Lost · Austin Mahone

By adrianesaints

30.7K 1.2K 41

What happens when Austin Mahone goes missing? More

Lost ~ Austin Mahone
00. Prologue
01. "He left his family."
02. "Who are you?"
03. "That's all I remember."
04. "That's the guy in my basement."
05. "Does he play dollies?"
06. "Girls, I'm home!"
07. "I'm sorry about last night."
08. "I was the one who started this."
09. "Thanks for everything Calli."
10. "I honestly don't know how it happened."
11. "Tipo, you're my homie!"
12. "He broke his nose?"
13. "Well you look hot!"
14. "I'll take what I can get."
15. "I know I tricked your brother."
16. "You've drawn this before?"
17. "Smile!"
18. "You can't like me!"
19. "Who is it?"
20. "Kayra Hilton and Jake Walker."
21. "I can't promise that."
Epilogue. "You will cry your eyes out."
Extra: "Very good looking.
Extra: "Party Pooper!"
Extra: "This is my little brother."
Extra: "Turn up, Michele!"
Extra: "Every minute without you."
To post or to not post?

22. "Thanks mom."

824 41 0
By adrianesaints

If you’re wondering what happened after prom, I’ll tell you.

Right after making that big scene with Austin in the school gym, I excused myself to talk to Julian. We talked for a few minutes about us, about what happened. He was totally okay with whatever was going to happen. He mentioned that right after graduation he was moving to Harvard University to study. Speaking of graduation, Austin promised to go back to El Paso just to see me receive my diploma. We kept talking and texting right after prom. Just when the day arrived I was woken up by my sister.

“Calli wake up!” I felt some weight on me and groaned. I wasn’t used to waking up like that. Alejandra was getting excited about me graduating but on the other side she was kind of sad because I was leaving. “Calli wake up! It’s graduation day!”

“I know.” I opened my eyes to see my sister right in front of my face. “Whoa! You’re too close.”

“Mom made pancakes.” I groaned and sat up. Why was mom up so early? I turned to look at my phone. It was only nine in the morning. Graduation began at one.

“I’ll be down in a minute.” I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I did my routine before staring at myself in the mirror. Great. I had a zit right under bottom lip. “This is not how I wanted to start graduation day.”

 After covering up that zit, I headed downstairs like I told Ale. I stepped inside the kitchen to find my mom, Tom, Alejandra and my dad holding a conversation. I smiled at the scene in front of me. Before I could say anything two little boys ran into the kitchen, making their way over to dad as they argued.

“I didn’t!” I chuckled as they continued to argue. One of them wore boy shorts while the other wore jeans. The one with jeans pushed the other one as he tried to get closer to dad. “He’s just a cry baby!”

“Am not!” Dad rubbed his face before jumping off of the stool.

“Kids, we’re not at home so I’m going to ask you both to behave. Your sister is graduating today.” The boys nodded making me smile. They reminded me a lot of me when I got in trouble with dad. “Speaking of your sister, there she is!”

“Calli!” They both came running toward me making my smile grow bigger. “We finally meet you!”

“I know.” I knelt down in front of them taking a better look. “Alright who is who?”

“I’m Timothy and that’s Tanner.” I took a look at Timothy before looking at Tanner. They weren’t so different from each other. Their eyes were different colors. Timothy’s were green while Tanner’s were brown plus Timothy was a bit taller than Tanner.

“You’re very pretty Calli.” I smiled at Tanner.

“Thank you. You boys are very handsome as well.” They exchanged looks before proud smiles showed on their faces. “Did you have breakfast?”

“Janice made pancakes!” They both pointed their fingers at mom making everyone laugh.

“Alright, I’ll eat some pancakes.” I let them go before standing up.

“Extra syrup?” I looked up from the floor to see mom holding the syrup bottle. I simply nodded. I loved my pancakes.

I spent the morning with my family. Timothy and Tanner were gladly telling me about themselves. I learned that Tanner was the oldest even if he was a bit shorter than his brother. Timothy’s favorite number was 20 considering it was the day of his mom’s birthday. They were both six years old and they were just as excited as Alejandra about graduation. I couldn’t blame them. It was graduation after all!

“Kids, time to get ready!” Mom entered the living room as she rested her hands on her waist. I took a better look at her once I stood up. Her hips looked wider. My little brothers ran to the kitchen to find dad while Alejandra headed upstairs.

“Is it just me or are you looking bigger?” My mom looked down at her stomach making me wonder what was going with her.

“I’m still waiting for the test results.” I nodded. “Tom doesn’t know.”

“I wasn’t planning on telling him.” She gave a smile before I walked away. I headed upstairs to get ready.

I received text from Austin saying he would meet us at the school’s gym right after Alex dropped him off. This time I decided to do things on my own. I curled my hair and did my make up trying to look as natural as I could. I put some gold drop earrings with an orange pendant on before slipping a golden bracelet on my wrist. I put my dress on and walked over to the big mirror by the wall. I honestly did a great choice when choosing the dress. It was an asymmetrical beaded mini dress with different spring colors such as green, yellow, orange and such. I loved it.

“Time to go Calli!” I slipped on my bright orange pumps before heading downstairs. Mom had my graduation gown so I didn’t have a problem.

“I’m ready.” I reached the bottom of the stairs and took a look at everyone. They looked simply amazing. That included my little brothers.

We arrived at school. Mom told me right ahead that I should’ve went ahead of them so I could get my spot on time. I decided to listen to her and headed to the school’s gym with my maroon graduation gown in my arm and cap in my hand. I quickly spotted Victoria and Marcus and walked over. We talked for a while before the ceremony was about to begin. I looked around for Austin but he was nowhere to be found. Our math teacher finished saying some words to us before doing an announcement.

“And now to present the Citizen of the Year scholarship please welcome Alejandra Johnson.” I was a bit taken aback when I saw my sister on stage. She shook hands with the teacher before she was given the microphone.

“Good morning students of Bowie High School. As we all know the Citizen of the Year scholarship has been given to a student with the highest GPA and is someone who possesses the right qualities to be elected as citizen of the year. The teachers have described her as a strong, independent, optimistic, talented and bright student. This student has worked hard during the year and today she’s graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to present the Citizen of the Year scholarship to my sister, Callianne Johnson!”

Just as she motioned her hand towards my direction, the school gym was filled with claps and cheers. My hand automatically went to my mouth. I wasn’t expecting anything plus I thought my grades weren't the best. I stood up and hugged my friends before walking up to the stage. I greeted every teacher before walking over to my sister. I gave her a hug as she handed me the plaque and envelope.

“Thank you Ale.” I hugged her tight as a smile crept on my face.

Thank you.” She let go of me and offered me a smile. We went back to our seats to watch the rest of the ceremony.

Once they declared us graduates and we threw our caps in the air, I found myself walking out of the gym with Victoria, Marcus and Julian.  We talked about the ceremony and how long it would be until we saw each other again. Our families were waiting outside so we all took our separate ways. Right before I could say something to my mom, she offered me my phone.

“It’s Austin.” I gave my mom a worried look before taking my phone and holding it against my ear.


“Hey beautiful. I’m sorry I didn’t make it to the ceremony.”

“You didn’t make it?”

“No. I really wanted to be there but Alex got a flat tire.”

“No. It’s okay, Austin. Really, it is.”



“You looked beautiful, you know that, right?”

“How do you know?”

“Because I can perfectly see you.”

I was even more confused than before. I slowly turned around to see Austin standing a few feet away from me holding his phone with one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other one. I smiled to myself as I ended the call and made my way over. I noticed he wasn’t wearing a beanie and that his hair was somewhat shorter. Once I stood in front of him, he offered me the flowers. I took them and noticed what kind they were. They were my favorite, sunflowers.

“I thought you said you didn’t make it.” I turned my eyes back to Austin. He gave me a smile followed by a shrug.

“I made it. I watched the ceremony from my seat. Congratulations on the scholarship by the way.” I looked down at the plaque and envelope in my hand. “You deserve it.”

“Thanks.” I looked up to see Austin standing closer to me. He smiled at me as one of his hands grabbed my waist. “What are you doing?”

“As cheesy as it sounds, I just want to kiss you right now.” I chuckled as I leant closer.

I was glad I was wearing heels because if I didn’t I would’ve to stand on his shoes. Austin’s lips pecked mine making me kiss him quickly. Our lips met in a sweet, tender kiss. Austin’s free hand grabbed the other side of my waist pulling me closer to his body. It would’ve lasted longer until the sound of a whistle made us break the kiss. We turned our heads to look behind Austin. A smile crept on my face as I noticed Alex, Zach and Robert standing together.

“Sorry to interrupt Mahone, but the Johnsons and Tom are hungry.” Alex nodded his head towards my direction. I turned around to see my family standing there waiting for us. I shook my head before turning to look at Austin.

“Hold on one second.” He let go off me. I made my way back to my family and stood in front of my mom. “Mom, I know its graduation day but can I meet you there with Austin?”

“Sure honey. Not a problem.” I gave her a quick hug and handed her my flowers. “I’ll look after them.”

“Thanks mom.” I gave her a smile before making my way back to Austin. I stood in front of him offering him my hand. He gave me a confused look. “We’ll meet them there.”

“Let’s go then.” He pecked my lips before leading me back to his friends. I guess everything turned out great after all.

I know I didn't update last Friday but I was celebrating my Senior Ring Dance. I got my ring and partied like there was no Saturday after. (Okay, bad joke!) And you guys want to kill me! I know, I know. I have a confession to make... This is the last chapter of Lost. I know. I'm getting emotional over here. I wrote this whole story last year and once I started sharing it with you, I felt like I shouldn't have but I kept posting it because it was definitely worth it.

Thank you for reading! Thank you for voting! Thank you for commentiong once in a while! It really means a lot for me to see one of my stories blossom :')

I can't say there will be a sequel because I am not sure. This is it for now. 




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