BBDN taelice Adaptation (taeh...

By noone27301

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Novel Adaptation Offline reading purpose only CREDIT to Author Gui Shuang 诡霜 Life is just like a tragic comed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38 finale

Chapter 15

223 8 7
By noone27301

Early morning, I feel bewildered, a warm soft strip objects filled with moist liquid grazed over my cheeks, I rub and set up. I saw a huge dog near my head and softly whimper, a pair of vivid black eyes full of grievances. I blankly look around the place, accidentally knocked down a glass bottle. That bottle ‘gulu, gulu’ rolled over the floor and hit a bunch of cans.

I have a bad headache just like is going to split open, but I still strive for reality and previous conduct. After a reasonable of reorganise and reasoning, the results came to be a stunning conclusion – I had only wore an unknown big t-shirt don’t know from where and I woke up on Taehyung’s house floor!

‘Come here, Yeontan.’

I looked up, saw Taehyung wearing a white home clothes, leisurely sitting on the sofa not far away. That dog called yeontan, gladly and diligently run over, lying on his feet and wagging his tail. Taehyung scratch the dog’s ears, hear the dog sending out a comfortable hum hum groan sound, smiled with satisfaction, looked up and said to me ‘Awake? Want a fruit juice?’

I carefully cover with the bedsheet, I hesitate to ask ‘I…. yesterday, what did I do?’

Yes, I never worry about where I woke up, don’t care whether at dormitory’s corridor, Taehyung’s living room or Sahara desert, it doesn’t matter to me, but I only worry about what I do before I fell asleep.

‘You searched all my wardrobe, bookcase, bar and shoe cabinet, and then discerning in my liquor cabinet to find a bottle of the most vintage red wine.

‘I drink it?’ I feel grieved to see that beautiful empty bottle at the distance.

‘More or less, the remaining half you feed yeontan.’

The dog looked at me with a hidden bitterness expression from the distance.

I learned its hidden bitterness expression and look at Taehyung ‘Then why do I sleep on the floor? You should put me on the bed.’

‘I tried to get you into the bed, in the end you rush down and vomited 5 times, in addition during my fifth attempt… you bite me. But I do lay out mattress and cover you with a blanket ah.

‘What about…. my clothes on my body….’ I grab a handful of my hair, attempt to cover myself face that unable to meet with people’s face.

Hey! This is the magical part! You are so intoxicated but surprisingly you still can go through my wardrobe to pull out a clothes and wash yourself clean….’ Taehyung again and again feel amazed.

Exhale, lucky did not lose my chastity.

‘When taking bath that time, you still can sing at the bathroom <<hey swish swish>>!’

I “whoosh” leap up and rushed to the front of the TV.

Saying all these words is not the main point, the main point is, I have been vaguely remembered that behind this serious of absurdity conceal an awful action.

Taehyung moves faster than me, he rushed one step ahead of me, grab the DVD player and lift high up above his head.

‘Give me!’ I tried to reach out but helplessly Taehyung is much taller than me.

‘Hurry up! Give it back to me!’ I shouted.

Taehyung did not say anything, but his eyes lightly cast down a glance for a while. I immediately realised myself….. wear too little. Right away I blush, withdraw back to the temporary bed and cover myself with the blanket.

‘You have seen it?’ I hugged my leg and sadly asked.

‘Yes ah, Lalisa under the influence of alcohol becoming a diva ‘<<hey swish swish>>’ to fight off tough competition with love rival!

Tragedy, tragedy. I cried, Jisoo ah, why didn’t you hide your thing a little bit more conceal ah, why in normal times by every possible means I can’t find thing, but when I got drunk I can easily found it!

Christmas day ah, Christmas day, I, Lalisa Manoban absolutely irreconcilable with you!

‘Rest assured, your secret is safe with me here.’

I saw Taehyung holding the record of my “brilliant moment” that CD was lock up in his safe deposit box. I await to ask ‘Can you forget about this event?’

Taehyung said ‘What a joke! Such an interesting thing, even if I’m dead, I will still want to seize it out from the King of Hell’s palace hall, share the laughter with all the little demons.’

I lowered my head with full of frustration. See, this is my Christmas day, first year experience tragedy, second year tragedy gave birth to a child and now tragedy turn into double!

Taehyung prepared a table full of lavish breakfast: coffee, milk, eggs and toast. But I have no appetite due to handovers and upset.

‘At least eat a bit, otherwise during shopping no foods ah.’

I give him a puzzled look ‘Shopping? What shopping?

Taehyung pointed to the entrance door where a pile of my clothes and said ‘Do you think you can wear those dress out?’

From underwear to outerwear, all have been contaminated with beer, white and red wine. All kinds of alcoholic beverages have been passed through my stomach and reversed out through my oesophagus, the substance things – en, commonly explain was my vomit.

‘Oh, no need, I just return home and change to a new set will do. Anyhow in a while I still need to go back to work.’

‘Do you think you can go to work in this state of mind?’

‘Than, what is the solution? Kim Namjoon dislike the most when subordinate request for leave of absence. If used his word will be something like this “If you have cancer died tomorrow, today you need to restrain your cancer cells, take a sit and finish up your work!”

‘Namjoon had said this? It seem I will have to give him a raise. But today an exceptional, this time will deduct from your annual leave, I…… also take this as an opportunity to use your annual leave.’

I dispiritedly look at him, Taehyung treat me so kindness, just like I treat him so kindness, always make me think there are other attempts that contain evil intentions. But this time, I really don’t have the strength to battle of wits with him.

‘You don’t look at me like this, I don’t have any evil intention. That is exactly what I think, it is essential for me to express my gratitude. Very soon New Year’s reception party will be held, can you afford an evening dress?’

Every year end, AC will hold a famous New Year’s reception. In the New Year’s reception, each division leader will make a brief annual summary of the success and failure of the company, at the same time sharing the upcoming future plan. AC wishes all employees good wishes and during the reception, AC will honour and award the best employee of the year according to the class. Therefore New Year reception are AC employees most anticipated festival after one year of hard work. The only requirement of this gathering is must wear an evening dress to attend.

As an impoverished with heaps of foreign debt, me the free labour Lalisa Manoban….. I plan to steal one dress from Jisoo. To display my wisdom among the people by doing some parody just to deal with the pass.

Taehyung, you are timely rain, but I’m afraid at the end you will turned into acidic rain.

When becoming a boss too long, the biggest problem is too fond to act on one’s own initiative.

After eating breakfast, Taehyung and I passed like thunder, moved like the wind, rush toward the traffic jam and we reached to a local high-end shopping mall.

‘Go ba, pick the one that you like.’ Taehyung sat on the sofa and told me. In between of my absent-minded, I seem to see – an old farmer waving the whip and shouting toward the field full of ducks ‘Go ba, if you don’t gnaw our neighbour Wang Jia’s paddy field you are not allow to return home.’

I wandered around the clothes’ rack and the Ms Shop Assistant raise her head and laughing up her sleeve. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror, my whole body was covered with Taehyung’s sweater, Taehyung’s pants and Taehyung’s jacket….. the whole person look like one shrunk little old man. Forget it, unable to consider so much, quickly pick one dress and go.

‘Here, this one.’ I’m looking for something similar, once done look for someone to settle the bill.

Taehyung came over and looked at the clothes, despise and said ‘My mom will also not wear such an old fashion style clothes.’

Ah! Old ah! What about this one? I have headache only think to get it done as quick as possible, hence without any trouble just simply pick one up from the side of the rack and ask.

‘No, khaki colour make you look like potato.’

‘Oh, what about red colour? I look good in red.’

‘When was the last time you dressed in red?’

‘I think, ah…., ah…., it doesn’t ring a bell, maybe before elementary school.’ I silently put back the red skirt, ‘I understand what you mean.’

‘What about this?’

‘Not good.’

‘This one?’


‘With lace?’

‘Are you my nanny?’


‘Kim Taehyung, you are more troublesome than a housewife! No matter what, this is the one, today you must agree, don’t agree also must agree!’ Being deny for countless time I eventually blow up.

Ms Shop Assistant unable to hold back, it seem like she has endure it for a long time and finally unable to bear it ‘Miss, you are holding a top hat……..’

Taehyung smiled and took me to the sofa and he personally went. I closed my eye to withstand my headache. In a moment, Taehyung passed me a dress, ‘You go and try it out.’

When I came out from the fitting room, well, I have to admit, Taehyung that kind of expression can be called “stunning expression” I feel so good. ‘But why, the style so heavy?

I found out the truth from the mirror. As a result I feel a bit dizzy and somehow facing some standing instability, so I reach out and hold on to the fitting room’s door and my body slightly lean against it. Just such a simple action plus this dress, unexpectedly the silk harmonize with windblown dust atmosphere, without delay I behaved well and stand properly, waiting for President to inspect and affix a seal for approval.

Taehyung somehow regain back himself and drawback his expression, he coughed out to hide his embarrassment. He was satisfied with what I wore but once he saw my foot, his expression become motionless.

‘Lalisa Manoban, why you always wear sneakers?’

‘During adultery can run fast.’ I laugh happily and said.

Luckily before Taehyung turn hostile, Ms Shop Assistant attentively bought a pair of matching high heels.

I admit, Taehyung indeed has better taste, knowledge and experience, compare to me this bottomless small frog.

The girl in the mirror wore a dark green silk tube top mini dress, the length of the dress was more than an inch above the knee, the waistline was perfectly right, both show a beautiful fine curved line of the back and yet it doesn’t lose the sweet, fresh and pure look, at the left side of the chest a flower pattern was inlay into the dress to weakened the unsubtle and to manifest the moderate elegance. A pair of silver stilettos heels, make the entire person to look fine and exquisite.

I looked at myself in the mirror, just like I broke though the cocoon and became a butterfly, the first time under the sunshine it discovered itself with such a beautiful wings, and it can be so graceful.

Taehyung took the crystal necklace from the sales lady’s hand, gently worn on my neck, and then quietly stood by my side, the eyes fill with tender, together with me looking at the mirror that familiar but unfamiliar young lady.

That moment, I suddenly thought, if it is possible…….. let’s stand side by side, until the end of time……

Every New Year’s Eve, AC New Year Reception will be held at the top floor of Rong Shi Hua main hall, 360 degree ring-shaped starlight ballroom.

Those invited guests by the employees have shown up together with their partners and those who doesn’t have are holding their colleagues’ arm. But me, I was holding a huge Fengyang* flower-drum appear.

*Fèng yáng is a county in Chuzhou.

‘Aiya, Lalisa, thank you. I was so busy here scoring can’t even split myself, thanks to you.’ At that time when I was dressing up as a sausage, Dara big sister and I have a deep bond affection, all I can do was helping to bring one decoration drum that had been left behind in the office.

‘You’re most welcome, if nothing than I will go first.’

Dara big sister was so grateful and bid me good bye. Once I turn around I saw everyone was engrossed into the preparation of the final task before the opening of the cocktail reception and I was running toward Bambam’s car at the car park to change my shoes.

When I was rushing toward the Mini Polo, one silver-grey commercial van with astonishing speed from the outside rush in. I slant to the front not far from the parking space of an emergency stop and stayed. Just when I was feeling regretful toward this excellent driver skill, Taehyung jumped out from the car, stopped in front of me and said ‘Stop, let me see.’

I obediently stood still, allow this medicine madman to see the whole body of the beautiful corpse that his eyes was lingering on, when he saw the skirt, he frowned.

I looked down, at once reach out with one’s hand to calm him down, the reason was because of the crease mark from the drum when I was holding it ‘Is all right, just pull and stretch will do, you see everything will be good.’

Taehyung’s eyes moved toward my feet, then he went crazy. ‘Lalisa Manoban! That sneakers! That sneaker of your, what is this! I remember going to work must also dress formally? When you dress formally did you wear sneakers?!’

‘No, no,’ I hastily explained, ‘when I was helping to move things, I changed the shoes. Ladies wearing high heels are inconvenient.’

‘Then it seem to be you? Ladies are inconvenience then what about gentlemen!’

He reminded me, then I discovered, at that moment when I was energetically holding the one man tall drum sweep past a numerous of AC gentlemen, actually no one is willing to lend a helping hand! These peoples, not only don’t have human nature, even the opposite sex also don’t have!

In order to settle Taehyung unfathomable mystery towards the sneakers hatred, I hurriedly get into the car and changed the shoes. Taehyung has standing at the side of the door without having the intention of leaving.

‘Why are you not leaving? Upstairs is waiting for your opening.’ I stepped out from the car and the result of my first step I twisted my ankle.

Taehyung quickly reached out and hold on to me, his face expression was like ‘I know you can’t do it’ that kind of expression.

‘I’m fine, I can handle myself.’ I used the car door to support, ‘once I get used to it will be fine, isn’t last time I used to wear this before.’

At this moment, one taxi slowly drive in, Chae came out from the taxi. I saw my savoir and generally shouted ‘Chae! Come over and give me a hand!’

‘See how your breath indicate, change a pair of shoe make your feet seem like not your own.’ Chae said.

Taehyung saw someone was coming therefore release me ‘Chae, then trouble you to help me to support and hold this hopeless idiot to go upstairs.’ Once he finished saying, he turned and walk away.

As a result, a moment ago wearing 10 cm stiletto who rush over the Chae student also need to hold onto the door for support ‘Oh god, Lalisa, President actually called me Chae, call me Chae ah!’

‘So what, he called me hopeless idiot too!’ Isn’t wearing high heel ma, is not a written programme code, need to look down upon me ma.’ I mumble to myself.

The cocktail reception will start at 5:30pm.

Personnel Manager, Lao Wu is the MC of the night. The theme for this year reception is ‘home’. Fat Lao Wu indeed give people one kind of warmth not a serious elder feel. Several Senior Managements started the event with a different style wishing everyone in AC a blessing New Year, then it was Taehyung turn to make a speech.

Taehyung walked toward the stage, wait for the applause to calm down, smiled and said ‘Ladies and gentlemen…….’

During winter, the colour of the sky turn dark very earlier. The 360 degree of the entire open horizon of Starlight ballroom allow us to see the underfoot of the city, the bright neon lights and a clear ink blue sky of winter night.

Taehyung place a graceful smile, like a powerful king, vast sky below, *handling a butcher’s cleaver with ease, to drive the wave of deceitful and turbulent changes in the business kingdom.

handling a butcher’s cleaver with ease (idiom); to do something skilfully and easily.
Glory, pride, wisdom, calm….

I think at this moment my mood can sum up to be proud for AC and also because of Taehyung……

Once again I think ‘Humph, wait for the day when I become rich, I must buy this kind of horizon open space house and then put one Taehyung in the middle, drinking wine…… seeing him roar!

My wild imagination has been interrupted by Chae because Taehyung has ended his speech. The following is the time to present several of awards. Chae was so excited and nervous, she grip me and said with an exciting tone ‘I wish it has me ah.’

‘Me too!’ I said.

Chae turn around and glare at me ‘You better don’t hope for it.’

‘Think also cannot ah!’

‘You better think about how to settle the debt, it is more realistic’ she *pour cold water on me.

*to pour cold water on; fig. to dampen one’s enthusiasm.

As the result for this year, Mia from Marketing Department has won the Outstanding Newcomer award and Kim Namjoon has been voted the Outstanding Department Manager. In addition to these very serious awards, unexpectedly there is also the most funny, the most poisonous tongue, the most *mēn sāo employee award and a series of jokes rather than awards. Namjoon won the most Facial Paralysis Leader award, in the award-wining speech he actually make a tongue out, grip ear and cross-eyes comic face. To irritate, one by one from Legal Department shouted “If I had known earlier, I would have offered boss an award.’ For the most Unfortunate Employee award, the flowers fall to one of the Finance Department newcomer’s hand.

*mēn sāo: (coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside.

I was stupefied ‘How come there is such award? Why offer to her ah. If there is, it ought to be me ah!’ Yes ah, the first year of entry, who can be more unlucky than me.

Chae said ‘This baby made the same basic mistake like you, in the middle of checking the wages she calculated extra amount to a certain Senior Management. Fear of being discover and get fired, she used her poor salary to subsidies to the Senior Management. The extra money from his salary simply can’t attract his attention, plus the wage card was not control by him. Therefore by the time incident has exposed, this poor baby has been eating 3 months steamed corn bread in the basement and planing to sell blood.’

‘……’ I was speechless, doesn’t know what to say, in this world unexpectedly do have such a magical creatures!

‘Look at you, doesn’t even earn money but have food, have drink, have house to live and a car to sit. Furthermore new dress to wear and you have President as your dependable. So, who is more unlucky?’

I was speechless for a long time ‘What do you mean President as my dependable?!’

Chae gave me a facial expression of ‘already know the answer why ask the question’ that look.

When I was trying to argue, it has been interrupted by Yoona.

Yoona looked at me with a smile and said ‘Hi, Lalisa, tonight you look very beautiful.’

‘No, Yoona you’re prettier,’ I sincerely said.

Tonight Yoona wore a long white drag skirt, only her tall and slim figure has the ability to showcase this kind of graceful style. She didn’t even look like attending a cocktail reception, more like a beautiful bride getting married.

Yoona did not speak, after a while Yoona gently ask ‘Tonight, Who do you think will be awarded as AC Star?’

AC Star is the most brilliant of all the awards, and the most important one. Every year, Senior Executive will conduct a full assessment of all the best employees, from there they will vote the most optimum performance to receive the award. The winner will receive a certain amount of cash, an opportunity to pursue study, as well as receive a precious crystal trophy with the winner’s name engraved on it. The most important is, this award means recognition of the authority of the winner, in the future, no matter it is a promotion or a job-hopping this will added merit into the CV. It can be said, AC Star lead to a glorious future path.

‘I don’t know. Whoever obtain it will be good ah.’ I tell the truth.

Yoona glance at me and did not speak anymore.

At this moment, the light suddenly turn dim and the surrounding suddenly become silence. Taehyung received an envelope from Lao Wu’s hand, on the stage, standing in the spotlight, he look like announcing an Oscar and purposely act mysteriously and said ‘The AC Star goes to…..’ he opens the envelope, deliberately prolong the tone ‘….. Taeyon, Assistant to the President.

Applause everywhere, Taeyon stepped forward and took the trophy from Taehyung’s hand with a faint smile. Her award-wining speech is nothing special, just thanked all the peoples who helped her. She went down the stage, her black dress just like her, concise, tough and frank.

I clapped hard from below, I feel so happy for Taeyon. After all I have been working with Taeyon for some time.

‘Are you really happy she won the award?’ Yoona asked, with a hint of coldness in her voice.

I don’t understand her meaning, think for a while and finally said ‘Yes ah, after all Taeyon work from the bottom and achieve such accomplishment is not easy.’

‘In AC, who is easy?’ Yoona said. She looked tranquil and calm, her voice become alienated, ‘Lisa, sometimes I really envy your simplicity.’ After she finished speaking, she drained the glass of wine in one gulp and turned around to leave.

I froze at the current place and then look at her arrogance back view and softly sigh. Yes de, I’m pure, but simplicity doesn’t mean that I can’t see the darkness, even within the most darkness I can seek a sheer of brightness.

The air is infused with the sweet fragrant of the wine, but in my heart there is something begin to rot. Next, I started to wander around doing nothing, with familiar people I talk, unfamiliar people I answer, see high level shareholders all over the place socialising and at the same time remind myself not to drink too much. In the end what you fear will come upon you, Bambam was holding a glass of wine and came toward me ‘Lisa, let’s drink.’

I was busy declining ‘I can’t…. how about I use water to substitute wine to cheer with you.’

‘How can ne, article #1 in law of beauty is: super-massive volume. You say ah, both of us join the company together and also in the same department, can’t we have a drink for our friendship? Let’s do it this way, I have 3 glasses and you have 1. I wish you getting more and more pretty and your career getting more and more glorious.’ Once he finished saying, he pick up 3 glasses of wine from the table and bottoms up.

Seem it was like this, I can’t refused, can only pick up the wine and drain in one gulp. In my heart I can only console myself one glass is nothing, is going to be fine.

Bambam saw I drink, we chat for a while and he left.

In a moment, the Unfortunate Employee who won the award found me and said ‘*we are two people stranded together from the far corners of the realm, share the bitterness and hardship. Come, let’s drink, I have 3 glasses and you have 1. Hope the coming year, our extreme sorrow turns to joy and full of fortune.’ Thus I have no choice but to drink a glass. When half of the company peoples are looking for me ‘I have 3 glasses and you have 1’, I begin to wonder, when is this Western wine party become Chinese-like, seems like without getting drunk you can’t go home ah. Finally, even Namjoon was holding a glass to cheers with me ‘I have 3 glasses and you have 1’. Later I have come to my senses. Sure enough, alcohol makes people sluggish, a lot of alcohol makes people brainless!

*Literally – We are two people stranded together from the far corners of the realm. Proverb: Those who have the same misfortune sympathize with each other.

I drag to be alive, Chae who bounced over also wanted me to drink with her. My enunciation is getting a bit vague ‘Chae, are you my friend, if you are my friend tell me what is going on!’

Chae extended her fingers and flash in front of my eyes ‘How many?’

With a great effort I opened my eyes to stay focused, reached out to grasp her hand ‘Stop it, quickly say it.’

‘Hey, anyhow you also almost, no different if you accept one more glass. Let me tell you the true, actually it was nothing, President told us when you get high you are quite fun to play with, so that is the reason why we all wanted to see the fun.’

I feel grief, Taehyung ah, Taehyung, do I look like the monkey in the zoo?’ You have enough experience, yet you still want to organise a tour group! I angrily push away Chae and quickly run toward the washroom. Suddenly my body has excess of water, even if I don’t throw up, it still need to circulate.

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