BBDN taelice Adaptation (taeh...

By noone27301

11.2K 340 146

Novel Adaptation Offline reading purpose only CREDIT to Author Gui Shuang 诡霜 Life is just like a tragic comed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38 finale

Chapter 3

443 15 13
By noone27301

As a Special Assistant to the President, it means that my office will be located in the office of Ministry of Justice. The outer office of President’s office. Several assistant desk oddly place into a row, from a distance it show a shape of “ —- _”. Undoubtedly, the almost right is my table. But no matter what, at the end of the confinement period, began a formal career, I’m still very happy. I was happily decorating my table, when behind a ‘hey, hey!’ laughter sounded.

I looked up and saw Taehyung leaning against Yoona’s table looking at a report. I silently look at him for a moment. I whispered to him ‘Don’t pretend. I know that you intentionally put this VIP table and I know you deliberately wanted to spy’

We were silent for a moment. He finally looked up and said ‘Miss Manoban, is there a problem?’

I give him a radiant smile and said ‘Good morning President!’

Taehyung was surprised for a moment. He doesn’t seem to think that I will have such a reaction. He look at me and said ‘Good morning! Welcome and work hard’

When he turned to leave, I saw the playful and gentle smile on his lips. He actually look handsome.

Taehyung has four assistants. The legendary Kim Seokjin, previously seen Im Yoona, Lee Sunmi and Taeyon. Kim Seokjin is the most senior, calm and sophisticated. He expressed a warm welcome smile like a big brother. Yoona and Sunmi are graduates from famous university. Both of them standing side by side gives you a feeling of “elite”. Although Taeyon look gentle, her thin lip show a sharp and fierce feeling. It’s said that she is the only one with college qualification. She relied on her own efforts, step by step from the bottom climb up to became President Assistant. Three of them also expressed a warm welcome to me.

I took a deep breath, sit down and start thinking. Yes, my career started in a bizarre way, but no matter what I will be persistence to prove to them. I, Lalisa Manoban is rightful to sit in this position.

No matter what title they offered, I’m just a rookie. Doing most of the running errands, photocopy and transferring files.  Such meaningless and complicated live. If an unknown staff see my nameplate with the extra word “special”, they will always came straight over to me. I often felt embarrassed as I need to refer to someone else or asked the senior for assistance.

Last time, a boss came. He asked for my assistance but I don’t understand therefore I referred him to Kim Seokjin. Later he came back, looked at me and said “Special Assistant, that special! Little girl in future if you resign remember my words.” You say what type of people is this. When I have lunch with Chae on Thursday, I complained to her.

‘Lalisa, tell me the truth. Do you have any special hidden deep background? In this mixed workplace, I can understand’

‘Where got such relationship! Is just …. ‘ I quickly swallowed the rest of the sentence. Well, President is right, I could easily slipped secrets or information from my mouth.

But what? Chae pressed.

I stuffed a mouthful of rice and shook my head to indicate I can’t talk about it.

Chae tilt my chin and looked at it carefully ‘So it seems the rumor is true. You this little girl wants to use this foxy face to fish a millionaire.’

‘I don’t want to be a gold digger!’ I swallowed the rice and shouted angrily.

The restaurant was quiet for a moment. All the diner stare at me seriously.

During lunch break on Friday, I went to send President a file.

He had a quick glance at the file, signed and handed it back to me. He took off his glasses and closed his eyes.

‘Then…. President, I will excuse myself. I shall will not bother you.’ I slowly crept out.

‘Wait!’ he called without looking at me. ‘I heard yesterday you called out “not a gold digger” at the restaurant. What’s the matter?’

While I was thinking of countermeasures, my mind search for the suspicious spy. But at that time, almost all the employees were gathered in the restaurant. So too many witnesses. I don’t know what exactly President had heard. The most sensible approach was to speak the truth ‘I just don’t understand what the job responsibility of a “Special Assistant”. In other word is a joke.’

‘A joke?’ He finally opened his eyes without glasses, clearly more evil. ‘So you want to be rich?’

I tried to suppress my anger. What kind of understand is this! How could he twist and turn my words.

He seemed to appreciate my silly look. After a while he said ‘Well, I was just joking. Please go and tell Seokjin and the rest that Lunjia Corporation’s project has succeed. Let celebrate! I will treat everyone to lunch.’

I blurted out ‘Ah, I have an appointment with Chae. Today I need to accompany her to hospital at noon time.’

‘Did I said I will invite you? Did you participate in Lunjia’s project?’

I have not join the company when Lunjia’s project was in negotiation…. But he should at least give me some face.

‘However, it’s time to tell you how to keep up.’

‘Keep up! Assistant cooperate with President’s work way of saying.’

Seokjin will collaborate with Taehyung in any Board of Director meeting or any major conferences. Yoona and Sunmi will take part in foreign negotiations and be Taehyung’s escort to all company function. When facing any internal affairs of the company it will always be Taeyon who stood behind Taehyung.

And me, Lalisa Manoban, Special Assistant to President, how should I “keep up”? It seems most of President’s time has been assigned.

I told Chae ‘Don’t tell me I need to follow him when he eat, drive or go to the toilet?’

‘Lisa, why are you so pathetic, even toilet you wanted to follow him.’

Facts have proven that the words that I said are future prediction. Not causing any problems or conflict.

At the end Taehyung did bring me to Lunjia’s project celebration. Not because of his sudden conscience, but he just wanted to show his kindness and friendly image to other subordinates.

In the banquet room, he said ‘In addition to my four Assistants, I will have Lalisa Manoban assisting me.’

I did a calculation, after deducting the four Assistants job scope, the balance will be eating, resting driving and ….. toilet time.

After dinner when no one is around, I asked him ‘Do you also want me to follow you to toilet!’

With his toothpick dangling, he stared and said ‘If you don’t mind, I don’t mind.’

….. I mind!


The company circulation and discussion about “Special Assistant” finally settle down.

This is because, they see the person running up and down while pouring tea or water when President occasionally lunch in the employee’s cafeteria. And when the President is walking towards the entrance, you will see the person rushing over to the front and clear the path. In the morning, during the rush hour, the person will be seen holding the elevator doors while silently withstand the angry stare as they wait for the President to slowly walk-in.

Yes, that person is me, Lalisa Manoban.

Finally, my colleagues’ sympathize toward me ‘President is so evil, using company money to hire a full-time nanny!’

Bambam patted on my shoulder and said ‘Lisa, I’m wrong. I had misunderstood you. Now I know your difficulties’

I have mixed feeling and return a pat on Bambam’s shoulder.

On Friday evening, Taehyung dismissed all the four assistants leaving only me to accompany him at work. After work, we met some colleagues whom were working overtime in the elevator. We reached the lobby together. All those beautiful girls coil around Taehyung and bid him farewell, ‘Good bye President! Have a nice weekend.’

Taehyung bid them farewell and waved ‘Have a nice weekend too’. Not in a hurry to leave, he stood at the doorway with a smile as warm as the spring breeze.

I stood behind Taehyung and follow his eyesight direction. His eyesight were at the slender legs of all the beautiful girls.

Hey! After everyone left, I came forward and sweetly said ‘President, is there any other matter? If not, then I will take my leave. Oh, yes, have a great weekend!’ Taehyung turned to me. His face had changed. It looks like the monster in Ultraman.

Wow, Chae, Bambam and Jisoo, come quick and see! The legend of changing face!

With my stable mind, I calmly asked ‘President, is that anything you need me to do?’

Taehyung twisted face stared at me for a while and said ‘Don’t you feel tired pretending the whole day?’

I hesitated. Then I smiled and said ‘President, you must be joking. I love to smile. In my school’s day, my classmates called me smiling angel.’

‘If you like to pretend than continue to pretend. Anyway, you have seen my roar and I’m not afraid of you seeing my true color.’ This week, he no longer put an evil calculative face, but exposed more of his violent nature as a roaring leader.

‘President, you must be kidding. In my eyes, you are always as warm as the spring breeze.’ I saw his lip twisted twice. Yes, I want to hear your sarcasm words. ‘Then I will leave first.’

I took two steps forward. Suddenly I thought, would he be looking at my slender leg like how he look at those beautiful girls? I look back and I saw him staring at my legs thoughtfully.

He shouted ‘Lalisa Manoban, next time change your shoes.’

For a moment, I feel a little guilty and touched. He still have some humanity. He understand my pain in wearing high heel for the first time in my life.

He then said ‘Please change to a pair of stilettos. This “aunty” thick heels ruin the elegant look of the uniform. Don’t tell me you don’t have money. I do know how much you earn! After buying a pair of shoes, you will still have sufficient for your meals.’

….. So you know, after buying a pair of shoes, I only have enough to eat, no extra!

I struggled all the way home. As I was just about to open the door, I received a SMS from Taehyung ‘Tomorrow morning at 9am, I will reward you with a pair of high-heeled shoes.’
I roared Humph! Don’t flatten me, I’m not easily lusted after small profit!

What’s wrong? Jisoo came out from the kitchen and said ‘Aren’t you a person who lust after small profit?’

I was about to replied when, Taehyung send me another message ‘If you don’t go, I will deduct the money of the pair of high heels from your salary!’

I quickly reply back ‘Boss, rest assured I will be on time. I fully accept your goodwill and accomplish your long cherished wish.’

‘Working overtime during weekend?’ Jisoo left me a message ‘I know you are those who lust for small profit!’

‘Yes!’ I nodded my head, but this unfair overtime request…. I’m so looking forward to the weekend.

It’s all start from the first day of the week.

It was my first day as assistant. I was unclear what ‘time’ President belongs to me. Early in the morning, Yoona carry a laptop to my desk and said ‘Lalisa, President wants to see you in his office. Take this laptop with you’.

‘Ah, President so early!’ Table clock show that it is not even 8 am. I am a new comer, so that is why I’m a bit anxious.

“Yes, President ‘other’ time should be yours. Since I have help you, how are you going to thank me?’

‘Ah!’ I pretend touching my chin and think thoughtfully, ‘Next time when is your ‘time’ with President, I can help you.’

‘Thanks, but no need, you this little girl with a sliver tongue!’ Yoona laugh and said ‘Quickly go in, President is waiting for you.’

I knocked on the door ‘Good morning President, are you looking for me?’

‘Have a seat!’ He gave me a stack of paper and said ‘Help me go through it.’

The first few page are Taehyung’s biography. The last page is the printed website URL. I look at his biography, and then burst into tears. Like my mother often said ‘Never compare one with another as there will be always someone better than you.’

Early thirties in his prime age, he graduated from a famous oversea university. A series of dazzling journal …..

He asked ‘How?’

“Very good.’

‘Be specific.’

‘Young and talented. Good fortune, pillars of the country and the national hope…’

‘Oh, then go to the website and help me to key in the data. Yes, use my computer. Don’t use company’s computer.’

‘What!’ Could it be President is looking for another job? Must be, if not why can’t he use company’s computer.

Before keying in the website’s address, I have the heart to copy it down on my arm. It’s said that all big company high-management has their own secret way …. I can’t use it now, maybe in the future.

In the address bar, I type the letters and press ENTER. A pink page pop up, with a line of characters – True single white-collar online matchmaking center.


I re-opened the pages re-type the address and press ENTER.

Still the pink page pop-up.

I freeze for a few seconds, slowly turned and stared at Taehyung for a while. Then I turned back to look at the screen.

When I gaze between Taehyung and computer for a several times, he finally said “Yes, you did not see wrongly… That address was given by my friend.’ His voice was light and slight red appeared at the edge of his ear.

Big brother, can you be a little bit more terrifying?

I burst out laughing.

I was shut in the little black room. Taehyung’s face turn black, he dragged me out. I was lying on the ground.

‘I don’t believe I can’t handle you!’ He dragged me all the way to the meeting room ‘Get in!’ He pushed me inside.

I giggly rushed into the meeting room. It became silent and all those Executives staring at me. I immediate find a corner seat, borrowed a pen and paper from Seokjin, pretending like I’m taking notes in the meeting.

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