Love Bites

By littlepinkcupcake

132K 2.4K 336

A handsome mysterious man moves into Roxy’s quiet village which turns her life upside down. She thinks he’s a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Three

8.7K 157 8
By littlepinkcupcake

Monday- the first day of year 11

I had all of my school things packed and waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I felt so eager to get to school and work but I probably won’t be saying that in a few months when the work has got on top of me. I stood staring into the bathroom mirror analysing my appearance. I’d combed through my thick blonde hair leaving it looking shiny and smooth. I added a little hairspray to my side fringe to keep it in place and applied some subtle mascara. I wasn’t ashamed of my pale complexion so never bothered with foundation unless I was going somewhere important. My grey eyes seemed to gleam brightly and I wasn’t sure if it was from a good night’s sleep or from the excitement. ‘I can’t believe my parents have left me alone,’ I thought as I dabbed on a little chap stick to protect my lips. Don’t get me wrong I was pleased my Dad has just got a promotion and they’re looking for a second home in America but I’m feeling a little abandoned. That’s not just me being selfish is it?

“Well that wasn’t what I expected,” I sighed as I threw my bag onto the stairs. We spent the whole day discussing why our last year at high school was so important. I’m not being funny but I’m sure everyone already figured that one out. This morning I mentally prepared myself and got myself all worked up and exited to do some actual work only to spend five hours talking. There was a highlight of the day though, last lesson in English I noticed a new student sitting at the back. His name was Matt and he seemed to fit in pretty quickly. He sat at the back of the class with all the popular people but kept glancing at me and to be kind I smiled back. I knew he lived in town and his parents were pretty wealthy, I know mine are but I’m not one to go around bragging about it like he does.


It’s been over three months since I started school and like I predicted I was getting stressed about the work load. Every day there seems to be a new piece of coursework, preparation for an exam or a project that needs doing. My Mum and Dad finally returned at the end of September and it seemed like my life was going back to how it was before they left. You never realise how much something means to you until it’s gone. Just when I thought everything was on track Dad got called back to America and took Mum with him again. I spent the weekend decorating the house with Christmas things and I spent about an hour trying to perfect the decorations on the Christmas tree. They did promise me they’d be back for Christmas and I believed them, they can’t leave me to celebrate all on my own, can they? I’d brought them their presents and they were all precisely wrapped and organised under the tree. As soon as that was all done I took a few minutes to look around.

I sat on the carpet in the living room listening to…nothing. Everything was silent, it was just me in this empty house. Anyway enough of the moaning, a few weeks into school I got a friend request from Matt…you know they new kid? Anyway I accepted and we started talking, it turns out he’s not a complete arsehole like I expected. I just had to assume that of him because of the people he hangs around with at school. That’s not the best part though. He has invited me to one of his famous Christmas parties- I honestly sat staring at the text for about twenty minutes before I could process what he just asked.

***Friday 21st December***

Finally! The last day of school before the Christmas holidays has arrived and four days until Christmas. With Mum and Dad due to arrive back from America tonight I was feeling very happy. That’s not the only thing I’m hyped up for though. Tonight is the Christmas party; I literally shake with excitement when I think about it. I don’t know how to behave at parties so I’ll probably be sitting awkwardly in the corner watching everyone getting drunk and throw up over each other. I’m not overdressing because I don’t want to look desperate like a high proportion of the girls that are going. I waddled around my room like a penguin trying to wriggle into my black skinny jeans. After a bit of a struggle I finally managed to put on a simple white tank top, leather jacket and pixie boots on. A friend at school bought me some adorable thick mittens to keep my hands nice and toasties so I thought I’d take them on a test run tonight.

“What am I going to do with you?” I sighed twisting my finger in my light blonde hair. After a lengthy debate with myself I decided to put it into a messy bun which I secured with some bobby pins and hair spray. As this is a special occasion I put some foundation on which matched my complexion perfectly. A little dabble of mascara and black kohl pencil to define my eyes I was happy with the reflection looking back at me. My light grey eyes stood out from my pale skin and black outlined eyes making me look like a bit of a rock chic. I hurried into my parents room and swiped a scarf from her wardrobe to protect me from the snow that was now floating from the blackened sky. After ‘borrowing’ a bottle of vodka from the drinks cabinet I wrote a note just in case they came back before I got home ‘Welcome home, I’m at Matts Christmas party (32 Maple lane- the big house opposite the park). Don’t worry there is only a few people going and there definitely will not be any consumption of alcohol x’

I pinned it to the front door, stuffed my phone into my pocket and set off to ‘socialise’.

I got a taxi to Matts house and you could hear the music blasting from the house as we drove up the street. I stepped out of the car and raised my eyebrows at how full the place was. There were people standing outside in the garden dressed like they were going on holiday to Spain when in fact it was snowing! These people have no common sense. I knocked on the door and within a few seconds it was opened and there stood Frankie. She was the lead plastic (fake tan so bright you’d mistake her for a traffic cone and about seventy percent of her hair is fake).

“Oh, hi I’m glad you could make it,” she said in a sarcastic tone with a face like a slapped backside.

“Aww thanks Frankie, umm you’ve got a bit of a mark on your face,” I pointed to her jawline “it’s kind of orange…oh wait that’s how you do your makeup. Silly me.” That soon shut her up. I walked around her and searched the crowd “Wow you look beautiful,” a voice came from behind me. I turned on my heels to come face to face with Matt “You don’t look too bad yourself. Oh I brought you some drink,” I said handing the bottle over. His dirty blonde hair had more volume like he’d ran some gel or wax through it and it felt so different seeing him in casual clothes instead of school uniform.

“Thanks, you want some?” he said opening the bottle and taking a swig.

“Not for me, I don’t drink.” I smiled awkwardly. We danced for a while- well, I attempted to dance and everything seemed to be going well. I relaxed a little as I got used to the noise and the people around me. I felt hands firmly on my bum which shocked me. I jolted out of the way and turned to check who it was. Like I suspected it was Matt, he didn’t look like he thought he’d done something wrong. This happened a few more times to which I kept moving away from his touch. He left me for a minute and returned with a glass of what I assumed to be orange juice.

“Thanks, sorry to be such I bore.” I shouted an apology over the music. A dull ache began to niggle in my temples. I made an attempt to drink the whole glass because I assumed the headache was down to dehydration as I hadn’t had much liquid today. There was about a centimetre of orange juice left in the bottom when I placed it onto the kitchen unit. The dancing continued for about five minutes. I turned to see where Matt had disappeared to. Before I could get my bearings a cold liquid covered my chest.

“Sh*t Roxy I’m so sorry,” Matt cursed after he’d spilt nearly all of his drink down my t-shirt.

“It’s okay it was an accident,” I soothed. It was easily done in this large crowd. Gradually my headache worsened and the room began to feel as if it was spinning. The people around me started to make me feel suffocated and I could feel anxiety begin to build in my chest. I really need to find somewhere to sit down.

“I’ve got a shirt you can change into upstairs,” he suggested then lightly took my hand and guided me towards the stairs. I wasn’t sure about going up there where no one could see me but I felt so weird and nauseous that I didn’t care where I was going just as long as I could get some space. As he lead me down the corridor at the top of the stairs I blinked repeatedly trying to un-blur my vision. Before I knew it I was slumping onto the end of, what I assumed to be, Matts bed. My eyelids felt as if they had weights attached to them forcing me to doze off. Through my limited vision I could see Matt searching through a draw full of clothes. Maybe I should go home. I’m really not feeling well.

“Here, will this be okay?” he approached holding a shirt out to me.

“Yeah thanks,” I snapped out of my trance. ‘Where am I going?’ I mentally questioned myself. Change your t-shirt! My inner voice stated obviously. I took a deep breath before gaining the momentum to stand.

“Woah,” Matt steadied me by holding onto my arm. I managed to stand up but soon felt myself involuntarily falling back down.

“Sorry I think I might have picked up the wrong drink,” I slurred rubbing my head with my hand. Matt gently placed his finger under my chin forcing me to look up at him. Sleep. Sleep. My body moaned running out of energy to keep my conscious. My legs buckled from under me forcing me to collapse onto the bed. The weight of Matts body had me pinned helplessly. At first I thought it was an accident- he’d lost his footing and I took him down with me I assured myself. I wanted to say something but the connection between my brain and mouth seemed to prevent me from forming words.

“Let’s get you out of this wet t-shirt,” his voice had changed. Before it was gentle and soothing but now it was laced with anger and evilness. From the limited vision I had left I saw a wicked smile form on his face. My limbs felt like concrete and all I was able to do was moan in protest. Slowly everything seemed to connect. He’s drugged me. F*ck! He’s drugged me. My mind screamed out. Panic ran through my veins but my body wasn’t responding to anything. I felt him hungrily tug at my t-shirt as his weight crushed me. My eyes stung as salty tears welled up with hopelessness.

“…stop.” I managed to mumble breathlessly. An iron grip tightened around my wrists placing them above my head. I tried to push against them but it was like trying to push against a brick wall. A low chuckle escaped him before his face came uncomfortably close to mine. Just in time I head slumped to the side. My senses shutdown and blackness washed over me.


I’d just returned from America where I had to help Carlisle Cullen and his family out. They’d been some disagreement between them and the Volturi. To be honest I didn’t think I’d be returning as it’s extremely rare to escape the powers of the Volturi alive but fortunately it didn’t turn into a full blown war. Strangely enough they just walked away leaving the Cullen’s to live in peace. Edward had found himself a lovely wife and I haven’t got a clue how they managed it but they have a child which is…half human and half vampire. I even got to make some new acquaintances in the form of wolves. I don’t know when Vampires and Werewolves lived in harmony but I suppose things change.

The whole time I was there Roxy was on my mind. It probably wasn’t the same with her though, she’s most likely forgotten all about me. I popped in to see Barbra only to enquire about Roxy, I really wish she didn’t talk so much. I was stuck there for half an hour talking about nonsense. When she final got to the point she told me that Roxy’s parents and near enough abandoned her, they leave her alone for months on end. According to her she has even met a boy which she has taken quite a liking to and at the moment is attending a party at his house. Roxy had told her parents hardly anyone was going and there wasn’t any drinking even though she was fully aware nearly the whole school was going and their main aim is to get wrecked. What if Roxy gets a little tipsy and has to make her own way home to an empty house where anything could happen. She could choke on her vomit, leave the oven on after trying to cook something she could even fall down the stairs.

My body stiffened at the thought of any of those things and my protective instinct kicked in. ‘She could already be home,’ I tried to calm my thoughts. I managed to escape Barbra and pop next door to check if she’s in and that’s where I discovered her note on the door. My eyes eagerly skimmed the paper, at least she was sensible enough to include an address. I ripped the note from the door and stuffed it in my pocket. My mind was racing, all kind of thoughts were going through my head. She’s not the party type and she certainly doesn’t know how to handle herself. Those thoughts motivated me to get to her as fast as possible. I sped down the silent country roads then a few minutes later of doing double the legal speed limit my car came to a skidding halt on gravel outside the address.

With a look of determination on my face I looked down at all of the teenagers crowded in the garden shouting and throwing up. The music was so loud I was surprised the police haven’t turned up yet. The freshly laid snow crunched beneath my feet as I stomped up the pathway to the house. I angrily thumped the front door and waited for an answer. The door flew open and a girl in a very short, revealing, clingy black dress that nearly revealed her bra and knickers. She had mismatched her foundation leaving her looking like a tangerine and her eyes were outlined in thick black liner- overall she looked like a bottom class prostitute.

“Hi I don’t think I’ve seen you around before-” she battered her fake lashes at me.

“Yes nice to meet you too,” I cut her off mid-sentence. I’ve already had enough of her talking “Do you know a girl called Roxy?” I used a polite tone.

“Urgh that pathetic excuse of a girl. Come on in- wouldn’t you rather stay with me and I will get you a drink?” she flirted which repulsed me even more. From her answer I assume her does know where Roxy is.

I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her straight into the kitchen and cornered her.

“Look where is Roxy?” I growled with my face inches from her. My pupils dilated as I manipulated her brain to tell me anything I wanted.

Her face became blank “Matt spilt his drink over her, I saw them go upstairs. I last saw them over there,” she pointed over to the kitchen unit. I released her and shoved my way through the crowd. There were two glasses which were both nearly empty one which had the remainders or orange juice and the other which stank of vodka. I could sense girls eyeing me up as I picked up one of the glasses and inhaled deeply. I had a suspicion but I had to take a taste just to confirm it. Orange juice and…Rohypnol. My teeth clenched in anger and before I could control myself the glass had smashed in my hand. I had to find her now!

Once again I shoved my way through the crowd with my eyes set on the stairs.

“Move!” I growled pushing the people aside. You would’ve thought I would attract attention but nope, everyone was too busy ‘partying’. I finally reached the top of the stairs and was faced with multiple rooms. To save time I concentrated and zone my hearing

“Come on I know you want it,” a low grumble filled my head. I have never had to restrain myself for turning into an animal and bring the whole house down. I stomped over to the door and tried to open it. Obviously it was locked but a thin piece of wood was no match for my kind. With mighty force I barged into the door sending it flying open.

The second I saw Roxy pinned underneath a figure I exploded in a fit of anger. The boy looked at me with wide eyes knowing he’s been caught. An animal like growl rumbled from my chest as I swung my arm back and hit him in the chest, I felt the crack of ribs as my arm contacted him. He flew across the room and hit the wall sending a picture falling from its hook. She lay barely conscious and unmoving. My arms slid underneath her legs and back allowing me to scoop her up into my arms. She groaned lightly in an attempt to say something. I wasn’t sure if she was aware who I was or not.

“Shh shh it’s okay. You’re okay.” I cooed trying to comfort her. The boy still lie on the floor unconscious against the wall, I definably know he isn’t dead but if he even looks at Roxy again he’ll wish he was.

I wasn’t going to go back down there and take her through the crowd so I was left with one option. I kicked the French doors open which led to a small balcony and looked down to estimate the height.

“Hold on Roxy,” I whispered. I felt her stir in my arms, she leant her head against my chest the way you snuggle your head into a pillow before going to sleep. With ease I jumped up on the railing and threw us off the balcony. After a ten metre drop I landed and was thankful I didn’t cause Roxy too much distress, however I doubt she’s even aware of what’s going on. The snow kept falling thickening up the layer already on the ground.

I tried to open her front door forgetting that she would’ve locked it. Running out of patience for the day I gripped onto the handle and gave it enough force that it would open without taking the whole door off its hinges. Her whole body flopped as I scooped her up out of the passenger seat and carried her into the house. I gently placed her on the sofa and turned her onto her side- I didn’t want her choking to death if she was sick. Quickly flicking the lights on I hurried back over to check on her. A quiet mutter escaped her lips “Roxy can you hear me?” I questioned sweeping a piece of hair to the side of her face. Her eyelids began to twitch showing signs of consciousness. Her muttering became more desperate “Roxy?” I frowned. Suddenly she tried to turn over.

“Get off of me,” she whimpered. She then started to twist and turn violently like she was having a nightmare. Her movements became more forceful and within seconds she started lashing out using her fists.

“Roxy calm down,” I loomed over her stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her as she kicked and cried. Her eyes flashed open and I could see the look of utter confusion in them. She had no idea where or who she was “Stop it Get off!” she screamed from the bottom of her lungs. The fear in her voice felt like a dagger to my heart. She took one big swing to try and fend off her, what she thought to be, attacker. I grabbed her wrists in a tight grip, enough to retrain her but not enough to hurt her.

“Shhh shhh it’s alright, you’re safe, you’re safe.” I hushed. Although she was fully awake she was still completely confused. Her white t-shirt had ripped slightly showing a small part of her collar bone. Teeth marks and scratches were scattered over her neck. My jaw clenched trying to contain my rage.


Matt was on top of me, pinning me down. I kicked and punched at his chest but he wouldn’t budge.

“Stop it! Get off!” suddenly everything became clear like I’d awoken from a bad dream. My eyes searched frantically around the room “Shhh shhh, it’s okay, you’re safe, you’re safe.” A soothing voice calmed me. My hands were restrained in a steel grip as panic washed over me. My skin was clammy and cold, I was out of breath like I’d ran a mile.

“Roxy look at me….” I needed to know where I was. Where was I? What’s happened? My eyes still flickered desperately around the room. “Roxy look at me,” he ordered. My wide eyes rested on the figure looming over me. Was it a nightmare? What is he doing here? His presence reassured me that I was safe. I stared into his grey eyes for what felt like eternity.

“What happened?” I asked through my dry throat. My breathing finally started to calm.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote and/or comment if you would like another upload :)

Have a nice day, littlepinkcupcake x

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