the destined mate|sope ✔️

By cutemuffins0

21.5K 1.4K 170

[completed✔️] hoseok, an innocent man living a most decent life in their small village. vowed to his own hom... More

|#1: Sunny Day|
|#2:pretty Flower|
|#3:daily reminder's|
|#4:outside At Last!|
|#5:precious eyes|
|#7:painful Truth|
|#8:other Ways|
|#10:first Hang Out|
|#11:nearly Exchange|
|#12:telling mr. Park|
|#13:birthday plan's|
|#14:truth Untold|
|#15:short Explanation|
|#16:happy Birthday!|
|#17:birthday Celebration|
|#19:meeting Each Other|
|#20:rules And Regulations|
|#21:getting Ready|
|#22:before the Ceremony|
|#23:the Awaited Event|
|#24:the Awaited Event pt. 2¡|
|#25:own Problem|[m]
|#26:did We Fuck?|
|#27:files And Documents|
|#28:flutters and butterflies|
|#29:late Confession|
|#30:fucking You In Your Heat|[m]
|#31:happiness is a Dream|
|#32:taking jung Hoseok|
|#33:saving his little omega|
|#34:sacrifice is a fact.|
|#35:reasons why you're Changed|
|#36:new beginning|[m]
|#37:morning routine|
|#38:giftedness talent|
|#39:concure you're angers|
|#40:lesson learned|[m]
|#42:telling him|
|#43:making it up for the omega|
|#44:first month of stress|
|#45:short time of having fun|[m]
|#46:Christmas eve with cookies|
|#47:new year has began!|
|#48:valentines so clever|
|#49:love war with the crazy woman|
|#50:gender reveal party!|
|#51:designing the Babies room|
|#52:time flew So fast|
|#53:getting in touch With you|[m]
|#54:finally mate's|[m]
|#55:normal weaknesses|
| the Finale |


431 27 0
By cutemuffins0

yoongi's pov:

"hey yoongs" jungkook called, i wanted to ignore him this day but i think its difficult.


"why are you so cold?"

"because i wanted too."

"hm, tell me what do you feel?" i looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"what do you mean?" i asked not sure of what he's talking about.


"obviously it hurts"

"ohh, well about your memory"

"can you please stop for a second"


"prince" i heard a voice, i looked back.

"the queen is calling you to go too her room, she wanted your presence" seokjin said, and i nod finally i can escape my dumbass cousin.

"goodluck yoongs"

"yea yea" i walked off, and left him there.

I walked to where my parents room is, and finally got there. my body feels a bit sore but im hoping that my strength will some back in a matter of days.

i knocked and heard a 'come in'.

"goodmorning my prince" she hugged me and physically squished my cheeks.

"ow" i reacted, it doesn't hurt that much but i can care less.

"oh my apologies, so how do you feel now?" she asked gesturing for me too sit.

"i feel a bit sore, but i can manage now mom" i said, lying about my still aching back.

"thats good, about what you asked yesterday?"

"its nothing important mom" i said looking at her trying my best not too slip a tear.

"are you sure honey?".

"yes mom, i am pleasantly sure"

"well then, can you go with me in the village. i needed something but your father is busy with the rest of the village so might want to come with me?" she asked and i nod.

i cant say no to her, and especially i wanted to protect her with all my life.

She clapped her hands 3 times, and called seokjin. Seokjin came to the room and mom said that he needs to ready the two horses.

seokjin gracefully nod and i looked at them with awe, ever since my mom got her crown seokjin where there for her.

i know that because mom is such a mouth-opened so she accidentally slip the topic.

"i need to change, can you wait here?" she asked.

"sure thing your highness"

"awe you looked so cute if you were that charming."

I blushed at the compliment, and hid my face to my colar. I heard my mom giggled and i just smiled.

10 minutes have passed and mom is already finished on her suit for today's visit on the village.

"your highness, the horses are ready to go"

"thank you, seokjin"

"my pleasure your highness"


I turned around, shy about the fact that i almost slept on my parents bed.


"we're ready to go, do you have anything that you didn't forgot?"

"all set".

"good, lets go"

then we walked on the door, and headed to the backyard where the horses are.

"hi again sapphire" i rubbed my horse's head to calm it down, before i get into it.

i put on some safety gears, and held her back.

i talked to it a little bit so she can understand my thoughts and feelings, she can sense a human being emotions that's why i needed to calm her because i felt weak.

I hoped in on her, and she gently walked. didn't realize that she was startled because of how much force i put on the jump.

"sh,easy there sapphire" i rubbed her shoulders, and she calmed down.

I can feel that she's getting used to my emotions, so i eventually took the courage to let her walk.

"are you okay?" mom asked, riding her horse that is walking beside me.

"yes i am mom"

"i can sense that my horse here can feel that you are not" i was shook, i forgot about how strong her horse can sense.

"its nothing to worry about mom" our horses stopped on their trails and seokjin opened the huge gate for us.

"are you sure that you dont want me to cone your highness?" seokjin offered but mom refused.

"it is okay seokjin, i have my strong prince here."

"okay your highness, hopefully you have a safe trip." he said and smiled at us.

"thank you seokjin, were going now." mom said and seokjin nodded making a distance because he doesn't want to get pulled by a horse.

our horses walked off, gently walking and taking us to our destination.
"what's wrong with the apples?" mom asked in her queen tone, we made it to our destination a minute ago.

"its a litte darkish on the side, i think the tree that we planted didn't have much nutrients." the villager said and mom just looked at him and had an idea.

"prince, what do you say about this problem?" mom asked, and i was startled about the sudden change of her voice.

"uh, we can plant another tree too a nice and fresh grounded, for some extra light it needed to be planted in a viewed area." i suggest and mom just clapped her hands and rubbed my shoulders.

"list it hwuang lee and give me the paper, we will abort the situation later on." mom said smiling and the villager who had an excitement in hes eyes.

"thank you so much my queen." the villager vowed and my mom again gestures to get up.

"we will go now" my mom said and we hop in to our horses, and bid goodbyes to the villager.

"im so proud of you honey" mom confessed and i smiled at her, we turn around and got in to another destination.
"woah there" my horse is jumping around, it must been scared of the following tud earlier.

Im still trying to calm it, but i think she is really scared about it so i immediately closed our distance and i place my forehead on hers and talked with our minds.

She can understand me even in a slightest way, we really had that bound that no one else can ever slice it in to pieces.

"shh, its okay" she calmed down a bit and i held her jawline too her mouth and sensed that she's trying to feel my presence.

"like that, its okay" she doesn't want to hurt me because she is a good kicker.

"there there, now rest" i let her rest for a moment.

"honey is sapphire okay?"

"yes, she just got scared on the loud sound earlier"

"hm well then, is she alright now?"

"yes i got her too calm down."

"good, should we head home now?"

"sure we can mom" with that i held my horse and let it get up slowly, i dont want if to be scared again so i am gently as i was now.

We headed home, it was raining so we needed to get home fast. Mom's horse is really fast but i didn't care because i cared about my 𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑝ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑒.

-another yoongi chapter coz y not y'all.
I hope that you like this chapter, please vote and seek on the other upcoming chapters!.

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