Leather In a heaven [Book:2]...

By soulxxauthor

7.6K 203 157

One year. 365 Days. 52 Weeks. 12 Months. 8760 Hours. 525600 Minutes. 31536000 Seconds. And every damn minute... More

Leather In Heaven
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

596 13 11
By soulxxauthor

1 year later

~ Ace AltoBelli ~

Her hair lay spread out across the pillow, her full lips slightly parted. The freckles over her cheeks and across her nose more prominent now that we were in the sun constantly. She twisted her head to the side, her eyes flickering. She hasn't been sleeping, last night was the first night she's properly slept.

"Good morning." She yawned, rubbing her eyes gently.

"Good morning." I kissed her lips softly. These stolen moments were becoming more and more regular. Not like in New York. Everything we did was public to the world.

"Is the baby still asleep?" She asked, about to sit up. I know her routine like the back of my hand. Get up, brush teeth, wash face, check on baby, feed baby, change diaper, put baby back for a nap, shower, change, feed... the list goes on. I nodded, climbing over her and placing myself between her legs.

"Ace." She groaned, but I caught the smile.

"What?" I asked innocently, pressing kisses down her neck and over her breasts, down her stomach. She bit her lip, watching me.

"We have things to do." She said, but not making any point of moving or trying to move me.

"They can wait." I gripped her thighs, tugging her gently towards me. She smiled, shimming herself down. My cock aches just looking at how perfect she is. I lined myself up at her entrance, holding her eyes thinking back to all the shit we've been through. But all that comes to mind. Is how much I've loved every damn minute of it.

I slid into her, watching her eyes flutter close in pleasure. Since the baby was born, I've been trying to get Halo pregnant again. The doctor said she needed at least six weeks to rest.

...I gave her six...


No difference.

Three months later, and still no further forward with another baby on the way. I moved in and out of her, feeling her tighten around me. "Ace." She moaned, arching her back up.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Halo." I panted, watching my greatest treasure thrive in the feel of me. Moments later we both came, crashing on the bed in an unbelievable orgasm.

We both lay in each other's arms, watching the waves of the ocean crash onto the rocks, the calm wind swaying the palm trees. This was everything. Everything that I never knew I wanted.

"I should go get the baby." She sighed, sitting up and taking the sheets with her.

"No." I pulled her back down. "It's my turn." I kissed her gently, then swooped up off the bed.

"Ace!" She called, but I was already halfway down the hall. "You don't exactly have the facilities to feed the baby!" I chuckled. Opening the door to the nursery and spotting my little one.

Already awake and rolling from side to side. Probably hungry as usual. "Good morning." I hummed, picking her up.

I was confident we were having a boy. I even bought a suit for the little man. Halo didn't approve. But then Myla came out. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart, and I couldn't be any happier. I just don't know what to do with her. Sometimes, I just have to stare at her in hope that she'll tell me what she wants.

I picked Myla up; she wrapped her little hand round my finger like she always does. "Let's go see mama." I kissed her nose, then walked through to our bedroom spotting Halo lying in bed still. She had fallen back asleep.

She'll hate me if I don't wake her up, but she needs sleep.

I kissed her head before I took Myla downstairs to the kitchen and took a bottle out the fridge. Halo decided to breast feed which I love - it's a great bond for the two. So, when she isn't around, she pumps and makes bottles up. To be perfectly honest, I don't know how she does it.

I gave Myla her bottle, then rested her down in her Moses basket in the living room. We had waited long enough to start our revenge on Carter. She almost put us in prison.

Ok so sure...I kind of deserve to go to prison. But not Halo. And sure, as hell not Isaac. Carter has been gassing us since the start. Halo and I have been planning for the past years ways we could get our revenge on Carter. Sadly, every plan we come up with, we find a lot of things wrong with it.

I headed down to my office and began to work through some things. When we came to Italy, I had to create a whole new team. Damon, Isaac, Storm, Chino...they're MIA. Not that I care. I don't want anything to do with them considering they all have deep connections with Carter.

"I thought she would have changed." Halo stood at the door, her arms crossed and her face looking down. "I thought she might have tried to contact us, apologise, make things right." She shook her head, walking over to the desk. I pushed my chair out and allowed her to stand between my legs as she rested back on the desk.

"She'll gets what's coming to her." I planted my hands on her thighs. "I promise." She gave me a half smile and was just about to kiss me, when a high-pitched cry filled the air.

"Your turn." We both said at the same time. I chuckled, shaking my head. Jesus, I love her. She rolled her eyes trying to hide her smile and she left to go get Myla.

Halo doesn't know this, but I hired a nanny for the night. I'm taking her out for dinner and... not asking but confirming she'll be my wife. I mean, second time round? It should work out this time. Right?

There isn't much left to go wrong for us is there?

~ Halo Connery ~

"Are you sure she's trustworthy?" I asked Ace placing Myla down in her crib.

"Yes, and for the last time she's standing right their Halo." He said, trying to whisper. I rolled my eyes but glanced over my shoulder at our babysitter who I just wasn't convinced was the best.

"I promise, Miss, I'll treat her as if she where my own." She gave me a warm smile.

"Don't." I gritted. "We won't be long, call me if there is anything wrong. And I mean anything!" I stressed; she nodded holding her hands in front of her. Ace smirked, wrapping his hand round my waist and giving me a kiss.

"You're fucking crazy." He chuckled.

"I know." I sighed, looking down at Myla. Her and Ace are my world. I would do anything for them, and I will if anyone ever hurts them.

Against my better judgement, Ace and I left the house and headed to a restaurant. Ace said that we just don't get out as much as we should. Ace and I have never even been in a real date. Although, I suppose we are far from that now.

"You, ok?" I asked as Ace took my hand leading me out the car. When we left the house, he didn't look great. His face was quite pale, but I know he's a stressed with the whole Carter thing. He just wants her to pay for what she almost did.

"I'm fine." He gave me a reassuring smile and kissed my hand. I blushed. I wish this could have been the way we met. Ace being a romantic and taking me to dinner...but then again, I hate getting dressed up. It took me all my time to agree to go out tonight. I'm much more of a, pj's and ice cream kind of gal... but I hate ice cream. So more of a pj's and wine kind of gal.

Yeah, that's right.

"Reservation for AltoBelli." Ace said to the woman. She smiled looking through the reservation book. Once we came to Italy, we tried for a nee reputation. The AltoBelli Mafia was no longer about killing but about...a fair life for everyone. If that means that some people need to disappear then so be it.

"Ah yes! Ace and Halo." The woman smiled warmly at us. "Is this your first-time dining with us?" I smiled, nodding.

"Great, I'll take you to your table." She led us through the restaurant and to the back in a booth. "Alright, your table twelve, I'm your waitress Sarah. Can I start you with some drinks?" I scanned the menu. I was in the mood for something different, maybe a mojito?

"I'll take a water." Ace said. I almost choked on air. Ace, having water, when there was Jack Daniels on the menu. Okay, somethings wrong.

"Could I have a tequila please." I smiled, handing her back the drink's menu. If he isn't drinking, then I sure as hell am.

"Sure thing. Alright a water, and tequila. I'll give you a few minutes to pick some starters." She headed off in the direction of the bar.

"Ok." I rested my arms down on the table leaning forward. "What's the problem?" I cocked a brow at him.

"No problem." He shrugged.

"You ordered a water. Either there's something wrong or you've been to AA and found out you have a problem." He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I'm fine. I just want a clear head." My brows knitted but I didn't press any further.

It wasn't long before we both ordered dinner and were settling down to eat. It was nice, just getting out. It's out of our comfort zone, but that's probably what we both need. We are so uptight, busy thinking what it instead of why not.

"She's only three months old!" I laughed. Ace was determined we needed to have another baby right now. Not that I mind, I love Myla with all my heart, and I want her to have siblings. My body on the other hand? She'll be pretty pissed off if I make her go through another nine months of fucking torture.

"And? It doesn't hurt to practice." I smiled shaking my head. This man.

"Should we get the check?" I asked, yawning. I was already so tired, and I probably still had to feed Myla once we got home.

"Actually." He placed his hand over mine. "Before that." He cleared his throat, shifting his head from side to side. "We've been through more shit than anyone else will ever even come close to. Married, divorced, married again, becoming...widowed. Pregnant, jail. Plus, there was a lot of shit in between." I laughed, agreeing with him. He has a point.

"The thing I realised through it all though, is that I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Every time we would argue or would fight. Or when we left each other, all I could think about was getting you back. It's all I ever want. Sometimes, I want you so much I fucking hate myself for it. But God, I love you Halo. I love you so much you don't understand. I would give you everything I have and more if it would make you happy." He stood up and reached into his trouser pockets pulling out a small box.

My heart leapt as I pushed my chair out. The restaurant had gone silent, and I could feel everyone's eyes on us. But I didn't give a crap. Ace and I were about to get engaged. Fucking engaged. For real. Not fake.

"Halo Connery, will you marry me?" I bit my lip excitement raging through me. The future flashed before me and it looked beautiful. More babies, a happy life. Sexy as hell husband. A small and intimate wedding.

Ace cleared his throat, leaning forward. "Can you tell me yes or no... it's just, I need to make an excuse if you say no. Like I dropped my phone or something." I let out a laugh, but it was mixed with tears. I was so happy. So happy.

"Yes!" I grabbed his face pulling him up to my lips. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I kissed him harder.

The room erupted into an applause as Ace pulled back and slid the same round stone, I had for our first marriage on my finger. I still loved it just as much as I did then.

"We can get you a new one." He said, kissing my lips again.

"No." I shook my head. "I want this one." We both stood. I wrapped my arms round Ace kissing him deeply one last time before we turned and left the restaurant.

It was hard enough to control myself in the car round Ace but when we got home...there was no stopping us.

As soon as we stepped foot into the house, I kicked my heels off and kissed Ace again. "Oh." He laughed. "Should we, let the babysitter go first?" Ok...yeah, he has a point.

I pulled back and looked into the living room, she wasn't there, maybe she was in the kitchen. "You go upstairs. I'll meet you in the shower." He smirked, giving me a quick kiss and squeezing my ass.

I but back a groan of frustration. Ok, find babysitter. Check on baby. Get fucked.

"Halo!" Ace yelled from upstairs. I yawned, still not finding the babysitter in the kitchen. All the milk is gone. Maybe Myla was being restless, and she had to stay up with her.

I went to go upstairs when I spotted Ace running down. "What!?" I asked, panic all of a sudden setting in.

"Look." He handed me a piece of paper with writing on it.

That moment.

That was the moment I knew I would have to kill Carter Grey. Especially since she just kidnapped my daughter.

~ Ace AltoBelli ~

"I don't give a fuck!" I belted out. "Find my fucking daughter! Now!" The men scurried out the room, running in all directions to suit up.

Halo paced back and forth in the room, on the phone with Valentina - Clifford's wife. "Ok, see you soon." She turned round to face me. "They're on their way over, Clifford is bringing his men and giving you power over them." I nodded, running a hand over my face.

"Good." I replied. Dropping into my chair. My head ached, my heart felt like it had stopped, my body stung. Everything. Everything just felt like shit again. Back to the old ways, with our life being in turmoil.

"I can't believe this." Halo said, I could hear the sob she was holding back but I didn't want to say anything. "What the hell is going on with her?" She asked herself, shaking her head. Carter took Myla. And for what?

There's nothing she can get out of taking her. If she comes crawling back, more apologetic than anyone has ever been, with a hundred roses and a fucking choir, she's still dead.

"This isn't the life I wanted us to live." I told her, pushing my chair out and going towards her. "We weren't meant to have any more problems." I started to sulk.

"Ace." She snapped. "This isn't the time to feel sorry for ourselves. I want my daughter back."

"Our daughter." I corrected.

"Yeah." She scoffed then turned to the door.

"Woah." I stopped in front of the door not letting her out. "What does that mean?"

"Move out my way." She sighed.

"Halo, it's not just you alone in this. We both have to find her."

"Yeah, when it suits Ace." My brows knitted. Was she serious? When it suited? I've dedicated my life to Halo and my daughter, I would literally do anything they want. If they asked me to kill the fucking world I would. "Let me past." She said, side stepping me trying to get to the door.

"Why are you mad at me!?" I pressed. She ran her hands over her face, shaking her head as tears welled in her eyes. Sometimes, she cried when she was upset. And sometimes when she was upset, she would just turn angry. I never argued with her because I knew it was just how she was dealing with things. But this...this is different. This isn't just her that's going through this.

"I'm scared Ace. My-our daughter is out there because of me. My supposed best friend has taken her because of me!" A sob broke out and covered her mouth. "I thought-" she wiped under her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I thought we were going to be normal. But instead, we're always going to be in this life."

She's right. We never had the chance to escape this lifestyle. I was born and bred into this, she can't expect me to easily leave it. Even if I chose to leave it, I still need to have someone to take over. Or have a plan, like fake my death or something. But everyone does that when they want to leave.

There's another way...

The choice, I really didn't want to make. It was something that I could never do and if I ever did, I would never get past. It wouldn't give me an escape, but it would let Halo and Myla out. For good.


Instead of thinking any longer. I made the decision.

I stalked over to her, tearing her hands away from her face. "Stop crying." I bit out. I lifted her chin up and slipped the gun out of its holster on my trousers. "Take this." I handed it to her. "And go." Her brows creased as she tried to hold her head up and held the gun in her hand.

"Go where?" She asked, the tears slowly fading.

"Just go." I walked over to my desk and pulled a large black duffel bag from under the desk. "I don't care were." I turned round, the 'bookshelf' behind my desk across and punching in the pin to open the safe. I took out more than enough money and dumped it into the bag, before turning back and throwing the bag over to her.

It landed at her feet with a thud, and she took a step back. "Ace, what the hell?" She barked, gesturing down to the bag and the gun which she just dropped on top of it.

"I'll find Myla. And I'll contact you when I do."

She scoffed. "Bullshit!" She walked over to me. "She's my daughter too, we're her parents we find her together, we bring her home and we work out whatever shit you've got into your head after!" I shook my head, a snarky smile ripping across my face.

"You don't have what it takes to hunt for her." My heart ripped at my own words. I was hurting her, but this is the only way it would work. "You won't last on the hunt for her and you won't be able to kill Carter." Her hand came up and she slapped me across the face.

My heart hammered in my chest because I knew I was hurting her more than I ever would have wished to. "You can't do this." She said, shaking her head. "You can't push me away again." I shrugged, slumping down into my seat. "If you push me away Ace, I won't come back. Not this time."

I gulped, but she didn't notice. The images in my head, screamed at me and yelled at me to tell her my plans and tell her that I promise I'll explain everything. But it would fuck it all up. "As long as I have my daughter, I don't need you." Her hand clamped over her mouth and tears poured down her cheeks and she shook her head.

"You'd ma go fuck yourself Ace." She turned and picked up the gun, leaving the bag on the floor and zoomed out of the room.

She would get Myla back.

She would stay so close yet so far.

I would see my daughter every day, and her mother would just be her mother.

She would no longer be the woman who loved me.

Because this time, I really had fucked it all up.

~ Halo Connery ~

A fat tear rolled down my cheek as I walked down the streets of New York, my eyes focused on my engagement ring. So we were back here again? Losing each other over something new this time.

What will it be next time?

Fuck me. There won't be a next time.

The moment I left his office, I grabbed my passport, my handbag and ran. On my way over to the airport, I called the pilot of Ace's private jet and asked him to take me to New York.

Carter would definitely be back here with Myla. I was sure of it.

I stopped outside the apartment building, looking up to see the top level of the building, watching as Carter stood at the window. She nodded and I heard the buzz of the door go. I bolted into the lobby running to the private elevator.

When the elevator doors opened at the apartment, I ran in, not bothering to reminisce about when Ace and I stayed here. That didn't matter.

He didn't matter.

I ran into the living room, spotting Myla laying on the sofa wrapped in a blanket. Carter still stood at the window, looking out at the city. "You can pick her up." She said. But I already had, cradling her in my arms tears welling in my eyes. My baby.

"Are you fucking insane!" I cried at Carter. "You took my daughter!" She turned round. Her hair tied up into a sleek ponytail, dressed head to toe in black, with a strap on her thigh.

"I needed to get you back to New York." She walked towards me, picking up a file and handing it to me. I stared at her my eyes unmoving form her face. How could you do this?

"Why?" I asked, shaking my head. "You've never even met her." She sighed, sitting down on the sofa and nodding.

"Thats kind of the point." Her head fell and she shook it. "I am sorry." She said, honestly. "I never wanted to turn you guys in, I didn't want to take her." I interrupted her.

"Then why!?" I pleaded for an answer. Why take my daughter?

Why send me to the feds?

Why try and put away the only man who has ever loved and cared for me?




She bit her lip, tears now welling in her eyes. "I know you'll never forgive me." She squeezed her eyes shut. "But I had to keep you and the baby safe." She placed the file down on the coffee table. "They gave me a choice." She continued. "If I gave them Ace, they would leave you and the baby alone." Gave them Ace?

"What do you mean? How could you give them Ace he's..." and then it all clicked.

They didn't just want to keep Ace in prison. They wanted to get rid of Ace altogether. That's why she took Myla, she knew I would come after her. Ace would have come too, he's already got men coming here for her, he may even be on his way...but that worked out perfectly for them.

If Ace stayed in Italy they knew exactly where he would be.

If Ace came to New York, they would find him to.

This was the plan.

I crashed to the floor, Myla still in my arms. They were going to...they might already have...Ace.


I walked the streets, holding Myla close to my body. Her head lay on my shoulder, her little body still wrapped in the blanket. She was only five pounds and five ounces when she was born. Tiny. At only three months old, she hadn't grown much but she was still developing.

My heart ached.

I had left Ace's old apartment. Leaving Carter there crying and feeling sorry for herself. Ace was right, I didn't have the guts to kill her. Or maybe I did.

Maybe I just wasn't ready at that moment.

Because now all I could think about was Ace.

She had sent the feds after him.


The only thing I could do, was go back home. My home was Italy now. I will take Myla home to her father, and I would warn Ace. If the FBI isn't already trying to take him, they sure as hell will be on their way.

I don't know what the hell was going on with Ace when I left the house. He was angry about something. God I was angry, I was stressed. It's no excuse, I know he was stressed out to, and I took my anger out on him...but he tried to give me money and send me off.

An all-black SUV pulled up beside me and I immediately recognised some of Ace's men in the car. The driver opened the door and hoped out opening the back door up for me. "He's waiting at home for you." I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath, before I got into the car, still keeping Myla in my arms.

My mind flickered back to the last time Ace, and I split. It couldn't happen again; I wouldn't let it. The last time, I blamed him when in reality it was my fault. I shouldn't have slept with Jameson...but that's in the past now.

I couldn't lose him. Not now. Couldn't let Myla grow up without her father. Jesus, I couldn't go on without Ace. Things may have been different if we didn't have a baby. But she changes things - drastically. I grew up without a father figure and yeah, it did me no harm. But I want Myla to have everything I never had. I want her to wake up every morning and be so thankful for the life she has instead of waking up every day and dreading the hours.

But not just for her.

I wanted Ace to. I want us to love for a hundred years together and grow old, have lots of babies and die at the exact same moment. That way, we wouldn't ever need to live without each other.

And God, those moments where so close to coming true.

If only, Ace AltoBelli had the same faith in himself as I had in him.

~ Ace AltoBelli ~

Here's the thing about dying...

When it happens, you don't get a leaflet telling you which exit to take or heaven. Or hell. I assume that's where I'm headed.

Your body slowly shuts down. You eyes, more than likely close, your body turns cold and rigid, that blood stomps pumping, all those fears disappear. The anger and rage you've built up thinking about all the things you didn't do, settles in.

But you're dead.

There's nothing you can do about it.

You leave behind, kids, wives, husbands, friends, pets, kitchen utensils...Some more important than others. And nothing really changes. The day you die until the day you are laid to rest, are the tough days.

Death day, starts sad, but slowly turns into happiness because you remember all the fun times you had with the one you lost. The days in between are tough, because you know you have a funeral to go to, plus work, eat, sleep. And everything else takes priority.

The day of your funeral. Quite possibly, the best day of a dead one's life. You get to watch people, at their absolute fucking weakest, scream out in terror and pain because you meant everything to them.

They should have questioners to fill out at funerals, like what was their favourite colour. That way you know who's talking shit and who's for real.

The majority will choose blue. Blue a general colour that most men go after. For woman, red. It's the sexiest colour - I suppose that means woman love it.

But there's only one person who will know the truth.

And that's the one person you've hurt the most.

So, thank fuck, I'm not dead.

I bolted upright, coughing and spluttering as I lay on the airport runway. Just as the plane was heading on to the runway, the police pulled up, stopping the pilot. Apparently, they had a dangerous passenger on board.

They weren't wrong...but still.

After I agreed to step off the plane for a discussion with them, they proceeded to try and shoot me. I would say I should contact the police, but when they are the ones trying to kill me, I don't know if I'll get anywhere.

The landing runway lit up and I spotted my other plane coming down. I could see a few of my men in the plane looking down at the scene below. I had sent them over to find Halo and hadn't been in contact with them yet. I hope to God they found her.

I stood up, brushing the dirt off my suit and looked down to the dead police officers surrounding me. Only four of them. Not bad.

It's nice to see that I hire and pay a lot of fucking money for security and yet, I'm still fucking dealing with this shit on my own.

I finally made it to the sidewalk for the plane. Security already stood there, allowing the doors to pull down and open. Three of my men walked off the plane first. "Did you din her!?" I asked, coughing between my words. I felt lightheaded, but I don't think I got shot.

Fuck it doesn't matter.

"Yeah." Halo stood at the top of the plane, holding my daughter in her arms. We held each other's eyes for what felt like to long. So many unspoken words being exchanged between us. I know everything I said was wrong, I know that me pushing her away and dying to send her off was wrong.

But it was a plan. Or...I don't even know. I was stressed, I thought I was doing the right thing.

"Oh my god." I ran on to the runway and she walked down the stairs, still keeping Myla tightly held to her. When I got up to her, I could see Halo's puffy eyes; new, fresh tears that had started brewing in them. I reached for Myla and Halo passed her to me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, holding Myla in my arms and kissing her head, feeling her little heartbeat thump in her chest. Poor little thing doesn't even have a passport yet, and she's been out the country.

I would have said that to Halo...but I don't think it was the moment to make jokes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. Opening my eyes and meeting Halo's. Her hands were dug into her back pockets and her attention was solely focused on us.

She nodded. "I know." Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took, and it wasn't sadness I seen anymore. It was pure anger. Rage. Fury.

This time. I had messed up.

A dinner wasn't going to make up for this. I had tried to send her away with money.

Send her away.

"Can we talk?" I asked, stepping closer to her and reaching for her hand. She looked down at my hand and shook her head.

"We'll go home. Now." She brushed past me, leaving me with Myla - which I was thankful for. I watched as she walked over to a black Range Rover sport and hoped into the back seat, not giving me another glance.

I'll pay for this.

For the rest of my life.


We both sat at the edge of the bed, Myla's crib now in our room. No more chances of anyone going near her. Halo had changed and was now in on shorts with a tank top. I had showered and thrown on boxers and joined her.

The tension in the room was thick. A knife wouldn't do shit - try a chain saw.

"We can't go on like this." She said, her attention focused on the floor. Her hand fidgeted, the only other noise filling the room being Myla's snores.

"I know." I said, also looking down to the floor. "But I don't want to lose you either." I added. "I love you."

"Is that enough?" She looked up, turning her head to meet my eyes. "Is loving me enough?" My heart ached that she hadn't told me she loved me back. We say it all the time and in the last twelve hours, the words had turned to poison for her.

"Yes." I answered, the simple answer and truth. "Fuck....yes. What I said..." As I was trying to correct myself, she stood, turning round and moving to stand in between my legs.

"The last time this happened." She continued. "I wanted to kill you." She lifted her left leg up and dug her knee into the bed then did the same with the right, until she was straddling me. "You hurt me so much, and I thought I would never get over it."

Her words came out as a laugh, but I knew she was telling the truth - and it hurt. She lay her hands flat down on my chest and using her index finger circled my heart. "I'm not asking you to love me." She twisted her lips to the side, tears filling her eyes again. "I'm just asking you to see what your doing to me."

I slipped my hand under her chin and lifted it up to meet my eyes again. "I love you and I know I've hurt you. I'll spend the rest of my life on my knees apologising if that will make this better." I stroked her cheek with my thumb. "Please."

A start tear rolled down her cheek and landed on my chest. She used her thumb, to slowly wipe it away then rested her head against mine. "Go and fix yourself." She told me. "Decide what life you want me to live in. Because I can't jump between killing machine and motherly figure." She pushed back and held my face in her hands.

"This isn't the end." She wiped under my eyes, and I felt the liquid sting. Tears I did put even realise that had slipped away. "It's a new beginning for us." She reached between us and moved to slide off the engagement ring, but my hand fell over hers.

"Please." I begged. "Don't." A sob escaped her lips and I felt more tears hit my chest. "I can't lose you, Halo." I sobbed. "I won't live." She picked my face up with both her hands and gave me a small smile, but it was hidden under the tears.

"You'll have to, Ace." Her mouth hovered over mine. "You have to sort you're shit out." Her voice became more powerful, but I could still here her cry. "Living in the same house being there for our daughter. That's all I'm asking." She dropped my head and stood up off me.

"I'll give you a year." She said, wiping her eyes. "If you don't know what the hell you're doing by that point, I'll file for custody and Myla, and I will move back to New York." She turned and made her way into the bathroom but stopped and turned to look at me when I asked,

"One more night." I asked. "Let me love you, one more night." She closed her eyes briefly, shaking her head.

"Learn to treat every night, like it's your last night to live Ace. Our daughter needs a strong father, not..." She gestured to me, "...not this."

Learn to treat every night, like it's your last night to live.

"Do you love me?" I asked, only looking for one answer. I didn't need a perfect declaration of love, but I needed her to tell me there was still hope. I needed to know I wasn't losing her.

"Yes. And I hate you for it." I gave her a small smile, but my heart felt like it was slowly cracking with every word.

This wasn't over. In fact, our story was only just beginning...

Imagine Us In Heaven - Book: 3 - Out Now

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