Destroying Blood 2.0

By Rosalind2k7

780 73 7

Racheal DeSantis, the daughter of the Italian Mafia leader, Antonio DeSantis. Antonio made his Mafia the big... More

Author's Note


130 9 2
By Rosalind2k7

POV: Rachel De Santis

It was my last week here in Italy. Next Monday was my flight to California.

Leaving family behind was not a choice I liked, but after my father's Mafia was taken down by the second biggest Mafia, that was the best for me.

They knew war was coming soon.

My father and my Uncle wanted me to move ahead with my life safely and to continue my life in California. They told me to come back only if it was safe and only when the dust had settled should I spill the blood again. For my safety they had to cut all connections with me. I even had to change my freakin name.

While thinking about all the turns my life had taken in the past few months, I heard a knock at the door. I was pretty sure that it was Sarah, my best friend. She spent the last week crying with me about me leaving the country and everyone else behind.

But eventually, she came over it because I assured her that I will be back. Which I honestly didn't think was happening anytime soon. But only if I knew...

I let her in. She came into my room and sat at the end of the bed.

"I will miss you like hell." She said, eyes swollen due to all the crying lately.

"I don't know how I will manage without you there. " I replied sadly.

The main problem was that I wasn't allowed to even message or contact any member of my family after I leave Italy, except Uncle Michael. He wanted to be in touch with me at all costs.

I never wanted to do this. But it had to be done. For me and my future and for this bloodline's future.

I had never imagined a future without my family. Family over everything. That had been my mantra, it was made to be my mantra since the very beginning.

I had never thought that this day will come. I was more worried about how my parents will manage to spend the rest of their life in this dangerous world.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sarah spoke once again. This entire time she had a long face on.

"Anyways, let's go to the mall. You will need new clothes for your new beginning." I agreed to her offer and we went to the mall for shopping.

After 5 days.....

It was Saturday now. I had to leave the day after tomorrow. This entire week was spent with me going to the house of my relatives to see them for one last time to say goodbye.

The only relative I wasn't able to meet was my Uncle Micheal. He was my father's right hand and lived with us only, although he had a lavish penthouse in another city.

But as he wanted to keep in touch with me, he didn't say a 'goodbye'.

He is like a Godfather to me. I always looked up to him, no matter what. He always kept me safe from this dangerous world.

Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day as I had to pack all of my stuff. I was not allowed to pack anything which was related to my family but I had made up my mind of carrying at least one picture of my family together.

And while thinking of all of this, I drifted off to sleep.

Sunday night........

I had packed almost all of my stuff by now. Only my handbag was left which I thought I will pack tomorrow morning or just before leaving.

I took a picture which had my parents, my uncle and my best friend in it.

My only family picture for the rest of my life.

Although I was asked not to, I did take one. I put it in the back chain of the suitcase and closed the zipper.

I picked out my outfit for tomorrow and then went into the washroom to get ready for bed.

Monday morning.....

I woke up at 7 am sharp. My flight was at 3 pm so I had in total 6 hours to spend.

I got up and made my bed first. Then I went to the washroom to complete my morning routine or you can say to take a hot shower and to brush my teeth.

I was never much of a morning person so I didn't have much of a 'morning routine' since waking up early was never on my schedule. I wasn't exactly a morning bird.

I changed into a comfortable pair of shorts and a large t-shirt and made my way downstairs.

"Morning mum." I greeted my mother.

"Morning sweetie." She said in a not so happy tone.

Of course. Which mother would like her only daughter to leave her at the age of 18 for the whole life? Yeah, I was 18 years old.

I completed my breakfast by 8 am. Then I went to my father's office, hoping I would find him there since I didn't see him in the morning. And considering our position in the business right now, I didn't think that he would go to his base.

And yeah, I was right, he was in his office only.

"Dad, Good morning. " I said and went to hug him. He hugged me back saying "Good morning honey. "

"Rachel, sit down, I would like to have a final talk with you before you leave for California. "
I obliged and sat down in the chair in front of his huge mahogany desk.

He then started speaking.

"See Rachel, I know how much you love your family and friends, how we have taught you to love them, but you need to follow my orders for the rest of your life now, which hopefully will be a mafia-free and safe life for a while. For your good and the good of this family, you need to keep some things in mind."

He continued, " The moment you leave the land of Italy, you will forget that you ever had a family. You will be provided with a whole new background, name and ids. All your necessary things have been changed. You will not use your...skills and will not engage until necessary."

He continued. "You will never contact anyone or text them or email them or even write a letter to them, and they include, your mother, Sarah and me. Uncle Michael wanted to be in contact with you. You know how stubborn he is. I protested and tried my best, but to no vain. So he will be in contact with you. I don't think so you will ever hear our voice after 1 pm today.

My dear, you need to do all of this, and always remember that we love you and we will always miss you. The procedure that will take place after our death will reach you. No need to worry. Just do what you should do. And take this folder with you and open it only after you reach California." He handed me a manila folder and with that, he finished.

By the time he ended, I was literally in tears. They were dripping down my face silently. People must expect the daughter of a ruthless leader to be ruthless and emotionless, but emotions were something I never had a control of. I was transparent in that matter.

If I am angry, you'll know it. If I am sad, you'll know it. I could never hide it or.....turn it they say.

This had to be done now. There was no choice. I had to comply, no matter what.

Later in the day......

It was 12 right now and I was getting ready for my ride to the airport.

I went down the stairs and saw that the four of them were waiting for me already. I hugged each one and also shed some tears, again.

My mother said to take care of myself and lead a happy life and that she loves me. Sarah said that she will miss me like hell and will feel lonely in here alone and that she loves me. I hugged my father and he reminded me not to forget the things he said to me earlier in the day and that he loves me.

Lastly, there was Uncle Micheal.

" Let's leave then, shall we?" He was a cold-hearted person and could mask up his emotions extremely well but he loved his family and always wanted the best for them and especially, for me.

So as I was saying he was a cold-hearted person and wasn't the most affectionate person. And this habit of his was inherited by me.

I said I love you to each one of them before leaving and also hugged them one last time. But after all, this was the last time I saw them and heard their sweet voices.

And with that, I left for the airport. I reached the airport in half an hour. We exited the car and Uncle handed me the manila folder which I had forgotten. Wow.

"Have a safe journey sweetheart." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I will miss you Uncle."I replied.

"No, you won't. "

I blinked twice. But before I could utter a word he said,

"Go and start checking in or you might miss your flight. Now we don't want that to happen, do we? " He said, chuckling lightly. I shook my head and started checking in, thinking about asking him what that was about later.

After roughly 2 hours, I sat in my seat on the plane.

I waited for the plane to take off, along with which I would be leaving Italy, forever.


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