Beyond Human: Queen's Shadow...

By BrokenComet

689 85 3

Apollos Morten the 9th Prince has made himself comfortable in the shadows. Though after he has proven himself... More

01.) Bad News
02.) Home
03.) A Family Man
04.) Who was He?
05.) A Nun's Duty / A Bad Dream
06.) A Sign Of Things To Come
07.) Will and Determination
08.) Where am I?
09.) Vampires and Humans
10.) Observations Report
11.) Character Profile: Lucian Michaelis Morten
12.) The Quagmire
13.) The Devil Herself
14.) Dance with the Devil
15.) The Devil's Seduction
16.) I Am Here
17.) A Harsh Truth
19.) The Hard Way
20.) Clovis
21.) A Bloody Mess
22.) The Inevitable Choice
23.) Miscommunication
24.) The Way The World Is
25.) Best Day Ever
26.) Pretty Little Lies
27.) Loose Ends
28.) The Best Circus Ever
29.) A Sliver of Hope
30.) A Cruel Truth
31.) Conspiracies and Maybes
32.) A Sister's Obsession
33.) Conflict Resolution
34.) Prelude to the Masquerade I
35.) Welcome Montheria
36.) Welcome to Montheria Part II
37.) Montheria Chronicles part i
38.) Montheria Chronicles part ii
39: Montheria Chronicle iii
40: Montheria Chrocnicles Part iv
41.) Errands To Run
42.) Prelude to Masquerade II
43.) Prelude to the Masquerade III
44.) The family coming together

18.) A Desperate Hope

25 2 0
By BrokenComet


I'm not letting them in, I'm not going to let them kill anymore people, that's what I tell myself but I know what might happen. I know what might happen because I feel myself suffering from anxiety on another level. If they get in, they're going to kill these three and they're going to make them suffer until they cause a psychic screen. Why would they want them to suffer? I ask myself this, Why would they want them to go through something so brutal?

'Because they know how many people are going to die if the Anti-Christ is born,' The Anti-Christ? I think to myself, it's then that I feel a fear in my body that I didn't think I would feel, as if I had felt this feeling before. Like I had already been there before. It's then that I hear a banging, Lucia was completely cut off from telling me everything. I allowed my mind to look to see how many people were in the castle yet I couldn't feel anyone. Psychic jammers, I think to myself. It wasn't the banging that cut my thoughts off, it was another psychic. It's then that I hear it, a screech of hell. What were they doing? I think to myself.

It's then that they broadcast the thought to everyone who was psychically connected. 'She gave you all pretty easily and now the werewolves are going to have their way with her,' 'You said you'd let me go,' she said. 'I lied. I'm a child of Lucifer plus I am letting you go. Right into the hands of my compatriots. You will know Lucifer's love very well,' It's then that I hear her screaming, the wolves begin to tear her apart, limb from limb. I then realize she was a vampire, that was the intention, and they want to break her.

I then see Marcus trying to push the thoughts out of his head but he starts to break down into a little ball. Ali is trying to stop himself from breaking down, these children have never cried blood-red tears. They've always cried like regular children. 'Please make them stop,' I hear Ali saying. It's then that I hear Claire say, 'I'm not afraid of you, you big bullies,' her voice quivering under the fear. "I won't let you take them," I say in my thoughts, I would die before all these children were killed, I would die before I let these monsters have their way with the children. I was calm, I was trying to be strong, and I knew there was nothing I could do. I would die, protecting them and I knew they would have their way.

No, I have to protect these children because I'm afraid doesn't mean God won't protect me. There is more banging at the door and I have a knife in my hand. I grip the knife and as they begin to attack, I plunge the knife into the first man that comes in, a vampire. Upon closer look at his clothing, I realize he was one of the clergymen who were here. It's then that he hugs me and says, 'They're everywhere,' It's then that I realized this wasn't a wooden stake, even if I hit his heart, he would heal.

'I thought you knew to pack a wooden stake,' he says with a smile, 'She's here,' The girl was right, "I'm not going to let you touch these children," I say with a snarl, 'Shut up, you pacifist,' He says as he smacks into a sinking kitchen. I fight the urge to blackout and I push him off with everything I have. I was 150 years old, and I know I'm stronger than him. As I push him back off of Claire, I see that Claire is using her telekinesis to push him back also. 'Leave Ms. Henrietta alone, you bully,' I see that Marcus and Ali both begin to use their telekinesis to get him out of the room. As we all do a final push, he's forced through the metal door and as he's forced through the door, I hear him saying, 'Damn you, you bitch!'

The metal doors around the church were made to protect humans and vampires. Vampires were strong but how strong were they against those kinds of doors especially with silver as the perfect base? More vampires begin to crowd the door as I hear multiple people banging vigorously on the door, I hear a werewolf howl. My eyes widened with horror, we never had to defend against a werewolf attack. Silver doesn't affect them as much as vampires. The doors begin to break and we use everything we can to keep them back. As the werewolves break down the doors, they howl again and they scamper off. The vampires still pushing at the door and I can see the blood leaving the children's noses, they were trying to keep this door shut.

I was trying to keep the door from breaking apart, it was then that two other vampires were finally able to break down the door. I look at the Satanists and I stand my ground, protecting the children. It's then that one of them says, 'Is this some kind of joke? This was the woman that gave you so many problems,' "Stay away from the kids," I said in a broken voice. He smiles and says, 'How about I enjoy ripping you limb-from-limb first?' I stand up and as the other vampire begins to attack, he runs straight for Claire. I push him right into the wall, knocking him out. It's then that the other vampire grabs me and picks me up by the cheeks. I feel so weak and it's then that I bite his hands, he smiles as he starts punching me in the stomach.

'You still got some fight in you,' I see his ugly teeth twisted and his fangs lop-sided and focused on my face. 'It's too bad you're not human,' I keep kicking him, trying to get him off. It's then that I do the unthinkable, something I haven't done before. I was always forbidden from using this ability because the ability felt demonic to me. I started attacking his mind with a psychic screech, it staggered him for just a moment, and then he hit the ground. I see the other vampires grab Dottie while she's struggling, 'You're about to bring about the Anti-Christ, my dear. Don't you innocent souls understand what you're going to do for humanity, for vampires?' It's then that I kick him square in the balls, so hard that he hits the ground and he breaks his grip on Dottie. The two boys were so exhausted, that they couldn't even help.

"You will not kill anyone else," My regeneration was at its limit, I could feel my body breaking apart but I refused to give in, I refused to let them win. I stand up and cover the children's eyes with the rest of my nun's gown and I stand in between the men and them. "I won't let you attack them," 'No one is here to save you,' 'Wrong! I am here I don't know whose thoughts those were, I don't know if they were the princes or they were someone else's. All I know is that they were here to protect us. I see it, the prince in all of his glory with a shield. 'The knight in shining armor. The knight of the heavens is here,' I hear all of the children whisper.

They couldn't even see him but they knew it was him. 'He'll save us. He'll save all of us,' It's then that I started to believe at that moment about who he was, he was God's faith-given breath. Was this the man who stood against Hans a few years ago? It was said that he attacked and struck Hans down with such vindication that even the angels applauded him. It was also said that he was touched by God since birth. Within moments, he had torn through all of the men and within moments, he stood before me. 'We're here to help you all but we need to fortify this area,' It was then that I heard Lucia say, 'I have more on my tail. Too many, I can't fight them off,' Her psychic thoughts piercing into all of yours, 'Apollos, you have to stand guard here,'

'Of course,' As he turns to us, I see his clothing is torn to shreds. It's then that he says, 'I brought your sister to you all,' with a smile. He's looking at the children with such a genuine smile, he was willing to give everything to protect them but I could not condone killing. No matter how I thought about it, we could not kill the people we fed on. I feel as though he could have saved these men from themselves but that is not for me to decide. Only God can decide, only God can dictate what is a sin and what is not. These men have committed plenty of sins, and Apollos has, too. Only God can decide which one is good or bad, which sin was worth committing and which sin was not worth committing.

'Apollos, we're heading back with more survivors but there's also more of those Satanists coming,' She broadcasted the thought to us all so that we could properly prepare. Apollos took a deep breath and said, 'Fine. Let them come. They aren't going to hurt these children,' It's then that he arms his shield and a sword, he hits the shield with his sword and says, 'Come on, you son-of-a-bitches,' He couldn't hear them coming, he didn't even know when they were coming but he wanted them to know that he knew they were coming and there was going to be hell to pay if they came. It's then that a psychic scream hit all of the children and another psychic cuts off the connection.

It was then that four vampires and two werewolves came at the door. He pushed all six out with his shield and shut the door behind him. The door was narrow and he knew it was possible to do.


I used my blade to decapitate one of the werewolves, one of the vampires tried to take my shield and with a jabbing motion, I gave him the sharp end to his face, completely caving it in. A wolf went for my neck, trying to decapitate me and a vampire was going for my legs. They knew how to fight vampires, that's what I was thinking to myself and as I dodge, another vampire impaled me in the chest, going straight for my heart.

I shove my hand down the other werewolves' throat to stop him from decapitating me and I grabbed another vampire by his neck as he was trying to take off my shield. It's then that my golden eyes focused on the other vampire as he was trying to break down the door. I chuckled as I then said, "Pathetic," I entered my limit breaker form and my body regenerated almost instantly. I closed my fist in the werewolf's throat and I rip through his jaw and his chest and he's dead on the ground.

I crush the other vampire's limbs to the point of decapitation and I grab the vampire who impaled me with his sword and I started to crush his head. He brings the sword up, cutting through my ribcage and cutting through my collarbone. I regenerated so quickly that all it did was anger me. 'God damnit, die!' He screamed out as blood started pouring from his nose. He realized he couldn't do anything with the sword as he used all of his own momenta to knock it out of his hand.

It's then that he shoved both of his hands into my chest, trying to find my heart, desperately trying to do something and as his eyes began to pop out of the socket, he realized it was hopeless. He tried to grab my spinal cage and all I did was crush his skull at that point. His arms fell limb but he did not burst yet. I grabbed him by his collarbone and by what was left of his head and ripped him in half, bursting him instantly. The other vampire was still trying to break through the door, I grabbed my shield and with my full speed, I hit him right into the metal wall. I heard a sickening schleek as I saw that I had completely collapsed his torso in, almost killing him but he was still regenerating.

I used the tip of my shield and pierce his heart, severing it in half. He burst into a pile of blood and then there was one, I think to myself. "You watched me slaughter everyone and you think you're going to do something now" He aims his gun at me, 'How did you?' "I don't have time for this. Tell Lucifer I sent you, bitch" and I decapitated him with one swipe of my shield. I walk to the door, open it, and see the children and everyone still safe, my eyes scan the room and I see the children all scared but happy to see me.

'When did your pants turn back to normal?' I hear Henrietta ask. "I stole them off a dead guy," I say without thinking. Lucia and Kaoru are right behind me as they say, 'You better prepare yourself. Everyone's coming for this room,' I see all of the survivors carrying a weapon of some sort, Kaoru nodded as he said, 'It's a good thing Lucia taught you how to fight but I was surprised you were able to take six of them out by yourself,' I nod and said, "I'm lucky I was able to take out six but Lucia only trained me for a few days." I'm still behind in a lot of areas. She said my biggest problem was a proper offense. The proper offense was something I lacked because I favored defensive fighting. As we trained all of those days, she taught me that you can have a good defense but always wilt down your opponent with that defense.

As she taught me how to battle my enemies, I learned how to maintain a perfect calm in the battle. Lucia taught me that a sword can be used for a variety of things rather than just stabbing. By simply modifying your hand grip, you can get more out of your sword with different grips and styles. I had no idea sword-fighting had so many styles, each one tailored from defense to extreme offense. It's then that I hear a crash, it was so sudden and instant but I heard a sharp cling.

'Careful now brother. He almost took your head,' Without missing a beat, Lucia had taken off his head. With such speed, I didn't even see her move or clean her blade. 'You'll have to be faster than that, Brother. They're coming,'

End of Chapter: A Desperate Hope

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