Demigods at Hogwarts

Oleh Gobbledegook6969

50.7K 1K 556

So, I was poking around, and I just could not find a fem!Percy at Hogwarts book. There will be slow updates... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh Gobbledegook6969

Percie POV

"Thalia!" I hissed, pulling her into an empty room.

"Whats up?" She asked.

"I couldn't wait to talk to you about the thing." I responded, beginning to look around. "And I figured that it would be an easier conversation if we're not staring at each other and that being the only thing we're doing."

Thalia crossed her arms and gave me a look. "Girl, if you're about to tell me that you're pregnant or somethin-"

"- No, no!" I interrupted her, slightly flustered.

I began to speak, raising my voice a bit so that she could still hear. "Just about as far from that as you could get. Um, since I've sort of, been in two wars and a shitload of other things our lovely parents have left us to deal with, I've been thinking about joining the hunters.

I mean, I can't think of too many reasons why I wouldn't want to, I mean I get to stay with you, and Nico too because when he... dies... Hades will probably let him stay in the palace occasionally and we'll be able to threaten him with more death meaning more paperwork so we can see him and the others. Plus, the way you go on about it..."

I trailed off and began to walk back to where Thalia was and she tackled me in a hug. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Pleaaaase do! Now, I want to explore." She said, practically hugging the life out of me.

"I actually wanted to show you a cool looking mirror I saw when I was wandering around." I told her, prying her hands off me.

We walked behind a pile of boxes and dusty old books to a mirror with a golden frame and slightly cracked, rusted glass, half covered in a stained sheet, which we took off.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." Thalia sounded out, reading the engraving on the top. "It kind of sounds like latin, but the way you're looking at it, I assume its not?"

"I show you not your face, but your heart's desire? Its an anagram, I think." I said, my dyslexia being suspiciously helpful.

I was about to look in it and hopefully see what it meant when the door opened hastily and I heard three voices.

Me and Thalia quickly ducked behind a stack of random objects and listened to the conversation they were having.

"Albus, you can't really be thinking of doing that! Using a cursed duplicate of it to simulate the children's worst memories, especially after almost all of them have been through a war, and with the fact that some of the demigods almost certainly have entered? Its not a good idea!"

We looked at each other and I whispered "McGonagall?" She nodded and we continued to eavesdrop.

"Minerva, the idea is for them to have the courage to fight back, no matter how scared or angry you are, its a life skill. Particularly in these worlds."

Definitely Dumbledore.

"Severus, you don't think this is a good idea, do you?" McGonagall asked, evidently, Snape.

"Both of you are right, but I think we should do it, because it will be supervised, and like Albus said, its a bit of a life skill." Snape replied.

"Well. I suppose its settled then." McGonagall said, giving up after a minute.

I heard her footsteps retreat, but two sets of them coming towards the mirror, towards us.

Now, we were definitely not supposed to of heard that, or be in here, so I whispered to Thalia, "Hold on and don't scream." as I turned us both to mist and brought us back to the Pegasari common room.

Andrew POV

-Back to the time it was at the beginning of the chapter-

Just like any other day, we, as in myself, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Nico, Percie, and Thalia were walking down the halls of the Hogwarts castle. Off topic, but I still can't get over the architecture. We were walking down the halls, chatting while heading to history class, when all of a sudden, Leo says "Hey, where's Perce and Thals?"

"What?" Nico said, distress levels going from 0 to 100 real fast.

"Do you think they're skipping? We do have history first, and we know how much they hate history." Will suggested.

"No," I shook my head. "They do hate history, but I don't think they would skip, considering neither pay attention and usually fall asleep regardless."

"If they're not back by lunch we'll check the dorms and if they're not there we can alert Professor Snape." Hazel said, finishing off the thought.

Leo bounded past us. "Cool, lets go, I want to go slee- I mean go to history class, and you guys don't want to be late. We'll just tell the professors that they're not feeling good or something!"

Thalia POV

"PERCIE!" I yelled.

"Sorry! But we both know we were not supposed to be there! If they caught us-"

"If they caught us we would be off the hook!"

"No, its not about getting in trouble Thalia, of course we'd be off the hook, its about the tournament. They might have been talking about a task, and if they knew we were there, even if we did get picked, that wouldn't be a part anymore and our only clue would be gone!"

Dam, that's actually smart.

"I know." She smirked, reading my mind.

"We're obviously skipping history, it's boring, but afterwards we have charms, so what do you want to do for the next hour or so?" I asked her, sitting down on a couch.

She sat down on the other side of it, her smirk never swaying as she pulled out a few drachmas from her pocket. "Wanna IM Artemis?"

I nodded as she contorted some water to mist in front of us. "O Fleecy, do me a solid, show me the goddess Artemis wherever she is." She threw a few drachmas into the rainbow, cause, goddess, and after a few seconds Artemis appeared in the mist.

"Thalia, my lieutenant, what can I do for you? Hello Percie." Artemis smiled.

"Well, it's more what you can do for Percie. Or, rather, what she can do for you."

She looked intrigued. "What is it? Are you going to tell Apollo that I'm the older and more mature twin? Because I saw him today and he still won't let that go."

"I mean, sure." Percie laughed, "But that's not why we IMed you."


"I've decided to take you up on your offer to join the hunters. As long as I can still have friends who are guys. And I'll obviously have to finish this quest first"

"Amazing!" Artemis beamed. "Yes, you'll have to finish the quest first, and you can have friends who are boys, as long as you don't bring them onto our camp and you don't have any sort of romantic relationship with them. Do you know the oath?"

Then all that stuff happened, she joined, Artemis decided to send us two rings with a moon with an arrow through it, both being able to turn into any weapon we want, and then we talked about all sorts of stuff for about half an hour until we had to go for charms.


"Good afternoon, class" Flitwick said to us from on his stack of books.

"Today, although a decent amount of you children already know this charm, even though it isn't in the curriculum normally, we will be trying out the Patronus charm. It has proven to be very useful and we want to make sure you know how to defend yourselves in case of an attack."

I smirked a bit and sat up straighter in my seat, knowing Harry was doing the same, because we are definitely better than everyone else and we taught it to them.

Plus, it's one of the most difficult charms you can produce, so the Americans won't know it and we'll impress the girls (I did notice that Percie and Thalia had showed up this class) as we get it immediately and everyone else is struggling.

I zoned out as Flitwick explained and demonstrated his Patronus. That is, until he asked me, Harry, and Hermione to also demonstrate, obviously knowing that we taught them before the terrible war that me, Harry, and Hermione pretty much won ourselves.

Harry stood up first, casting his Patronus, a stag, and saying "I could cast a much better one, but there's no need to."

Afterward, me and Hermione did ours, at about the same power level as Harry and Flitwick said to us "Thank you three. Now, I would like everyone to try the charm when I say your name. Or, if you want, you can go in a group as the Patronus' may interact. Is there anyone who wants to go first?"

Immediately, Thalia, Percie, Piper, the Grace boy, and the emo American hands shot up. "Can we go together, Professor?" The Grace boy asked. Flitwick nodded and told them to go whenever they're ready.

Me and Harry shared a look, laughing silently'They're so going to embarrass themselves.'

"Expecto Patronum!" Was said a few times as we looked over and saw not one, not two, not three, not four, but five Patronus' dancing around. A rabbit, pegasus, dove, eagle, and thestral.

"WHAT!" Harry yelled, rightfully.

"THEY MUST'VE CHEATED! OR AN ILLUSION OR SOMETHING NO ONE CAN GET IT RIGHT ON THE FIRST TRY!!!" Harry continued, that is until Flitwick, how dare he, interrupted.

"Mr. Potter, I know that you defeated Voldemort, and are the chosen one and all that, but there are things that you still don't understand and this entire situation is one of those things. I know most people don't get this on their first try but the exchange students are all evidently very powerful and this may not have been their first try at the charm anyway."

" BUT-" Harry did the brave thing and stood his ground but of course Flitwick, being the cheater he is, threatened detention and neither of us want detention on our spotless (A/N Bitch you wish) records.

The rest of charms went by almost as we wanted it to.

Only a few people were able to get their animal to appear, but some people, instead of going to us or Flitwick actually went to the Americans for help. Like, what? you've known them for like, two seconds, but we saved the world.

What the fuck have they done?

I know that the girls are super pretty so I guess I can understand that, but other than to hear the beautiful voice of Thalia or Percie or Piper, why wouldn't you ask me or Harry?

The best part of the day so far is that we have DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts, if you live under a rock) next and Slughorn, who Dumbledore somehow convinced to teach again without a savior of the world, favors Harry and I. Plus, the Americans won't be in that class, so even if they managed to get whatever spell we'll be working on, they won't be there! (A/N my own brain can't even process what I'm writing-_-)

On another note, me and Harry have been brainstorming girls to take to the Yule Ball. Some people might say that its too soon to be thinking of girls by how they will look with us as we walk together in front of everyone. Me and Harry say it's perfect because me, Harry, and Hermione entered the tournament, so there's a 0% chance that we're not going to be picked.

Even Hermione says its 'premature' but since the goblet is announcing the winners tonight (AKA choosing Harry, me, and Hermione for Hogwarts), we'll be showing her, and calling her an idiot because she said that when we got picked we can call her that for not thinking of people to go to the ball with sooner. Well, she actually said 'if we get picked' but we all know what she actually meant.

Ultimately, Harry and me decided on a few girls. First choices are Percie and Thalia (or Piper), then after, if for some insane reason, they say no, Hermione and Cho Chang.

They won't though. What with Harry's good looks and Percie's absolute beauty, which would be perfectly complimented with my handsomeness and Thalia's mysterious, dangerous beauty.

See? It's perfect and foolproof! It'll be so satisfying when we get to tell Hermione we told her so. speaking of her, I wonder who she'll take? Maybe Neville or another Durmstrang boy? I don't really know what her type is, to be honest (A/N Slytherin girls with black hair with names starting with Pan and ending in sy also f u Ronald).

Hermione POV

As I sat down at the Gryffindor table across from Ginny, who looked dazed, staring at something (or someone), I felt nothing but disgust.


"Hmm? Oh, Hermione!" Ginny said, snapping out of her daze. "How are things?"

"Eh." I replied, very unenthusiastically. "Things could be better. This whole thing where I have to constantly be around Harry and Ronald is extremely irritating, especially when they're objectifying women. Y'know, 'Percie and Thalia are nice arm candy, they'd be perfect dates for the yule ball,' that sort of thing."

"Ahh, I see. Well-" Ginny began to talk in a mysterious voice, like that kind they have for, like, fortune tellers, when she got interrupted by the two embodiments of 'speak of the devil'.

"HERMIONE!" Harry practically screamed in anger, causing the entire Great Hall to go silent and stare.

"Why are you spreading lies like this to everyone?" Ron asked, almost as angry looking as Harry.

I almost laughed.

"Lies? You- how horrible is your memory?" I began, then sarcastically continued, "I can understand that you can forget that you two didn't defeat Voldemort alone, but forgetting the objectifying words you were using to describe two of my best friends!"

I could feel the Great Hall begin to shake (perks of being blessed by Hecate), my anger clouding over normal control of my powers.

And of course, Ronald and Harry rolled their eyes and scoffed. "Percie and Thalia are not your best friends, besides who wouldn't want to be arm candy THE Harry Potter and Ron Weasley?"

"Anyone with a brain." I heard from Percie behind me.

Then, she walked forward, and punched Harry in the face, whilst kicking Ron in the balls.

Draco was actually with her, which I realized as he spun me around and attempted to hold in his laughing.

"Deep breaths, yeah? the entire Great Hall is shaking." He said, failing miserably at not laughing.

I calmed down quickly, causing the shaking to stop. I soon realized that almost everyone were laughing their asses off.

I looked at Pansy (note to self- I seem to be becoming a bit obsessed with her for some reason?), who was looking at me. She winked and blew a kiss at me, which I'm sure caused my face to go bright red, not that it's a particularly bad thing.

In my state of... whatever this is I barely noticed Draco whispering to me "So, Pansy, huh? By the way, you look like you're about to pass out your face is so red."

"...No." I muttered back, deciding to be stubborn.

"H, Athena kids have trouble admitting their feelings. Chris couldn't admit his feelings for Clarisse for the longest time, I hear they're still going strong. Andrew couldn't with Percie, and while they've broken up now, it was Poseidon and Athena, they would have been one of the world's wonders if they never did. I hear Malcolm Pace and Carter Barlowe from the Demeter cabin are together now, and it only took the entire camp setting them up on a date in New Rome."

I looked at Draco, just to see that he had the 'I'm fanboying over these two, leave me alone with my thoughts' look on his face, so I just told him to shut up and dragged Ginny out of the hall to tell her my thoughts.

Okayyy so I apologize that I haven't updated in so long, but in my defense I broke my leg. In all siriusness, tho, I hope you like this chapter, see you next time I decide to update this book!

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