One and Only (Continuation)

By ko331520

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Alright. A lot of you know my fanfic One and Only. Something happened to my phone so this is my new account... More

•Part 31•
•The Wedding•
•Part 35•
•Part 37•
•Uchiha Life•
•New Power•
•Final Chapter•

•Part 33•

108 5 8
By ko331520

*I KNOW THATS SAUSAGE BUT WERE GONNA ACT LIKE THATS DAISUKE OK? He's practically Sasuke's twin as we know. Just has byakugan in one eye*

Be prepared for a big ass time skip

Daisuke is now four years old.

Hinata and Sasuke are now 21 and have another child. His name is Haruka. He's two years old.

And Hinata is pregnant again, with another boy.

They haven't decided the name yet but he's due in a month.

Oh and did I mention they have their own place? Hehe you heard right. A house in the Uchiha compound a little farther away from the rest of the family.


Naruto and Karin ended up getting married and having a baby girl. She's one year old and her name is Kushina.


Itachi and Izumi are happy together. They have a child. His name is Kei. He is 2 years old.


Deidara and Yui are currently dating. They live in Konoha but not in the compound. They're currently working on having a child soon.


Hinata and Ino got Shikamaru to finally date Temari. They've always liked each other but didn't wanna admit it.


Kakashi and Obito are doing great. Kakashi got them a house by the compound. AND they're planning on adopting a kid soon. Someone who doesn't have a mother or father and someone who needs love. They get to watch Daisuke and Haruka when they want. So they just want a kid of their own.


The village is expanding. Gaara and Naruto have showed peace to the whole world.

A lot of people from other villages live in Konoha and many other villages.

Kurama and Naruto are now friends. Kurama goes on and on about the Uzumaki clan and his experiences with them. Karin and Naruto always love to learn more about their clan.

Kurama told them about Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama. Then Madara. It was an interesting thing to talk about.

-At Sasuke and Hinata's house-
"Daisuke, Sasuke, Haruka, come on let's eat lunch!" Hinata called for them.

They all were quiet people. They don't like loudness. They can all tolerate Naruto and Obito though, since they're family. Karin ain't that bad either. Hanging around Hinata made her not as loud as she used to be.

She didn't hear them coming down the stairs but she heard Haruka laughing. She smiled widely then went upstairs.

"Boys come on let's eat" Hinata smiled at her most favorite people in the world.

"Ok mama" Daisuke started getting up. Sasuke grabbed Haruka and stood up smiling.

Sasuke rubbed her belly then kissed Hinata.

Daisuke loves to see his parents like this. He just loves how much they love each other, so he smiled brightly then ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Hinata and Sasuke went downstairs too. Sasuke helped her walk, his arm was wrapped around her waist. And his other arm holding Haruka.

Hinata wobbled to the kitchen and got all of them some food.

While they were eating, Daisuke scarfed down his food.

Daisuke ran up to Hinata, hugged her legs, then gave her a kiss on her belly.

"I'm going to see grandma and papa" Daisuke ran out the house.

Sasuke laughed a little bit then started eating again.

"Ow" Hinata winced.

"You ok?" Sasuke zoomed toward her.

"M-Mhm. Let's continue eating" Hinata was shoving food down her throat at this point.

"Hinata? I know you're hungry but your basically swallowing your food whole right now" Sasuke was very worried for his beloved wife.

"We'll they don't let me eat at the hospital so might as well eat now" Hinata was still stuffing her face.

"Your in labor!?" Sasuke panicked.

"Mhm. It hurts like hell too. But i'm hungry Sasuke-kun" Hinata had tears streaming down her face.

"Shit" Sasuke made a clone, which took Haruka then went straight to Mikoto.

Sasuke picked Hinata up then teleported to the hospital.

"Hurry, my wife is in labor" Sasuke started at Sakura.

She stared back but quickly took Hinata from him.

Sasuke followed her while holding Hinata's hand.

"How long had she been like this?" Sakura was laying her down on the bed.

"Just 10 minutes ago"

"Ok. The baby is a little early so we'd probably have to keep it here for a while.." Sakura said in a low voice.

"So, what will happen if the baby is this early? Will he be ok?" Sasuke was so worried for the baby.

"U-Usually when a baby is a premature, it can have a disability, um, things like that actually. Death is a possibility. But since you and Hinata are healthy then I believe the baby will be fine" Sakura let out a sigh.

"If he does die... i'll kill all of you here" Sasuke threatened then went to Hinata and held her hand.

"Squeeze my hand as much as you need, Hina" Sasuke stared at her face. Happy for having a nice and happy life. Hinata was screaming like crazy.

He's seen her like this when Haruka was born and oh my god, that scared him to death. He had nightmares for a few weeks.

Now he has to see her like that again. Never has he ever thought women are weak after seeing this happen, now the second time.

"AHHHHH SASUKE-KUUUNNNNN" Hinata dug her nails into his hand.

To him it hurt like a bitch but he knew she was having a baby so he didn't mind that much.


All the doctors stared at Sasuke.

Hinata just broke his hand...

Everyone was in shock. Sasuke just sat there patting her head with his other hand.

"Why are you looking at me. Shouldn't you be getting my son??" everyone could feel his chakra level rising every second they looked away from Hinata.


Sasuke winced this time. She broke his finger this time.

"AHHHHH. S-SASUKE-KUN IM S-SORRYYYY AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Hinata was just straight up screaming.

She had some tears running down her face.

"Don't worry about me" Sasuke kissed her head.

-After a few minutes-
"Finally" the doctor said holding the baby.

"That was a little fast huh?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah. That can happen" the doctor said sending the baby away to be cleaned.

"So, is he ok?" Hinata was still panting.

"Hmm. It looks like it. We're getting the blood off of him right now but we'll bring him out in a second"

"MAMA" Daisuke came running in the room.

The doctors tried to stop but but he quickly ran under them.

"Mommy are you ok?!" Daisuke was about to jump on her but Sasuke held him up on his shoulders.

"Hey, watch it. Your brother was just born. Which means your mom is in a lot of pain.  If you jump on her, you'll hurt her badly" Sasuke said with a little smile.

Hanabi and Neji came rushing in the room.

"Hey! Only one person!"

Neji and Hanabi activated their byakugans and was about to attack.

Shisui soon ran in with Haruka in his arms.

"Is every-" Shisui's eyes widened.

"He's a premature but hopefully he's healthy" Sasuke sighed.

"Hey Shisui, Hanabi, Neji" Sakura waved.

They all stared at her not saying anything.

Then, Hanabi spoke... "You really think we forgot about what you done to my sister!?"

Sakura rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously.

"Why are you laughing bitch? You know, no ones gonna stop me if I attack you, right?" Hanabi activated her Byakugan again.

"Yeah go ahead and try us" Neji said looking at her disgustingly.

Sakura mumbled some rude remarks then walked out.

"Hehe anyways, Mikoto sent me to check on you both" Shisui had tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying" Neji asked laughing.

"Because, another kid, ahhh i want one so bad" he hugged Haruka tightly while crying.

"Get a girlfriend then weirdo" Sasuke laughed a little while holding Hinata's hand.

"Sasu, I didn't get to finish eating. Can you bring me food please. I'm starving" Hinata held his hand tightly.

"Oh my god what happened to your hand?" Hinata gasped.

"Really? You don't remember? You were apologizing to me you know" Sasuke laughed again.

Hinata gasped. "I-I did that??"

Sasuke did his "hn" with a little nod.

He quickly healed his hand and fixed it back to the way it was.

Hinata felt extremely bad for what she did so she kept apologizing.

"I'm so so sorry Sasuke-kun, I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"I already told you not to worry about me" Sasuke kissed her hand.

"Mommy. Where's baby at?" Daisuke asked.

"He should be out any minute now. I wonder what's taking them forever" as if it hit Hinata, she automatically knew something was wrong.

Hinata ran out of bed wincing from the pain.
She ran into the other room and didn't see her child or the doctors.

She kept running and running until she seen Sakura.

"What is it now!?" Sakura yelled at her.


"STOP YELLIN AT ME BITCH. IM TAKING CARE OF YOUR HYBRID ASS THING RIGHT NOW" Sakura said walking away like she didn't just insult Hinata's baby.

Hinata jumped on her, still bloody and hurting from giving birth. Hinata's legs were around Sakura waist from behind.

"BITCH" Sakura ran backwards into a wall hurting Hinata badly.

"DONT DISRESPECT MY BABY LIKE THAT AGAIN" Hinata was punching her head over and over again.

"HYUGA AND UCHIHA SHOULDN'T MIX. THAGS WHY HE DESERVES ME" Sakura was just trying to be friendly to get close to Sasuke again.


Kakashi and Obito came and picked up Hinata.

"H-Hokage-sama??" Sakura stammered.

"What happened here?"

Obito let go of Hinata and made Kakashi hold her.

"Hinata's crazy that's what happened. Send her to the mental hospital please!" Sakura was wiping the blood off her mouth.

"Oh so you insulting my baby is ok?" Hinata started crying.

"Speaking of.. WHERE IS MY BABY?" Hinata started crying.

Sasuke heard her screams before. He wanted Hinata to beat Sakura again so he didn't stop her. Neither did Hanabi Neji or Shisui.

"He's dying Hinata" Sakura smiled at Hinata.

"YOU-" Hinata out all of her chakra into her fist then punched Sakura. She was so fast she got out of Kakashi's grip.

Obito was so mad at Sakura. He couldn't believe how obsessed she became.

Sasuke came and helped Hinata. So did the rest of them. Hinata wanted to see her baby. She ran into the room he was in and went to check on him.

Obito and Kakashi said they'd be back, they took Sakura and is gonna put her far away from Hinata and Sasuke.

Hinata seen her baby. He wasn't doing that good.

The doctors are having a hard time to keep his heart beating.

Hinata slumped on the ground crying her eyes out. Sasuke made everyone wait in the lobby.

Him and Hinata just watched the doctors to their thing.

Hinata was in so much pain. Mentally and physically.

The doctors made her get a shower. They were gonna do it for her, like wash her but they were males and Sasuke didn't want them seeing her, so he said he'd do it.

When she was done she went back to bed just waiting for the doctor to tell them if the baby is gonna live or not.

-An hour later-
"Mrs. Hyu-Uchiha, Mr. Uchiha, your baby is okay"

*I can't lie. I was gonna leave it at it a cliffhanger but i realized i really hate those and i hate when people do that. So here you go<3

Ahhh school is a lot man. I gotta worry about picking a college and everything. Thing is, i don't even know what i wanna do when i'm done with high school. i don't wanna grow up yet🥲

Anyways thinks for reading 🖤🦋*

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