I Will Protect You (Josuke x...

By FreeFlyer68

148K 5.7K 4.9K

Y/n was close friends with Josuke Higashikata in the town of Morioh. Without having a stand she was left defe... More

A Turtle
It's Called a Stand
Angelo the Rock
Death by an Arrow
Waking up Differently
A Father's Love
The Nijimura Brothers
Dating Josuke Higashikata
A Lock of Guilt
Hazamada's Surface
A Love Letter
True Love
Delicious and Authentic Italian Food
Death and Resurrection
Akira Otoishi
It's Today
A Baby Stand
A Visitor to Morioh
Heaven's Door
A Blinded Rage
A Normal Day in Morioh
Another Meeting
A New Stand User
Morning Tea
A Fight For Love
Shigekiyo Yangu: Harvest
Yoshikage Kira
A Vow of Silence
Casper: The Not So Friendly Ghost
Leaving the Murderers House
Three Words
A Friendly Alien
A Cheated Game
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 1
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 2
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 3
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 4
The Aftermath
The Killer Known as Yoshikage Kira
The Summer of 1999

Meeting Koichi's Girlfriend

3.4K 156 174
By FreeFlyer68

You were walking home from school, and you just passed by the train tracks. Josuke stayed behind today to wait for Okuyasu, but you had plenty of homework that you needed to finish. So, you left without him. You walked through the sea of people and stumbled upon a cafe. The small cafe looked nice, and you thought about getting food from there, but someone you recognized made you stop in your tracks. 

   ' What is Koichi doing sitting alone at the cafe? '

You spotted Koichi sitting by himself at the cafe drinking a cola. He was sitting at one of the tables outside, and you walked towards him to greet him.

   " Hey, Koichi. What are you doing here? "

   "Oh, hey Y/n. I'm waiting for someone. "

   " Are you on a date? "

   " Why is that the first thing you assume!? "

   " Why can't it be? I'll leave you be then until your date comes back. See you. "

   " Wait! "

You didn't listen, however, and walked away. But you walked far enough where Koichi couldn't see you. After waiting in the crowd for a minute, you walked closer to the cafe and stood behind one of the trees to spy on him.

   ' This is more interesting than homework. I don't think Koichi's ever shown interest in a girl before. I've gotta observe this. '

   " It means he's certain that he'll win. "

   " Hey, it's Koichi! "

   " And Y/n? "

You turned around to see Josuke and Okuyasu behind you. You were surprised to see them; you thought they were further behind you. You gestured for them to walk closer to you, and they complied. Josuke stood beside you, and Okuyasu stood in front of you.

   " What's Koichi doing at a preppy cafe, and why are you spying on him? " Josuke asked.

   " He's on a date. " 

   " What!? "

   " Huh!? "

   " Yeah! Now keep it down! " You yelled in a whisper.

You looked around the tree to see a girl approach the table. She wore a blue uniform that you recognized around the school. Her skin was pale, and her hair was as black as the night sky. Her hair was long and stretched down her back. Her eyes were purple, and she seemed to be blushing by just approaching the table. You pulled on Okuyasu and Josuke's uniforms behind the tree with you. Josuke was behind you as Okuyasu was crouched in front of you as you all peeked from the side at the date. Josuke put his hands on your shoulders and looked at the date, while one of your hands was on Okuyasu's shoulder to steady yourself. Koichi and the pretty woman started to talk, and she was smiling brightly.

   " Wow, Koichi's actually with a girl. "

   " And not just any girl. That's Yukako Yamagishi from my class. " Okuyasu said with a jealous tone.

   " Have you talked to her before Okuyasu? " You asked.

   " I've introduced myself to her, but she never would talk to me. "

You listened to them talk, and you felt embarrassed for Koichi. You shook your head and wondered how your friend was so observant when fighting a stand user, but in a normal scenario, he couldn't spot when a girl liked him.

   " She clearly likes him. Why is he so dense? "

   " Koichi. . .you have to know. . .I've fallen madly in love with you! " Yukako shouted.

   " What did she say!? " Okuyasu shouted. 

Josuke and you both reacted, and you put your hand over Okuyasu's mouth while Josuke did the same thing, but his hand covered yours.

   " Okuyasu! Don't shout! "

Josuke kept his other hand on your shoulder, and after a minute, Okuyasu calmed down enough for you and Josuke to take your hands off his mouth. Josuke settled his hand back on your free shoulder. You didn't want to think about his hands on your shoulders, and you focused on what was going on at the table.

   " What. . .pardon? "

   " I think about you every day. I was scared to tell you about my feelings because I felt like my heart would explode. But I had to take a leap, and tell you my true feelings even if you were to hate me. "

Okuyasu burst into tears in front of you, and you looked at Josuke, not knowing what to do.

   " Josuke, why do you and Koichi get all of the love! No one has ever confessed to me. "

   " There there you big baby. I've never had a girlfriend before either so don't count yourself short. "

   " But you and Y/n-"

   " Let's not talk about that! " You shouted.

You patted Okuyasu's head and looked back at the situation with Koichi and Yukako. You knew your cheeks were red, but you wanted to focus on Koichi.

   " So, Koichi you must have a girlfriend already. . ."

   " No, I'm as single as can be. Hey, you wouldn't tease me about something like this would you? "

   " No way! I'm serious! I've noticed your face has become more chiseled as of late. A strong face brimming with courage and confidence. Also you're really charming when you smile. "

   " You know, she's honestly making a lot of good points. " Josuke said.

   " What? Do you like Koichi too? " You teased.

   " No! I've already got someone in mind, and it's not Koichi! " Josuke shouted with a red tint on his cheeks.

   ' Already someone in mind? '

   " I have a chiseled face too, don't I? " Okuyasu asked.

   " That said, what attracts me to a man more than anything else, is potential. And you have potential personafied. You have a very bright future ahead of you, Koichi. " Yukako said, smiling.

   " Wow, that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me. "

   " But you surely won't like an ugly girl like me. I don't blame you. "

   ' What is she talking about!? She's pretty! ' You shouted in your head. 

   " What are you talking about? That's not how I see you at all. "

   " Would you come on you lucky bastard. Quit bouncing around and seal the deal with that hottie. Just go for it and ask her out already! " OKuyasu said, on the edge of the tree.

   " Okuyasu I think you would be the perfect person to go to the movies with. "

   " Thanks, but that includes you both too! " He shouted, looking at Josuke and you.

   " What? "

   " One of you needs to ask the other out and stop dancing around that fact you both like each other! It's killing me just like this is! " Okuyasu said pointing to Koichi and Yukako.

   " Okuyasu, please just stop thinking about us. " You said, blushing madly.

   " Please, be honest do you hate me? " Yukako asked Koichi. 

   " No, don't be ridiculous. I couldn't hat you even if I wanted to. "

   " Then do you love me? "

   " Love's a strong word, especially when you go on a first date. " You said.

   " Agreed. " Josuke said.

   " Hold on a second, don't you think we're moving a bit too fast? "

   " You do hate me. "

   " No! You've got it all wrong! You just caught me off guard when you talked about love-"

   " Which is it!? " Yukako shouted.

Yukako slammed her fist on the table, and she rose from the table, glaring at Koichi. You thought her hair moved in a different direction than what the wind was blowing, but you didn't think much about it.

   " Are you madly in love or just toying with my feelings!? Answer me damn it! I poured my heart out to you and now I've spilled my coffee all thanks to your heartlessness! "

You wanted to step into the situation, but you figured that if you did, it would only make Yukako madder if another woman approached Koichi and talked to him. She seemed to calm down a little and settle in her chair. 

   " I was too worked up. I'm. . .so sorry. What's wrong with me? "

Yukako turned around and started to cry in her hands. She apologized another time before grabbing her school bag and standing up from her chair. She turned her back towards Koichi, and Koichi looked stunned.

   " Goodbye, you'll come see me again, I hope. "

Yukako ran away, leaving everyone in the area stunned by her yelling. Okuyasu was the first to speak out of the three of you hiding behind the tree.

   " Well, I have to say, for some reason, I feel like a deflated balloon. Any jealousy I had for that went right out of the window. "

   " No, kidding. Let's pretend we didn't see any of that. "

   " Yeah. "

You started to walk away from the cafe with Okuyasu and Josuke. You felt bad for Koichi, but you didn't want to get involved at the moment.

   ' I feel like Yukako is going to yell at me or confront me if I get involved. '

   " Y/n, watch out for the pole! "

Your head smacked against someone's hand, and there was a pole in front of you. You took a step back and looked up at Josuke. 

   " Get out of your thoughts and look where you're going. You almost walked into that pole. "

   " Yeah, sorry. "

   " Come on. "

Josuke lowered his hand and grabbed your bag. 

   " I can carry my bag. "

   " I know, but I don't mind. "

Josuke started walking with your bag, and you followed him. Okuyasu talked about school on the way home. You asked Josuke multiple times if you could carry your bag, but he would say no and continue to carry it. When you got to your house, Josuke handed you your bag, and you said goodbye as you walked inside. You locked your door and walked upstairs to your room. You threw your bag on the bed, and you took a seat at your desk. Papers littered your desk from school, and it made you think of the love letters that the girls would ask you to hand to Josuke. When you thought about Josuke, now you always would feel your heart beat a little faster. It was starting to drive you crazy.

   " Why all of the sudden is this happening? I've noticed his face would get red a few times, but I don't actually know if he has the same feelings as me. He always makes it clear he cares about me and wants to take care of my injuries, but is it more than a friend way? I've not been in this situation! I don't know! " You yelled at your ceiling. 

   ' He did say he had someone in mind. And he would want to date a girl who he knows. . .maybe I do have a chance, but I don't know. I just wanna sleep. '

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