Alive Again | Nct Dream

By jiungdamelio

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"Oh my god.. am I dreaming there's no way I'm seeing 4 cute ghosts right now" Where in a girl unintentionally... More



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By jiungdamelio

It's brutal out here



Hey you ready?

when will you pick me up?

In like 30 minutes

Why so long lmao

I just got in my car
I have to pick up Yangyang first

Oh why

his car isn't working lmao💀

You aren't picking up Jihyo?

She's not coming, she said she's busy

Oh Alright see you
Seen, 4:00 pm

Areum put phone in her pocket. Waiting for Jeno to pick her up, she went down to the living room, practiced playing on her acoustic guitar, her piano, watched TV, anything she would do on a Saturday afternoon.

"Where are you going?" Kei asked on his way down from the stairs, seeing Areum dressed up.

"Yeah where you going Areum?" Mark copied her brother as he entered through the front door.

Areums eyes widened seeing Mark enter.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered to Mark in a loud but quiet tone forgetting her brother was around.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here." Kei asked judging her.

"Oh- im not talking to you- forget it, aren't you suppose to be at soccer practice right now? Im going to this party hangout thing" Areum stuttered awkwardly speaking to her brother who was so concerned for her well-being right now.

"Well I'm here because the rest aren't here... well  Hyuck is sleeping so" Mark rambled.

Areum coughed in a sign for Mark to stop.

"Areum do you need water? what are you looking at? Looks like you're seeing a ghost" Kei said looking around trying to see what she was looking at.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, my throat is just dry. You're crazy bro, im looking at you. Kei ghost aren't real, if they were real then that would be concerning and scary likeeee" Areum rambled.

"Slow down you're brother will think you're more crazy" Mark laughed. Areum rolled her eyes

"Okay... well my ride for soccer is here so peace" Kei waved bye leaving the house.

"Bye" She greeted him.

Areums face went red, embarrassed by what happened. "Do you always have to come when there's people around?"

"Yeah... I'll practice not coming on bad timing" Mark suggested.

"Thanks" Areum said sarcastically.

"You look busy by the way- oh sweet acoustic guitar!" Mark said distracted by the guitar beside her, he tried so many times to pick it up until he got it. "where did you get it?" He asked admiring the guitar

Areum laughed at him. "I got it for my birthday" Seeing the guitar go through from Marks hand, Areum grabbed it from Mark before it could fall.

"Oh bro nice catch, I didn't realize it was falling"

"That was close, maybe just be careful, my dad got it for me" She said putting the guitar on the couch.

"Do you know any songs to play on it?" Mark asked.

"Uh I know some but I'm still learning" She answered looking through the music notes she took for songs to play.

"I can teach you some" Mark offered, the confused and excited look Areum gave to him didn't go unnoticed. "really?"

"Yeah, if you pay me" Mark joked, Areum face went from confused to a judgemental. "How... how would you- what would you use the money for?" Areum asked chuckling.

"I'm joking, I don't know how I would use it but I'm serious about teaching you some songs" He said trying to think of an idea.

"Oh yo maybe I can go around downtown with human living clothes on and get food and pay with the money" he told her.

She laughs at him. "Mark that is the most dumb and scary idea I heard"

Mark touched his heart, feeling offended that she didn't like his idea. "You just hurt my feeling, I think it's a great idea"

"I'm sorry but who would want to see a person with full clothes on with no face nor body, that's like that one dude from hotel Transylvania" She stated.

"I don't know who you're talking about but you got a point"

They both laughed talking about dumb things they had in mind. Bonding over things they loved while Areum waited for Jeno to pick her up.

Areum got a text from Jeno.


Hey it's Yangyang, Jeno is driving. We're almost at your house, you should get ready now.

Alright thanks

Areum put down her phone "I got to go now" She said grabbing her stuff.

"Ah where you going" He asked.

"To a hang out with Jeno and his friends, Jeno and his friend is picking me up right now" She said heading to the door.

"Fun, a date" He teased her making her face turn read.

"Haha You're very funny bye Mark" She said sarcastically before leaving.

The smile staying at both their faces, the two feeling things in their stomach they haven't felt in a long time.


"Where are you taking me?" Jisung laughed as Chenle dragged him through the city. "You know teleporting or walking where you're taking me is easier than doing this" Jisung continued as they ran through the people in the streets

"But running is more fun and I'm not telling you it's a surprise" Chenle told him turning the direction where the place is.

"Not telling me where we're going makes me scared and can we like stop running, my legs are getting tired" Jisung said catching his breath as he stopped running.

"No we're almost there come on" Chenle held his hand leading him to their destination.

"At least give me a hint" Jisung laughed begging to know.

"Fine, it's this place under construction right now, it's somewhere I go sometimes to clear my head" Chenle said.

"It's not haunted is it?" Jisung asked fearing something would happen, chenle laughed.

"You're funny the only thing what would haunt the place would be us" Chenle chuckled as they started to walk as they were very close to the destination. "Oh... right"

"And we're here"Chenle announced smiling, as Jisung looked at the large building.

"Woah, cool" Jisung looked at the Museum.

"Sick, right? We got the whole place to ourselves" Chenle said as he started skateboarding the whole building. "Bro move that bench here. I'm going to make a sick move with that"

"Yeah... Uh I can't move that" Jisung hesitated pointing at the bench. "I can barely move small things so.."

Chenle chuckles. "Dude okay trust me. If you just focus on just putting on all your energy to it, you can move anything" he said putting down his board.

"Alright" Jisung answered. He tried to move the bench but his hands only went through. They both chuckle. "I guess I gotta do ghost exercises"

"No, you weren't focusing, you gotta focus" Chenle sighs. "I've always had a hard time focusing. I've always been a bit worried and then I died and turned into a ghost. Which did not calm me down, so" Jisung blabbered.

They chuckled. "Hey take my hand" Chenle held out his hand for Jisungs. Jisung looked at him and his hand for a quick second before taking it. "We got this" Chenle smiled.

Jisung grunts as they got it to move. "Oh sht, okay. You've got, like, a few seconds before this goes through my hand again" Chenle chuckles as he got to the other side of the bench and moved it against the wall.

"Not bad, not bad. Okay stay here" Chenle ordered as he got his skateboard to show the trick. "Woo!" He said after he was done, he sat down on the bench.

"You're not sitting?" He asked Jisung who was just looking around, standing. Hands in his pocket. "Okay" Jisung said, making Chenle chuckle at his movements.


"Jeno, Yangyang you're here!" Areum heard their friends say as they greeted them with a hug while the two did the same. Areum in a awkward position behind Jeno and YangYang, like a lost child that doesn't know where it's at.

It's was true that Areum didn't know exactly where she was except for the fact it was either party or a hangout hosted by Jeno's friends. It was good that she knew some of the people here, some only knew her as Jihyo's old bestfriend from last year.

She wasn't sure coming here was a good idea.

"And you are..." Their friend said waiting for either the three of them say her name. "Oh uh- I'm Areum"

"Right. You're Jeno and Jihyo's friend" The friend said which led to a short silence between the three.

This is painfully awkward

"No... Sungchan. Just, Just my friend" Jeno said awkwardly slowly looking towards Areum then Yangyang. The awkward moment was so painful.

Damn. Just my friend.

"Man this is so awkward" Yangyang whispered, Areum heard and she slightly chuckled. "Trust me I know"

Anything that includes Areum and Jihyo is always awkward to talk about.

"Me and Jihyo... aren't on good terms since like last year... so yeah" Areum said to Sungchan.

Areum in this exact moment was thinking about leaving but nothing extremely bad has happened so that was good. She hoped.

"Well anyways. Areum this is Sungchan. Sungchan this is Areum, he's the one hosting hangout party" Jeno introduced themselves filling the awkward moment.

They greeted eachother. "Yeah hi"

"Well first of all welcome, we got some drinks and food over there," Sungchan guided them. "If you need anything, I'll be anywhere" he lastly said before leaving to talk to other friends.

"I totally don't want to leave right now" She said sarcastically. "Don't worry it'll be fun" Yangyang assured her.

"Yeah it's going to be more fun when more people come" Jeno added on.

"Yeah it's going to be amazing when Jihyo sees me, does she know I'm coming?"She asked.

Jeno was hesitant answering her question. "Well- not really but she's not coming remember?"

"Yeah but If she was here, she would rip my head off"

"She won't do that" Jeno said.

"Okay we'll I hope you know I'm not usually use to doing these type of hangouts" She confessed sitting down to the nearest couch as the rest followed.

"We can tell" They said.
"Come on, don't just sit here, have fun and talk to people,"

"Every time I talk to other people they either talk about Jihyo and how amazing my performance was at the rally, which I prefer talking about" She murmured.

She was right, when she came back to school few months after that sad event, there would always be someone coming up to her in the hallway or a classmate dragging her about about "what she did to Jihyo" even though she didn't do anything.

She didn't know what she did, she wasn't aware of the things Jihyo was saying about her the few months she was gone. Hana told her about the things she was saying about her.

"Then continue talking about your love for music, ignore what they say to you about Jihyo. They're just believing what they heard, they don't know you. Ignore them, you know they aren't true. I know you wouldn't say or do those things, maybe now to express your anger towards her to Hana and I get that. " Yangyang said quietly, assuring her, making her confident over the subject she always worried about. Jeno nodded, agreed to what he said but then left after someone called his name, leaving it to only be Yangyang and Areum.

Yangyang knew Areum better than Jeno, obviously not as better as Hana but still the same line. Yangyang and Areum knew each other because their family are friends, they rarely talked but they have known each other for a long time to know each others thoughts and feelings.

Yangyang saying that made it easier for her to be at this party. It made her smile, it made her feel relieved that there were people like Yangyang and Hana supporting her.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"You're welcome, now let's stop and have fun" Yangyang said dragging her up from the couch.

"You're right- by the way, what happened to your car?" She asked making the boy laugh.

"Oh that's a long story, crazy story" He said while walking where the drinks were. "Oh my god I love this song" he said screaming the words to baby by Justin bieber, why was this song playing you may ask? I don't know either.


Areum separated herself from the group she was with to get some snacks. She was finally getting comfortable, she was having some decent conversations with the people at the party.

It was then when she was going back, she bumped into someone. "God- watch your step, you almost made me spill my drink" It was so loud that it caught the people's attention around them

"I am so sorry-" Areum tried to apologize to the person, but when they both got a good look of each other, she knew it wouldn't be taken lightly by the person.

"Areum" the persons eyes fumed. It was Jihyo, she exactly had the same reaction Areum said to the boys, looking like she wanted to rip her head off. Of course she would know how she would be feeling, they were friends for so long before grade 10.

"Jihyo, hey" Areum said dryly. Jihyo scoffed at the sight of Areum.

"What are you doing here" She said disgusted, Areum smiled.

"I wish I could ask the same, I thought you were busy"Areum said.

"I have my ways" Jihyo said.


"Jeno!" One of his friends called out. "Someone wants you" they said, Jeno confused, left the couch, leaving Yangyang and Areum.

"What? Who?" Jeno asked him and they hesitated. "Jihyo"

"Why?"He asked, looking around to find her. He saw the look on her face. "Her friend told her she was here"

"I know she's here" Jihyo came up to him, she looked annoyed. "Why is she here, no one invited her"

"No you told me she wasn't coming-"

"She wasn't but-" Jeno said as they went far from the crowd. "but what?"

"But- Just, just please, ignore her, if you want to talk to her just please have a decent conversation-"He told her, but it made her even more mad.

"I want to know why she's here! She rarely goes to parties and I know that" She told him wanting to know why.

"I invited her because she's my friend, okay? I told her you were busy-"He said but Jihyo cut him off.

"You told her I was busy? You told me she wasn't coming, you told me that yesterday when you came back from her house and she's still here" Jihyo was clearly lied to even Areum. "I want her to leave"

"It's not even your party, it's not your choice. I invited her because I wanted her to have fun"

"I don't care if it's my party or not, this is only for people like us not her"

"Listen If I told you she was coming, you would freak out like right now and would have some fight" Jeno said to her, she raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes.

Clearly Jeno didn't think this one through.

"Fine, If I want her to leave, I'll make her leave" Jihyo said before going to her friends



"you on the other hand, never come to these type of things"

"Im just here to have fun, do you have a problem?" Areum stood closer to Jihyo, looking at her. Jihyo wasn't expecting her act this way knowing she hated confrontation, it was kind of funny to her.

"Yeah I do actually and second of all" Jihyo pushed her to leave a gap between them. "I don't like people like you being so close to me, it disgusts me"

Areum chuckled. "What exactly your definition of 'people like you' because I need to know"

"Bunch of stuck up Losers that doesn't know what they're doing with their life anymore" Jihyo explained pushing Areums shoulders. "That's people like you"

"No that exactly explains how you are" Areum said to her.

"I know what I'm doing with my life. You're just a loser that leaves her old friends to follow around the popular kids and thinks you're better than everyone else because your daddy is a solo artist from SM Entertainment and have a kids bop school made kpop band, congratulations though seems like it's working out somehow" Areum clapped back at her, everyone around them began to laugh.

"Who even invited you" Was all Jihyo could say to her.


"Jeno huh? What? are you trying you steal him from me-" Jihyo tried to continue but Sungchan stopped her.

"Okay Jihyo stop with your annoying ash voice, who's down to play truth or dare" Sungchan shut down Jihyo.

To be honest there were a selection of people in the party that hated Jihyo and that included people from Jeno's basketball team, she was so attached to Jeno, she always followed him around. She always depended on him

Jeno came up to Jihyo. "Please We're trying to have fun and you starting this whole commotion ruins it. Can you just try having a decent conversation with her. I invited her because she's my friend I told you. I don't even like her like that, I don't. I promise"

Jihyo rolled her eyes and picked up her drink from the table. "Whatever I don't care"

and she left to go back to her friends.

These type of moments of them made some wonder how they were still together. They were toxic, yes but there were people that actually wondered if they were together or if they were faking it.


"Okay. Jeno, truth or dare" His friends asked.
"Choose dare" Jihyo demanded, whispering to him. Jeno looked at her confused. "What? It's my choice" He refused but she wouldn't budge.

"Just choose dare I don't care if it's your choice" Jihyo still demanded.

"Alright dare" Jeno rolled his eyes.

"That was painful to watch- Jeno uh I dare you to kiss Ar- Jihyo. Kiss Jihyo" His friend stuttered, Jihyos glare she gave to him was so scary.

Jihyo looked at Areum for a quick second "Alright babe" Jihyo smiled at Jeno, facing towards him.

The kiss was rushed, forced and all over the place. Both of them out of breath, but they still continued. "I didn't say make out by the way, I said kiss" his friend said but they ignored him.

"Very cute maybe get a room and finish it?" Areum joked.

They stopped kissing. "That was the most middle school vibe kiss I've ever seen" Jihyo's friend said making most of them laugh.

"You're at my limit Nabi" Jihyo said to her.

"Well who's next-" His friend asked, looking at the order they were sitting on but he got interrupted.

"Areum" Jihyo called out, which caught Areums attention. "what, me?" She asked.

"Yeah she's next" Jihyo said demanded tone.

"Jihyo, it's- we're doing it in the order clockwise where we're sitting, Areum is far from where Nabi is" Jeno mentioned.

"I don't care it's her turn since she was all talk earlier" She still demanded.

"But-" Jeno and the others tried to refuse, but Areum accepted it.

Areums eyebrow raised and hummed "No, no it's okay. It's not my fault she's obsessed with me, I'll accept it. It's fine, someone ask me already" Areum annoyingly said.

"Areum truth or-"
"Truth or dare" Jihyo interrupted the other person who was asking her and asked her instead.

Jeno face palmed his face and sighed in disappointment looking at Jihyo then Areum.

"Fine, Truth" She answered.

"Good answer. Areum, is it true you like Jeno?" She smirked. Areum looked at Jeno for a quick second before answering.

"No, I use to though-"She lied.

"Really? because the way you're always with him recently makes me think you still do"

"What? So I can't be with my science partner" Areum scoffed. "Do you want my autograph? Can't we just put our stupid drama aside for today and just play a game" Areum asked.

"No we can't, just seeing your face makes my head hurt" Jihyo held her head making a pained look.

"Hearing your voice makes my head hurt" Areum clapped back

"Then leave" Jihyo suggested, raising her eyebrows. "We we're all comfortable before you came"

"I told you" Areum huffed to Jeno and Yangyang tilting her head slightly. Jihyo hummed.

"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?" Jihyo yelled at her, Areum scoffed.

"No, that you're a sht- talking btch Jihyo" Areum yelled at her back, Jihyo rolled her eyes in the heated moment that was created again. Jihyo tried to go after Areum, but her friends stopped her.

"When have I ever lied to you hm?-"Jihyo yelled at Areum, raising her eyebrows and hummed

"I don't know ever left someone for 2 months," Areum said on top of the yelling from Jihyo but got cut off by Sungchan who was trying to stop them from going far

"Enough, God- Enough, Jihyo I think you should go." Sungchan said.

"No, I'm not going, she should! She wasn't suppose to be here" She yelled at him pointing at her.


Areum stood up. "No I'll just go. I'm done, thanks for having me, the party was great" Areum huffed, grabbing her stuff.

She was tired and had enough. This was exactly what she was worried.

"Areum- wait," Jeno called out in frustration.
"Yangyang can you go check if Areum is okay" Jeno asked him, Yangyang nodded.

Jeno looked at Jihyo, she was smiling waving a goodbye and pouting at Areum.

"What a loser" Jihyo said to her friends laughing. Jeno dragged her to the bathroom.

"Let go of me! I don't want to talk to you"
"I don't want to talk to you either right now but listen to me" Jeno held her arm.

"I told you earlier that I didn't tell you or her that either of you were coming because I knew you would cause this much and look what you're doing" Jeno said to her.

"I told you earlier when Nabi told me she was here, sitting with you and the other guy. That I wanted her to leave and that's what I'm doing" Jihyo said yelling at him. "This isn't my fault, this is yours. You should've thought this through"

They walked out of the bathroom looking mad tired. "Go find yourself a ride, I'm not taking you home today" Jeno said to Jihyo, not even looking at her. "I will, I didn't want to go home with you anyways" She said dryly, grabbing her stuff.

It was already 7pm, 3 hours since the hangout started and people were already leaving, I'd say that was the longest hangout/party they've had. Areum was extremely tired and worn out by the fight she had with Jihyo.

"Areum"He said but Areum tiredly stopped him.

"Take me home" She demanded as all 3 of them started walking to his car.

"I'm sorry about-" He tried to apologize but she wasn't feeling it.

"Stop I know just take me home" Areum completely ignoring his apology, going inside his car when he turned it on. Yangyang shrugged at Jeno, he sighed as they both went in.

The whole car ride was just completely silent.


Hey lol💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 The chapter you've all been waiting for😍 How was it🤪⁉️

Jihyo is so😒

jkjk unless👀

Anyways hope you loved this chapter😍🙏🏼

See you next chapter😋 #girlboss #swag #jihyoisa🤬🤬🤬

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