Percabeth - Five years later

By TheAmazingGracie

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12.2020 edit: Wow! It's wild to be logging into Wattpad again but hi-- I'm Amalia (Grace is a childhood nickn... More

Chapter 1: Iris Messages and Sea Otters
Chapter 2: Spring Break
Chapter 3: Plans
Chapter 4: The Swim Meet
Chapter 5: Graudation
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: The Wedding
Chapter 8: On the Argo II (Again)
Chapter 9: Floor 3, Room 14
Chapter 10: Safe
Chapter 11: The War Games
Chapter 12: Birthdays, Dreams, and Dancing
Chapter 13: I Forgive You
Chapter 15: Surprise!
Chapter 16: The First Look
Chapter 17: Home
Chapter 18: The Name Game
Chapter 19: Training
Chapter 20: Shopping
Chapter 21: Luck
Chapter 22: Something to Smile About

Chapter 14: Costumes, Pizza and Friends

13.7K 242 89
By TheAmazingGracie

Percy's Pov

Morning. Saturday. October 31st. One of the best combinations know to a hero. Why? Because it's the day that all of the monsters you fight are just figments of your imagination. It started with a breakfast fight. I was standing in the kitchen with Beth being amazing, how was I being amazing you might ask, I was making waffles. They were horrible looking waffles but they were still waffles. I poked Annabeth, just above her tank top and in between her shoulder blades, with a batter covered spoon. She turned and looked at me with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, big mistake Seaweed Brain." She took the jug of orange juice and grabbed a ladle. She put it in and dumped a cup of orange juice on my hair. My powers didn't do anything to orange juice so I got soaked.

"Hey I'm going to need to shower now! I was just trying to get your attention, It Halloween and I was wondering if we were going to go to your work party?" Annabeth kissed my forehead and licked her lips to get the orange juice off of them.

"No but we are going to go to a party, one that you're going to enjoy. It's at the pizza place you like, and you still get to dress up like a little kid."

I smiled and jumped up and down just once for fun. Neither of us really got to go trick or treating when we were kids, it was just too dangerous so we kind of enjoyed goofing off in the costumes.

"So," I said as I turn on the faucet so that I could clean up our mess with my powers. "Who all is going to be at this party you have just informed me of." Annabeth watched me as I swept my arms in a circle pulling all of the orange juice of the floor.

"I'm not going to tell you." She said with a smile.


"I'm not telling you. I know that you'll like the surprise and it will give you something to obsess over until 11 when we leave."

"What?" I whined "That's a whole hour and a half away!" she grinned evilly at me.

"We'll then you should be thoroughly existed when we get there.

I spent the next hour whining, complaining, begging, and overall being annoying trying to convince Annabeth to tell me where we were going. She wouldn't budge.

"Perseus, All we have to do now is get changed into our costumes and get in the car. You'll find out what's going to happen when we get there." I pulled her into our room and stripped off my shirt to get into my costume. When I looked up I saw Annabeth staring at me strangely.


"I'm trying to figure out how you grew up and got muscles, "she gestured to my well chiseled chest, "But somehow you still retained- the attitude of a14 year old."

"Shut up Wise Girl." I remarked rolling my eyes but a smile still snuck itself on my face.

Ten minutes later we were in the car on the way to the pizza place. Annabeth was dressed up as a kitten and I was a fish. I was driving but I was still pelting Annabeth with questions. We pulled up in the parking lot of the pizza parlor and I pulled Annabeth inside. Another odd group of costumed young adults were sitting.

"Jason? Piper? Leo? Frank? Hazel? Rachel?" My friends smiled and waved at us, Rachel smirked,

"Hi guys, did you miss me?" Thirty seconds later we were sitting with our friends, ordering a small pepperoni pizza to share.

"When did you get to town Rach?" She smiled,

"Just last night, I'm giving some of my drawings to a gallery for a special Halloween exhibit and I decided that I would come and deliver them in person. There was also the fact that I wanted to hang with my friends."

Annabeth leaned on her elbows onto the table.

"So, what's our party plan?" Piper snorted like this was funny.

"The plan is to eat pizza, chill, and be as normal as we usually are while wearing goofy costumes." I nodded approvingly,

"I like this plan." Annabeth started laughing at me, I turned to her and wiggled my eyebrows for comedic effect. "What is so funny?"

"Does the plan include having cheese on your nose?"

"Sure it does, now am I the only one that wants to play truth or dare or not?"

Rachel's eyes brightened up,

"This would be amazing! I can't remember the last time that I played that! Please guys?" I don't think that anybody wanted to anger the young woman that spewed green smoke to decide our fates so we all decided to play along. Hazel knit her hands together.

"Okay, so I'll start, Leo truth or dare?" Her boyfriend looked at her in mock fear.

"I don't know, you know so many of my deep, dark secrets. You choose," She rubbed her fingers together evilly,

"That was a bad choice Leo, You are getting a truth. Your question is have you ever made your hair go on fire so you looked like Hades from the Disney movie?"

"You said that you would never tell anyone!"

"Ha, not going to happen now tell us Hot Stuff!"

Leo folded his arms over his angry birds costume,

"Yes," He muttered, "Now it's my turn. Annabeth truth or dare." She looked over at him almost bored,

"Now come on, it would have been more fun if you asked Jason or something, it would have been all kinds of awesome!"

"Well suck it up because I chose you, Truth or Dare?" Her reaction was a quick hesitation before one of her signature confident smiles. Her hesitation told me something was up but I decided not to bring it up now.

"Dare Valdez," he smiled like he had wanted this to be her answer the whole game.

"Well Kitty-Cat, I dare you to walk up to the counter and meow before asking her for a glass of milk." everybody looked at him in surprise, it was kind of an extravagant dare. Annabeth stood up and grabbed some cash from Leo's wallet despite his protests.

"Come on Flame Boy, you get to come with to assure everybody else that I didn't chicken."

A couple of minutes late they came back, Annabeth was holding her glass of milk and the cash she jacked from Leo's wallet.

"The girl at the counter was impressed that I actually did the dare so she paid for the milk with her own tips." She explained. "So Percy," She asked me, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" I yelped quickly, the dares that Annabeth dreamed up were brutal. When she told me what I had to say I almost wished that I picked dare.

"Kay Percy, You get to tell everyone the story about your dip in the Styx and where your weak spot used to be." I looked over at her sheepishly, Annabeth was the only one that knew where the weak spot was or what had happened in the underworld that day. I hadn't really wanted to share that information with anyone else.

"Can I use a chicken?" I asked, Beth denied me with a shake of her head and I sighed in defeat. "Okay Guys, it started when Nico almost killed me...."

I told everyone my story and then Annabeth helped me show everyone my weak spot. Leo had to come over and poke it (Which hurt because I was still sensitive there) so that he knew that we weren't faking it. I glared at home before I found my voice again.

"Frank, truth or dare?"

"Dare," He told me immediately. I smiled as I remembered that he was the only person in the group that was single by choice.

"I dare you to go and flirt with the counter girl." Not surprisingly he wasn't too mad. I followed him to make sure that he did flirt with her. (He was turned down when shoe shoved her engagement ring in his face) After that the dares got progressively stranger. Piper had to give herself a black eye with Rachel's fist, Rachel had to juggle some of Hazel's rubies that were no longer cursed, Hazel had to imprint her hands into the stone floor underneath us, and Jason had to electrocute a pineapple. About an hour later we all walked out of the pizza place to go on with our days, we were all shouting one thing though.

"Happy Halloween!"

Yay, I got it done! I'm super-duper excited for next chapter, like really excited. I already started writing it in my note book. Also super excited because I'm going bowling today! Yay Bowling! The dedication goes to....Percabeth4evr. DO YOU GUYS HEAR THAT? I'M PRETTY SURE THAT IT'S NOT THE PEOPLE SINGING. YES, I'M PRETTY SURE IT'S DISCLAIMER TIME!

Sadie Kane: Grace, Are we doing a Kane Chronicles Fanfiction today?

Annabeth: Grace! What is she doing in our story! Is this one of your mad characters?

Me: No I don't own either of you, but she is someone who visits my mind frequently, Sadie, wrong fandom.

Sadie Kane: Opps *She pops back to her fandom*

Annabeth: Well who owns us Gracie?

Me: *sigh* Rick Riordan, the master of all Rickhangers!

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