Chapter 4

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Around 15 minutes, Taehyung came in and start the meeting.

The afternoon meeting didn’t go very well. Black face Taehyung, mercilessly rejected several proposals. He unkindly criticized a few Department Heads. Everyone could feel that he is abnormal. They were praying hard for the meeting to be over. Taehyung has dragged the meeting for full 4 hours. This never had happened under Taehyung simplicity of leading.

Everyone is suffering, but the most suffering one would be me.

I know the reason why Taehyung was so angry. So when I look at his pretending face, I… use all my willpower to restrain from laughing. Even when I tried so hard to hold it in, still from time to time I will bust out one or two laughs. And this attracted dissatisfied condemn stare from many Executives.

The meeting room show a bizarre strange state: an irritated President, a group of Executive who are at lost and don’t know what exactly had happen while I am restraining from laughing out loud.

At the end of the meeting, I had internal injuries.

After work, I encounter Chae at the hallway. With her hardship face she said ‘Today really bad luck. Our manager got scolded by President and we are asked to go back for another training session.’

‘I also had a very pitiful day.’

‘Really?’ Chae suspiciously looked at me. ‘Then how come I heard today, you crazily laugh in the men’s toilet on 23rd floor the whole morning. This caused all the male Executives the need to go downstairs to fight with rank and file for toilet.'

He even lock me up at men’s toilet! Aiyah! Laugh too hard till I forget to control myself.

‘What happen that make you laugh so hard? Tell me!’

My twisted face restrain from laughing out loud and I shake my head. I discovered that in this world, the most painful thing is when there is gossip that you can’t tell and when there is embarrassing stories you can’t share.

Taehyung has an extraordinary ability. In one hand, he can be repentant heart and on the other hand he can force me to fill up the online matchmaking information.

Following it was a stormy week. Even the small security from the lobby knew the high management’s wind blew from wrong direction. Every day it felt trembling when you stood in the building. The whole entire company felt gloomy, even my happiness become emptiness.

On Thursday afternoon, Taehyung’s mood eased slightly because he received a call from the matchmaking network.

‘After reading my profile, they think it sound pretty good. So they will arrange me the best resources in their hands ….’ Taehyung’s words was a bit of retrain and it seemed like he sense that I’m laughing at him. He wanted to throw me out.

I wanted to laugh, however after looking at Taehyung facial expression, I held back. Cough, cough! ‘Then how?’

‘Then they said they will arrange Saturday morning at 9:30am. What do you think?’

I have no opinion.

I said ‘Then go, I think is pretty good.’

On Saturday morning at 8:50 am, I received a phone call from Taehyung ‘Lalisa Manoban, where are you? I have been here the whole morning!’

At that time, I was running madly toward the coffee house. “Boss, 10 minutes to 9am. Aren’t our appointment is at 9:30am.’

‘If late I will deduct your salary.’

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