Mafia's sweet addiction (BΓ—B)

By Bts_stan98

269K 6.6K 679

Calum is definition of sweetness and beauty. He is kind and help people like sweet angel he is. He work at... More

Character Introduction
Stranger at the door.
Handsome stranger & kind Angel
Innocence and Attraction
Surprise visit
Am I some plaything to him?
Mysterious Enemy
New Enemy
Date Night
Anonymous Letter
The truth
Moving in
New Home
Touch of love
A/N (New Story)
Deal & trouble
Meeting his parents
Unexpected Visitor
Love at first sight
Morning bliss
Double Trouble
Painful memories
Unhealed Wounds
πŸ”ž Love Affirmation πŸ”ž
Love is in the air
Love is in the air- part 2
Family vacation
Romantic Surprise
πŸ”žNever ending loveπŸ”ž
Payback for Bad deeds
Secret Party Celebration
πŸ”žBad luckπŸ”ž
Made for each other
Tied together (END)


4.9K 132 5
By Bts_stan98

Jeremy's Pov:-
Everything was going well now. Kyle is still searching for that bastard. I can't wait to get my hands on him. Also that fucker who told information to man who tried to kill me also disappeared in thin air. I am still worried about photos of my baby and me that Death Lord gang send to me. I can't feel at ease till I don't find those bastards.
I took shower and headed downstairs for breakfast. I see my angel setting down breakfast on table. I wrapped hands around him from behind. I kissed his cheek and neck.
"Jer, sit and have breakfast."he said giggling.
(Tamale Pie)

We ate breakfast talking. His mom's recipes are amazing. We got in the car and drop him off to cafe. He entered the cafe. I reached my office. I sat down on my chair seeing David and Kyle discussing something.
"We have got some information about Death Lord gang."David said.
"What?"I asked.
"They have set their base somewhere in this town. My men have one address we can go there to check if they are really there. We have to go well prepared."Kyle said.
"Ok. So we will go with some men to check that place. Some men will stay outside incase something happens. What do you say Jeremy?"David asked.
"We can do that.We three will enter with 5-6 men and see if there is base." I said.
"Jeremy, you don't come with us." Kyle said.
"Why the hell I am not coming? Not happening I am gonna come with you guys." I said sternly.
"Listen, it can be trap for you if we get address with much ease. Maybe it's plan to trap us." Kyle said running hands through his hair.
"Yahh this could be possible. Jeremy, we can stay connected. We will update you every single detail as we go." David said.
"Guys, keep you earphones on all the time. You are going to talk to me through earphones till you come back. If something happens, I am coming instantly after you." I said little worried.
"Don't worry buddy. We will and we will go after two days. We will be prepared if anything happens." I nodded.
"By the way Kyle, how is it going with Jackson?" I asked wiggling eyebrows at him.
Kyle rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.
"Who the fuck is making you smile like this bro?" David asked with widened eyes.
"It's Samuel's little brother. He catched Kyle's eyes in just first meet, right Kyle?" I said with teasing smile.
"So what just like your angel." Kyle said crossing his arms.
I grinned and David huffed," why I am the only one with no one." He said frowning.
I swear that this Samuel's little brother had Kyle whipped for him just in single meet. They are texting since then and went for date just two days ago.
We kept working and decided to order takeout for lunch.
(Sweet & spicy shrimp)👇

(Orange chicken & brown rice)👇

I decided to call my baby before starting my lunch. I dialled his number but it was switched off. I tried again but it's of no use. He never keep his phone off I told him that. I was getting worried so I dialled Samuel's number.
"Hello, Jeremy what up you are calling me?" Samuel asked.
"Hii.. sorry I was calling Callum but his phone is switched off. Can give him gat him on a call for a bit?" I said.
"But Jeremy Sam is not at cafe. He got out early before lunch for important thing he said when he received some call. Don't you know? I thought that was your call." Samuel Said sound confused.
"I call him now only not before. He didn't said anything to me. Did he say anything about where he is going?" I asked getting anxious.
"No he didn't. I also didn't question him because I thought he received call from you."he said. I can feel he is worried.
Fuck. What could have happened?
Did his father threatened him or something. I ran hands through my hair with frustration. I tried calling him again and again. Then Kyle and David came in holding food boxes.
"What happened?" Kyle asked looking at me.
"Trace Callum's phone right now." I said sternly to Kyle.
"Yes I will. Could you tell what happened exactly?"he asked taking out his phone.
I told him everything. He listened while tracing my baby's phone by his phone app.
He frowned," I am not able to track his phone. It keeps failing. I this his Gps is off or his phone must have broken down." He said.
"Oh my fucking god. What if something happens to him. Where is he? " I sat holding my head between my hands.
"Calm down dude. Nothing will happen to him maybe his phone broken down accidentally. Maybe it will not be that serious as we are assuming. Don't make assumptions without confirming." Kyle said holding my shoulder.
I couldn't help but feel fear that something will happen to him. Why he didn't call me to inform? I don't know. Many thoughts ran through my head thinking what could have happened.
I got up and decided to go to the cafe. David and Kyle also came with me. We got in car and David started driving as I was not thinking straight.
We reached cafe and I instantly got out entering the cafe.
Samuel and Jose rushed towards me looking worried," I am calling him but his phone is switched off. I shouldn't have let him go alone." He said tears gathered in his eyes. Jose pulled him in hug.
"It is not your fault Samuel. You didn't do anything wrong."I said softly.
I looked in my watch. It's 6 in evening and he has disappeared from morning now it is evening.
I was getting more and more anxious and worried as time passes.
"Jeremy, let's check at your house maybe he is there."David suggested. I nodded not knowing what to think anymore. We got in the car.
I saw passing trees thinking,where are you my angel. Please be safe. I will not be able to live if something happens to you.
We reached my house. We got out and I rushed towards front door entering my password. I opened the door calling callum's name continuously. We checked all the house but angel is nowhere. I sat on couch holding my head in hands.
"Where are you baby?" I said gripping my hair.
"Take a breat Jeremy. I will try to get information if any of hang have made any move at time Callum left the cafe."Kyle said.
"We will stay here and wait if anyone calls regards Callum." David said.
"You guys go. I will be fine. I need time to think by myself."I said standing up.
"Are you sure Jeremy? We can stay."Kyle said.
"It's ok. I will be fine."I said.
"Ok but let us know if someone calls and I will inform you if I get something on any gang moves." Kyle said patting my back.
I nodded and followed them towards front door. They left and I walked in kitchen fetching a glass of water. I gulped down the water. I again tried to call angel but no use. I banged my fist on kitchen counter angrily.
"Where is my baby disappeared. I will go crazy if I didn't have him in my arms." I thought walking back in living room sitting on couch.
Thoughts kept running through my head. My head throbbed due to thinking so much. I rubbed my temple  leaning my head against couch.
Suddenly, doorknob clicked signalling someone opened the door. Only one person know my house password. My head snapped in direction of door. I saw my baby entering through door. The wave of relief washed through me seeing my baby safe and sound.
I rushed towards him taking him in my arms. He yelped at my sudden action.

Callum's Pov:-
I yelped as suddenly Jeremy scooped me in hug. I wrapped my hands around him.
"Where did you go angel? I was so worried I feel like I would go crazy. I tried to call you but your phone was switched off. Samuel told me you left cafe alone when you got call. Many horrible thoughts ran through my head. Don't ever do that to me baby."he said holding me close against him.
I feel so guilty for making him worry that much. I pulled back and attached my lips with his wrapping hands around his torso. He cupped my cheeks kissing me back with passion. He swirled his tongue around mine plunging it in my mouth. He bit my lip lightly pulling away.
"I am so sorry.  Actually my aunt called me this morning. She got in small problem. Some jerk she was dating got her pregnant and disappeared. She came here and called me from her friend's house. She was crying so I left cafe instantly.
I called cab. While getting in cab my phone must have fell down out of my pocket. I realised that when I reached her friend's house. I tried to call you from her phone but their were network problem and call was not connecting suddenly. Aunt was crying. Me and her friend took her to the hospital. It took longer time in hospital then I thought. They admitted smut at hospital because she was having bad fever. So they said she needs to keep on saline atleast one day whole. So we completed all the formalities and admitted her at hospital. So stay with her till her friend bring some clothes and food for her. Everything happened so fast that I didn't realise to call you. I am so sorry for making you worry so much." I said pecking his lips.
"You are really an angel. How do managed to act so kind with everyone my love."he said joining our foreheads.
I blushed,"it was my duty to take care of my aunt jer."
"No it's not only your aunt. You help everyone around you without expecting anything in return. You are so precious."he said kissing my forehead.
"Never do that to me again." He said picking me up. He sat down on couch holding me in his lap.
"Have you eaten anything?" He asked me kissing my neck.
"No I thought I will have dinner with you."I said smiling softly.
"We will order something then you must be tired." He said.
"No, I can make something. I am not exhausted jer. I will freshen up and make dinner." I said nuzzling his neck.
He signed and nodded,"I will inform everyone that you are back safely. They were also worried." I nodded.

Jeremy's Pov:-
I informed everyone that Callum is safe. Callum called me for dinner. I reached in kitchen. He have cooked simple Mac and cheese with some garlic bread. We sat down eating our dinner in comfortable silence. We finished our dinner and he started washing the dishes.
I entered my room and headed to took quick shower. I got out of shower  towel wrapped around my waist. I pulled out some sweatpants and slipped them on not bothering to wear shirt. I stood front of mirror running my hands through my hair.
Suddenly, small hands wrapped around my waist from behind. I smiled knowing my baby back hugging me. I love it when he gets clingy.
"I missed you so much." He said kissing my back.
"I missed you too baby." I said turning around wrapping hands around his waist. He kissed me deeply. Our lips moulded together in searing kiss. He gripped tightly on my biceps.
We pulled out but he started kissing my neck. He trailed kisses all around my neck. He slightly bit my skin sucking hickey.
I growled," baby what are you doing?"
He wrapped hands around my neck standing on his tip toes.
He whispered in my ears," I want you Jer." My eyes widened.
" Angel are you sure? How do you want me."I asked confirming if I am right.
He giggled," Jeremy, I want you means I want you to make love to me." He said kissing my cheek and lips.
I picked him up with his legs his legs wrapped around my waist. I carried him towards my bed laying him down gently. I kissed him passionately swirling our tongues. He moaned slowly gripping my hair.
I pulled out looking at him underneath me looking at me with his eyes blown with love and lust.
"I am gonna make you moan my name whole night baby." I said kissing his cheek.

Hey amazing readers,
It's been while that I updated.
Sorry my mom was not feeling well.
Anyways, how's the story so far?
Let me know. Keep reading.
Stay tuned and take care.

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