident laugh resonated in Xiao's head.

For the first time in his millennia long life, the lantern release became a sight to behold. There were no bad memories. Pain, anger, feelings that were a mere speck against the awe and the uplifting warmth he experienced.

Never would have thought ...

It reminded him of Aether; his smile, his eyes and the soothing demeanor he emanated.

Aether ...

He sighed to himself and took a seat at the edge of the cliff. Just like the lanterns slowly rising into the air, he started to pick up the soft wishes of all of the happy people in the harbor. Even if he couldn't be there in the crowds, he was glad that Aether was down there bathed in happiness and candlelight.

The corners of his lips twitched upwards for the briefest of moments before he caught, and stopped himself. But he still relished in the warmth of the lights and the peace of the night.

Suddenly he remembered that Aether too had made lanterns. But he had not heard Aether's wish thus far. There was no way Aether could have forgotten to release his lanterns, it was one of the things that Aether had been looking forward to the most. Xiao wondered if everything was alright ...

Xiao closed his eyes again, focusing on the many wishes for any chance of hearing Aether's. But even after a moment, there were no wishes coming from Aether. Xiao frowned and instead he used the wind to detect Aether's presence.

Xiao sensed him quickly. Aether moving away from his friends, and even the crowd. Xiao focused his attention on Aether, curious. Though he kept his senses on alert to leap into action in case there was something wrong.

To tug more on Xiao's curiosity, Aether was heading towards another set of cliffs in the distance. It seemed like he was simply trying to get a better view of the lanterns. His enthusiasm for the festival was endearing. Xiao got a warm feeling in his chest and he could not peel his attention off the sweet hero.

And then Xiao saw Aether prepare the first lantern for release. However, Aether's entire demeanor looked despondent. Finally, Xiao got to hear Aether's wish.

"Lumine ... I miss you so much ... wherever you are, I hope we see each other again soon. I wish you could see this..."

Aether's solemn wish and the longing it carried became like Xiao's own. It was pure, sad, yet hopeful.

Xiao held his chest, "Had I the power, I would grant you this wish ..."

He continued to watch as Aether released the lantern into the sky with a sad expression on his face. That face didn't suit Aether.

After a moment Xiao saw Aether take out another lantern. With his abilities he observed as Aether looked like he was contemplating the lantern, thinking about something. Xiao wondered what it was.

It didn't take long for him to find out.

"I ... I'm sorry if this is selfish of me ... but ... there is one more thing that I'd like to wish for ..."

Xiao's curiosity peaked and he paid close attention to Aether's wish.

"I wish for bravery ..."

Though small and brief, a smirk escaped Xiao and he thought: As if you need to be any braver, reckless traveler ...

Barely had Xiao finished that thought when he heard the rest of Aether's wish.

"... to tell Xiao how much he really means to me."

The wish pierced through Xiao's chest with the ease a blade would have. It stole a gasp from his mouth and opened his eyes wide. There was no way he could trust what he heard.

"But most of all ... I just wish for his happiness and that all his pain heals ..." Aether was gently blushing as he held up the lantern to release it into the sky. His previous sad look slowly turned into a gentle smile as his eyes followed the glowing object.

The lantern drifted upwards and over the heads of the crowd. Xiao's sharp gaze followed it even as it caught a stray gust of wind.

It drifted towards Xiao.

Astonished, he held out a hand and the lantern bobbed down, almost alive, to hover over his palm.

Bravery to say how I feel ...

The soft words repeated in Xiao's mind. A rush shot through his body, lifting him up to his feet. And finally, after such a long while, did Xiao get the urge to leave. Not to Wangshu Inn or Guili Plains. He wanted to go to Aether.

It did not matter that he still had doubts, that his mind still had things to reflect on. There was only one thing at the forefront and those were the words: Go to him, go to him, go to him!

Xiao scoffed. Gently, Xiao raised his hand, letting the paper lantern drift back up with its fellows.

The next thing Xiao knew was that he was using his powers to go where Aether was.


After leaving Xiao, Aether admitted to himself that he was a little sad. He had anticipated, and prepared himself for Xiao's rejection. But the little private festival he had with the Adeptus was so nice that he could not wipe the smile off his face.

The little festival felt cherished and calm, special in it's own way. Unlike the vibrant and celebratory air currently all around him. Although the night was still young, and the lanterns were yet to be released, the streets were alight in golden lights. People sang, danced and laughed.

It didn't take long for Aether to bump into Paimon. She didn't waste any time on urging Aether to get into the festivities. She hardly even waited for him as she dashed off into the busy streets. Aether had to run to keep up. He was almost left behind a couple of times because he admired with awe all of the decorations. He also stopped on a few occasions to look at the countless kiosks with food, festival games and all types of artistry.

Eventually the pair ran into Chongyun, Xiangling and Xinqiu, who were on the way to Wanmin restaurant. Naturally, Paimon was raring to go and she grabbed Aether by his scarf to pull him. Had she the strength, she might have actually succeeded in dragging him. The scene garnered a few laughs from Aether as he followed.

The group ate and chatted, Aether often springing up to Chongyun's defense whenever the exorcist was teased by the others.

Aether was enjoying his time, he truly was. After much walking, chatting, playing, and eating, the main event of the night was about to take place. Most people were gathering at the harbor, and those who couldn't find a spot there were looking for high spots all around the city. Paimon and Aether's other friends also exchanged ideas over where would be the greatest place to watch the lanterns.

But as the group walked the night's main event started with the release of the Mingxiao lantern. The huge lantern was modeled after the Adeptus named Skybracer. The Mingxiao lantern came to life, and it was as if the adeptus himself was there. It dashed all over Liyue, its flowing tail painting specks of gold in its wake, as the people lit up their lanterns and released them into the sky.

Aether was mesmerized by the beautiful sight. He could not believe how quickly he got engulfed by the lights that looked like magic. Aether turned in place, there were so many that the night sky could no longer be seen. After that point, the Mingxiao lantern darted up high towards the sky in an elegant dance until it burst into colorful fireworks.

There was an easy smile on Aether's face and he could feel the radiance of the lanterns warming more than just his skin.

There was a sudden weight on his side, and Aether looked down at the cross bag lying just below his hips. Inside lay his two little lanterns begging to join the others in their nocturnal waltz. But as Aether looked at the lit atmosphere above, and at the crowd around him, something felt off.

He frowned down in thought at his lanterns and was brought back to the moment he was making them. It brought a soft smile to his face recalling Xiao's curious gaze over his shoulder as he cautiously prepared the lanterns. And then the memory shifted to when Aether grabbed Xiao's hand and showed him how to make the lanterns. Aether chuckled to himself as the concentrated look on the Yaksha's face was still fresh in his mind.

It was indeed a fond memory Aether would always cherish. The privacy of the moment felt special, and it filled Aether with affection.

Aether thought it was only right that he should release the lanterns in a similar manner.

A sudden touch to his shoulder interrupted his musings. He turned to see Chongyun staring at him with a concerned face. Only then Aether realized that he had been quiet for long enough to bring about worry. Aether grinned as he quickly appeased his friend's concern. Being the most calm of the bunch, Aether confided in him. Aether didn't give him much detail, he simply told him that he needed a little break from the crowd. As Aether suspected, Chongyun understood and told Aether that he would cover for him. But he also warned Aether and told him to come back to him should he encounter any evil spirits. Amused by Chongyun's antics and determination as an exorcist, Aether chuckled and agreed. Thereupon Aether slipped away in search for a spot where he could release his own lanterns in private.

Aether wasn't sure where exactly he was going. He looked around but almost every corner he saw didn't feel appropriate. Until his eyes landed on some cliffs just beyond Bubu pharmacy. At first glance they looked solitary, quiet, and like they could offer a fantastic view of Liyue Harbor. They seemed to be exactly what Aether was looking for. Thus, Aether made haste.

With his experience, it didn't take Aether too long to find a quick way to climb all the way to the top of the highest cliff. Aether was not disappointed with the view, and, most importantly, the quietness.

From that vantage point Aether could better appreciate how every corner of Liyue harbor was covered by the ocean of lights. It was one of the most beautiful things Aether has seen, and a small smile graced his lips as he observed.

While he enjoyed his time with his friends, there was one other person besides Xiao with whom he desired to share the gorgeous view with. It saddened him greatly that said person was not there ...

He could envision Lumine walking through the crowd with excitement. Her eyes full of joy as she looked up at the endless cloud of gold. Aether could hear her laughing sweetly whilst grabbing his wrist to tug him along.

Nonetheless, Lumine was not there. The joyful vision lost all of its colorful details. Lumine let go of his hand and she looked at him over her shoulder. She offered Aether a small smile before turning her back on him and walking away.

Aether was aware that it was a figment of his imagination. Yet he could not stop himself from reaching out to her and calling his dear sister's name. His cry fell upon deaf ears, for she kept walking, leaving him nothing but confusion and heartbreak.

The hurt was what brought Aether back to reality. His arm was half outstretched towards the millions of Xiao lanterns.

He sighed long and deep. Aether bent down to pick up one of the unlit lanterns. He lit it up, and let it join the other lanterns.

"Oh Lumine ... I wish you could see this ... I miss you so much ..." He kept staring at it until he lost sight of it amidst the amber sea. With a hand over his heart and his eyes closed he spoke the wish he had inscribed into that lantern: "Wherever you are, I hope we see each other again soon."

Aether focused on his wish, his brows knitting over his closed eyes, and his fist clenching harder where it lay. He was not a being from Teyvat, but he hoped that if not the Archons, then the stars above would receive his pleas. And hopefully listen to them.

Aether only opened his eyes when they started to twitch due to the pressure he put on them. They were stinging, and his nose felt a little runny. He frowned as he sniffled and wiped his eyes with his arm. He took a deep breath to quiet down the disconcert in his heart. Aether opened his eyes and looked at the remaining lantern inside the bag.

His mind brought him to Xiao. Being alone there on that hill, overlooking the lanterns, Aether sighed. Even though he didn't want to force Xiao into coming, he still felt like there was more he could have done, more he could still do for Xiao. He wondered what that could be, however. He thought about it numerous times, but never arrived at the answer.

He wanted to help Xiao, show him happiness ...

He frowned softly at the lantern for a few moments before picking, and lighting it up.

Aether looked at stars once more, and wondered if there was really anyone or anything listening to him. He exhaled, "I ... I'm sorry if this is selfish, or too bold of me ... but ... there is one more wish that I want to express ..." Aether paused and closed his eyes once again.

"I wish for bravery ... to tell Xiao how much he really means to me ... But most of all ... I just wish for his happiness and that all his pain heals ..." Aether loosened his grip on the lantern and let it float out of his hands.

Aether wanted to watch the lantern join the shimmering swarm. But just before it could, a small breeze blew. The lone lantern floated in the same direction as the other lanterns, yet it strayed from the crowd. Aether's eyes followed it as it drifted away towards another group of hills in the distance; exactly towards the cliffs where he had left Xiao.

Was it fate Aether wondered? But then he scoffed, first feeling silly, and then thinking if he should call it ironic. Then he wondered if whoever he just pleaded to was trying to be funny. And on that same note he smiled softly to himself.

"I wonder if it's really true ... would you really come if I call your name?"

Aether's lips moved like they were about to form a name: Xiao's name. But he stopped himself by biting back his lower lip. Xiao said to call if he was in any sort of danger, and yet he was standing there thinking about calling Xiao for selfish reasons.

Aether huffed and chuckled at himself. He sat down on the rocky surface with one leg dangling over the edge, and the other arched to support his arm and face.

"Xiao's right ... I really am a fool ..." Aether half-smiled, and his eyes closed half way. He barely noticed when he started to swing his dangling leg.

The golden swarm of lanterns was slowly dispersing. The solitude offered him once more the sweet memories he built with Xiao, and his heart beat with the warmth of the afternoon sun.

Aether breathed out, making a small sound as he did so. He wanted company, and while he had his friends somewhere amongst the crowd below, it was not them whom he was currently wishing for.

It was those strong feelings that led him to reflect. The silence around him made it all the much easier to, for once, truly listen to his deepest thoughts. As he did, Aether looked at the lanterns. Even though they were out of his reach he could still feel their serene heat. It made him smile.

When he started his journey with Paimon, Aether was not sure how to feel about Teyvat. He was scared though he didn't show it. He felt lonely as a stranger in an unknown world, and he felt lost without the guidance of his sister. But as his journey progressed Aether found value in Teyvat's mysteries and vast history. After months of journeying, Aether came to appreciate it's majestic mountains and crystalline waters; it's intriguing array of people and creatures.

He wished he could have experienced it all with Lumine. The comparison between the drifting lanterns, to how he and Lumine used to drift through the stars, was impossible to miss. Though, he recalled the feeling more than the memories themselves.

Aether frowned softly as he closed his eyes in an attempt to reach those memories. But the further he reached, the more the dark fog thickened. He pressed on, and something would creep up behind him. It was when he started to feel a painful tightening in his chest that Aether stopped.

He took a deep breath and shifted his thoughts from the scraps of fogged memories. But as much as that frustrated him, his separation from Lumine, and loss of memories and powers was something he could deem a funny twist of fate.

Losing Lumine is the worst thing that has ever happened to me ... but ... if we had never gotten separated ... would I have still met Xiao?

Aether considered the thought, and his heart got split in two. Lumine meant everything to him. But Xiao has taken the other part of his heart.

Never lose and never meet, or lose and meet ...

His brows furrowed over his closed eyes and he let out a long sigh. Then he hid his face in his arm.

Have you ever felt like this, Lumine? Has there ever been something you wanted so much, you would be willing to stop our journey together? What would you say?

Aether tried picturing what she would tell him. She would probably smile and call him silly while patting his head. Or maybe she would be disappointed in him ...

I never thought I'd want anything more than to stay by your side but ...

Aether fixed the neck of his scarf, not sure why a small part of him felt like it was wrong to admit his desire.

I really want to spend more time with Xiao ...

Another sigh escaped Aether as he arched the leg he had dangling over the cliff's edge. He tucked his other arm to completely hide his face and curled into himself. The silence of the night enveloped him. His muscles settled and he lost the grip on his thoughts until they drifted away like the lanterns ...

"If you are going to fall asleep, at least pick a more proper place to rest."

That voice ... Deep like the ocean, calm like a light breeze. Aether knew it all too well.

Aether's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes fluttered open. The owner of that voice couldn't be there. It was surely a figment of his imagination, fabricated by his desires ...

A familiar presence behind him soon told him otherwise. Especially when Aether looked over his shoulder and saw Xiao.

The Adeptus' eyes almost glowed just like the lanterns in the darkness. His arms were crossed as one of his brows was arched.

Aether's heart leapt then skipped a few beats, but his first reaction was to tilt his head.

"Xi-Xiao? I thought ... you had gone back to Wangshu Inn." Aether trailed off and his eyes began to widen as realization set in. "You ... stayed ... you watched the lanterns, didn't you?" Aether's mouth began to curve upwards towards the end of the sentence.

Xiao held his gaze for a moment before nodding. "I ... did. I need to talk to you."

Seriousness was a word that Aether easily associated with Xiao. But at that moment it felt different, and it unnerved Aether.


Xiao stared at him in silence. His eyes were thoughtful and unblinking. "Your wishes. I heard them."

The words didn't set in Aether's foggy mind right away. When the fog started to lift, immediately, Aether's eyes blinked widely while his cheeks went warm. Whether the embarrassment was from Xiao listening to his wishes, or if it was because Aether didn't remember that Xiao could hear them, he could not say. Both options were equally as embarrassing.

Aether swallowed hard and his fingers fiddled with the end of his scarf. "Oh ... Right ... I ... forgot you could ..."

Xiao's brows knitted the slightest bit. "Did you mean what you said about me, when you released that lantern?"

Once more Aether swallowed hard. He never thought about being confronted by the very being he had feelings for. Nonetheless he gathered his courage, and calmed his fast beating heart. "Of course I did, Xiao. Why wouldn't I?"

Xiao's eyes widened. It was one of very few times Aether has seen that expression on his face. Aether's own heart was beating hard and fast. He could see the hesitation on Xiao, making Aether wonder what he was debating.

Uncertainty crept up Aether's back, keeping him from remaining seated. He stood up carefully as he kept a questioning gaze on Xiao.

Just when nerves were getting the best of Aether, Xiao looked directly into his eyes.

"I said earlier that there was much I had to think about. I still do. But ... after hearing your wishes ..." Xiao paused and looked down at the floor with his arm folded. He did a little noise similar to a hum, and Aether could have sworn that he saw the shadow of a smirk. "You are braver than you realise, Traveler. To my understanding, it takes a lot of courage to admit such ... emotions ... especially if they are towards an Adeptus. It stands to reason that I too should practice that very same courage."

Aether looked at him a little confused, yet anticipation further accelerated the beating in his chest.

"Practice courage?" Aether huffed out a little smile, but he couldn't keep the small shake out of his voice. The butterflies in his stomach were making it hard to do so. "You are already brave, Xiao. You are The Vigilant Yaksha."

"I am. But fighting demons and ... this ... require different types of courage. I think. Nevertheless, as Adeptus Xiao, The Vigilant Yaksha, perhaps ... I may be able to grant you at least one of those wishes." Xiao's sharp eyes were steady on his. He took a deep breath through his nose. "I have a deep affection towards you. I cannot deny that I have been refraining from saying how much you meant to me as well. But I haven't refrained because I want to deny it. I've done it because I wish to protect you. And also because ..." Xiao made a small sound akin to a grunt, and he squinted his eyes at the lanterns.

Heat rose to Aether's ears and cheeks, and his heart was surely going to burst out of his chest with how hard it was beating.

"Because ...?" Aether drawled to prompt Xiao to finish his sentence. In part it was to urge Xiao, but it was also to let him know that he was listening. Although Aether quickly reprimanded, and told himself to be patient.

Xiao turned towards Aether again, thought he lowered his head and closed his eyes. He crossed his arms and continued.

"Because I just don't understand why you would want someone like me by your side; with all that I have done .... I dared not hope ..." Xiao lifted one of his hands to frown at it.

Aether had a good idea of what Xiao was thinking as he stared at that hand. The hand, which to Aether, was the hand of a protector.

He closed the remaining space between him and Xiao. Then, with all the gentleness he was feeling in his heart, he cradled Xiao's hand. He closed his eyes for a moment. Whatever inner demons wanted to torment Xiao, he willed them away in silence.

After a moment their gazes met. Xiao was looking at him in bewilderment and with a small tilt of the head. Aether smiled at him.

"I don't see you as a monster Xiao. I care a lot about you. As you heard ... my feelings towards you are very profound. I ... had my doubts too, and I refrained because of them. With you being an Adeptus ... I didn't know how you would take it ... and I was afraid you'd stay away."

Xiao huffed, though when he spoke he almost sounded amused. "There was a time when I might have, again, for your own safety. But you are diligent, and thus made it impossible ... even for me."

Aether let a small, sheepish grin appear on his face as he shrugged a shoulder.

"I wanted to help you, just like you helped me many times, even before Osial. Then I just ... grew fond of you. I've never told you this; I've never told anyone this, but ... I have many things going through my head ..." Aether paused and he looked at Xiao's palm again. A thought balancing between falling from his lips, or returning to whence it came. However, it would not feel right if Aether chose the latter. He trusted Xiao. And Aether wanted Xiao to know that. Aether's hands gave Xiao's a little squeeze, and he looked at him again.

"Sometimes, because of these thoughts, I have trouble sleeping. And while I'm awake, I can still feel them at the back of my head. But when I'm with you ... they .... they quiet down ... I can rest more ..." Aether paused to let his heart calm down a little. He had to look away from Xiao's piercing eyes, so he directed his attention to their hands.

Having Xiao's eyes on him was making Aether even more nervous. He then felt Xiao's fingers curl over his own just the slightest bit.

Courage Aether ... courage ... Aether told himself and did his best to gather it.

"Xiao ... I've been wanting to ask you to come with me for a while now. And not just around Liyue ..." Aether let the implication set in. When Xiao's eyes widened a little, Aether let out a small, nervous chuckle before continuing. "But of course ... I know you will say no."

"You should not put words in my mouth."

Aether got caught by surprise when Xiao replied so abruptly. Whatever else Aether wanted to say lay forgotten in some corner of his mind. His eyes furrowed a little while he tilted his head.

Before responding, Xiao sighed barely audibly. "Rex Lapis ... or, 'Zhongli', has released me from our contract. He ... He said that my part has been upheld. In fact, he encouraged me to go with you."

Aether thought he heard wrong. His eyes went wide and his mouth went agape as he let out a small gasp. "He-he did?"

Xiao looked at him and nodded once.

"So .... that means." Aether trailed off as he searched Xiao's face, and he pieced together what Xiao was trying to get at. Even when he felt unsure, Aether took the plunge and braved the question that was gripping his chest. "Do you want to come with me?"

Xiao stared at him for a few moments, considering the question. "I don't resent Zhongli, and neither will I ever regret serving him; if not for Zhongli, as you know, I would have either perished, or turned into one of the monsters I destroy. Regardless of contract or not, I will always feel indebted to The Lord of Geo. However, to have someone asking me what I want to do feels strange ... But also ... nice."

Aether listened and waited for Xiao to pause and take a small breath. But Xiao's sharp gaze did not falter. "What I'm trying to say is: I really do wish to join you on your journey."

Aether's eyes went alight once more, while his heart felt like it would leap out from joy. He had to replay the words in his head to make sure he heard right.

"Re-re-really?" Aether didn't mean to stutter, and he felt silly for it.

Xiao nodded once and held Aether's gaze. "I have been thinking about it for a while. And at first I dismissed the thought because of my contract with Rex Lapis, and because of my karmic debt being so strong it could harm you. However ... the more time I've spent with you, the more I enjoy your company ... and the harder it is to stay away from you ... And also, my karmic debt, much like your thoughts, quiets down ... "

Xiao looked at their hands and his fingers once again flexed lightly over Aether's. "I believe that we have reached the point where our bond can no longer be severed. However, if I do go with you ... these things I'm feeling, I am not certain how to carry them out. But if there is one thing that I am certain of: Seeing you in any kind of distress truly upsets me." Xiao lifted his gaze to once more look deeply into Aether's eyes.

"Thus, I will offer you what I do know how to give. I wish to form a new contract with you: I will join you on your journey. I will protect you. I will be like the sword at your side. If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, I will be there."

Though it was a little strange, especially in the calm demeanor with which Xiao spoke, Aether couldn't help but chuckle. It was a very Xiao thing to say, and it was sweet in its own way.

"The world isn't all about contracts." Aether said with all the gentleness he could muster. He maintained his pained, but kind smile as he spoke. "How about you just be my friend. Be ... my partner?"

"Partner?" The meaning of the word of course Xiao knew. Though it looked like he was grappling with it, frowning as he avoided Aether's gaze for a few seconds. Then he turned towards Aether again. "In what ... context am I to be your 'partner?'"

Aether blushed and looked away, "W-well ... my partner on the battlefield. My partner on the job ... my friend ... my ... closest friend ... maybe ..." Aether trailed off as his eyes fell upon Xiao's hand, which was still cradled in between both of his, hovering so close to Aether's heart.

Xiao mimicked him, although he looked like he was deep in thought. Aether wondered if he was thinking about being partners. It was probably something Xiao has never been offered before. Nothing like a contract.

Aether wondered if this was too overwhelming, or too strange for Xiao. But he dared not ask out of assumptions. Instead, he rubbed his thumb over Xiao's knuckles. The featherlight touch he offered soothed the fast beating of his own heart. He hoped that it did the same for Xiao.

"Partner ..." Xiao tested the word again. He hummed and closed his eyes. "It is a heavy word, and I am not certain of how capable I'll be to carry its burden. It certainly isn't the type of word I would use to describe myself, as I am not familiar with what it's like to share this type of bond with someone else. Neither do I know what you would expect from me; you're offering me so much, and can't help but wonder how I will give back to you."

Aether smiled again and shook his head. While putting one of his hands over his heart he said, "You've already given me a lot without noticing. I've made a lot of great friends on this journey ... but when I'm with you, for some reason, it just feels ... different. You've filled a void in me in a way no one else has."

Xiao's eyes remained closed for a moment more before he responded. "Hmph. You're too kind. Perhaps someday I may truly earn to be a partner ... but ... If this is what you wish to consider me regardless, then, so be it."

It hurt Aether to hear Xiao express that about himself. Aether squeezed Xiao's hand and held it up at chest level. "Just let me know more of you Xiao. And let yourself know me more, too ..." Giddiness took the shape of the butterflies that tickled Aerher's stomach. He giggled slightly and added, "in time, you will see."

Neither didn't realize when they stood so close to each other. Xiao's eyes were narrowed but they did not hold any type of anger. Their attention remained on Aether's face before they were drawn to his lips. Xiao's brows creased a little further.

Aether's eyes fell on Xiao's lips as well. The desire inside his chest was inching him forward, ever so subtly.

Nonetheless, despite temptation sussurating to him, Aether could feel the hesitation coming from the other. It increased his own uncertainty. Though their feelings were clear there was much that the both of them needed to think about, and much that they feared; it was new territory for them both.

Perhaps it's too soon, Aether thought. Patience, building trust block by block, those were the foundations upon which their entire bond has been built.

Aether smiled and reached up to gently cradle both sides of Xiao's head. Careful, he pulled it down until their foreheads touched. Just before Aether closed his eyes he caught a glimpse of the surprise on Xiao's face. Yet the latter didn't move, and eventually Aether felt him relax.

Aether wasn't sure for how long they stood like that. For he only focused on Xiao's safe and welcoming presence.

Xiao hummed softly, prompting Aether to open his eyes and see that Xiao had closed his too. Their foreheads still pressed together, the calm of the night, and the soft glow of a billion lights filled Aether's heart. Seeing Xiao so relaxed was gratifying, and Aether could not believe that the Adeptus wished to go with him around Teyvat. It was such an exciting thought that just thinking about it made Aether chuckle under his breath.

"What?" Xiao mumbled, his eyes remaining closed in that collected expression he always had.

"Do you ... want to stay, and watch the lanterns with me?" Aether asked with a tone so soft it was barely audible. The golden glow of the lights was slowly dispersing into the distance, but they were still close enough to be beautiful.

Xiao hummed and gently stepped back to look Aether in the eyes once again. The back of Xiao's hand caressed Aether's cheek. The motion felt vaguely familiar to Aether, though he thought it was strange that he did.

"I suppose I can. I would like to spend more time with you ... Aether."

Aether's eyes widened and he blinked a few times at the sound of his name. Never has it sounded so sweet. He smiled and took a seat on the floor. Then he looked up at Xiao and patted the empty spot next to him.

Xiao didn't think twice on accepting the invite, but he lowered himself to the ground slowly. And to Aether's surprise Xiao scooted a little closer to him. Whether it was intentional or not, Aether wasn't sure. He simply enjoyed the company,

Xiao arched one of his legs and rested his elbow on it. Aether leaned a little forward to hug his legs to him.

Aether smiled and wondered if Xiao was thinking about their upcoming journey. But Aether thought it best to just wait and see. In the meantime he was content, giddy, even, to sit on that cliff next to the Yaksha, long into the silent night. And long after the corporeal wishes of Liyue got embraced by the stars.

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