Dark Passions

By merderland13

49.7K 1.5K 496

โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”žโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ This is an AU Mer/Der fic, in the style of historical bodice ripper romances. It's the very... More

70. Epilogue


2.7K 41 36
By merderland13

Derek urged his black stallion faster, as he rode the beast hard in an effort to drive some of the pain from his heart. Anger was the main emotion raging in Derek lately - anger at being fooled by the woman he'd agreed to marry. True love was obviously just an illusion, even for one of the most desirable men in England.

The ominously dark skies matched his mood, and the rain was starting to fall harder. The stallion snorted, as Derek guided him along the rocky trail, as if to voice his opinion at the foolishness of being out in such nasty weather. "Easy, Satan," he murmured, patting the horse's neck in encouragement. "We'll be home soon enough."

Water dripped from Derek's black hair, and a scowl was on his face, as he rode on through the rain. He was not often here at Gracewood Manor, the family estate in the country, but he needed to escape the court in London and it's gossip for a time. It had been a few months since he had been made a fool of, discovering his betrothed tumbling in bed with the man he'd considered a friend since childhood. Catching them in his bed, in his London townhouse, had been the ultimate betrayal by both of them. Lady Addison Montgomery, with her long red hair loose around her face, her naked body entwined in the arms of Sir Marcus Sloan, hadn't even realized that Derek was standing there watching them. Not until she raised her head from Marcus's cock, her lips wet with his juices, and met Derek's disdainful gaze. And even then, she had just laughed, as he walked away in disgust. Obviously, he wasn't good enough to keep her satisfied, and he was only relieved to discover her infidelity prior to wedding her.

It was, he supposed, a serious shock to his confidence, and his faith in the fairer sex. He had been without female company since that day, despite the fawning of the silly girls at court, who were all more than willing to warm his bed. Shaking his head, he realized he had been without sexual favors for too long now, but there were no women that had captured his interest.

He took a deep breath, and wiped some of the rain from his eyes, the clean damp air filling his lungs. He loved this land, and he regretted not spending more time here. His sister, Kate, lived here full time, having been widowed with twin sons, and left destitute. His mother, also widowed recently, had moved to London, but still kept a watchful eye on her son. The rest of his sisters were scattered across the countyside, married, with children of their own to care for.

The rain was easing up slightly, and he turned the stallion to head back to the stables. Then he pulled up, his eyes catching the movement of something beneath the large tree at the edge of the clearing. It shifted again, and he wheeled Satan around to find out what it was. He came to a stop in the mud, staring down through the rain at a small figure bundled against the driving rain.

"What the devil?" he asked himself, dismounting the horse, and walking closer. Satan trailed along behind him, his eyes rolling suspiciously. Derek bent down, putting his hand out to touch the figure, and discovered it was a woman. She lifted her head from her knees, her fair hair plastered to her forehead, and her sea green eyes wide with fright.

Derek held his hand out to her, and she put her small hand in his after a moment's hesitation. She rose to her feet unsteadily, blinking away the drops that clung to her eyelashes. Her woolen cloak was soaked through, and clung to her petite body, outlining her curves. Without stopping to ask her name or what she was doing out in the cold, Derek picked her up easily and carried her over to where Satan waited patiently. She shivered in his embrace, and he could feel how cold she was against his chest. His brain swirled with questions, but they would have to wait. For the moment, he lifted her up in front of the saddle, and then jumped behind her. Wrapping one arm around her, the other pulling at the reins, he headed for home.

She relaxed a bit against him, feeling his heart beating solidly beneath her cheek as he held her securely against him. No words were exchanged on the ride, the rain misting around them more gently. She sighed deeply, feeling safe in his arms, but somewhat foolish for getting lost like she did. She knew she would have to explain herself once they got back to Gracewood.


Derek let Satan find his way home, and through the gates, heading for the stable, where the groom rushed out to take the reins. "M'lord, we were most worried about you," he said, as Derek dismounted, and helped the young woman down. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, John, thank you for your concern," Derek smiled. "Satan needs a thorough rubdown and some bran mash."

"Very good, m'lord."

The groom led the horse away, as Derek turned back to the girl. His curiosity about her needed to be satisfied. "And who are you, my dear? And why were you out in the rain by yourself?"

She looked up at him, and her breath caught. His stormy indigo eyes surveyed her beneath strongly masculine brows, and his wet black hair was unruly, curling to the collar of his shirt and across his forehead. The drenched white shirt clung to his muscled chest, and the soaked riding breeches outlined taut thighs. He was tall and lean, a well-built man in his prime, splendid in his masculine certainty.

"Can you speak?" he asked gently, searching her face for answers. "Let me introduce myself first, then. I'm Lord Derek Shepherd, at your service, ma'am."

She dropped a curtsy, her head bowed, her fingers clinging to her wet skirts and petticoats. "Yes, m'lord." She knew exactly who he was, having seen his portrait in the great room.

He took her hand to raise her up again, his gaze lingering on the soft skin exposed by the cloak that had slipped from her shoulders. She flushed and backed away a little. "My name is Meredith Grey, sir. I am the governess here for your sister's twin boys."

Derek kept her hand in his. "That doesn't explain why you were out wandering alone." Her eyes caught his, and he had a sudden urge to kiss her upturned lips, warming her in his embrace, until she was weak in the knees.

"I went for a walk, and got lost. I haven't worked here that long to know my way around properly, and the storm came up before I could find my way back. Thank you for rescuing me, m'lord." She tugged her hand away, her heart racing from his touch. "Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I should get back to my room."

Before he could say anything else, Meredith whirled and ran out of the stables. Derek watched her leave, her hips swaying gently as she hurried away. She was very lovely young woman, the first to capture his interest since Addison betrayed him. He frowned again, remembering her unfaithful ways. Perhaps this tempting beauty could help him forget and ease his pain. Smiling at the thought, he headed towards the manor as well, eager for dry clothes and a strong drink. And to ask his sister for more information on the mysterious Miss Grey.


Derek poked the fire absently, as he waited for his sister to join him before dinner. His thoughts were still on Meredith, wondering if she was alright after her adventure. "Ah, there you are, Derek," Kate smiled as she swept into the great room. "I hear you met Miss Grey, rather unexpectedly, this afternoon." She held her hands out to him, and he gave her a warm hug. "I'm glad you found her. She has been the best thing for the twins in the short time she's been here."

"She seems very lovely," Derek agreed.

"And I'm glad you're here again. I do hope you are staying longer this visit?" Kate asked, arching her eyebrows. "And I'm sorry about Addison."

"I'm not," Derek said dryly, feeling less angry about the situation than he had in weeks. "She was a royal bitch. Sloan is more than welcome to have her, if he so desires."

Kate poured them each a glass of wine, and they settled into the chairs flanking the fireplace. "But Marcus was your friend, since you were children, Derek. How could he do that?"

Derek shrugged, seemingly absorbed in watching the flames dancing in the grate. "He likes his pleasures, and so does Addison. I guess they deserve each other. Now, can we not discuss it any further?"

"Of course." They fell silent for a moment, each wrapped up in their own thoughts.

"Meredith, er, Miss Grey, I gather she hasn't been here that long," Derek commented, sipping his wine slowly.

"No, Mother recommended her. She met Miss Grey in London, in one of the shops. You know how Mother is, always chatting, and discovered that Miss Grey was in need of a position, and knew that I needed someone to replace Mrs. Covington. That was a month ago, but the boys love her, and she has done wonders with their schooling." Kate looked over at Derek. "She's not your type, Derek, you best keep away from her."

"My type?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because she's not of a noble family?"

"That's not it, and you know it. She's far too innocent for you."

Derek smiled wickedly, remembering how Meredith had felt against his chest, and how her face flushed when he looked at her. But there was something in her eyes that told him she wasn't as innocent as his sister truly believed. "Don't worry, Kate, I'll do my best not to corrupt her."

Kate glared at him, knowing her brother too well. "I hope you mean that," she sighed, getting to her feet. Derek rose and took her arm, as they headed in to dinner, a small smirk still on his lips.


Up in her bedroom, Meredith was also staring at the fire in her small fireplace, warming herself from the bone chilling dampness. Her thoughts strayed to Lord Derek, remembering how safe she'd felt cradled in his arm. Then she shook her head at her foolish thoughts. He was far above her station in life, and far too handsome to consider someone like herself. Sinfully handsome, she thought, flushing hotly, as she remembered the lean outline of his body beneath the wet clothing. What would it be like to be entwined with his naked body, his weight heavy on her, his hands touching her everywhere? She was no silly virgin, far from it, but he made her feel like one.

With a soft sigh, Meredith got to her feet, and headed to the bed, where she crawled under the feather quilt, and snuggled into the down pillows. She was doing her best to create a new life here, and put the past behind her. It would do no good to get involved with someone as sexually dangerous as Lord Derek. But as she drifted off to sleep, her dreams were filled with images of hot male flesh, and deep wet kisses.

I didn't write this story full credit goes to "AngelEyes" from the locked section "Horny and Porny" from the board "Greysmcboard" site Tapatalk! & "McAddicted" site FanFiction.Net
Published 2007

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