High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

By LittleRed11204

78.4K 4K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Two

2.6K 159 150
By LittleRed11204

The horrible sound of bugs buzzing in my ears woke me up earlier than I wanted to be. I swatted them away from me and opened my eyes, sitting up and rubbing them to get the sleep out. I stretched a little and lazily looked around my shelter to make sure everything was still good. It was thankfully, so I stood up and decided what I was going to do today.

Explore and find some food.

A pretty easy thing for me to do. I scanned the surrounding area and then saw Rosé passed out next to her burnt out fire that was basically just embers at this point. I heard my stomach growl and just rolled my eyes because I obviously don't have any food right now. I grabbed my sword from its resting spot and also grabbed a small pouch in case I find anything I want to take back here. I took off my makeshift shoes in favor of my boots and headed down the beach in the opposite direction of the rocks.

The sun's rays were already barring down on me and I felt my skin coat with a thin layer of sweat. I fished my pocket watch out and was happy to still see it working. It read 8:22am and I just put it back as I looked around, trying to find something interesting. I saw a little colony of crabs and made a mental note of them for some food later once I get a fire going. I decided 'who cares' and started to walk into the jungle in the middle of this island. At least I think it's an island, I don't know. I drew my sword out since there was a lot of foliage I needed to cut down in order to walk deeper into it.

I heard something move behind me and I immediately pointed my sword backwards and snapped my head around. My tense body relaxed as I saw a stupid face looking back at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Rosé as she apparently has been following me from meters back so I wouldn't detect her until now.

"Following you." She stated as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes at her,

"Yeah, I know, so go away." I told her as I fixed my hat a little before slashing away some bushes and vines.

"I'm fine." I sighed and 'accidentally' slashed my sword too close to her. I didn't hit her, but I really wanted to. She gasped, "What was that for? You almost slashed me with that blade!"

"Oops." I said as I kept doing my own thing. Rosé then started rambling about I don't know what, I wasn't paying attention to her annoying voice. This thick jungle felt never ending, but I soon stuck into a clearing, making me smile a little and cause Rosé to stop yapping.

I slowly scanned the surroundings to see if there were any predators to be wary of. I didn't see any jaguars or something of that nature, so I walked into the open area, sword out and ready to strike. I heard the metal of Rosé's sword get drawn and glanced over my shoulder to see her frantically looking around at literally nothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she jumped at the sound of my voice. She had two hands on the hilt of her sword and a scared expression on her face. When she realized I just spoke to her, she cleared her throat and acted like she wasn't scared.

"Nothing, just... keeping a lookout." I decided to mess with her, so I pointed behind her,

"What's that!?" I yelled as she screamed bloody murder and turned around, backing up against the front of my body in fear. I was laughing my ass off as she was looking everywhere, pointing her sword in all directions. It then hit her that I had tricked her and she punched me in the gut, causing me to double over and cough a bit.

"A bloody barnacle is what you are," she said to me as she just walked past me and into the clearing more. I got my bearings back and just wandered around, observing the bushes to see if anything growing was edible. I studied up a bunch in my life about what plants to eat and what ones to stay away from. I saw a bush that had red berries on it and as I walked closer, I saw they were raspberries. I smiled happily and picked a few, ready to pop them in my mouth.


Now all of the berries I had just picked her scattered along the floor of the jungle. My mouth was still open and I just moved my eyes slowly up to Rosé. I closed my mouth and pointed to my now ruined berries.

"Mind explaining to me why you just slapped perfectly good raspberries out of my hand?"

"Those aren't raspberries." She said as she pointed to them. I scoffed,

"Uh, yeah they are. When was the last time you read up on your poisonous plants and edible plants?" I asked her because these were clearly raspberries. She mumbled something incoherent and I knew she hasn't looked over them in a while, "That's what I thought, now let me eat my berries in peace."

I picked some more and then actually ate them this time. I smiled at the flavor hitting my taste buds and picked some more to eat. I also stuffed a few in my pouch so I could dry them out, take the seed off of them, and plant them by my shelter if I'm stuck here long enough. I saw Rosé eating some raspberries a few bushes away and just smirked at how she looked. She was all shy and I know she feels stupid right now, and I was more than fine with that.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to continue exploring in another direction that didn't have as much foliage and I actually heard some running water which made me extremely happy. Running water means drinking water, and it's most likely fresh water too since we are a ways away from the beaches. I had a spring in my step as I slashed through a few bushes and stumbled upon a flowing river. I took a deep breath out of exhaustion and plopped down on the cool rocks that lines the water. I took off my hat and just closed my eyes, listening to the water for a few moments. It was then interrupted by a screeching voice from behind me and frantic footstep.

I threw my head back in annoyance and turned around to see Rosé getting chased by a swarm of bees. My eyes widened as I quickly got up, shrugged off my tailcoat, took off my boots, and jumped into the freezing river. I stayed underwater for a while and heard a splash next to me, telling me that Rosé had also jumped into the river to get away from the bees. I know that they will not be aggressive after 30 seconds of us being hidden under the water, so I waited for the time to pass.

I saw Rosé swimming down stream and just let her do her own thing as I just sat still under the water. I mentally counted a minute in my head to be sure all the bees would be gone and slowly poked my head out of the water. I looked around and didn't see any angry bees or hear them buzzing. I sighed and started to get out of the water, now completely soaked. My white shirt was sticking to my skin and I just hated the feeling. I kept pulling it away from my body, but it just kept going right back. I gave up and just put on my tailcoat, hat, and boots before wandering down stream to tell Rosé that her friendly bees were gone.

I was whistling along the way and observed my surroundings, mentally noting what was around here. There were some dead trees, edible plants, some bird's nests, and other things that can easily help me survive for a little while. I hope that Lisa gets her shit together and finds me before I die, that would be nice. I continued walking and saw Rosé just laying down on the rocks facing upwards. I smirked to myself seeing her all disheveled and soaked because it's what she deserves. I stood overtop of her and gave her a cocky grin,

"Ya get your exercise in for today?" She met my eyes and coughed up a little water, making me cringe.

"Mhm, glad I did." She said after she got all the water out of her system. I nodded my head and just walked away from her. I looked around by the fresh water some more and something so amazing caught my attention, I literally screamed in happiness. I ran over to it and picked it off of the tree that it was growing on, along with many more, stuffing them into my pouch.


The greatest thing in the world. They are so good and we can even grow them on our ships because they need sunlight and we alway get plenty of that on the open sea. Plus, for trading they are valuable and can get ya a pretty penny.

"What did you find?" I heard Rosé say as she was coming up from behind me. I turned around quickly,

"Nothing, I mistakenly thought something was something else." I told her. She eyes me suspiciously and tried to see what was behind me. I scooted in whatever direction she was trying to look and she grew frustrated at me,

"Move y/n!"

"No!" I shouted back at her. The fire grew in her eyes and she was determined to see what was behind me. So instead of going around me, she went through me; by tackling me to the ground and sitting on top of my body. We were face to face, maybe 10 centimeters away and she quickly pulled her face back to see what I was trying to hide from her.

"You!" She yelled accusingly at me while pointing, "tried to hide mangos from me?!" She launched a hand down to my collared shirt and lifted my head closer to her. I could feel her breathing hit my face and it was definitely erratic because of anger.

"So what?" I said as I daringly looked back into her eyes. I saw something snap in her and she slammed my head into the ground below, hard. I closed my eyes and groaned out in pain as I could already feel throbbing on the back of my head. I weakly tried to grab at her hands and pull them away from my collar, but it was useless. I then felt a harsh slap across my cheek and it stung immediately. I yelped out in surprise and finally felt the weight of her body get off of me.

"Don't hide anything from me ever again." She stated as she started to get some mangos for herself. I just stayed on the ground a little longer before slowly trying to stand up. My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing, how hard did she slam my head down? I grabbed at the base of a tree and used it to balance myself as I was able to stand up now. I let go of it and fell right into it, my vision and hearing growing worse as the seconds went on. I looked down to where I was laying and I saw a nice big rock where my head was just moments before. My heart rate increased as I moved my hand to the back of my head, feeling a liquid. I brought my hand down in front of my eyes and saw red, right before collapsing to the floor of the jungle and passing out.


I woke up to the feeling of something crawling on my face. I cracked an eye open and had to hold the blood curdling scream inside me as a tarantula happily made its way across my face. It was moving so slowly and I honestly thought I was gonna die or something. I noticed that it was completely dark out and I was still in the middle of the jungle, alone. After waiting for what felt like 30 minutes, the spider was finally off of me and I slowly made up way up on my feet, scanning my surroundings to see if there were any predators nearby. I didn't see any and through the leaves of the trees, I saw the moon was just rising, meaning that the sun had just set and I was probably out for a good 5-6 hours.

I made my way through the jungle in the direction of the beach, using the moon to my advantage. I heard many different animal noises throughout my journey and each time I did, I instinctively moved my hand right to my knife. I was finally able to hear the sounds of waves and I saw the beach in the distance. I soon arrived on the beach and then walked over to my shelter, where I saw it was messed up.

My things were missing and I looked over to Rosé's area and saw her with my things. I only had a few wooden pieces as my walls left; no roof, no makeshift bed, nothing. I didn't care at this point and slumped down against a tree, pulling a mango out of my pouch. I ate it and then placed the seed outside of my shelter so it can dry out. If it does, I can plant it nearby and eventually have a mango tree. Hopefully I won't be here that long to see the final product, but it's never a bad thing to be safe.

I took off my boots and hat, placing them beside me. I moved my tailcoat to the front of my body so it could act as a blanket for me. I then gently rested my head back on the tree and winced a little, but was able to find a position that didn't kill me head. I closed my eyes and honestly hoped not to wake up the next day because I really don't know if I'll have the energy to survive more.


I slowly opened my eyes naturally and saw the sun shining bright over head. I blocked the lights out of my eyes with my left hand and reached for my pocket watch with my right, glancing down to see it was 12:22pm. I slept for over 12 hours. I sighed out and moved my head from where it was feeling some pain. I know I have to find some medical plants to help myself heal from Rosé's beating on me. I pushed myself off of the ground and felt my whole body stiffen up because of the awkward sleeping position I needed to be in.

"Ugh, I should just drown myself." I muttered to myself as I went back into the jungle to find some things to help me. I know I saw some Turmeric somewhere which will help out a lot. I found it pretty easily and smiled slightly as I walked back to my area. I still had an old pot in my 'shelter', so I also went back and filled it up with some fresh water and then ground up the plant. I added it to the water and waited for it to dissolve so I could drink it.

It didn't taste horrible and I drank the whole thing. I also then remembered I had a bandana in my back pocket at got that out to use as a kind of bandage for my head. Well, I just wrapped it around my head so it covered the wound and called it good enough. I looked across the way to see Rosé keeping herself busy by making her shelter. Hers was obviously nicer than mine now as she had basically destroyed mine structurally. I rolled my eyes at her and just decided to try and get a fire going since I still haven't gotten one yet.

I decided that the stick on stick method wasn't going to work, so I walked down to the debris and searched around for small pieces of metal that could create sparks when struck together. I heard cocky footsteps approaching me,

"What do you think you're doing with my things?" Rosé asked me as she looked down at my hands, which held two small bits of metal. I just looked at her without emotion and walked back to my place, not being in the mood to argue with her. She seemed to be caught off guard by that because I heard her try to say something a few times, but no actual words came out of her mouth.

I made it back to my spot and sat down in front of my fire pit, where there better be a fire in 4 minutes or less. I struck the metal together and finally a fire erupted in front of me. I smiled a little for the second time today and added some sticks to it so it would kept its flame. I sat back and watched as the flames danced around, few sparks falling from the ends of sticks that I put out by placing my foot overtop.

"Hey," I just kept my eyes on the fire, "I'm talking to you." Rosé said after she didn't get a response from me. I looked up at her now to see her in just her white shirt and now shorts that she made by tearing her pants. I didn't give her a verbal response, but she now knows that she has my attention.

"I was going to ask if I can take that pot." She said pointing to the pot I had used earlier. I didn't even care and just paced it over to her, handing it to her. She clumsily grabbed it, "you don't care?" I shook my head,

"If it gets me to die faster, that's fine." I told her as I put my eyes back on my fire. Rosé didn't say anything else and just slowly walked back to her own area with the pot in hand.

As I was just watching my fire, it felt like I was being watched from time to time. But whenever I turned my head to see if it was Rosé, she was doing something else, so I shrugged it off and just took a decent sized branch and started to carve it into something.

I started chipping away at it and got a few little cuts here and there, but I didn't care. I did this for hours as my shadow had gone to the other side of me now. I grew a little hungry and got up to where I saw the little crab colony earlier. There were a few crabs there that I stabbed with my knife. I brought them back to my fire and waited for them to be cooked.

After 10 or so minutes I got them out and set them aside to cool down. Once they were cool enough to eat, I only had one and then got up, walking over to Rosé with the rest of them. If I wanted to die, the least I could do was give her my stuff.

I decided I was just going to drown myself in the ocean because I knew I wouldn't be able to survive with Rosé. Plus, I'm already hurt badly and I don't know if it'll get better.

"Here." I said to her as her head snapped up from the fire in front of her. She squinted her eyes at me and watched as I held out the few cooked crabs to her.

"Uh, what's this for?" She asked as she pointed to my hands. I rolled my eyes weakly,

"Just take them."

"Did you do something to them?"

"No, I didn't do anything to them," I told her truthfully, "you can also have everything in my area, I won't be needing it anymore."

"Huh?" Confusion spread across her face as she just kept looking up at me.

"I'll be out of your life for good, don't worry about it. When you get rescued, tell Lisa she's captain now." I said with a small smile as I turned around to walk back to my area and pack everything up in my pouch so it wouldn't get ruined. I glanced back at the girl who drives me insane in the worst way possible and walked towards the ocean. I know it's going to sting as soon as it hits my wound on the back of my head, but it's okay. I got knee deep and then pushed off the sea floor and swam out further under the now moonlight. The waves came softly crashing over me sometimes and I winced when the salt water got into my wound.

I decided I've had enough of this and dipped my head underwater and closed my eyes.

oop, we gonna drown ourselves🤪 see y'all in the next update, love ya <3

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