PTX Friends Oneshots

By breeoc97

13.1K 680 76

Pentatonix's best friends are getting married and having families of their own! This book includes: Alex Kirk... More

welcome to ptx friends oneshots!
mark & mason; oh sh*t baby
beau; benson's gotcha day!
beau; cute dad at the library
mark & mason; ultrasound & grocery shopping!
beau; first date w/ gage
alex & jake; sick day
alex & jake; alex's new job
beau; picnic fun & sleepover!
mark & mason; beach date night
beau; gage meets the sloanes
beau; unexpected announcement
alex & jake; levi's 2nd and avery's 1st birthday
instagram captions #1
beau; telling the grandparents!
mark & mason; planning the twin's nursery!
beau; it's a .....!
alex & jake; gingerbread houses & christmas lights!
alex & jake; a new cat?
mark & mason; family day!
beau; baby shower for aria sky
beau; welcoming aria + bringing her home!
mark & mason; 2 peas in a pod ~ baby sprinkle
alex & jake; a night full of cuddles
mark & mason; the twins are here
snapchats #1
beau; cute instagram live
instagram captions #2
alex & jake; club date night
mark & mason; finally in a routine!
beau; a romantic beach proposal
alex & jake; romantic night interrupted
snapchats #2
mark & mason; happy birthday ina!
alex & jake; stressful day
beau; double date night!
mark & mason; milo fifth birthday!
alex & jake; a special sign from grandma
instagram captions #3
alex & jake; it's a .....
mark & mason; meeting baby pia
alex & jake; papa is in charge
beau; fourth of july fun!
alex & jake; picnic under the stars
mark & mason; getting ready for school!
alex & jake; meet the teacher!
beau; getting ready for preschool!
mark & mason; farryn turns four
instagram captions #4
alex & jake, labor scare!
snapchats #3
mark & mason; westley gets ear tubes
beau; a surprise for gage!
alex & jake; another new kitty?
mark & mason; mason's sick day
alex & jake; alex's birthday!
beau; weekend cuddles
instagram captions #5
mark & mason; cute wedding anniversary family dinner
alex & jake; cheesecake factory date night
beau; it's a .....
alex & jake; welcoming ruby
mark & mason; a new dog!
beau; the sloane-robinson wedding
mark & mason; brinley's 7th birthday
alex & jake; jess gets engaged!
mark & mason; oaklyn + oliver get glasses!
beau; celebrating benson & aria's birthdays!
instagram captions #6
snapchats #4
mark & mason; oliver + oaklyn turn 1!
alex & jake; first ever valentine's day together
beau; friends visiting!
mark & mason; family bowling night
alex & jake; scarlett's 7th birthday
beau; staying home
instagram captions #7
alex & jake; adopting a dog!
mark & mason; happy birthday, daddy!
beau; rescuing a baby kitten
mark & mason; 3 kittens in a box need a home
alex & jake; seriously, another baby?
beau; getting ready for baby nolan!
alex and jake; jake's birthday at home!
mark & mason; playdate with scomiche!
snapchats #5
mark & mason; an instagram suprise
beau; welcoming nolan
mark & mason; our twins names are...
instagram captions #8
beau; bringing nolan home!
alex & jake; saving a sickly stray cat
mark & mason; showing off r&r's nursery!
beau; another kitty friend?
alex & jake; we are having a .....
beau; an instagram live announcement
alex and jake; baby boy's name is.....
first day of school!
snapchats #6
mark and mason; farryn's special day with ina and daddy
beau; a special phone call
alex and jake; let's make cookies!
alex & jake; telling the kids about the surprise!
mark & mason; getting ready for remi and rian! just a regular day at home
alex & jake; friends visiting + halloween fun!
beau; isla and cora's adoption day!
instagram captions #9
snapchat #7
mark & mason; welcoming remi and rian
beau; adopting a dog!
alex & jake; welcoming kai and taytum
mark & mason; cuddly day at home
alex & jake; decorating for christmas
beau; debbie & michael visit!
instagram captions #10
alex & jake; jake's mom's birthday!
beau; benson turns five!
mark & mason; brinley's 8th birthday sleepover!
snapchats #8
beau; beau dyes his hair blonde!
alex & jake; relaxing day at home
mark & mason; oliver + oaklyn are two!
beau; grandparents 60th anniversary party!
alex & jake; celebrating a friend's birthday!
mark & mason; shopping date with daddy!
alex & jake; scarlett's 8th birthday surprise!
instagram captions #11
mark & mason; super milo turns 7!
beau; instagram stories: adopting two kittens!
snapchats #9
mark & mason; celebrating mark's birthday!
alex & jake; jess' wedding!
instagram captions #12
a happy memorial day!
beau; celebrating beau's dad!
alex & jake; voluenteering for the homeless!
last day of school!
mark & mason; playdate with the oakley's!
beau; a tie breaker!
mark & mason; family pool day fun!
jake & alex; bailey visits!
beau; it's a ......!
instagram captions #13
1st day of school!
mark & mason; a cat surprise!
beau; baby sprinkle for baby van
jake & alex; a new addition!
halloween costumes!
beau; welcoming van
thanksgiving party outfits
jake & alex; we are having a .....
christmas party outfits!
instagram captions #14
mark & mason; a small surprise
beau; family dinner at the beach!
jake & alex; welcoming flynn
easter outfits!
pre-kindergarten graduation!
mark & mason; welcoming briar
beau; another babe
4th of july outfits!
jake & alex; back to school!
beau; back to school!
mark & mason; back to school!
happy halloween!
happy thanksgiving from the kirks, the manio-catts + the sloane-robinsons!
beau; welcoming livia
merry christmas from the manio-catts, the sloane-robinsons + the kirks!
beau; instagram captions
jake & alex; instagram captions
mark & mason; instagram captions
jake & alex; happy easter!
mark & mason; happy easter!
beau; happy easter!
a fun kindergarten graduation!
a fun pre-k graduation!
mark & mason; welcoming hayze
beau; first day of school!
jake & alex; first day of school!
mark & mason; first day of school!
jake & alex; boo! it's a kirk halloween!
beau; ah ah ah! it's a sloane-robinson halloween!
mark & mason; a spooky manio-catt halloween!
beau; happy thanksgiving from the sloane-robinsons!
jake & alex; happy thanksgiving from the kirks!
mark & mason; happy thanksgiving from the manio-catts!
jake & alex; merry christmas!
beau; merry christmas!
mark & mason; merry christmas!
beau; instagram captions #2
mark & mason; instagram captions #2
jake & alex; instagram captions #2
happy easter from the sloane-robinsons, the manio-catts + the kirks!
jake & alex; scarlett's 11th birthday (taylor's version)
brinley + scarlett's fifth grade graduation!
isla + cora's kindergarten graduation!
mark & mason; snowy trip to idaho!
jake & alex; our last baby era

mark & mason; mason's siblings visit!

26 2 0
By breeoc97

*Mason's sister Lo, her boyfriend Drew and a few close family friends visit with Mark, Mason and the kids! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is going to be a fun day at the Manio-Catt household!

Today, Mason's younger sister Lauren (who the kids call Auntie Lo), her boyfriend Drew and three of Mason and Lauren's childhood best friends that he and Lauren both treat like siblings Zach, Lucas, Jake along with Zach's wife Maddie are coming to visit Mark, Mason and the kids for a few days!

Also, Lauren's best friend Alaina and Alaina's seven year son Grayson are coming to visit for a few days as well!

Alaina is Lauren's best friend and they have been best friends for many years! Lo is like an auntie to Alaina's son Grayson!

Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley are all great friends with Grayson as well!

Right now, Mark is getting the two sets of twins dressed and ready while Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley are straightening up the house and feeding the dogs Roxy and Lily and the cats Oreo, Tigger, Boo and Lola!

*Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian's outfits*

"Are you four excited for our visitors that are coming over to visit for a few days?" Mark asks Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian as he finishes helping them all get dressed and ready.

"YES! I cited, Ina!" Oaklyn says as Mark puts a bow in her hair.

"I cited too, Ina!" Oliver says as he dances around and giggles.

"INAAAAAA!" Remi yells loudly as she smiles and scoots around on her butt.

"Ina Ina!" Rian says as he wobbles around and giggles.

"Stay over here, Remi! Stay over here, Rian!" Mark says to the youngest set of twins.

"Kitty cat!" Oaklyn says as she holds Boo upside down.

"Yeah! Kitty!" Oliver says as he picks up Lola and hugs her.

"Be soft and sweet with the cats, okay? We have to be soft and sweet!" Mark explains to Oaklyn and Oliver.

"Otay!" Oaklyn and Oliver both say in unison to Mark as they continue to hold the cats.

"Who is excited to see Auntie Lo, Drew, Auntie Maddie, Uncle Zach, Uncle Lucas and Uncle Jake?" Mason asks Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley who all just came insides with the dogs.

"MEEEEEE!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison with lots of excitement.

"Alaina and Grayson are coming too!" Mark says as all eight of the kids cheer loudly.

"It is going to be a fun fall break that's for sure!" Mason says as he smiles at Mark and Mark smiles back at Mason.

Mark, Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian all patiently and happily wait for Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake, Alaina and Grayson to arrive!

An hour later, Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake, Alaina and Grayson have all made it to the Manio-Catt household!

*Grayson's outfit*

"Hey everybody! Welcome to California! We are so happy that all of you have made it!" Mark says to Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake, Alaina and Grayson as he hugs all of them one by one.

"Welcome everybody! This week is going to be a fun one!" Mason says to Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake, Alaina and Grayson, hugging everyone happily.

"Hi, Auntie Lo, Uncle Zach, Auntie Maddie, Uncle Lucas, Uncle Jake, Alaina and Drew!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake and Alaina.

"Hiiiiii!" Oaklyn and Oliver both yell as they run over to give Lo, Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake, Alaina hugs!

"Ba ba ba ba!" Remi and Rian both say in unison as they wobbles over to Lo Drew, Zach, Maddie, Lucas, Jake and Alaina.

"There's my nieceys and nephews! Hi, babes!" Lo says as she smiles at her four nieces and four nephews - Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian.

"Hey, babies!" Alaina says in a babyfied voice at Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian!

"Hey!" Lucas, Jake and Zach all say in unison to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian.

"All of you look so grown since the last time Uncle Zach and I visited!" Maddie says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian with a big smile.

"Hey squirts!" Drew says playfully to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian causing all of them to laugh.

"Hi, everybody!" Grayson says as he waves at Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian

"Hi, Grayson!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Grayson.

"GRAYSON!" Oliver and Oaklyn both yell as they both squeeze Grayson into a big hug.

"Gaaaaa!" Remi and Rian both say as they wobble over to hug Grayson!

"You guys can all go play outside! Today is a nice day to play!" Mark says to Brinley, Milo, Grayson, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi and Rian.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Grayson, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn all yell as they all run outside together and play!

"BAAAAAQA!" Remi and Rian both squeak as they crawl around happily.

Mark, Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Farryn, Oliver, Oaklyn, Remi, Rian, Lo, Drew, Alaina, Grayson, Jake, Zach, Maddie and Lucas all hand a wonderful day together! :)

Mark posts a picture of Mark, Mason, Lo, Drew, Alaina, Jake, Zach, Maddie and Lucas all happily standing together. He writes the caption as: "it is so good to have @locatt, @dreaccent @alainarachelle, @jake.isler, @zach_isler, @madfran8 and @lucas_isler are in town for a few days visiting! 🥰"

Mark posts another picture of Oliver, Brinley, Remi, Milo, Rian, Grayson, Farryn, Westley and Oaklyn all standing together. He writes the caption as: "brin, milo, farr, wes, oli, oak, rem and ri were all so excited to see gray! they love their cousin so much! 😍"

Mason posts a picture of Mark, Mason, Lo, Drew, Alaina, Jake, Zach, Maddie and Lucas all happily standing together. He writes the caption as: "fam ❤️ such a fun day with everyone!"

Mason posts another picture of Oliver, Brinley, Remi, Milo, Rian, Grayson, Farryn, Westley and Oaklyn all standing together. He writes the caption as: "all of the kids together!! last time we did this was when Oli and oak were babies 🥺"

Lo posts a picture of Mason, Lo and Mark all hugging each other. She writes the caption as: "finally in town to visit @markmanio and @masoncatt plus their eight babes!❣️"

Lo posts another picture of Farryn, Westley, Brinley, Remi, Oliver, Oaklyn, Rian, Milo and Grayson all sitting together. She writes the caption as: "auntie lo loves you brinley, milo, grayson, farryn, westley, oliver, oaklyn, remi and rian 💖💖"

Lo posts another picture of Mark, Mason, Lo, Drew, Alaina, Jake, Zach, Maddie and Lucas. She writes the caption as: "all of the catt-isler kiddos + @dreaccent + alainarachelle 💘"

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