POV: We're having fun!

By Popcorn_ZN_FT

103 13 0

Wanna have some fun? Escape from our reality here? Want to be with the Avengers too? The MCU? Feel a bit craz... More

Beach Day!!! (Zane)
Little Troubles ~Part 1~ (Zane & Nang)
Little Troubles ~ Part 2 ~
Spooky Adventures ( Zane & Nang )

And that, is how our friendship started...(Zane)

16 3 0
By Popcorn_ZN_FT

This is a Highschool AU and Y/n is a male in this story. The art is not mine, credits to the creator. And credits for Nang for helping me out on some parts of this story. Have fun!


Have you ever imagined what being friends with the avengers would feel like? Well, I never thought of it cuz' I know that they would never join our friend group anyways. They're a popular group in our school and everybody, excluding my friend group, at least have a crush on one of them. I don't think it's weird since they're all beautiful people and have interesting personality, but we're just not really that attracted to them. So, we would always ignore them be with our own people.

Me, Nang and Zane have been great friends since middle school and we're inseparable. We share the same passion in having fun and the phrase 'YOLO'. Some schools have teacher's pet and the rebellious kid. We're kinda in between. Having good grades in the subject we love and breaking some rules for the sake of fun. Some says that we are quite problematic, while others envy us for how we choose to live our lives. But what they don't know is the stuff we experience outside of school. I remembered a stranger said to me that we are always inclined to make friends people that are similar to us. He's not wrong though, we are all treated as monsters at 'home', all because we have these stupid mutant genes in our body. We don't even want to be born with it, but they treat us like a pest nevertheless. When we discover each other, we just clicked and stick with each other and last year, we finally got the resolution to leave that hell hole and get an apartment together. We've been supporting each other ever since and we are the only family we have.

' Y/n!! Wake up!!!' A girl's voice woke me up.

I groaned, slamming my hand to my face. I saw Nang just standing at the door frame.

' Come on, sleepyhead!! We have school today!!' she said as she got out.

I quickly got up and head to the bathroom, getting ready for school.


' How did you manage to wake up later than me? On the first day of school too! I thought that I was the only sleeping log in our apartment.' Zane teased. We were making our way to one of the famous high school in the area, The Shield's Academy, where all the special people gathered. Mostly geniuses are here.

' I accidentally turned off my alarm last night.' I replied as I munch into the toast with Nutella spread on it that was prepared by Nang. We are quite lucky to find a place to live near the school.

' That's a weird thing to happen to you, man. Did you have a bad dream or something?' Zane continued. I was stunned and sighed.

' I guess it shows on my face, huh?' I asked.

' Yeah, you look a little pale there, man. You always look like that after a nightmare.' Zane replied. Nang just look at us, mainly me because of what we're discussing. I think about it for a while, looking at my watch.

' I'll tell you about it during lunch.' I huffed out, breathlessly after a few seconds of silence.

' Sure, you guys can go to roof first. I'll grab us some food.' Zane responded, patting my back. I'm glad that I found these understanding people when I did.

After a few minutes of walking and chatting about random stuff, we reached the academy. We just strutted to our lockers, taking stuff we need for class. Just as I close my locker, the school was filled with ear-piercing squeals.

' I guess they have arrived. As always, trying to make the students late for their classes.' Nang looked at me, then threw a glance over to the group's grand entrance. Well, it's true that they arrived 5 minutes before the bell and they walk like a snail too. I can't understand these people. Within seconds, the locker area was crowded.

' Guess we have to push through. Nang, hold my hand.' Zane said. I slowly make my way out of the crowd with them. I got out of it first, but luck wasn't on my side. I popped out of the crowd just as the avengers was around five feet from my location. Everything went silent for a while, but I didn't realize that they were near me, so I brushed of the dust my clothes and tried to walk towards my next class when my hoodie was pulled back, making me gag.

' What do you think you're doing?' A brunette-haired guy said as he holds my hoodie tight. Zane and Nang were just out of the crowd and came to my aid. Zane parried his hand off of my hoodie and stand in front of me.

' Knock it off, shorty!!!' he said in an angry tone.

The guy was stunned along with his five friends. Nang gave me some water to recover from the gag. Zane was shielding us from them.

' How dare you! Do you know who we are?!!' he retorted, his friends didn't really do anything. They're just watching from afar, looking amused at us.

' Why should we care?! You hurt my friend and are making us late for class!' Zane said, getting furious. I pat his back, signing him that we should ignore them and go. He got the message and turn away from them.

' Hey, wait a minute, coward! Apologize!' the brunette demanded, fire is in his hazel eyes. He suddenly ticked me off with that statement. Apologize for what, bitch?!

I turned around and face him.

' Or what, asshole?! You're gonna snitch to our parents?! Well, jokes on you! Our parents saw us as monsters!' I took a deep breath as I turn my back towards them. ' Let's go guys!'

We make our way to the Literature class. It's good that we had one of my fav class first, if not, I might just be strangling people for no reason. Zane patted my back and Nang hold my hand as we walk. It kinda helped to calm my nerves a bit. To wake up from a nightmare and experience this in the same morning really sucks. What a day...


Lunchtime arrived I headed to the roof with Nang. So far, nothing else had happened after our bad encounter. We got to our favorite spot in the school.

' So, are you okay? Your neck is kinda red.' She said, concern was laced within her dark brown orbs. She was like the 'mom' friend in every group and sometimes Zane would call her 'Mama Nang'. I gave her a reassuring smile and told her I'm fine.


' Hear ye! Hear ye! I got chips and sandwiches for us!!!' Zane beamed as he jumps out of the door. He's as cheerful as always. I guess you could say that he's the crackhead of this little family. We just laugh at his antics. He flies towards us and float our food in front of us. Yeah... the reason we were called monsters, having inhumane abilities. Zane can control elements, Nang have energy manipulation and invisibility while I hold two of the most dangerous powers, mind and time manipulation. We learnt to control it over the years and kept it a secret from the world. We sometimes use it on the roof since nobody really comes here. We got the whole place all to ourselves, or so we thought. Zane was floating around as I told them about the dream I had about those demons. Nang was consoling me as Zane was throwing profanities and punches in the air. We then talk about silly things and had a good laugh, it's just the way we cope with it, you know?

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a few people into the roof area. Zane was shocked and fell on his back, grunting, but he managed to keep our foods floating in front of us. They were agape, maybe from seeing Zane defying gravity.

' Ouch...' he said as he sits up, rubbing his back.

' I guess you need a little more control there, Zane. Practice some more later.' I said, chuckling.

' Ya think?! Ow... my back... my poor back.'

' Guys, don't forget those people over there.' Nang reminded.

' I know...' I sighed.

' What do you want?' I asked in a low tone, seeing that the brunette asshole is among them. It seemed to have snapped them back to reality.

' You have powers too?' a tall blonde boy with a hammer pattern at his sleeves, asked. He looked excited and curious at the same time.

' We all do. We just kept it a secret.' I replied. Zane and Nang looked at me with a questioning look.

' What? Not that anyone would believe them if they told the others.' matching up my respond. Zane had the 'makes sense' look while Nang just shook her head.

' Now if you have no other questions, we'll be eating our lunch here. I much prefer it if you don't disturb us.' I said as we eat our sandwich in silence.

' Why do you hate us so much?!' the brunette asked. I sighed.

' We don't hate all of you, we only hate YOU! Don't get that part wrong, shithead.' I said, pointing back at him. He seemed more offended than before and his friends just chuckled. We finished our food and get ready to get out of there.

' So, you really don't know about us?' a redheaded girl asked us.

' Other than you were called 'The Avengers' by your fans, no.' Nang answered coldly. She seemed annoyed by the presence of those six students. That never happened before. We got up and head towards the door. They were blocking it, so Zane pushed them all away with his wind power without them getting hurt. Just as we passed through them, the brunette grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving.

' Wait! We have a debt to be settled!'

' Ooh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.' I said, smirking. He looked really confused.

In a blink of an eye, he was pinned to the ground by Zane. He grunted in pain.

' Don't think that you can touch my family after you hurt them, you son of a bitch!!!' Zane growled at him before letting him go.

' Told ya I wouldn't do that. Mess with one of us, you're messing with all of us.' I said with a grin. We leave the roof area and head towards the next class, not looking back.


' Ah~. Finally, the school's over~!' I exclaimed as I stretch in my seat.

' Yeah~. Better get ready for our shift though.' Zane responded with his face on the table.

' Come on~. It's not that bad. The owner was kind enough to schedule our shift together.' Nang encouraged us. I just smile and patted Zane on his back. We pack our stuff and head towards the locker area to put away all the books. I close the locker door and...

'AAAH!!!' I jumped when I saw a figure that suddenly appeared next to me. Luckily, Zane managed to catch me from slipping. When I looked back at the figure, it was the red-headed girl from before.

' Gosh, what are you, a ninja? Try to at least greet people before appearing out of nowhere.' I rambled from shock as I got on my feet. The girl just smiled at the remark I made.

' What do you want, missy? We got things to do.' Zane inquired as he put his elbow on my shoulder. There was no malice nor friendliness in his tone, just a casual voice.

' Can we discuss something? Today, preferably.' She said, straight to the point. I looked over to my friends.

' With us? For what?' I asked.

' It's quite important and classified.'

' How about you come with us to our workplace? We'll have the discussion during our break.' Nang said. We turned towards her, about to question what she was saying but her relaxed and calm demeanour gave us reassurance that it'll be alright. I turned back to Nat in sync with Zane.

' Sure, I can spare that much time. But I have to bring my friends with me. Is that alright with you?' she requested.

' Try controlling them from becoming an asshole there. As long as you can do that, we won't mind.' I replied as Zane nodded to my statement. We gave her the address of the café we work at and bid her a goodbye.

' Zane, give me piggyback.' Nang demanded playfully.

' At your service, princess.' He chuckled. He shifted his backpack to the front and pick her up.

' By the way, do you think there'll be your little fans at the café later, Y/n?' he asked. I just shrugged, those girls came by at a random on the week. We chatted as we make our way to the café that could be called as our second home.


We clocked in and change into our work uniform; I had the white long-sleeved shirt on with black pants, Zane wore a black long-sleeved shirt with grey pants and Nang had a grey short-sleeved shirt and black pants on. We had a wood-coloured aprons on top of it with the café logo on it.

Just as we change shift with the morning employee, the customer flooded in. We made tactics to attract more customer to entertain their visit here. For example, we let Nang handle the guys at the counter and when it's girls or women, either me and Zane will take over, but on some 'special' cases, we let them pick who they wanted to be served by. We were swifter's, so it didn't take long to exchange places. Sometimes, when Zane got a small and cute customer, he would show them some magic when their parents aren't looking. He loves the smiles on their faces after that.

Around an hour and a half after our shift started, those guys came into the shop. Some of them darted their eyes around, admiring the design of the café, while others just looked at us. The brunette was especially staring daggers at us. Nat came up to the counter and smiled at me since I was at the counter. I smiled back at her.

' What drinks do you want to order?' I asked in a friendly tone. They all ordered their beverages except the salty idiot. I just shrugged and add in a hot americano for him.

' Okay, we'll have a break in around thirty minutes, more or less. We can discuss during that time.' I explained and they took their seats at one of the tables in the corner of the café. We continued our work until break time arrived. We all grab a toast as a snack and brought along mineral water for ourselves. Nang thought that they might be hungry, so she brought along breadsticks for them. Zane grabbed the chairs for us to sit with them.

' So, what do you want to talk about?' I started as I bite into my toast.

' Well, to get straight to the point, we need your help.' Nat said, taking a bite out of the breadstick.

' What?!! Why do we have to get their help?!!' the brunette suddenly said.

' Shut up, Tony!' she snapped back at him. ' Back to the topic, an evil organization has started to infiltrate our school. And we want to prevent any danger that might come to our school.'

' Huh, so his name is Tony? It kinda suit him.' I thought as I look at the brunette, who have been nothing but annoying towards me.

' Should we really be talking about this with them?' a blonde guy with blue shirt and a star pattern suddenly interrupted.

' I know that they won't spread this information recklessly.' Nat replied.

' Is this somehow related to a club called Hydra?' Zane asked as he licked the bread crumbs on his mouth. Their face became pale when they heard it.

' Where... Where did you hear that from?' Nat stuttered. I guess Zane hit the jackpot with that question.

' Well, the way you talked about it made me remember about a girl I met last year. I was heading to the toilet during one of my class and she stopped me, asking if I want to join the club. But she was kinda sketchy cuz' her first words when she stops me was 'Hail Hydra' out of nowhere. So, I refused and quickly go to the toilet cuz' my bladder was about to burst.' He said and drink his water as he finishes his story.

' Why did you never tell us about this?' I asked him.

' I kinda forgot about it after the trip to the toilet. Sorry.' He grinned like an idiot.

' It's good to know that you are not affiliated with them. And thanks for telling us about it.' Nat said.

' Wait, if that was last year, then doesn't that mean that they might be larger in number this year? Considering the newcomers and all?' a chestnut-haired guy cuts in, fret was all over his face.

' We should probably tell Fury about this, it's a crucial information.' A dirt-blonde hair and had a bow and arrow tattoo on his arm chimed in. He took another breadstick to his mouth.

' Hate to break it to you, but we need to go back to work.' I interfered. ' Care to speed things up a little bit?'

' I guess we can continue this tomorrow.' Nat pondered.

' Sure, we can do that. Give me your number.' I said to her. She took my phone number into my phone and send her a text. She looked at it and saw that it was a voice recording.

' What's this?'

' Figured you would need the live conversation of today's 'meeting', and honey, we always come prepared.' I smirked and look at the others.

She smiled and gave me her thanks. We picked up the empty plate and glasses when she stopped us from leaving.

' Can you bring us the bill?'

I look at Zane and Nang with a signalling look that only they can understand. Nang nodded and Zane just shrugged. I grinned and turn back to them.

' Don't worry sugar, you've been quite nice to us. So, it's on the house. See you guys tomorrow!' I winked at them and go to the back to put the dishes away and Zane started to wash them. I went back to the counter. As the friends got to the door, I stopped them.

' Come to the roof tomorrow during lunch. That's our spot. Bye!' I told them with a smile. We focused on our work until our shift is over.


' So, are we gonna join their team, or we are just helping them on this one case?' Zane suddenly asked during our walk home.

' Why? Do you want to join them?' I inquired, arching my left eyebrow up. He shook his head.

' Not really, I just think that we might get caught up in joining their team if we're not careful.' He shrugged.

' Well, we don't really have to join them if we are considering to help them.' Nang stated, drinking a banana milk we bought along with the groceries we got earlier.

' True, but what if they force us?' I questioned her.

' Seeing how Nat acted earlier, there's only a little chance of that. But if it really happens,' She shrugs, making a smug face. ' We can just beat the shit out of them. Zane can just literally trap them until we got away from them.' The words fluently came out of her mouth.

' Guess you've thought of it earlier, huh?'

' Right when she asked for help. I'm way ahead of you guys.' She snickered at us.

' Proud of you, sis. You've grown so much!' Zane chuckled as he ruffled her hair. She was flailing her hand, trying to get his hand of her brown locks of hairs. We hung out in the park and went to a darker side for stargazing. When the clock struck 10, we head back to our humble abode.


We arrived at the roof with our homemade lunch that we made together this morning. As usual, we sat on our favourite spot discussed about the mathematic revision test earlier as we set up our lunch. Nang would sometimes facepalm herself for making careless mistakes on some calculations and Zane would encourage her that the next one will be better.

Just as we're about to take our first bite, the door swung open.

' What's up, bitches?!!' the dirt blonde guy shouted, as if the world could hear it. We were eating calmly though, not really bothered by it since Zane can be louder. The Avengers slowly made their way towards us, bringing along their bought-from-store lunch. 

' Hey, guys.' I responded when the food enters my stomach. Nang nodded and Zane waved his hand. I scoot over to Nang, allowing them some space to sit together with us.

' So, what are you having there?' Tony asked. We just looked at each other, for once, he didn't have any anger in his tone. I don't know why though.

' It's some kind of fried noodles. But it is called 'Maggi Goreng' in Malaysia. It's easy to make.' Zane replied, obviously more well-versed in this since he's quarter Malay. His grandfather used to be one of the people that treat him warmly and always share stories about his homeland, Malaysia. He introduced us to the Malay cuisine and saying that it's delicious is an understatement. We could eat it every day.

' Is it tasty?' the loud guy from earlier, inquired.

' I won't give you mine. I'm hungry.' Zane blurted out before he just freaking floats in the air. Everyone was looking at each other and their faces are so readable that me and Nang slowly retreated with our food.

' Come on, we just want to have a little taste.' The guy let out an evil smirk. Nang had turn invisible, leaving me alone facing these predators. Sometimes I wish that we are really the family we said we are...

I ran to the side and was almost tackled by Nat but I manage to jump over her. I swiftly avoided their attempt to catch me and eat at the same time. But when I manage to eat a quarter of it, they managed to surround me and hold me down, confiscating my Tupperware. I cried in agony as they make two people hold me down as they eat in front of my eyes.

' MY FOOD!!!!' I shouted in a frustration. I was on my stomach, hands are held behind my back. After they took away my lunchbox and moved away from me, I just sit up, crossing my hands.

' This is good!'

' Are we really eating food our whole life? This is so different from the food we eat daily.'

' This is ours now!'

My expression soured even more and my stomach was grumbling, begging to be filled.

' Hey, Y/n!' Zane popped up in front of me, upside down. He seemed to have finished his lunch.

' So much for family... I hate you...' I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. I averted my gaze from him.

' Hehehe, I love you too, Y/n! Here, I brought extra!' he said, offering me another lunchbox. I looked at him, perplexed. Why didn't he just give this to them?!!

' Well, I kinda predict that this is gonna happen, and since you like spicy stuff, I made this one special for you!' He handed me the Tupperware. I open the lid and the spicy aroma of the food in front of me hit my nose. It was so pleasant that I smiled. He pats my head and move towards our original location to pack up our utensils.

I took a bite and cried, FOR REAL!!! The food tasted like heaven! The sweet and savoury taste, and the aftertaste of the hotness of the chillies. It officially became my most favourite food.

' Is he okay?' Nat asked in a concerned voice.

' Don't worry, he just found his new favourite food.' Zane replied.

' Why did you only make him a special one? I want one too!' Nang demanded.

' Oh, I didn't know that you can handle spicy stuff. I'll make you one later.' He responded with a smirk on his face.

' Uh... I think I'll pass on that offer. Thanks though.' She smiled awkwardly. Nang can't handle the heat in some Asian food.


' About what we discussed yesterday, we won't join your team.' I started, blankly staring at them.

' What?!!' The Avengers all screamed in shock. I raised my hand to stop them from asking any further; Allowing me finish what I'm about to say next.

' But! We will help you with this case. That's as far we'll go.' I conclude. 

' Yeah, we can accept that term. I'll fill you guys in on the details later.' Nat responded with a smile, looking so relieved.

' Sure.' Zane voice on our behalf.

' Since we only have a few minutes left, why don't we tell each other's names?" I smiled, " We don't get any of your names yet except Nat. We are going to be with each other for a while.' I commented.

' Well, why don't you just google about us? You can get our names there.' Tony responded. I looked at him and smirked.

' Sure! If you don't even know your own names, might as well we give you one, coconut-head.' I snickered.

' What?!! I'm not a coconut-head!!!'

' Be grateful that I didn't call you a dickhead, you prick' I smirked, raising my eyebrows, in a mocking gesture. His face was tinted red by the comment. I turned to the others.

' Hmm... you'll be Mr. Clean lookalike, Brownies, SpongeBob-'

' I must had misheard, SpongeBob?' the tall blonde guy interrupted.

' Let me guess, SquarePants?' Nat prodded, looking at the pants he was wearing. Surpassing her laugh.

' Yup! And you...' I continued mischievously, Nat hysterically laughs  before Nang chimed in.

' Ruam yawg!' Nang cheers, sounding so happily considerate with his name.

Me and Zane tried so hard to hold back our laughs, but we lost it, when he confusedly asked what's the meaning.

' Oh, you don't want to know.' Nang said with a bright smile on her face. They just looked at us, baffled. We kinda learn each other's native language, cuz' why not? Nang is Hmong, so that was in the Hmong language.

' OH! Tell me! I want to know!" The fella with the weird looking mohawk, shouts.

' Hehe, Well, what would you call me if you didn't get my name?' Nat snigger, amuse.

' Hmm, we would have called you princess, though,' Zane pretending to think. ' But we already have our own princess, so we can't call you that!' Him grinning ear to ear, ' Was thinking queen, though.' He shrugs in the end.

Nang just sighed rolling her eyes, but she was smiling.

' So, you really want us to call you that? Or you're gonna tell us your names?' I proposed beaming, blinking my eyes rapidly, in a childlike manner. 

' We don't really have any other way out of this, huh?' Mr. Clean lookalike sighed as he said it.  ' Steve Rogers.'

' I don't like being called Brownies, so call me Bruce.' The boy pushing his round glasses, up his noise bridge.

' I'm Thor Odinson' said the boy who wore the pants with squares for its patterns.

' Tony Stark.'

' Clint Barton. Call me Clint.'

' I'm Y/n Y/ln, the most attractive male you can find.' I said as I winked at them.

' Zane Ford.'

' You can call me Nang.'

' Nice to meet you guys!' I exclaimed cheerfully.

And that, is how our friendship started...

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