Behind closed doors

By Spidersoning

152K 4.2K 2.9K

Peter's life isn't great, his home life is terrible, and his school days seem to be getting worse. So when h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

8.1K 205 149
By Spidersoning

*Location- Bucky's hideout*

-Third Person P.O.V-

Bucky had finally made it to the small, abandoned shop he called his hideout. He had cleaned it all out, placing blankets and pillows he had spare in there along with a sofa he had found. Someone had left it out, it seemed new and Bucky didn't see anyone wanting it so he took it with him.

He also had food and water in the corner, thankful that he wouldn't have to scavenge for any. Before they had Wakanda, they had given them all enough food and water to last them a good 6 months, and promised to bring some more in time, they had also given them all money to help them.

Bucky was sat on the sofa, reading a book when his super hearing picked up something. He could hear the scuffing of feet, and shouts, what he believes are insults being shouted and the sound of shaky breaths.

He narrows his eyes at the sounds, a familiar tug on his gut reminding him of pre-serum Steve. He followed the sounds that led to the alley outside his little hideout. His metal fist clenched at his side in anticipation.

When his eyes finally landed on where all the sounds were coming from his mind froze with anger for a moment, his mind flashing back to the 40's.

He could hear the grunts of pain from outside of the alley, his flesh hands in his army jacket, clenched slightly with anger as he moved further down.

He spotted Steve, his younger brother by everything but blood being beaten up by some random dude. Bucky watched as Steve pulled himself back into a standing position, his hands grasping tight at a metal trash can lid.

"I can do this all day," Steve had uttered, his voice strong and unwavering, even when it looked as though he was about to lose the fight.

Bucky watched in anger as the man punched Steve again, sending the can lid falling away from him as Steve fell backwards. That was enough for Bucky to lose his composure and growl under his breath before going to help.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size," Bucky had spat before sending his own face at the mans face, making him fall to the floor with a grunt before running away.

Bucky had sworn from that day on he would always protect Steve and anyone like that if he saw it again. And from the looks of it, it was happening all over again.

He could see five boys all crowding around another, smaller boy who was curled into himself. Bucky winced a little as he watched the punches and kicks being sent the kids way and knew the pain he must be in.

His fists clenched beside him in anger as he moved into the shadows, making sure they can't see who he is. Steve's words echoing in his mind, 'don't get caught,' but if it meant helping this kid, he didn't see much of a difficult choice if they didn't stop when he spoke.

"I suggest you stop hurting him and pick on someone your own size," Bucky growled, his voice firm and authoritative, making them all stop in their movements.

He watched as they all looked around, one of the boys, who seemed to be the leader looked directly at Bucky. He knew he wouldn't be able to properly see him, he would probably only be able to see his eyes and maybe a glint of metal, but he knew the fire raging in his eyes would be enough to make them flee.

Bucky was right in his thinking, he watched as the boys backed away, whispering something Bucky was able to catch.

'This isn't over Penis,' before they were all fleeing.

Bucky stayed where he stood in the shadows, his eyes no longer on the retreating figures of the bullies but instead on the motionless figure that was sprawled on the floor. He could see a brown mop of curls sat on his head, a large hoodie covering his body with a pair of jeans on. He could make out the blood that was dripping onto the concrete and he felt his heart clench at the sight, he wasn't one for sympathy, but something about the boy made Bucky feel more protective then he has ever felt.

Maybe just as much as he had been with Steve pre-serum.

His eyes moved from the figure to the surroundings, and he saw no one there, so decided to go and help him. He knew it might be a bad idea, but it didn't feel right leaving the boy on the ground alone bleeding when he could do something to help. He knew he was unconscious as well, and he couldn't shake the bad feeling that if he were to leave him something even worse could happen to him.

With his mind set, he moved out from the shadows, his eyes sharp and his senses taking in everything around him, making sure he won't be seen.

He reached the figure and bent down, a frown pulling at his lips as he looked more closely at the boy. He couldn't be older then fifteen, maybe thirteen or fourteen. Carefully he moved him from laying on his side to his back in order to get a better look at the kid.

If you were to listen closely, you would be able to hear the small gasp that fell from Buckys lips at the sight he was met with.

The boys nose was obviously broken, his nose sat at an odd angle with blood flowing freely from both nostrils and a cut along the bridge of his nose. His lip was split badly, the blood joining with the blood from his nose and falling down his chin and dripping to the floor below. A dark bruise was already forming on his cheek and under his eye, making Buckys blood boil.

Carefully, he lifted the boys shirt and gasped at the black and blue stomach and torso he is met with. Part of his mind tells him this isn't just from now and he wonders briefly if it's from the same bullies or someone else.

Bucky knew he needed to move the kid before someone came through and saw, they would probably think it was him, and let's not forget that he's also a war criminal right now. With that in mind he carefully placed an arm under the boys legs, while his other arm goes under his shoulders, before he lifted him up, his head resting against his shoulder.

He frowned inwardly to himself as he carried the boy inside, feeling how light he was. He knew with his super strength that the kid would be light, but this- this was too light even with his strength, it made Bucky begin to wonder if the kid had eaten recently.

Once inside Bucky moves over to the sofa before placing him carefully down there. The kid was still out cold, and Bucky couldn't help but feel a little worried about that. Shouldn't people wake up within like a minute tops.

After placing the boy down he moves over to where he put some medical supplies, he didn't think he would be using them so soon, but he was silently grateful that he had some to help the kid. Bucky was shocked by his own actions, he wasn't one to really help people, but something about the kid reminds him a lot of Steve and there's something Bucky can't place yet that makes him think he needs help.

Grabbing some bandages, gauze, butterfly strips and some rubbing alcohol he moves back over to where the motionless figure lays.

Carefully, he pours some alcohol onto the gauze before wiping away the blood from the boys face and cleaning all the cuts. The boy flinches slightly at the contact and Bucky brushes it off, thinking it's probably from the pain.

After wiping up all the blood and cleaning the cuts he carefully applies butterfly strips to the cut on his lip and nose. His hands suprisingly gentle when one of his hands were metal.

He looks at the boy again, seeing him still out cold and decides to set his nose to save him the pain of having to do it when he was awake. He also decides to wait to wrap his ribs, knowing it would be best to do it when the boy was awake.

"Sorry if this hurts kid," Bucky whispers, his hands forming a 'v' shape around his nose before pushing it back into place. The boy winced under him and moved a little, but still not fully awake.

Bucky himself flinched a little, not liking having to hurt the kid, but knew it needed to be set. He grabs a small band-aid over it to keep it in place for the time being. He stepped back after that and placed a blanket over the kid before moving backwards away from him and sitting on another chair, deciding to wait until he work up.


To say Peter was in pain was an understatement, his head throbbed in pain, more specifically his nose. Every breath, albeit small, hurt so much he wondered if it would be better for him to just stop trying to breath at all.

The next thing he noticed was the fact that he was actually comfortable, if the pain wasn't there he would say it was actually very nice. But that confused Peter, because last time he had checked, he was laying on a cold, hard, concrete floor with Flash and his friends all around him, beating the crap out of him.

Why had they stopped- the voice.

There was a voice who had stopped them, he could remember the mans voice echoing through the alley before he couldn't hold onto consciousness anymore. Did the man help him, if he did, where did he take him.

Wait a second, a random man saved him and now he's somewhere different.

His eyes snap open, although his eyes aren't focused very well as he shakily pulls himself into a sitting position, the blanket that once resided over him pools down around his waist. He can feel bandages on his face and knows the person had helped him.

Blinking his eyes rapidly he takes in everything around him, he's laying on a sofa, that looks to be in an abandoned shop of sorts. There are some shelves in the corner, a door leading somewhere else- probably the actual shop- while this seems to be the back office of it all.

His eyes stop as he sees a man staring at him from a little aways from him, his blue eyes a little cold, but Peter can make out the small amount of worry shining through them. The man has brown hair that falls to his chin. His face holds no expression, but Peter thinks if he were to look hard enough, he would be able to find one.

Bucky looked at the boy, keeping his expression at least non-threatening, but not allowing any portray of emotion to be shown on his face. Bucky looked closer now at the boy, he could clearly see the fear in his eyes, even when he was just waking up, his brown- some may call puppy eyes looked sadder then they should and it made Bucky worry on the inside, although he made sure to keep it to himself.

To Peter, something about the man rings a bell, but Peter can't quiet place it. That is until his eyes trail fully over the man and his breath stops in his throat when he sees the metal arm shining in the dim lights.

Oh shit.

The Winter Soldier, AKA Bucky Barnes, also now known as a war criminal.

"Oh no, no, no," Peter mumbled to himself staggering to his feet rather ungracefully. His legs shook beneath him as his head span wildly. The floor was suddenly closer to him but before he could hit the floor arms were holding him steady.

Bucky watched as the young boy freaked out and jumped to his feet, swaying from side to side. Before he really registered what he was doing himself, he jumped to his feet and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders to keep him upright.

Peter froze at the contact, flinching away from the touch, his mind reeling as he remembered what had happened just this morning.

"Calm down kid, I'm not going to hurt you," Bucky mumbled, feeling the kid tense under his grip.

Peter shakily nodded, not trusting himself to speak just yet. Bucky helped him to sit back down and removed his hands while taking a step back. "What's your name kid, I'm Bucky?"

Peter didn't reply for a moment, thinking carefully about what he could say. Sure, he said he wouldn't hurt him, and from what Peter can tell, he was the one who stopped Flash and his friends and helped him.

But this was The Winter bloody Soldier. Also known as Bucky Barnes.

Screw it, not like I have all that much to lose.

"Pe-Peter Parker," I stuttered, my eyes downcast.

"Nice to meet you Peter. How do you feel?" Bucky grunted, Peter could guess that he wasn't really use to being nice, or at least interacting with many people in a civilised manner.

Bucky watched the boy- now known as Peter, fiddle with his sleeves. Something about him to Bucky made him worried for him, the way Peter kept his eyes from looking directly at Bucky, and how he stiffened under his grip. But Bucky brushed it off, thinking he's just scared because of who he is.

"I-I'm okay, thank you for helping," Peter whispered, chancing fait by looking up at Bucky. Peter was shocked that the soldier was already watching him with something like, protection? In his eyes. No that's not- that's not right, why would he feel protective of someone he had just met, and Peter as it was.

He was also shocked that the man didn't get angry at him for looking at him, whenever he made eye contact with May, she would always hit him- as long as Ben wasn't around, and it was the same for Flash. So why was Mr Barnes, someone who was known as an assassin, not be the same.

Bucky could see the hesitation in Peters eyes and the fear that was settled bone deep within them. It was like although he was scared of Bucky himself, there was something else there, something much more.

He was about to say something when Peter spoke, "th-thank you for helping me. But- but why did you. It's just- it's just I know who you are, and well- I think I know what- what happened and I don't understand why you would help- help me," Peter was silently scolding himself for stuttering so much.

Bucky tilted his head slightly, although he made sure to keep his face wiped of emotion, but inside he was frowning slightly.

"Why wouldn't I help you?" Bucky asks carefully, wanting to know more about why he would think Bucky wouldn't help him.

Peter took a shaky breath, leaning back a little more on the sofa, one hand curling around his stomach while his other hand fiddles with the end of his sleeve. He glances quickly up at Bucky, seeing him still looking at Peter with an impassive look.

He looks down again before replying, making sure to talk slower in order for him not to stutter.

"It's just, I know if someone were to see you, you'd be in trouble. And I don't- I don't know what happened, but I know it must be serious. And I just don't understand why you would want to help me and risk being caught. No one- no one would ever want to help me, no one ever has. You don't- you don't even know me," Peter explains, blinking away tears as he does so.

Buckys eyes hardened at what Peter had said. Why would no one want to help him with something like that. Even though he could see why he might think he won't help him, he couldn't push away the thoughts that maybe no one had even tried to help Peter before, much like he had said before.

"You were in trouble and I could help. I didn't let them see me though, but I couldn't leave knowing you were in trouble. You remind me a lot of Steve, Captain America, before he had the serum," Bucky explained, a small shrug of his shoulder accompanying him.

Peter froze for a moment, he knew for a fact that Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers were like brothers, it was something he had learnt in his history class when they were learning about the two. And the fact that he had said he reminded him of Steve, well it made Peter feel odd. He also felt underserving of that, even if it was pre-serum Steve Rogers.

A warm feeling had also settled within him, the amount of people who had seen him in those situations and could have easily helped but never did settled in his mind. And yet, finally someone had helped him.

"I don't- I don't really think I'm like Mr Rogers," Peter mumbles quietly, making Bucky tilt his head again in question. "Why?" He asked.

Sighing Peter says, "well- well Mr Rogers before the serum was still really brave. And he- he always tried to help people, and I heard about that- that time he jumped on the grenade."

Bucky can't help the small growl that left his lips, startling Peter so bad that he moved back slightly in fear, his eyes flicking to the exit. Bucky noticed this and narrowed his eyes a little, but he once again brushed it off, it might just be because of who he is that made him do that.

After regaining his composure Bucky lightly shook his head, "you might not think it yourself. But I do see a lot of him in you, you can't argue with me on that one either. I just don't think you quiet know it yet how similar you are."

Peter stays silent for a moment, thinking about it for a moment before shrugging slightly, not wanting to argue with him and be hurt for it.

"Listen, Peter, is it okay if I wrap your chest now. I fixed up the rest of you, but I thought it would be a good idea to wait till you were conscious to wrap them," Bucky explained, standing up and heading to the med kit he had got out.

Peter stilled slightly, thinking about all the bruises that he probably had already from his aunt. If Mr Barnes had seen them, then he could be screwed.

'Tell anyone Peter, and I will kill you,' his aunts words echoed in his mind.

"Um, no, it's- it's okay Mr Barns, they really aren't that bad," Peter whispered, trying not to let on that he was lying.

Bucky turned around with the bandages in his hand, "kid, call me Bucky. And I saw them, they were really bad, like they were bruised even before those kids beat you up," Bucky replies.

Peter feels his breath stutter in his lungs as he froze, his mind screaming at him to run and never look back. Bucky cannot know about any of this, who knows what would happen and what May would do if she found out.

'I will kill you.'

"Was it bullies?" Bucky asks, coming closer to Peter, but exaggerating his movements in order to not scare the kid.

Peter nods quickly, a small sigh of relief falling from his lips, "yeah. Yeah, it- it was bullies."

Bucky can tell he's lying, but he doesn't push the kid, he can see the fear on his face and doesn't want to cause anymore trouble for the kid.

"I'll tell you what, if you let me wrap your chest, I'll tell you what really happened with the avengers," Bucky voices, shocking even himself. But part of him wants to tell someone and have them know the truth, and he doesn't want Peter to be scared of him. The kid looks like he's been scared most of his life, he doesn't want to be added to the list, God knows he's already on enough peoples lists.

Peter gives him a look, as if wondering why he would do that but nods. Peter does want to know what actually happened. "Okay, thank you," Peter utters, his voice quiet.

Bucky moves to stand in front of him and kneels down beside Peter. Peter lifts his hoodie letting the soldier begin to slowly wrap his ribs. Peter couldn't help the flinch when his hands touched him, but he made sure to stay still.

"You might know about the UN explosion that killed the king of Wakanda, T'Chaka. I was framed by someone called Zemo, he was fascinated with HYDRA and wanted control of me. There were also the accords that Steve didn't want to sign because he said how it was like putting a leash on us; which I do agree is true," Bucky explained, pulling the bandages around Peters middle.

Peter stayed silent, listening to the man talk, he could hear the sadness and regret in his voice, and it made him wonder how much the man had really been through.

"Anyway, Tony had signed it along with a few others. But because we didn't, it caused a lot of issues. We got into a lot of arguments and ended up fighting at this airport. It didn't end very well, Colonel Rhodes fell from the sky and broke his spine and got paralyzed from the legs down," Bucky pauses, taking a small breath.

"We then went to a- a HYDRA base in Siberia. There was a file there, it was- it was me as The Winter Soldier, killing Tony's parents. Tony he got- he got rightfully angry and tried to kill me. But Steve wouldn't let him, I tried to get out but he wouldn't let me. My arm was destroyed, but I was happy about that, I hated the reminder of HYDRA that it gave me.

But we messed up, we shouldn't have been fighting. At least not Steve and Tony, they were family you know, before I came along at least. I was out of the fight when my arm was off, and Steve- well Steve needed to stop Tony from killing me. He pushed his shield into Tony's reactor and we left. I just really wish we hadn't have left you know, Tony could've died alone out there and he didn't deserve to." Bucky stopped, taking a shuddering breath and Peter was about to tell him he didn't have to keep going as he had finished on his ribs, but before he could, Bucky continued.

"We went to Wakanda, we had explained that I was set up by Zemo and they were willing to help. The princess there was able to help me wipe the mind control, and the- the trigger words. They made me a new arm as well, and then we left to come here. We have a hideout around here and we're going to try fix the mess we caused. I just- I wish things were different you know, I never meant for any of this to happen," Bucky trailed off at the end, his eyes sad and hollow.

Peter frowned deeply, his mind fighting an internal battle. On one hand he could understand Tony's anger and hate towards Bucky. But he could also see how much pain Bucky was in and just how sad he was.

"It wasn't your fault Bucky," Peter states, his voice echoing in the silent room.

Bucky looks to Peter, realising his eyes had drifted to the floor. He was shocked to see the kid looking at him with determination in his eyes, he would barley even look at Bucky without cowering away.

"You sure about that?" Bucky asks, his tone light, but Peter knew he was serious about the question.

Peter nods and hums, "I am. I don't think Mr Starks anger was in the wrong, but I know it wasn't your fault. You couldn't stop it from happening so how can you be blamed. Sure, it might have been you, but it wasn't the real you. The real you is Bucky Barns, the other you is The Winter Soldier. The fact that you regret what happened both back then and because of what happened shows that you do care. You're all in the wrong somehow, but that doesn't mean it was all you Bucky."

Bucky can't help but look at Peter in shock, he didn't stutter once when he was speaking and he kept eye contact with him through it all. Most people wouldn't dream of doing that as they usually get intimidated even by his resting face.

Before Bucky couldn't say anything though, recognition showed on Peters face as his eyes widened. "But um, I could- I could be wr-wrong. I-I'm sorry," Peter stumbles out, realising he had just said that all out loud and Bucky could get angry.

Bucky sends a small smile his way, wanting the kid to calm down. "Calm down okay, and I'm going to listen to what you said. I hope you're right. But I'll- I'll make it right."

Peter nods and looks down a little.

"You hungry kid?" Bucky asks, having noticed how skinny and light the kid is, both while lifting him and wrapping his ribs.

As if on que, Peter's stomach rumbled loudly and he looked down, blushing brightly. "Um, yeah, a little," Peter squeaks.

Bucky snorts a quiet laugh and stands up, walking over to where all his food is. He picks up two sandwiches and two packets of crisps with bottles of water before walking back over and handing one of each to Peter.

"Is that okay?" Bucky asks, wanting to make sure Peter actually likes it.

Peter looked at it with wide eyes, people were never this nice to him. Like ever.

"Thank you," Peter whispered, not really seeming to have heard Buckys earlier question.

Bucky smiled and sat on the sofa beside the kid, but made sure to keep his distance. Honestly, Bucky was starting to see Peter, even though he had only known him an hour, two maximum, like a brother.

Peter himself was feeling all kinds of emotions while he ate his sandwich. He had thought Bucky wouldn't be very nice, and yet he was one of the nicest people he had ever met. He could safely say, he actually liked being here. Peter could be wrong, but he felt like this is what having a brother is like.

Peter sighed once he had finished his food, he knew he would need to go soon otherwise May might get even angrier. And he wanted to see his Uncle as well.

"Do you need to go?" Bucky asks, noticing the change in how he sat.

Peter nods, albeit sadly while saying, "yeah. Thank you though Bucky, for everything."

He stands up, with Bucky following quickly and nodding, "of course Peter. And- well if you ever need somewhere safe to go, or want some peace. Or to talk, come here okay, there will always be food here, and blankets and such. I might not be here, but I normally come here everyday," Bucky speaks, deciding to let Peter come back.

He knew he might need somewhere to go at some point, whether it from bullies, or something else, or just to see and talk to him again, but he wanted to make sure Peter knew.

Peter felt warmth bloom in his chest as he smiled at Bucky, feeling more and more grateful every second he was here.

"Thank you Bucky, really," Peter exclaimed.

Bucky sent him another small smile, shocking himself for showing so much emotion within such a short amount of time, but not hating it. "Of course kid, stay safe, and, don't tell anyone I'm here," Bucky replied.

Peter nodded saying, "I won't. I promise," before walking out and heading back to his personal Hell.

'Stay safe,' the words echoed in his head like something sour, somehow he doubted he would be safe for very long with where he was going. 




A/N- Thoughts so far? I really like this chapter to be honest

4.7k words

- Bear xx

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