
By Vampirediaries1996

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Happiness is difficult to find and even harder to keep. No one tells you that when life makes things easier f... More

Gotham Family
The New Normal
Do We Risk it All?
He's Back
Catching Up
Can We Handle Reality?
Talking it Out
Technology and Sass
Luck Be a Lady
Bad Juju
Unlucky Winner
Bonding with a Demon
Barry's Nemesis
Here Comes Dibny
Night of Parties
Bachelorette Bust
Who is DeVoe?
Wedding Prep
Rehearsal Dinner
Remember to say I Do
Finding a New Heart
Conform or Die
Earth-X Hell
End of the Road
Honeymoon Troubles
Honeymoon in Paradise
Ho Ho Ho
On Trial
Life Behind Bars
Making Things Small
Coming Home to You
Country Strong
Not Smart Enough
Power Switch
Stepping Up to the Challenge
There's Always Another Way
Ten Steps Ahead
Deals Gone Wrong
12 Hours
Crashing Down
Making Up for the Future
Here Comes The Insect
Bye-Bye Vibe
Spyn Bitch
Shattering Perception
Rooftops and Cuffs
Finding Clues
Ice Hearts
Happy Gobble Gobble Day
Back in Time
Breaking Perception
Oh Barry What Did You Do?
Save Me
Gotham Nights
Family Ties
You're Not Batman
Super Man?
The Very Best of Us
Phasing for Dayz
No Second Chances
Killer Car and Broken Backs
Different Tracks
Payback's a Bitch
Boxing on Ice
Inside The Mind
Welcome to the Market
You're Working for Goldface Now
King of the Ocean
Personal Choice not a Weapon
Catching Cicada
Cicada Number 2 and Hamster Ball
Getting Closer to the Truth
Truth Hurts
Lies Kill
Killer Ice
Nora and the Rogues
Defeating Rogues
Trust and Connections
Thawne or the Dagger
End of the Line
From the Beginning
Hello Stranger
Finding Peace
Opening Up Old Wounds
Big Talks
Black Hole
What Up Party People?
Antimatter Wall and Doppelgängers
Birthday Parties
Another Wells and Serum's
Blood and More
Vacation with Friends
The Names Bond, James Bond
Just Give In
Red Skies
There's Still Time
Future Bat
Pariah and Black Lightning
United We Fight
What Brings Us Together?
Lighting the Spark and Fanning the Flame
Thank You Ollie
Earth Prime
Pancakes and Valentine's Day
Leslie. Keith
Love is a Battlefield
Don't You Trust Me?
You're Not On the Team Chester
Grodd and Flash Unite
Welcome Home Wally...and Cisco
Death of the Speed Force
Speed Gauge and Theft
Nash Wells vs Eobard Thawne
Going Too Far
Where's the Real Iris and Damian?
Eva and the Mirrorverse
Feeling Vibes
Hartley and Godspeed
Carver's a Dead Man Walking
Eva's Revenge


638 33 35
By Vampirediaries1996

Sorry for the long wait in between updates. I ran into a writers block with this story but now I can't wait to share more chapters with you all. Enjoy.

Damian's POV

"CCPD already interviewed this guy. You really think the eyewitness is gonna recant his story?" Ralph asks Iris.

"I don't care. I just want to beat someone up and enjoy it." I chime in.

"There is no beating anyone up." Iris scolds me. "And eyewitness testimony isn't always perfect." She argues to Ralph. "Plus environmental factors, stress, even the order of lineup photos can affect memory. So jogging his memory while he is at home, relaxed might bring something up." Iris suggests.

"Yeah." We stop at the door.

"Unit 37."

"Here it is."

"Too late." I mutter.

"What? Why?" They question me. I point to the obvious broken doorknob.

"You two are idiots." I comment.

"I always come prepared." Ralph says as he holds up his tiny suit.

"Get dressed, princess." I insult him.

"A little help?" Ralph asks, and I just push him back as I kick open the door. Iris and I walk in seeing the suspect Allegra kneeling over a man who is badly burned.

"Gotcha!" I point at her.

"Allegra?" Iris calls out.

"You're not going anywhere, okay?" Ralph finally joins us. "We just want to talk for a second." He pulls out the meta cuffs, and Allegra raises her hands. I quickly move Iris out of harm's way, but the same cannot be said for Ralph as he screams in pain.

"You'll pay for this!" I shout, and I run after her into the hall. I run alongside the walls and tackle her to the ground taking extra precautions of her powers.

"Get off me!" She orders, but I hold her down long enough for a power dampener leg cuff is fired at her. I look up seeing Joe lowering his weapon.

"Allegra Garcia? You're under arrest for parole violation." Joe says to her.

"I had this under control." I tell him.

"Get up, Damian." He orders me, and I stand up.

"Damian." Iris calls for me.

"Go help them. I got her." Joe assures me. I run back into the room, seeing Ralph's face looking worse than I thought it could.

"Damn." I whistle at the sight.

"Is it bad?" Ralph asks me.

"Only slightly worse than you're actual face."

"Damian!" Iris scolds me.

"Does this hurt?" I ask as I touch his ear, and he screams bloody murder, which makes me smile. "I take that as a yes."

" knew it would hurt?"

"You have what appears to be solar burns, you dumbass. Of course, it's going to hurt." I fire back.

"Do you have the extrapolator?" Iris asks.

"Of course." I pull it out and open a breach to take us back to the lab.

"You do not touch me." Ralph orders.

"Don't be a baby." I easily hoist him over my shoulder and walk us through the breach.

"Hey...whoah!!! What did Demon Child do?" Cisco demands. I scoff at his accusation.

"As if I would leave any recognizable part of him if this was my doing." I fire back.

"Ohhhh...." Cecile sees Ralph's state.

"Can someone help?" Ralph pleads.

"Fine." I throw him onto the medical table as Cisco scans his injuries.

"Ow, ow, ow. It's not getting any less ow." Ralph says to Cisco.

"I don't understand. I thought Allegra controlled radio waves." Cecile says to us.

"So did we, but she fired a heat blast right at Ralph." Iris says.

"And it was awesome." I mutter. Frost gives me a nod of appreciation.

"It wasn't just heat." Cisco argues. "It was ultraviolet radiation."

"He got a sunburn." Frost bluntly states.

"Yeah." Ralph sits up and removes his mask. "From hell." We all see the extent of his injuries. While the others beside Frost look at him horrified, I snap a bunch of pictures. Cecile is lost for words and is possibly on the verge of throwing up.

"Look at his face. Most UV light gets absorbed by the ozone layer. This was entirely undiluted." Cisco lectures Frost. "If it wasn't for his powers, that sunburn would've killed him." He is pissed.

"So put some aloe on it." Frost and I surprisingly say at the same time. Cisco and Ralph want to kill us, and I challenge them to give it their best shot.

"Come at me bitch." I taunt them, and they stay put.

"You..." Cisco points at Frost and then at me and back at Frost. "You are sounding more like that, and it is..." He bits his lip in frustration. "Can I just talk to Caitlin for a minute, please?"

"No." Frost quickly responds. "I've got things to do." She leaves, and I just chuckle.

"I see nothing wrong with us being so similar." I state, and Cisco glares at me.

"Zip it, Demon Child!" He orders me.

"Make me bitch!"

"What are we gonna do about this?" Ralph asks.

"Don't even get me started." Cisco shakes his head.

"Peel his layers of skin off." I suggest.

"What?" They all asks me.

"No!" Ralph says.

"It would be fun." I argue.

"For you! You sick, sick child!" Ralph fires back.

"Thank you." I wink at him.

"Okay!" Cisco gets in the middle of us. "No one is skinning anyone! That is..."

"Disgusting." Cecile and Iris say.

"Thank you." Cisco agrees with them.

"You people lack imagination!" I argue.

"Okay..." Cisco takes a deep breath.

"You really want to hit me, don't you?" I tease him, and he laughs uncontrollably, trying to regain his composure.

"Listen, even though UV rays have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, they're all part of the same electromagnetic spectrum." He explains to us.

"So Allegra must be able to control all different types of wavelengths, which means she could have killed Salvador and our eyewitness." Iris states.

"And I set her free." Cecile has a serious look on her face.

"Or she didn't do it." I challenge.

"Child, how you..." I hold up my hand, silencing Cisco.

"I know killers. I've been one. There's a look in our eyes when we've taken a life. I didn't see that look in hers."

"Come on? A look?" Cisco exclaims to me.

"Yes, a look!"

"It seemed pretty convincing to me." Ralph argues, and he still winces in pain.

"She looked away horrified when she blasted you. Now me on the other hand, I found some joy in it. She was regretful of it." I explain to everyone.

"Well, I'm going to get some answers." Cecile announces and storms off.

"You really enjoyed seeing me get hurt?" Ralph asks, all hurt.

"You didn't die, so it's all in good fun." I argue with a smirk on my face as I pat his shoulder, and he cries out in pain.

"Dude!" Cisco scolds me.

Anna's POV

"We need to tell everyone." I say to Barry as I recheck his wound.

"I know it's"

"There is no perfect way to deliver bad news, Barry. We just...keeping it from them will just delay the inevitable."

"How are you so calm during this?" He asks me. I bite my lip, trying to fight back the urge to scream.

"I have two choices as far as I can see it. I can help us prepare for the Crisis that is coming in seven weeks, or I can give up and have a pity party for myself. I...I don't want to give up but don't mistake me being calm as I'm not losing my shit inside. I...I am terrified of what's to come and..." Barry reaches out and pulls me on the couch with him. "6 months without you felt like an eternity. I can't imagine forever."

"I know." He rubs my hair. "We will tell everyone, will be hard, but they need to know." I look up at him, just trying to memorize every line and freckle on his face knowing I won't see him again.

"I have known eternal loneliness. When I was thrown into the pit, I lost track of time. I felt knowing but fear. I didn't sleep or eat or...I barely could breathe. I am afraid of the person I will become without you."

"Don't be. You're courageous, compassionate, strong, don't need me to be any of those things."

"You make me want to be good. To stay good. I feel myself sometimes wanting to slip back to the person I was before I was loved by you. I...I don't want to be that person again." I admit to Barry.

"You'll never be that person."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because that person was empty inside. You have so many people around you that love and care about you. I know when I am gone, you will still have them. And they will keep you from ever going back." He assures me. I grab his left hand and look at his wedding ring.

"I still dream about when you proposed to me."

"Well, you proposed." He reminds me.

"Just to show you that, I meant I would marry you." I argue, and we laugh. "That moment forever plays in my mind. Because it was the moment, this all became real. You are the love of my life Barry Allen and...I am honored to be your wife." Barry leans up and kisses me ever so lightly.

"Forever Mine." He whispers against my lips.

"Till the end of time." I whisper back. Barry's phone rings, and he picks it up, seeing Iris' name on the screen.

"Hey, Iris." He greets her.

"Barry, we were talking to Cecile about her case." Iris starts off.

"Turns out that Allegra had a cousin named Esperanza with the same powers as her. Everybody thought that Esperanza was dead." Ralph explains.

"Esperanza must have killed the witness, not Allegra." Barry says.

"Now Esperanza can't let anyone know she's alive." I add.

"CCPD is in a total blackout." Iris informs us.

"She's going after Allegra." Barry tries to sit up but is in so much pain.

"I am going to send Ralph there right now, and..."

"No, no, no. There's no time. I'm going." Barry blurts out.

"You're still recovering." I remind him.

"I'll be fi...Ahhh!" He screams as he tries to move his leg.

"No, you're not." I argue. "Iris, I'm going." I announce.

"NO!" They all shout at me.

"Anna, you're..."

"I'm pregnant, not dead, Iris. I can do this." I look at Barry, who is worried out of his mind. "I can do this." I assure him.


"Then you'll die too!" I hear Esperanza yell at Allegra and Cecile. I stand in front of them, producing a forcefield around us.

"Someone's angry." I mock her. I teleport Allegra and Cecile to safety.

"Rise, hero. I want you to die on your feet!" Esperanza, who goes by Ultraviolet, taunts me.

"Not today." I charge at her knocking her to the ground. She tries to blast, but I block it with my hands. She tries to kick me away, but I grab her foot and hold on to it as I throw her into the wall. She gets back up and sends a large amount of UV waves at me. I quickly produce a forcefield, but the UV is getting too powerful. I look over at Joe, who is trying to keep everyone in the prescient safe. I drop my forcefield, taking some brunt of the UV, and push through the pain as I send my own blasts towards Ultraviolet. She begins to struggle as I begin to overpower her. As I get closer and she's back up into the corner, I teleport behind her and send a powerful blast, and she goes flying into the cabinets and knocks out cold. I crumble to the ground trying to regain my composure. I feel myself about to pass out, but a streak of lightning appears, and Barry catches me as he's dressed in his Flash suit.

"Gotcha." He smiles down at me. He wants to touch my face but decides against it.

"Got a little too close to the sun." I tease, and he shakes his head.

"You know what they say. In a few days, it'll be tan." Frost tells me as Cisco checks out my UV burns.

"I'm just glad you're alive." Barry tells me.

"Well, your fetus is fine." Frost assures me.

"Thanks for the info." I fire back.

"We were right. Esperanza Garcia was hired to kill Salvador Traversoni. Then she offed the eyewitness. She tried to kill Allegra so nobody would know she was still alive." Ralph explains to us.

"And you skipped over the part where this Ultraviolet person might've been trained in the art of assassination by a secret organization." Cisco points out.

"Who hasn't?" Damian and I argue.

"A lot of people!" Cisco fires back at us. Damian and I just share a laugh.

"Come on, if Damian and I can't make a joke about once being in The League, who can? Oliver does all the time." I argue with everyone.

"He does?" Barry questions.

"Oh yes. The clothes we have to wear and everything we have to give up now when we look back at it was kind of joke." I state.

"And the no speaking for at least a year. Unless it was to Ra's himself." Damian adds.

"You want me to believe you didn't speak for a whole year?" Cisco questions Damian.

"The vow of silence is a powerful tool Ra's uses to tests his follower's loyalty." Damian fires back.

"If there is a group out there exploiting metas, then they are gonna need our protection." Barry declares. He goes to help me but stops. "Whoa, what did you put in these painkillers?" He asks.

"Oh, you're not hallucinating." Frost jumps in. "This is art. And some people might think it's weird, but I think it is a beautiful expression of the artist's inner life. Even if it's a weird inner life." She explains to us. We all try and understand the art.

"Even Birdshit couldn't even paint this." Damian insults Dick.

"But you bought all of this stuff?" I question Frost. "How'd you pay for it?"

"With Caity's credit cards. All of them." Our jaws drop at her answer. Ralph clears his throat.

"Maybe our next life lesson will be in personal finance." Ralph says, which makes Damian laugh.

"Yeah, you should take a lesson or two." He insults Ralph.

"Actually." Cisco chimes in. "I've got one more piece to add to the bunch." He places a hand-drawn sketch in a frame down on the desk. "From a very daring young talent." We all admire Frost's talent.

"I think it ties the room together quite nicely." Cisco compliments.

"Well, there is no accounting for taste." Frost adds, and she finally has a smile on her face.

"You know my mom dated an artist once. He was a trapeze artist, though." Ralph says. Barry and I share a look. I grab his hand, and he pulls me closer so I can rest my head on his shoulder.

I cannot wait for you all to read what I have planned fro Crisis. Also what were your thoughts on Season 7. Did you like Nora and Bart being there?

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