Chapter 15

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Early morning, I feel bewildered, a warm soft strip objects filled with moist liquid grazed over my cheeks, I rub and set up. I saw a huge dog near my head and softly whimper, a pair of vivid black eyes full of grievances. I blankly look around the place, accidentally knocked down a glass bottle. That bottle ‘gulu, gulu’ rolled over the floor and hit a bunch of cans.

I have a bad headache just like is going to split open, but I still strive for reality and previous conduct. After a reasonable of reorganise and reasoning, the results came to be a stunning conclusion – I had only wore an unknown big t-shirt don’t know from where and I woke up on Taehyung’s house floor!

‘Come here, Yeontan.’

I looked up, saw Taehyung wearing a white home clothes, leisurely sitting on the sofa not far away. That dog called yeontan, gladly and diligently run over, lying on his feet and wagging his tail. Taehyung scratch the dog’s ears, hear the dog sending out a comfortable hum hum groan sound, smiled with satisfaction, looked up and said to me ‘Awake? Want a fruit juice?’

I carefully cover with the bedsheet, I hesitate to ask ‘I…. yesterday, what did I do?’

Yes, I never worry about where I woke up, don’t care whether at dormitory’s corridor, Taehyung’s living room or Sahara desert, it doesn’t matter to me, but I only worry about what I do before I fell asleep.

‘You searched all my wardrobe, bookcase, bar and shoe cabinet, and then discerning in my liquor cabinet to find a bottle of the most vintage red wine.

‘I drink it?’ I feel grieved to see that beautiful empty bottle at the distance.

‘More or less, the remaining half you feed yeontan.’

The dog looked at me with a hidden bitterness expression from the distance.

I learned its hidden bitterness expression and look at Taehyung ‘Then why do I sleep on the floor? You should put me on the bed.’

‘I tried to get you into the bed, in the end you rush down and vomited 5 times, in addition during my fifth attempt… you bite me. But I do lay out mattress and cover you with a blanket ah.

‘What about…. my clothes on my body….’ I grab a handful of my hair, attempt to cover myself face that unable to meet with people’s face.

Hey! This is the magical part! You are so intoxicated but surprisingly you still can go through my wardrobe to pull out a clothes and wash yourself clean….’ Taehyung again and again feel amazed.

Exhale, lucky did not lose my chastity.

‘When taking bath that time, you still can sing at the bathroom <<hey swish swish>>!’

I “whoosh” leap up and rushed to the front of the TV.

Saying all these words is not the main point, the main point is, I have been vaguely remembered that behind this serious of absurdity conceal an awful action.

Taehyung moves faster than me, he rushed one step ahead of me, grab the DVD player and lift high up above his head.

‘Give me!’ I tried to reach out but helplessly Taehyung is much taller than me.

‘Hurry up! Give it back to me!’ I shouted.

Taehyung did not say anything, but his eyes lightly cast down a glance for a while. I immediately realised myself….. wear too little. Right away I blush, withdraw back to the temporary bed and cover myself with the blanket.

BBDN taelice Adaptation (taehyungxLisa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt